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Chapter 11 What a Big Fat Difference

The next step, of course, is not to stay in northern Shaanxi.

Zhang Cunmeng surrendered, and other small groups of peasant armies would also be supported one after another due to the 100,000 taels of disaster relief money allocated by the court. Then the revolutionary army would become more popular and easily be surrounded and suppressed.

Therefore, Li Zicheng wanted to flee to Shanxi to hide from the limelight.

Tuo Yangkun also wanted to gather his followers, so he made an appointment with the meeting place and left first.

This guy is from Qingjian, has a lot of brains, and will not surrender easily.

Moreover, his subordinates were both good and bad. The most unlucky one was his fellow countryman Huang Chaowu Dading. He was capable of fighting, but he was capricious. The original timeline would have jumped left and right and rebelled eight times or nine times. If he hadn't died two years earlier, there was no telling.

He is going to follow Wu Sangui and raise an army again.

After bidding farewell to Tuo Yangkun, Li Zicheng led his troops to continue westward for thirty miles and met up with the large troops that had arrived in advance at the lower reaches of the Wuding River. There were a lot of women and children in the old camp, as well as baggage. If they were left in Xichuan, they would encounter an encirclement and suppression by the army.

He couldn't escape even if he ran. So he was sent out early.

The Wuding River is a first-class tributary of the Yellow River and the largest river in the Yulin area of ​​Shaanxi Province. It originates from Dingbian County, has a total length of nearly a thousand miles, flows southeast, and flows through Dingbian, Jingbian, Mizhi, Suide and Qingjian counties

, along the way there are tributaries such as Yuxi River, Lu River, Dali River, and Huaining River, and they flow into the Yellow River at the mouth of Qingjian County.

You can also find a ferry on the nearby Yellow River. It will take a few people to cross it, but a large number of convoys and horses will be unlucky. Therefore, it is not suitable to go directly to Shanxi now, and you need to take a long detour.

Li Zicheng made a special trip to Qingjian County next door to write a letter to the county magistrate——

"I was lying in my office listening to the bamboos rustling, which I suspected was the sound of suffering among the people. I am a small official in Caozhou County, and I care about every branch and leaf."

Zhang Jinyan, the newly appointed county magistrate, was confused after reading the letter, "Who is this? How can a bandit have such talent?"

However, he didn't have time to think about what the Revolutionary Army was. Civil uprisings were raging in northern Shaanxi, so he had to spend some money to remove them and bring them down. I heard that Sanyuan County was quite wealthy.

This young man will be a Jinshi along with Ai Yuchu a month ago, and will become the Minister of the Ministry of War twelve years later.

Li Zicheng is running for his life now and cannot have any more friendship with Mr. Zhang. Just leave him in his thoughts.

The revolutionary army repaired for two days and set off to the southwest.

Traveling to Yanchuan and the Yanchang area, we encountered hungry people besieging the city.

At that time, Chongzhen had sent Wu Zong to arrive with 100,000 yuan in aid, and he and Shi Kefa, the official of the Xi'an Prefecture, arrived at Yanchang. The rebels received the money and were dismissed and returned to their hometowns. The siege of the city was immediately lifted.

However, there were more than 100,000 hungry people in northern Shaanxi, and one stone of grain cost sixty-seven taels of silver. Even including the vassal king, the local tyrants donated 50,000 silver and 10,000 stone of grain—including the donation from Mr. Zhao in Mizhi—to save the people.

Less than 11. How many days can the hungry people survive? It is nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

Chongzhen said earlier: The bandits are my innocent children, so I should care for them, not kill them exclusively.

But how can we provide for them if they have no money or food? The "bandits" are unwilling to starve to death.

So Chongzhen now changed his mind: The thieves are so rampant that it is wrong to appease them and it is better to kill them.

After receiving the order, Hong Chengchou ordered the guards to hold a banquet to reward the surrender, then threw cups, and all swordsmen and axes came out to kill three hundred and two leaders, big and small.

Surrendering is also a death. Hong Chengchou is so ruthless.

In late April, the revolutionary army arrived near Ganquan County.

In front of the Ming Dynasty, Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, fought fiercely with Shangtianhou and other troops. Li Zicheng hurriedly retreated ten miles to Nanniwan for temporary refuge.

Nanniwan is actually called Lanniwan. As its name suggests, it is a piece of water and grassland. It is impossible to expect three or five people to cultivate the wasteland. Only by joining the 359th Brigade can it become a "little Jiangnan in northern Shaanxi".

Several peasant armies were quickly defeated, and tens of thousands of people including Shangtianhou, Mangyexing, Yunjiaoyue, Huntianwang, and Huanglongyan fled to Yichuan.

At the beginning of May, the revolutionary army cautiously walked near the central part, and encountered the defeated troops of Shangtianhou and other troops.

In front of them, Wang Chengen chased them all the way to Yichuan and killed more than a thousand people. Thousands of people from Chuangshanhu, Chen Long, Jinzhipeng and other tribes surrendered - King Jinzhipeng Chenggong was Wang's second nephew. The rest fled in disorder.

At the same time, news came that Zhao Sheng from the second team had been defeated by Zhao Dayin in Hancheng and was fleeing to Heyang (Heyang).

Li Zicheng didn't even have time to eat rice dumplings, so he hurriedly led his team west to Heyang.

On the way, he learned that Zhao Sheng was attacked in Heyang by Lingzhou General Zhang Quanchang, Governor Lian Guoshi and others. He was defeated and fled north again.

You can't go to northern Shaanxi. Cao Bianjiao and others are killing people in the north.

After Shen Yikui temporarily surrendered, many of his remaining troops dispersed and continued to fight guerrillas, as well as thousands of people from Hun Tian Lang, who were killed by Xiao Cao and howled like ghosts and wolves.

Cao Bianjiao was Cao Wenzhao's nephew, and he was also a fierce general. At the Battle of Songjin in the 15th year of Chongzhen, Hong Chengchou failed to respond well and was deprived of food by the Tatars. As a result, 6 or 7 general soldiers escaped first. Xiao Cao made a surprise attack in a desperate situation.

Huang Tai had a huge tent and passed five passes and killed six generals. Unfortunately, he failed in the end and ran away with injuries and was captured and killed.

It can be seen that it is not that the Ming army cannot fight, but there is something wrong with the command system or the entire system. What a shame!

Li Zicheng hurriedly sent reconnaissance cavalry to chase Zhao Sheng, but he was a step late. Later, he was defeated again in Fu County. Hundreds of people were killed and he surrendered...

Also surrendering at the same time was Gypsophila No. 1 Gao Ruli. 2 There was also a Gypsophila with the same name, which was said later.

Gao Ruli was Zhang Cunmeng's general. After Zhang surrendered, he, Caoshang Fei, Liu Zhong and others formed their own detachment and went south to Yijun to work with Tongguan (Tongchuan). Under the pursuit of the Ming army, they finally couldn't stand it any longer. 3.

He surrendered to the Ming Dynasty and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in the third year of Shunzhi. He surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in Gansu Province and commanded troops in Huguang.

Yang He selected his brave men and placed them in the camp, and dispersed his 12,000 men.

Zhang Xianzhong should have surrendered at this time. He and Zhao Sheng were not killed, which shows that choosing the target to surrender is also a big question.

The good news is that Li You from the second team ran out with hundreds of people, and they just happened to be included under his command.

Next, Li Zicheng camped where he was, not daring to continue walking. Because the line to the south was still a mess. It was still the pair of old enemies in front.

Wang Chengen chased the Sky Monkey from Yijun to Baishui to Heyang, and then to Chengcheng.

Shangtian Monkey, Huntian Monkey and others couldn't stand their ground anymore, so they gritted their teeth and went back to the west to attack the Golden Suo Pass.

Jinsuoguan, commonly known as the "Three Passes", has always been a battleground for military strategists. It enjoys the reputation of "a majestic pass with a natural moat where eagles and harriers can hardly fly". It is the choke point leading to Yan'an and Yulin in the north; to Gansu and Ningxia in the west; and to Guanzhong in the south.

The officers and soldiers followed, and Li Zicheng was about to take the opportunity to go south, but was delayed for two days by a sudden heavy rain.

After four years of drought, it finally rained.

This is a good thing for northern Shaanxi, but it is a headache for Shanxi across the Yellow River.

Because the hail that fell over there was as big as a lying cow, as medium as a dog, and as small as a fist. Many people and animals were killed in Datong, Xiangyuan and other counties.

After the rain, the road was difficult to travel, so the revolutionary army walked for five days on the mountainous road of more than 80 miles.

In mid-May, the revolutionary army entered Pucheng County and camped for repairs at the Tailing Mausoleum of Emperor Xuanzong Li Longji of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Zichen originally wanted to raise some food and buy some rice dumplings on the spot without going into the county town.

Unexpectedly, Gao Dahu, who was originally from Pucheng, was so good at kung fu that Lan Huahua was already pregnant. This at least shows that the training intensity of the revolutionary army was not high enough, and he actually still had the energy to mess around.

The young man was worried that his wife would not be able to survive, so he wanted to send her back to the city to rest. Moreover, he had already named the baby. He would call him Chui Yao if he was a boy, and Diao Diao if he was a girl...

"Enter the city quietly without making any noise." Li Zicheng warned carefully.

As a result, the news leaked out somehow.

The enthusiastic people of Pucheng sent out hundreds of people, beating gongs and drums to welcome twenty miles out of the suburbs, and went to Tailing to respectfully invite the revolutionary army to enter the city.

It’s hard to refuse such kindness!

Li Zicheng returned to his hometown with only a team of guards.

I went to the city to stay for a few days, catch up with the county magistrate, and get information from the spies.

Then I met some villagers from Zaoyuan who came to the city to complain, saying that the money taken out by the general for the reconstruction of Guandi Temple had been embezzled by Niubi Taoist.

The old man played and sang every night and was so happy.

Li Zicheng was furious: "How audacious! Cut him off!"

Bull nose and fart.

The commander-in-chief also personally wrote a plaque reading "Qiankun Zhengqi" and gave it to the Zaoyuan villagers.

This trip mobilized a large number of people, and it was difficult for Lan Huahua to hide, so Gao Dahu had to find another country to settle her down.

Li Zicheng also went to the city for nothing and once again gave each household five taels of loose silver. The people cheered wildly.

The revolutionary army first carried 200,000 taels of silver for almost half a year, but now it has increased to more than 300,000. There is nothing you can do about the money!

After all the grain and grass were purchased, the revolutionary army set off again.

The Yellow River is difficult to cross.

There is Pujin Ferry not far to the southwest, but it is too close to Tongguan and I don’t have the courage to go there.

Eight-hundred-year-old Iron Bull of the Yellow River, please wait and I will visit you in a few years.

We can only go north along the river to find a ferry.

At this time, the official and peasant armies near Heyang and Hancheng were dispersed, and the revolutionary army was able to move forward unimpeded.

They recruited ships all the way along the Yellow River, paying each ship ten taels of silver. By the time they reached Hancheng County, they had collected more than fifty ships.

When they arrived at Zhichuan Ferry, Li Zicheng conducted a survey and found that the river was too wide for building a bridge, so he only sent Zhang Hong to lead an advance team to explore the way.

That night, the revolutionary army camped at the "Fuli Palace" of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Not far to the north is Sima Qian's tomb. The commander-in-chief had to visit it again and leave a monument by the way.

Li Zicheng had to check in every time he visited a scenic spot. Because Qianlong would never be around again, he wanted to strive for more "achievements" than that old man.

The next day, the group traveled 20 miles north to Hancheng.

Responsible for the important task of guarding the Yellow River, such a city is still a walled city, but it does not prevent Wang Boxia from the Tang Dynasty from climbing to the Hancheng gate tower: "The lower officials wander wildly, and the people from the east, west, north and south also..." 327-year-old

Wang Bo took a boat from Guangzhou to Jiaozhi to visit his father who was an official there. He was killed in a storm on the way. It was a pity. It was even more pity that Jiaozhi was gone.

The brick covering of city walls had to wait until Xue Guoguan, a Hancheng native, became the first assistant. (Most of the brick covering of city walls in various counties was completed in the Ming Dynasty, especially in the Chongzhen Dynasty, accounting for about half.)

During Chongzhen's seventeenth year in power, more than fifty people changed his position. Xue Guoguan was able to serve alone for three years, which was quite remarkable. However, Lao Xue's official reputation was just like that. It can't be said to be bad, nor can it be considered good.

In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, General Xue was dismissed from office for a crime and returned home. The following year, he was taken back to the capital and hanged. His home was also confiscated, and nine thousand taels of stolen money, 600 acres of land, and a house were confiscated.

At this time, Xue Guoguan was in mourning at home.

Of course Li Zicheng wanted to say hello to him——

An arrow shoots a song "Vole":

When the millet and wheat are eaten, they will eat the seedlings, and the fat will be peeled off from everyone's body.

They actually harmed the order of the fields with the candid thieves, regardless of the farmer's house number.

If you live in a cave and have a sincere plan, how can you escape from all the sins accumulated in the sky?

Suddenly, heavy rain poured down, and roaring waves arose in the cozy nest.


Xue Guo finished reading the letter, shook his head and sighed. Who would be willing to rebel if the common people had a way to survive? He could only express his sympathy.

The four gates of Hancheng were closed tightly, watching the "God of Plague" go away.

The army went ahead, and Li Zicheng turned around and went to Tanma Village next door.

Liu Yongzuo, who studied under the famous scholar Fu Fu, became a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli and served as the head of the household department. Wei Zhongxian was dismissed from office when he took power, and his post was reinstated. In the future, he would be moved to the governor of Xuan Town due to political disagreements with his chief assistant Yang Sichang.

, was dismissed again.3

After the Qing troops entered the customs, Liu Yongzuo raised a flag in Hancheng to rebel against the Qing Dynasty. In the seventh year of Shunzhi, the Qing troops came to Han to suppress the Qing Dynasty. Yongzuo occupied Zhouyuan Fort and faced off against the Qing troops at Tiandi Temple. He was defeated and captured, and was executed in the provincial capital.

It seems that Liu Yongzuo worked as a backstage agent for Shanxi merchants and doesn't understand. It's not that Lao Li doesn't understand, it's because the world is changing so fast.

His grandson also rose to the rank of governor, of course, from the Qing Dynasty.

Lao Liu was not at home, so Li Zicheng left some pieces of cloth and money to express his condolences to his family.

The revolutionary army continued to march ten miles and stopped for repairs after reaching Jiejia Village.

Li Zicheng must visit Lao Jie.

The Five Sons Passed the Imperial Examination comes from the story of Dou Yujun’s five sons in the Five Dynasties and the Later Zhou Dynasty. Except for Dou Yujun, this was a rare occurrence in all dynasties.

Jie Jia did it.

"One mother, three Jinshi, each contributes to the birth of a child."

The eldest brother, Jie Jingya, was a Jinshi in the 29th year of Wanli. He was promoted to an official position in the Runing Prefecture. He was the right deputy censor of the Shandong Metropolitan Procuratorate and moved to Shandong as an observation envoy.

The second brother, Jie Jingfu, was a Jinshi in the 29th year of Wanli. He went from the magistrate of Jiyuan County to the governor of Baoding, the minister of the Ministry of War and the censor of the capital procuratorate.

The third lao Jie Jingbang was a Jinshi in the 23rd year of Wanli. He moved to Shanxi Province as envoy and governor of the Xuanfu. Currently, Lao Jie is dismissed from office and is at home. His status has been reduced and he will never be hired.

The fourth brother, who was an interpreter of scriptures, was elected in the first year of Tianqi. He was first appointed as the official of Zhongshushe, the head of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and then went to guard Yuanzhou as the magistrate. He was also appointed as the deputy envoy of the Sichuan Supervisory Army.

Lao Wu Jie Jingxuan has nothing to do with him for the time being. He has to wait for Chongzhen for seven years.

In the mansion with its carved beams and painted beams, Li Zicheng spoke:

"Old man Xie, when Zhu Youjian asked you to conduct a military expedition to Liaodong, why did you refuse?"

The interpreters lowered their heads and lowered their eyes, saying nothing.

Li Zicheng looked envious and said: "Liaodong Manager, what a fat man!"

Jie Jingbang didn't want to talk to the "rogues" at first, but then he thought about it, I'm over 60 years old, how many years can I live with my illness?

I don't even care about the emperor, so I'm still afraid of you, a mere "rogue"?

So he sneered, "What a fat guy, go ahead!"

Original words from Tianqi Dynasty: There is no police in the southeast of Shenzong Dynasty, and those who hear the fate go calmly; now when they hear about the mountains and seas, Guizhou is different, it is like driving them to the place of death. When they are not sick, they pretend to be sick, and when they are close, they say they are close to the sick. This can be seen in the world.

, you can also observe changes.

There is chaos in She'an in the southwest, so I dare not go; as for outside Shanhaiguan——

Starting from the forty-seventh year of Wanli, the fate of Liaodong’s managers, governors, and supervisors——

Yang Hao was executed; Xiong Tingbi passed down the first nine sides; Li Weihan resigned from his post and served the people; Zhou Yongchun and Ding You discussed the garrison; Wenqiu served as governor for a short time; Yan Mingtai sent the garrison to death; Zhang Fengyi and Ding You; Yuan Yingtai was defeated and committed suicide; Xue Guo used his sick words; Wang Huazhen sat down

He was executed for the crime; Bi Zisu committed suicide due to mutiny; Yu An was relatively lucky and encountered the abolition of the governor of Liaodong; Jie Jingbang did not dare to take office and was demoted; Wang Zaijin was dismissed; Sun Chengzong was dismissed; Gao Di was dismissed; Wang Zhichen was imprisoned and died; Yuan Chonghuan was late; Liu Ce was dismissed

Killed in the city.

Chongzhen had no choice but to use Sun Chengzong, who was in his sixties, again, but old Sun's good times would not last long...

As a high-ranking official in Liaodong, except for those who serve for a short period of time, the ideal outcome for the rest of them is to be impeached, have insurance, and return home as an official; the second is to die of their parents, or to be sick to death, thus escaping a life-long crisis.

The third is to be dismissed from office due to crime; the last is to be imprisoned and wait to die.

If you only have a broken bowl, everything will be fat; if you have a cow, you will know that the fat is fatal!

Who is willing to go? Jie Jingbang is smart enough not to take up the post. At worst, he will go home to retire.

Xiong Tingbi once said to Shu that several Taoist ministers at the same level who were working in the mainland were promoted two levels when he was an official. The officials in Liaodong stayed on the same spot and had to shoulder the burden of the Hou Jin attack from time to time.

One step into the customs is a happy country, one step out of the customs is a ghost town.

Traveling outside the customs is hard, tiring and dangerous!

Of course, as long as you can become a high-ranking official, there is no shortage of self-recommendations.

There was a local ruffian named Lin Shiqing in Fujian who bribed a candidate to become the Prime Minister of Guanglu Temple.

He asked Shu to recruit soldiers to serve in Liaodong, and then recruited some fishermen, hawkers, local gangsters... almost all three thousand soldiers in Fujian were given to him to lead.

Finally, Lin Shiqing was taken to drink tea by the factory guard.
This chapter has been completed!
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