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Chapter 35

Before bidding farewell to Zhang Pengyun, Wang Zhong asked for divination on his behalf.

Li Zicheng muttered: "The old man will resume his official career, or he may become the censor of Qiandu, or seek to move to Shuntian as governor; the younger Zhang Ersu will be elected in a few years. We will see what happens to him in the future."

Zhang Ersu was promoted to Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Justice, and he was from the Qing Dynasty.

After finishing the magic stick, Li Zicheng went to the next ravine alone.

This ditch belongs to Baixiangli in the "Lifang" system.

The original name was Heisonggou. It was renamed because the residents cut down the pine trees while smelting iron. And because the upper, middle and lower villages were connected together, with iron furnaces facing each other during the day and fires lighting up the sky at night, it was called Huolonggou.

There is Shangzhuang Village in the ditch, and in the village there is the Tianguan Palace.

The six departments of official, household, ritual, military, punishment, and work each have different names, corresponding to heaven, earth, spring, summer, autumn, and winter respectively. Therefore, the official of the official department is also called the official of heaven.

Wang Guoguang is the three emperors of Tianguan, Li Shizong, Mu Zong and Shenzong. The "Wanli Accounting Records" compiled by him is an important basis for Zhang Juzheng to implement the "one whip" method and reform the tax system.

After Zhang Juzheng finished playing, he was dismissed and left idle.

【Old Man Fishing Color】——

Dazai Guoguang, the king of Yangcheng in Shanxi Province, was over seventy years old when he retired. He was still drinking and drinking, and his daughter was as young and strong as when she was young.

It has been eighteen years since then, and nine years have passed since he left the country. At that time, Bai Haoli, a citizen of Yangcheng, died of illness. His wife, the Li family, was also the beauty of the country. Wang Su admired her beauty and asked many people to make her a concubine.

His name was written in a white letter, but he refused to obey at first, then threatened, and then tried to gain advantage, so he agreed.

Li Shi vowed not to get better and forced him to death with a knife, which was reported as a miracle for a while.

The minister, Qiao Bixing, found it and heard about it sparingly. After being ordered to investigate, he did not carry out the matter.

Perhaps King Yun was good at keeping his family loyal, so he never mourned when he grew old.

The Tianguan Palace is a very high-profile household, with five or six people currently serving as officials.

Li Zicheng put up his name, but Lao Wang's son refused to see the guests because of his old age.

If you don’t see it, you won’t see it.

Let's go find his neighbor Wang Qia.

This Wang Qia was not the former Minister of War who had just been imprisoned by Chongzhen to beg for death, nor was he Wang Xizhi's cousin.

By the way, I would like to include a story about Wang Qia who just died.

In the first year of Chongzhen's reign, the Eastern Tumut troops invaded Yongning. After the war, the Nanshan military general was more honest in reporting casualties, reporting 14 dead and 11 missing.

As a result, he was reprimanded by the court, who believed that the eleven were dead and said they were missing to cover up their crimes.

According to the old method, General Yongning reported that all those who did not arrive at the camp were killed, and reported twenty-one. Then twelve more escaped from the Mongols within a few days. He reported again.

As a result, he was also reprimanded by the court, saying that he could not have escaped so easily and that he must have died falsely.

Wang Qia, who was still the right minister of the Ministry of Industry at the time, swore to Shangshu that eight hundred officers and soldiers died in the battle of Yongning, and the losses were heavy.

We also don’t understand how he, an official from the Ministry of Industry, knew so clearly. Of course not that many people died.

Later, even the buried corpses were exhumed and re-counted. The final report was that forty people were killed, eleven were missing, and one hundred and forty-nine were wounded.

Moreover, this battle also killed two leaders of the Dong Tumut tribe, which was a great achievement. This was only learned by the new governor of Xuanda, Wang Xiangqian, who sent people to the Tumut tribe to inquire.

Both sides are fighting to the death, why do you want to express condolences? I don’t understand.

Last year, the Jian slaves broke through the wall and entered the pass, and their troops came to the city. Emperor Chongzhen blamed Wang Qia, the Minister of War, and had him imprisoned and killed. The serious Minister of War even begged for death, so what about Yuan Chonghuan...

Wang Qia of Qinshui was the son-in-law of Liu Dongxing, a member of the Wanli Yiyou Judicial Committee. He lived in seclusion and was not an official. At that time, Li Zhi stayed in his house for several months. On the 90th birthday of Wang Qia's grandmother, Li Zhi wrote a congratulatory message.

Old man Wang was old and about to leave for his seventh year. Li Zicheng discussed academic matters with him for a while, then said goodbye and left.

Leave Shangzhuang Village and return the same way, passing through Zhongzhuang Village.

There is a Li family in this village, who is both a businessman and an official. He first made his fortune from iron goods, and by the Jiajing period he was already very wealthy. He spent tens of thousands of dollars to build temples and academies next to the village.

For more than a hundred years after that, the Li family had high-ranking officials in every dynasty.

Wang Guoguang, who lives next door, also studied at Li's Academy.

The Li family is divided into four houses, each of which is independent.

Li Zicheng visited two houses and was rejected, so he gave up.

There are too many well-known wealthy businessmen and gentry within a radius of dozens of miles, and the old Westerners in Shanxi are really incredible.

Li Zicheng couldn't turn around, so he could only visit the important ones.

After leaving Huolonggou, go north along the Qinhe River for several miles to Tuncheng.

The village got its name from the troops stationed here during the Battle of Changping between Baiqi and Changping.

Li Zicheng knocked on the Zhang family door.

Zhang Shenyan is Wang Guoguang’s grandson.

He ranked ninety-fifth in the "Donglin Party General Records" compiled by the Eunuch Party, and was nicknamed Dimengxing Shenhuo General.

At the time of the Apocalypse, Zhang Shenyan was impeached for stealing three thousand taels of silver from the treasury, and was sent to Suzhou (Jiuquan) to guard the border.

Two years later, when Chongzhen came to power, he recalled him and promoted him to Minister of Justice. Then he became a slave and joined the bandits.

Last year, Shanxi Governor Geng Ruqi and Commander-in-Chief Zhang Honggong led troops to defend the capital respectively. According to regulations, the troops were not given rations on the day they arrived in the flood areas. As a result, the Shanxi soldiers were stationed in three places for three days and did not receive rations for three days.

Dispersed in a hurry.

There was a reason for the three-day adjustment, and it was related to Governor Yuan. Lao Yuan demobilized the reinforcements in Jizhou, which resulted in Zhang Honggong's 5,000 Jin troops being overwhelmed by the demobilized original troops. They had no place to stay and had to change three places in a row.

Then tragedy struck under the weird supply system of the Ming Dynasty. As a result, not only Zhang Honggong lost his head, but the governor of Shanxi, Geng Ruqi, was also tricked to death.

Geng Ruqi was imprisoned. Zhang Shenyan tried the case of Lao Geng and defended the imperial prisoner. He was dismissed from office and sent back by Chongzhen.

Old man Zhang was as famous as Dong Qichang in calligraphy and admired Li Zhi ideologically.

He also believed that "what people want is the law of nature" and opposed the "preserving the law of nature and destroying human desires" advocated by Taoists.

To be honest, how many scholars can "destroy human desires"?

During the Ming Dynasty, the development of Neo-Confucianism reached its peak.

The lofty moralists shout on the stage every day to "preserve the laws of nature and eliminate human desires", but what is widely circulated among the people are spring work pictures, house planting techniques and various salty books.

Most of the Taoist teachers on the stage are just animals wearing the clothes of animals.

Especially in the late Ming Dynasty, most men probably had bad books like "Golden Plum" and "The Legend of Ruyi Jun" on their pillows.

The ones with a more salty taste are extremely vulgar and pornographic materials such as "Embroidered Couch", "Romance", "Mad Woman" - and they are illustrated editions.

"Meat" will have to wait for a few years. The author is busy taking the exams for scholars and can't write it.

Not to mention ordinary gentry, even many of the utensils in Zhang Juzheng's warm pavilion with high arches and Xu steps have Chun Gong paintings on them.

"The human body of twenty-eight beauties is as soft as a crisp", who can bear it?!

Moreover, disgusting masculinity is prevalent these days. Even the word "kid" has been ruined.

"Three pieces of good news in Suzhou: The man's table has a red apron, the daughter has to wear a net scarf, and the poor girl dresses like a rich girl."

"Within two or three hundred miles of Yuxiang, women of all generations wear silks, crepes, and dyes. All the students, scholars, and women wear red and purple clothes. This is a chaotic phenomenon. I am horrified every time I see it.

"I recently revised an ancient poem: I went to the city yesterday and came back with tears streaming down my cheeks. All the women wearing women's clothes are scholars."

What are these things?

If you say this is transvestism, it may not necessarily be a sexual intercourse, then——

"My Broom Studio Yu Tan": Recently, there is a person who is called a married woman. The strong man loves silver, and often pays a lot of gold to marry the handsome one. He is good at the ditch and quilt. He regards himself as his father and arranges all the young people in the small house.

The most rebellious one.

"Wanli Yehuobian": The Fujian people attach great importance to male sex, no matter whether they are rich or low, they will marry each other according to their kind: the elder is the brother, the young is the brother... I heard that the incident was caused by sea pirates, and women were banned in Yunhai.

Among the teachers, there are some who are often overthrown, so they are replaced by male favorites.

This bad habit continued until the Qing Dynasty.

The Mandarin textbooks of the Ryukyuan people have records: "Rabbit, the dialect of Beijing; Qidi, the dialect of Fujian. People who are masculine are also masculine." 2 The Qing Dynasty banned young actresses from appearing on the stage, which aggravated the trend.

"The Written Words of Detai Chuan"——

(Japanese Confucian Official) Qiu Yueyun: I heard that the habit of cutting off sleeves in the Han Dynasty has become a common practice in ancient and modern times, and it is even more common to love women more than women. It is unknown which one has flourished and which has declined in ancient and modern times?

(Chinese businessman) Liu Qiaoyun: Our country’s capital ministers and officials traveling far away, who cannot bring women with them, often use Longyang as a pastime. In Fujian Province, everyone is more fond of women than women, so there is a saying of "brothers and brothers"


Li Zicheng successfully entered the Zhang family gate and had another conversation with the owner, Li Zhi.

Old man Zhang was quite happy to meet his old friend by chance.

The two of them had lunch together and made tea.

Li Zicheng opened his mouth and said, "Before I can be frank with you, I would like to tell you a short story. It's very short."

Old man Zhang nodded and smiled.

"In the twelfth year of Chongzhen, the emperor remembered the old man and issued an edict to appoint him as Minister of the Ministry of Industry..."

Zhang Shenyan blinked and was about to speak, but Li Zicheng waved his hand and said, "Listen to me."

"In the thirteenth year, he moved to Nanjing to be the Minister of Household Affairs; in the fourteenth year, he was the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel in Nanjing. In the seventeenth year, the bandits captured Yangcheng and your son committed suicide..."

"..." Zhang Shenyan was stunned.

"It was also in that year that the emperor hung himself on the southeast branch..."

"You are deceiving the public with your evil words! You actually...ahem..." Zhang Shenyan reacted with rage and slammed the table in anger.

Li Zicheng continued: "Next, King Fu will be the emperor in Nanjing...not the current King Fu, he will be killed by me, it will be his son."

"A crash!" Zhang Shenyan grabbed the teacup and threw it to the ground.

Doucai Chicken Cup! Li Zicheng is so heartbroken.

But it’s not a sky-high price now.

"Records of Shenzong": "There is a pair of Chenghua colored chicken cups in front of the emperor, worth one hundred thousand." It is only about 50 taels of silver each;

"Wanli Wild Harvest Chapter": "Wine cups made from kilns, each pair worth a hundred golds of silver". 50 taels of silver;

"The Collection of Exposure to Books" in the early Qing Dynasty: "The best way to get to the chicken pot is from the market of platinum and five yi".50;

Kangxi's "Zaiyuan Magazine": "A pair of chicken pots are worth a hundred gold, and it is difficult to buy them lightly. There is not much at all." Same as 50.

The price of Doucai Chicken Cup has not increased in hundreds of years, and it is only worth five or six thousand kilograms of rice.

Zhang Shenyan threw the cup angrily, and the maid waiting beside him recovered her senses and ran out in a hurry.

Li Zicheng first poured out the tea in his cup and put the empty cup into his arms, "This is a wine vessel, not suitable for drinking tea. Let me keep it for you."

"..." Zhang Shenyan was stunned.

The Commander-in-Chief continued: "Continuing from the last chapter. There is internal strife in the Southern Ming Dynasty. If you don't want to take part in it, resign. But you are homeless. Your wife will come here with her grandson. Your family is living in embarrassment."

"The war soon spread to the south bank of the Yangtze River, and a few months later the slaves conquered Nanjing..."

"Jiannu?" Zhang Shenyan shouted loudly.

He once worked as a military supervisor in Fushun, and at that time, he was still in charge of an old slave.

"Then you suffered from back sores and died of illness immediately. In winter, my wife took her grandson to carry the coffin back to the north and returned to Tuncheng. You had a good relationship with Yi Xun during the talks. When he came home from the capital, he made a special detour to pay homage to you, and the result was...

He died on the way." 1 Tan Qian, whose original name was Yi Xun, changed his name to Qian after the fall of the Ming Dynasty. The later text was changed in advance, and Gu Yanwu and others agreed.

"It's not over yet. Your great-nephew Zhang Tairu has been appointed as the governor of Zhejiang. Isn't he a noble person?! A Tatar official."

"Zhang Tae-ru? That's my grandson! That's nonsense!"

Zhang Shenyan was angry and anxious, slapping the table and holding it in until his face turned red.

Li Zicheng thought for a while, "Oh... I remembered it wrong. What if it's not Zhang Taijiao?"

"There is no such person!" Zhang Shenyan slammed the table again angrily.

Li Zicheng smiled, "That means he hasn't been born yet."

At this time, Zhang Shenyan's son heard the commotion and rushed over. When he saw the scene, he immediately stepped forward and blocked his father.

"Where's the Ye Toutuo!? Don't be so presumptuous! Come, come, come!"

Zhang Shenyan pulled his son away and looked at Short Hair, "Young man, when I saw your speech before, your words were clear and logical, your thinking was quick, and there was no sign of madness. Why did you say such arrogant words to me?"

Li Zicheng sighed, "To be honest, I don't want to play these little tricks. You think it's arrogance, but you don't know it's fate."

Zhang Shenyan sneered, "In that case, do you dare to ask about your future?"

Two servants rushed in from the door. Zhang Luxuan waved his hands and asked them to wait outside the door.

Li Zicheng looked up at the ceiling and smiled bitterly, "The night gave me black eyes, and I saw the light. Later, my eyes were poked blind..."

The commander-in-chief felt deeply helpless, "Originally, I defeated the capital, but I didn't expect that Shanhaiguan surrendered to the Tartars. Alas, I couldn't defeat the braided army! I fled all the way, and in the end I was probably beaten to death by an old farmer with a hoe.



The Zhang family father and son looked at each other and didn't know how to answer. Is this short-haired man crazy? He can conquer the capital, so no matter how he loses, he won't be beaten to death by an old farmer with a hoe, right?

Li Zicheng gently patted the table twice, "Everything in the world is unpredictable! On February 2 last year, Zhao received Tiancong and received Huigen. The past and present events are vividly in his mind, and the knowledge of the three religions and nine streams is clear to his mind..."

Zhang Luxuan couldn't help but ask: "Then do you think my second child will be a boy or a girl?"

Zhang Shenyan glared at his son angrily.

Li Zicheng smiled, "Before I came, you were destined to have only one son."

"What happens after that?"

"For the sake of sacrifice, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky!"

"Believe it or not, I will give you an order and you will go to heaven right now?"

"If a great man descended from heaven doesn't show some miracles, you won't believe it."

Li Zicheng stood up, picked up a broken piece of porcelain from the ground, rolled up his sleeves, and pricked and scratched his arm.

"...?!" Zhang and his son's eyes widened.

Li Zicheng threw away the porcelain piece, patted his neck and said, "Come on, if you don't believe me, take a knife and cut here again. If you break the skin, I will give you one hundred thousand taels of silver; otherwise, just give me ten thousand."

Zhang Shenyan hurriedly leaned back and said, "This old man has a breeze in his sleeves and no money!"

Zhang Luxuan did not believe in evil, so he picked up broken pieces of porcelain and played with them on the commander's arm.

Naturally, not even a mark can be left behind.

"It doesn't make sense!"

Zhang Luxuan grabbed the broken piece of porcelain and scratched his arm.

"I am too!"

Severe pain came and blood flowed like a gush.

Old man Zhang yelled angrily: "You are a fool!"

Li Zicheng put down his sleeves and said calmly, "Ten thousand yuan, thank you!"

Zhang Luxuan covered his arm, "What?"

Old man Zhang kicked him over, "I'm so cowardly! Why don't you go bandage it?"

Only then did Zhang Luxuan react and ran away.

Li Zicheng turned to Zhang Shenyan and raised his fingers, "Ten thousand silver, thank you!"

The old man narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Haha!"

"Still don't believe it?"

Li Zicheng lifted the hem of his clothes and sat down again, "Bring a pen and paper! I will write down the records of the Chongzhen Dynasty for the old gentleman, and I will see in advance what the ministers have written."

Zhang Shenyan put his hands in his sleeves and leaned against the back of his chair, "Is it possible that there are really stars descending to earth? I don't believe it."

The commander-in-chief said to himself: "At present, the revolutionary army has 30,000 elite soldiers, and everything is ready. All it needs is a prime minister."

Zhang Shenyan continued to shake his head, "I still don't believe it... Just sit down while I go take a look at that useless thing first."
This chapter has been completed!
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