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Chapter 26 Funeral

There was a crowd of people in the house, and there was no sound in the hall.

Li Zicheng said with a sullen face: "Quanzhang Village has built a cemetery for martyrs, please keep an eye on it! If anything goes wrong in the future, all of you will be dead!"

"I would like to obey the general's order." County Prime Minister Di Zunzhi was sweating profusely.

The county magistrate is also a retired official. If he is unlucky, he may be finished as soon as the revolutionary army leaves. There is no hope.

Li Zicheng looked at several local gangsters, the six-room clerk and three team leaders.

"You are all local aboriginals, please take the trouble to save yourself some time. Just keep a secret as human beings so that we can meet each other in the future. I will not be indebted to you in the future."


Everyone pecked at the rice one after another, and agreed with their mouths. Let's get past the situation first before talking.

Previously, there was a big landowner in Quanzhang Village who fought against the "Heavenly Soldiers" and was wiped out and his house ransacked. More than a thousand acres of land were equally distributed to the tenants and villagers, hoping that they would also take care of the cemetery.

Poor Li Shouxin had just been dismissed, and his son was gone. He was left with a white-haired man and a black-haired man.

Li Zicheng comforted him with kind words and doubled his compensation.

Li Zijia was the second relative to die in battle. In the future, when the revolutionary army goes to war in all directions, it is not known how many of Li Zicheng's relatives and friends will die.

Don't talk about the matter of making a marquis, because one general will make thousands of bones wither!

The revolutionary army built several huge mourning halls in front of Jiwang Temple.

The Jiwang Temple was originally located in the mountains, but the gentlemen found it inconvenient to go there to worship, so they dismantled the temple and moved it to the city.

Magistrate Di County led the government officials to do a lot of work, and then decorated the mourning hall with white cloth. Countless paper figures and horses were placed at the door; hundreds of coffins were lined up inside.

More than a hundred monks were chanting sutras.

Li Zicheng couldn't help but whispered: "It's strange to be so troublesome, just ask a few Taoist priests to do the rituals."

Feng Qilong whispered back, "A monk is cheaper than a Taoist priest, and half of it is ours, so we don't need any money."

This reason is really strong.

When Li Zicheng took the stage to speak, all kinds of people below were filled with emotion.

A hawker said enviously: "Those people died in style, and their lives were not in vain."

The people next to him echoed: "Isn't that right? Liu Guaizi is over 50 years old. He can't work as a tenant, and he doesn't want to be a long-term laborer for the Liu family. How many years can he live? Just go out and push the cart, and now it will be for the family.

I earned twenty taels of silver. Look at it!"

"I don't understand how the revolutionary army thinks, isn't it just a dead life? How can it be worth so much?"

Another person said: "Damn it! If I had known that the short-haired master was so generous, I would have gone out to fight that day."

"Hey! Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Liu Guaizi is dead? I have very nimble legs and feet. I can get thirty taels for free just by pretending to be scratched. How can I take advantage of this?!"


It is said that when the richest man in the county died, there was no such grand scene. The common people gathered around to watch the monks chanting sutras, and listened to a round of playing and singing. Finally, several opera troupes took turns to appear in the finale.

What was originally a sad funeral turned into a singing and dancing event.

The onlookers burst into cheers from time to time.

Li Zicheng was quite satisfied with the results.

Funerals are nominally done for the dead, but in fact they are mainly for the living to see - to win people's hearts may sound ugly, but that's pretty much what it means.

Although death is inevitable, the little minions know that they will receive a large pension after death and be buried grandly. They may be calmer and braver when facing death.

What was wrong was that this time Li Zicheng was impulsive and gave him too much compensation. He will be slapped in the face next time.

After finishing the superficial work, Li Zicheng was too lazy to get involved in carrying the coffin to the cemetery. Of course, it cannot be said that the commander-in-chief did not pay attention to it. Each of those coffins was carried by thirty-two people, and it was a grand burial. By the way, the Jishan people were allowed to come out.

A laborer earns some hard money.

Li Zicheng will continue to win over living people.

The commendation meeting was held, and the meritorious officials paraded through the streets wearing red and colorful clothes.

Li Zicheng ran to comfort the wounded soldiers again.

When the Mongolian doctors saw the general coming, they quickly stepped forward to ask for advice on surgical skills.

What a bunch of quacks!

During the Warring States Period, the "Fifty-Two Disease Prescriptions" recorded hernia repair and hemorrhoidectomy; extending to the Qin and Han Dynasties, even during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, surgery was very prosperous, represented by "Liu Juanzi Ghost Recipe"; in the Song Dynasty, there were professional dentures and cavity repairs;

C-sections have also been done for a long time.

Let’s not talk about the far ones.

More than 20 years ago, Wang Kentang, who was both a high-ranking official and a doctor, described in his book tumor removal, thyroidectomy, atresia plasty, suturing and replantation of ear trauma, and orthopedic techniques for bone injuries.

and surgery…

He described the disinfection methods, surgical procedures and nursing methods of these surgeries in great detail.

There is also Chen Shigong, who is about to die, a master of surgery. He can amputate toes, repair lower skull dislocations, remove bone tuberculosis and dead bones, remove nasal polyps, suture esophagus and trachea...

Regarding esophageal and tracheal sutures, Lao Chen has cured several cases.

In order to test the authenticity, some people also used chickens for experiments. "Chickens died one after another due to the plague, or they were taught to cut open the food bag, remove the food, wash it, sew the bag into the skin, re-sew the skin, and smear it with oil. More than ten chickens

They are all governed by the law, and they are all alive. The dealers should know it, and Hua Tuo's skills are not false."

It looks very awesome! It’s incredible! Then how did Chinese medicine turn into dregs later?

Long before Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism was popularized, doctors began to engage in involution.

The mainstream doctors at that time often regarded surgeons as barbarians and accused them of being "vulgar and illiterate people."

Because with the operating conditions at that time, many more people died than were cured. No wonder others couldn't believe it.

Before the Song Dynasty, the social status of doctors was low. After that, "the imperial court established medicine, educated scholars, and enabled those who practiced Confucianism to understand the yellow elements, understand diagnosis and treatment, and apply it to diseases. This is called Confucian medicine. It is a great benefit."

There is also a saying, "If you don't have a good appearance, then you have to be a good doctor."

However, if Confucian scholars enter medicine, can you expect them to do anatomy?

You can open a clinic by memorizing a few decoction and medicinal formulas, which is very convenient. Therefore, "external treatment methods are declining, but decoction and medicinal methods are booming."

Surgery was internalized and reasoning began to flourish - you can also say it is a systematic science, a very powerful subject.

Some people simply don’t even talk about Yin Yang and Five Elements. It would be great if medical treatment was simple, so why make the theory so troublesome?

Collect more medical prescriptions. If you have any illnesses, go there and check them out. If you take the medicine according to the prescription, it will be cured.

So many quack doctors came on the scene. When a patient came, he would ask, "What's the disease?"

Patient: "Stomachache."

Doctor: "Stomachache? Okay, just wait a moment."

The doctor opened the book and started looking for prescriptions as if looking in a dictionary.

"I found it. There are dozens of prescriptions. You can choose any one. Okay, just choose this one. You can try it at home. If it doesn't work well, I will give you another prescription next time."

What's the difference between this and murder?

Of course, then again, if a person is killed by one method, he will switch to another method. There will always be a lucky person who is saved. So the prescription used to save him will be recorded, and medicine will progress little by little.

This is probably called empirical science.

By the Ming Dynasty, the medical system was mainly divided into four parts: the imperial medical institution, the palace medical system, the local medical system and the folk medical groups.

For example, each county has a full-time medical officer. In Wanli, their rank was changed from the first rank to the ninth rank. The county has one person in the training department who is responsible for the medicine and health in the jurisdiction. Most of them are hereditary positions.

The imperial hospital has thirteen medical departments: "Da Fang Pulse, Xiao Fang Pulse, Women, Typhoid, Sores, Acupuncture, Eyes, Mouth and Teeth, Throat, Bone Setting, Golden Arrow, It’s called massage, it’s called blessing.”

However, according to Zhang Jiebin, a great doctor in Shaoxing Prefecture, "Today's massage has been lost to the two disciplines, but it is still practiced among the people."

It’s unclear why it was lost. Let’s not mention it, massage is still very useful.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" compiled by Li Shizhen more than 30 years ago is very famous, but it also contains a lot of messy stuff.

For example——

Snake bite: A certain hair of a man holds twenty pieces of throat juice in his mouth to prevent the poison from entering his stomach;

Cholera in children: take one pill of white dog excrement and twist the juice;

If the gold sore bleeds continuously: drink five liters of human urine.

Pregnant women eating rabbit meat will cause their children to have incomplete lips; eating donkey meat will cause dystocia; eating turtle meat will give birth to children with short necks; eating bird meat will cause children to be shameless; eating loach will cause miscarriage, etc.

There are also mummies called "Honey Man", and it is said that no matter what kind of trauma they suffer, as long as they eat a piece of "Honey Man" meat, they will recover quickly. At that time, it was indeed popular in Europe to buy mummies from the Arabs and use them as medicinal materials.

Not only Li Shizhen, but also Sun Simiao from the Tang Dynasty also recorded: If you tie a bowstring to the left arm of a pregnant woman and bind it for a hundred days, you can turn a woman into a man.

It’s all anti-intellectual stuff and nonsense!

I don't understand why this ineffective thing is passed down.

If you think so, then let's start with Li Shizhen and "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Li Shizhen failed the imperial examination, so he had to study medicine with his father. Later, he entered Tai Hospital and became a sesame officer. This means that his medical skills are not bad.

However, in terms of medical status, Lao Li's "Binhu Pulsology" is more useful than "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Seriously talking about the history of medicine in the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen's status is not as good as that of Chen Shigong, Zhang Jiebin, Wu Youke, etc. However, he became famous in later generations because of "Compendium of Materia Medica". But the status of that book in the history of medicine is not as expected. important.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" cannot simply be read as a medical book. In clinical practice, it is better to study "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"; there are other books on herbal medicine instead. Its focus is on the "Compendium".

It is not only a compendium of classified drugs, but also a compendium of encyclopedic knowledge, covering botany, zoology, mineralogy, and even physical, chemical, and agricultural science. It also collects and organizes many lost historical documents and materials.

Outline and outline.

For example, if you mention the name of an herbal medicine, you can look it up in a book to find out where it came from, what it looks like, what it was called in ancient times and what it is called now, what are the other names of different places, the advantages and disadvantages of what is produced in each place, what are their uses, etc. You can get all the relevant knowledge at once. .

For example, if you turn to the entry for "gourd", you will know that this thing has a more popular name - garlic. At the same time, you can also understand its origin: Zhang Qian sent garlic to the Western Regions.

Li Shizhen invited Wang Shizhen to write a preface to "Compendium of Materia Medica". At that time, Wang Shizhen wrote: "Extensive but not complicated, detailed and essential, comprehensive and comprehensive, looking directly into the vast ocean. Isn't this just a matter of medical skills? The subtlety of real reason, the investigation of things." The general code, the secret record of the emperor, and the important treasure of the subjects."

For example, it is written in it, why is money called "spring"? Because money can flow in all directions, just like spring water flows in all directions, so money is also called spring. Later generations of coin collectors will also call themselves spring friends.

For another example, remember that most livestock used the riding position at that time, while elephants used the supine position. This is somewhat similar to humans, so it can be proved that elephants have higher intelligence.

Many of the contents have nothing to do with medicine at all, so "Compendium of Materia Medica" is not a serious medical book. Its status comes from its historical value.

As for the messy prescriptions recorded in it, it cannot be said that Li Shizhen fully believed in their efficacy. It would be inappropriate for future generations to use the prescriptions or criticize them based on them.

What Li Shizhen did was just collect and sort out the prescriptions that had been used on people in history up to Li Shizhen's time. Whether they were effective or not is another matter. He just told readers that there was such a thing.

You can think of it as "scientific research notes", a medical system that China has developed from scratch for thousands of years. Taking a step back, even if it is a failed scientific research, can you say that it is worthless? The laboratory

People who come out will certainly not agree.

Lu Xun was anti-Chinese medicine at first, but later he said: "Some of the experiences passed down by the ancients are really extremely valuable, because they cost a lot of sacrifices and left great benefits to future generations. I happened to look through "Compendium of Materia Medica"

"Compendium", I can't help but think of this... This book is a very ordinary book, but it contains rich treasures... The functions of most medicines can only be known to this extent through long-term experience...

... People probably already know that all cultural relics are gradually created by unknown people throughout history. This is true for construction, cooking, fishing, hunting, and farming; the same is true for medicine."

To say that Chinese medicine is crap, we must consider historical limitations. We cannot talk about right and wrong away from the current situation at that time, otherwise the ancients will all be mentally retarded. Isn’t it a matter of course that airplanes can fly? Even primary school students know that there is no Chang’e on the moon, but the ancients did not know. Then

It's inappropriate for you to call someone a fool.

Of course, there are also practical prescriptions in "Compendium of Materia Medica".

For example, to treat chapped hands, apply urine stains from children's urine on the hands. I don't know which expert was the first to discover that urea ointment does have a therapeutic effect on chapped skin.

Willow bark has analgesic and antipyretic effects. The active ingredient extracted is aspirin.

Let’s talk about one more magic medicine. You can’t explain the mechanism of cockroach water “scientifically”, but it has excellent curative effects and can be taken both internally and externally. Can you say that this is not science?

This is what traditional Chinese medicine or ancient medicine is like. I don’t know why it works, but it does. Everything that doesn’t work has been tested by our ancestors. It can also be said that it follows statistics.

A very important contribution of traditional Chinese medicine is to provide a list of drugs in which active ingredients may exist, and those substances happen to be chemically synthesized at low cost.

To sum up, ancient medicine and modern medicine are two different things; ancient Western medicine and modern Western medicine are also two different things. The so-called "Chinese medicine" and "Western medicine" are simply wrong.

If modern Western medicine still believes that bloodletting can cure all diseases, how would you evaluate it?

In order to prevent wound infection, ancient "TCM" also used maggots to remove carrion. It is also used in modern times, of course using sterile cultured maggots.

Another example is "use feces and urine as medicine". Modern "Western Medicine" uses it as science, while ancient "TCM" uses it as dross? You asked Western medicine to extract effective ingredients from feces and urine thousands of years ago. Let's see if they can do it.

Ulinastatin can be extracted from human urine. It can be used as the main treatment or auxiliary treatment for many diseases. Just talking about heatstroke and heat stroke, of course there is no need to drink urine in modern times, but ancient Chinese medicine cannot extract it, so you can only drink urine to save your life.


Another example is that the white part in chicken feces is mainly the crystallization of uric acid, which is corrosive and can "destroy scars". Nowadays, with the availability of pharmaceutical-grade uric acid, there is no need to use chicken feces.

As for the use of "human feces" as medicine, it is considered a very cutting-edge research subject in modern medicine, so I won't go into details here.

Therefore, it is not advisable to blindly oppose some ancient prescriptions that initially appear to be unscientific. Don’t beat them to death with a stick first, as there is no chance that future generations will find out the scientific mechanism.

Another example: Borneol can treat evil spirits in the heart and stomach, and can treat chest pain and abdominal pain.

The explanation in modern medical language is that borneol activates peripheral neurons expressing trpm8, triggering nerve discharges, which leads to the activation of a type of cell membrane protein molecule called metabotropic glutamate receptors located in the spinal cord. Ultimately, pain nerve signal transmission is inhibited.

, reduce pain in subjective feelings and play an analgesic effect.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that modern people say that ancient Chinese medicine is dregs, which has some truth, but is shameless.

Too much nonsense.

In short, the Han Dynasty was the first peak of traditional Chinese medicine, the Song Dynasty was the second peak, and it basically declined after that. Medicine made a slight recovery in the Ming Dynasty, and then went downhill all the way.

"In ancient medicine, there was no distinction between internal and external medicine. Knives, needles, Bianstones, needling, steaming, moxibustion, ironing, and washing were all used together. Today, there is only one school of decoction."

"The ancient doctors all used acupuncture and moxibustion with moxa moxa first, followed by medicine and bait. Today's moxibustion with moxa is only used to treat wind-induced paralysis and acute death. There is no acupuncture method, and stone moxibustion is not used at all. In ancient times,

When looking at a disease, the key points are looking, smelling, asking, and cutting. Now we focus on cutting gizzards. Noble women, looking, smelling, will never talk about it. The disease is not one symptom, and the attack is not one end. It is like facing the enemy's formation, and the opportunity is sudden.

Changes, depending on the properties of plants and trees, and the size of the pulse, have also become sparse. In addition, the properties of medicine may not be fully understood, but according to the statement in "Compendium of Materia Medica", the pulse pattern may not be specific, and it is just a cliché of stringy and astringent, killing people like mustard.

, is it careless?”

The reason for the decline of traditional Chinese medicine is that the Tatars have to bear the blame.

Confucian scholars with some character were unwilling to become officials, and those who could not get the honors had to find other ways of living. They read a few medical books and began to prescribe medicine to treat diseases.

One crab is worth less than one crab!

Although Yu Zhengxie, a native of the Qing Dynasty, was not a serious doctor, he was "well versed in ancient times and the present, and is rare in the world." He said before the tablet-pressing war - Chinese lungs have six leaves, while foreigners have four; Chinese hearts have seven orifices, while foreigners have four; China

Human livers are on the left, foreigners are on the right; Chinese have two pellets, foreigners have four.

This example is a bit far-fetched. After all, Chinese medicine has not yet dissected a sheep...

"Huangdi Neijing" of the Qin and Han Dynasties: "If you have eight feet of soil, the skin and flesh are here, and the outside can be measured and cut and traced, and the dead can be dissected and viewed. The firmness of the internal organs, the size of the internal organs, the number of grains, and the pulses

The length, the clarity and turbidity of the blood, the amount of Qi...all have great numbers."

Wang Mang captured a man, and then "asked the imperial physician, Shang Fang and Qiao Tu to cut him open, measure his five internal organs, guide his veins with bamboo strips, and know the beginning and end, so that he can cure the disease."

In the Song Dynasty, someone rebelled and was captured and dissected. Officials and painters drew what they saw into a diagram, which they called "Ou Xifan's Picture of Five Internal Organs."

They are not hostile to each other. Below the lungs, there are the heart, liver, gallbladder, and spleen. Below the stomach, there is the small intestine, and below the small intestine, there is the large intestine. The small intestine is clean and free of matter, while the large intestine is filthy. Next to the large intestine is the bladder. If the heart

There are big ones, small ones, square ones, long ones, slanted ones, straight ones, those with orifices, and those without orifices. There is no analogy. Only the heart of Xifan is red and the stone is hanging down, as shown in the painting. The liver has its own characteristics.

There are two flakes, and there are three flakes. One kidney is slightly lower on the right side of the liver, and one is slightly above the left side of the spleen. The spleen is on the left side of the heart. If you have a cough caused by many diseases, the lungs and bile will be black.

Ou Shuan rarely suffers from eye problems and white spots on the liver... Among them, those with yellowish spots are fat."

Although there are mistakes, people at least know how to study them.

Shen Kuo, who was at the same time, quickly corrected the errors in "Ou Xifan's Picture of the Five Internal Organs". He said in "Mengxi Bi Tan·Medicine Discussion": "It has been passed down from generation to generation that Ou Xifan's diagram of the five internal organs also draws three throats, which reflects the lack of scrutiny at the time.

.If water and food are swallowed together, how can it be separated into two throats in the mouth? But there is only a pharynx and a throat."

There is also Song Ci's "Resolution of Wrongs", which contains a lot of anatomy content. Lao Song is the undoubted originator of the forensic field, but he is not qualified to be included in the history books. It's a shame! (Song Ci even studied the eggs laid by flies in the case.


In the Qing Dynasty, physician Wang Qingren was deeply aware of the importance of anatomy knowledge. “When a doctor diagnoses a disease, he must first understand the internal organs.” Otherwise, “if the origin is wrong, all considerations will be lost.”

, how different from a blind man walking at night."

Lao Wang wanted to study the structure of the human body, but he had no conditions, so he could only look for corpses on the side of the road, wait for wild dogs to eat them, and then come to observe them; and go to the execution ground to study the condemned prisoners.

Then some defenders of feudal ethics insulted him as "teaching people to learn medicine in a pile of arms and a killing field."

Maybe the executioners know more about the human body. After all, there were Lingchi in ancient times; or hungry people, who cannibalized people; and people in the army, who killed more people and naturally saw more. But they will not leave records of the human body structure.

Wang Qingren had always wanted to figure out the shape of the diaphragm in his chest. He waited for twenty years before he met a general who had guarded Hami. The general explained to him the shape and location of the diaphragm in detail.

"(China) is extremely naive when it comes to the entire anatomy. The reason for this is that some people advocate it but no one inherits it. Although it is established, it cannot develop. This is because science is not something that can be done by one person in one generation. It must be studied by many people. Time passes.

It can be compared to Dacheng. Since the Han Dynasty, medicine in our country has been completely in the hands of Confucian scholars. Although there are other outstanding scholars, either because they cannot write books or because Confucian scholars have abandoned their teachings, there must be many who cannot pass on their teachings.

The shortcomings of Confucian scholars are that they "write but don't describe", stick to the old theory, and say that medicine is a benevolent skill and it is not suitable to cut off human bodies for experiments, so they continue to make mistakes and do no experiments. In the past two thousand years, dissection has

It is impossible for learning to be established."

No more water.

Finally, stop arguing about Chinese and Western medicine. Why don’t you fight about Chinese and Western medicine from two thousand years ago? Don’t you fight about Chinese and Western medicine from a thousand years ago or even five or six hundred years ago? They can’t even see the taillights of the car. The same goes for technology. Just a little bit later.

Is it appropriate to criticize our ancestors after falling behind for a while?

Li Zicheng caught a white mouse on the spot and demonstrated it to the Mongolian doctors. The operation was successful, but the wounded man died...

Lao Li was a little embarrassed. He turned around and told the old military doctors to read more "Official Surgery", study more and practice more. Then he ran away.

It is said that if you travel through ancient times, as long as you master the two powerful weapons of strong sheep and anti-inflammatory, you can just wait and collect the money.

I had a yang condition, and Li Zicheng was able to make a sample of the anti-inflammatory drug, but it couldn't be mass-produced. I first used alcohol and Chinese herbal medicine to make do. Pien Tze Huang is good, but a little expensive. As for cockroach water, it is a bit difficult. If the liquid is not mixed with antiseptic, it will oxidize and become ineffective.

, the effect of powdering is not very good.

September has arrived in a flash.

Yang He, the right minister of the Shaanxi Trilateral Military Affairs Department, was arrested and imprisoned, and Hong Chengchou took over.
This chapter has been completed!
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