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Chapter 18

The siege of the city was going on in the distance, and the salty fish in the rear were talking nonsense.

Li Zicheng turned to his left and asked: "Eight Great Kings, do you think this city can be captured?"

Zhang Xianzhong said fiercely: "Damn it, I'm going to take advantage of it after the village is destroyed!"

Li Zicheng turned to his right and asked: "Cao Cao, do you think this city can be captured?"

Luo Rucai snorted, "I've already broken a county in this time, so why bother with a village? No matter how much money and food his family has, how can he beat a county?"

Before noon, Wang Jiayin had attacked three times in a row, but failed every time.

That's not how human lives are saved. If the fight continues, his subordinates will have to disobey orders and make noises. But Wang Jiayin still doesn't want to give up. He still has his own little thoughts. If he doesn't show some strength now, it will be difficult to handle in the future.

So Wang Jiayin sent an order to the leaders of each family to help them attack again.

What nonsense are you talking about? The reason why you are the leader of the alliance is because you want to snatch money, food, and women. You know that Douzhuang is difficult to defeat, so you are willing to go there! You can avoid the risk of death.

No one was willing to come forward.

Wang Jiayin thought that Megatron had just joined the group and should get a certificate of submission, so he sent Bai Yuzhu and Zi Jinliang to ask for help from the revolutionary army.

"I'll go ahead and retreat five miles."

"What's the truth?" King Zijin Liang was confused.

"I will go to the meeting alone and convince them to surrender by talking."

Bai Yuzhu laughed loudly and clasped his fists: "I wish Brother Megatron a great start and success!"

He turned around and teased, "Brother Optimus Prime, brother Decepticon, I'll put out the celebration wine for you, wait for the good news!"

"Are you robbing you?" Optimus Prime Liu Zongmin said fiercely.

Bai Yuzhu sneered with a crooked mouth, rolled his eyes, and clapped his horse away.

Wang Ziyong, Zhang Xianzhong, and Luo Rucai were puzzled, "Brother Megatron, are you joking, or are you really going to make a fool of yourself?"

"Just wait and see!" Li Zicheng was confident.

Zhang Xianzhong said unhappily: "If it really surrenders, how can I be embarrassed to go in and rob it?"

Luo Rucai scratched his head and said, "The officers and soldiers behind us are only about a day's journey away, so brothers should take the first step."

The large group of troops quickly withdrew southward.

Wang Jiayin retreated when he realized the difficulty. He couldn't defeat him, so he had better stop trying to be brave. Anyway, there were a lot of wealthy villages nearby, so he went to replenish some food and grass first.

Seeing that the bandits dispersed, the people of Douzhuang were cheering for victory when they saw a bandit pushing a wheelbarrow outside the city gate.

The car was covered with a thousand taels of silver - "borrowed" from Jia Fugui's family.

Li Zicheng left the wheelbarrow behind and stepped back thirty steps.

The banker expected something strange, so he didn't dare to act rashly and rushed to report back to Mrs. Huo.

Mrs. Huo was so surprised when she heard the report that she climbed onto the wall to take a look.

The fields are stained with blood, and tens of thousands of thieves have disappeared without a trace.

Outside the village, there was a young man sitting on the ground.

"What does this young man want to do?" Mrs. Huo couldn't figure it out either.

She sent a few people out, and the servants walked cautiously to the wheelbarrow and checked inside and out. There was nothing wrong. They hurriedly picked up the money and letters and returned to Douzhuang.

Mrs. Huo showed the letter: I am giving you a thousand taels of silver, just asking for a meeting with Zhang Daojun.


Mrs. Huo waved her hand, "Invite that young man to come into the village."

Li Zicheng swaggered in through the west gate, and the gate immediately closed.

There were swords and guns in the doorway, and Mrs. Huo was sitting behind the human wall.

Li Zicheng cupped his hands and said, "Zhao wants to ask Zhang Daojun a few words, and he will leave after asking."

Mrs. Huo coughed and the crowd parted, "My son is an official in Beijing and is not at home."

"Oh? Did I remember it wrong?"

Li Zicheng thought for a while and said, "Oh! That's going to happen soon. Your son will be demoted to Yanmen Pass for corruption and bribery soon."

One of the servants raised his knife and pretended to cut, "Through your so-and-so! You can't tear your mouth apart!"

Mrs. Huo ignored the nonsense and asked, "What do you want to ask my son?"

Li Zicheng replied: "I just want to find out whether Yuan Chonghuan colluded with Donglu? Since he is not at home, I will come back next year."

Mrs. Huo smacked the dragon-headed stick very neatly and said, "Take the silver and see the guests off!"

"See you later!" Li Zicheng pretended not to care about the little money and didn't want any more money. He walked out the door with his hands behind his back.

Although Zhang Daojun did not personally participate in the interrogation of Yuandudu, he was once a Jinyi guard after all, and he should know a lot of inside information. Unfortunately, this time he was in vain.



There was a loud noise and the cannon fired.

The short-haired youngster who just came out immediately rushed to the street.

Mrs. Huo stood up suddenly, looked around and said angrily: "Shameless people! Who did this!? Are there any rules?"

One of the servants shrank his head and muttered back, "It's a fire..."


Mrs. Huo scolded and pushed her way through the crowd, then swung the carved nanmu crutch directly at the servant, causing his head to bleed.

"Offer two thousand silver and give the short hair a rich burial."

After leaving a few words, Mrs. Huo turned and left.

The person is already dead, so any more talk is nonsense.

"It's alive, it's alive...it's a corpse..."

A villager suddenly screamed, threw away his hoe and ran away.

Everyone was shocked and saw the short-haired young man standing up crookedly.

"Close the door, close the door!"

"Go and get the black dog's blood!"


When everyone was noisy, Li Zicheng gave them the middle finger and turned away.

"Boom!" Another servant lit the three-eyed gun.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of gunfire and arrows flying randomly.

Li Zicheng took two shots and one arrow, but did not look back and walked away despite the pain.

"I'm rough!"

The eyes of the people in Douzhuang were almost shocked. They quickly closed the door, and then the Franji on the wall began to show its power.


"I obviously hit him! Why didn't he die?"

"Monster, monster!"

Several gunners collapsed on the ground, their faces pale, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Various peasant armies dispersed to the countryside to collect grain, but Wang Jiayin's troops once again surrounded Yangcheng County, which was more than 20 miles away.

The original governor of Yangzhen, the county magistrate, defended the city. When Li Zicheng arrived, the king's first attack on the city failed.

Bai Yuzhu saw Li Zicheng's embarrassment and joked: "Brother Megatron, did you take down Douzhuang with your words?"

Li Zicheng grabbed his clothes and sighed, "Beat him into a sieve!"

Bai Yuzhu suppressed his laughter, looked around and asked, "Where is brother Optimus Prime? I have already laid out the celebration wine. Is he going to die?"

"You have a trigger!" Decepticon Li Guo bared his teeth and yelled angrily.

Bai Yuzhu drew the knife in his hand and said, "Donkey beg! I can't stand you even if I can bear shit or piss!"

"They are all brothers..." Zijinliang King Ziyong was about to persuade him.

"Your ancestor!" Li Zicheng took out a large ingot and threw it at it, "Bullshit!"


Bai Yuzhu screamed strangely and covered his forehead, blood was visible between his fingers.

In anger, he swung his sword to chop at random.

Wang Ziyong hurriedly hugged him around the waist, "Brother, don't dare to do this!"

There was a lot of noise here, and Wang Jiayin hurried over.

Li Zicheng rushed to greet him and said: "You Shilu is coming to Duanshi Town soon. Whether it's fight or run, the boss needs to make an idea as soon as possible."

You Shilu, a native of Yulin, was born in Wu Jinshi. Seven years after the Apocalypse, Jinzhou was besieged. Shilu and Mangui went to battle to rescue the siege, and then resigned and returned to their hometown. After that, there were several ups and downs, and he is currently the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Town.

His eldest brother, You Shigong, was the commander-in-chief. In the first year of Tianqi, the Tatars attacked Shenyang and died in the battle. His wife and three children were martyred.

His second brother, You Shiwei, was the commander-in-chief and guarded Juyong and Changping.

In addition, the You family also has juniors You Hongxun, You Renlong, You Zhaiwen, You Jie, You Dai, etc., who will be either generals or deputy generals in the future. There will be as many as thirty or forty junior generals under guerrilla defense.

Those who came to encircle and suppress the peasant army were not only the second-line frontier troops led by You Shilu, but also Wang Zhaosheng of South Hebei Province, Tongzhi of Lu'an, and Minzhuang recruited from Gaoping County, Lingchuan County, Huguan County Magistrate, etc., and they were divided into several groups. Advance together.

Wang Jiayin hesitated for a moment and then said: "We have enough time. Let's capture Yangcheng first."

The peasant army has been in the army for a few years, and what they are best at is running away. Those with short legs would have died long ago. Moreover, the official army does not have much food. Even if there are a few generals who are loyal to their duties, they are powerless and it is difficult to catch up with the "rogue bandits". .

The royal troops attacked the city again but returned without success.

When the leaders of various families heard that the army was coming, they didn't care about looting everywhere, and came to join forces one after another.

That night, the mansion was brightly lit and people were drinking and drinking.

Everyone ate meat with big mouthfuls and drank wine from big bowls, so they were very happy.

Isn't that why you tuck your head in your waistband every day to earn a living?

The drunken Zhang Xianzhong started to hug each other, "Brother Megatron, I heard that you have a theater troupe in your camp? Don't hide your secrets, let the brothers have fun too."

Li Zicheng put down his wine glass, "What a coincidence, I didn't bring it with me. Maybe another day."

Liu Xiaoshan asked: "Commander, does your family really eat white flour every day?"

Before Li Zicheng could answer, Hu Erniu next to him said, "Isn't that right? In the past two months, I was lucky enough to follow Datong and lead troops into Puzhou. I lived such a good life that I was tired of eating sour soup, mutton dumplings..."

Hu Erniu was born as a stonemason and was nicknamed the Eight Great Kings of Beiying. He originally followed Zhao Sheng, the lamplighter of the second team. When he was in Shaanxi, he was unwilling to surrender when Zhao Sheng wanted to surrender, so he led his team into Shanxi.

Erniu blew up the revolutionary army's nonsense, which made everyone envious.
This chapter has been completed!
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