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Chapter 28 Going to Eat Stewed Noodles

Jishan County Prime Minister Di Zunzhi was worried that his life would be in danger if the army regained the lost territory, so he surrendered to the "rogue bandits".

Tian Jiahu, the preceptor in the county, refused to be a thief and had no choice but to take him away. Because he was from Baishui, Shaanxi Province and had met Feng Qilong earlier. He could not be allowed to reveal the details.

Liu Zongmin first led a group of men and horses northward into Luliang Mountain to develop the revolutionary base area.

Bai Wang, Zhang Neng and others set out one after another, first going south to Jiwang Mountain for a while, then sneaking up from Zijin Mountain to the north, and finally entering Lishan Mountain.

Two days before the Double Ninth Festival, Li Zicheng said goodbye to his elders in Jishan in tears and led the cavalry behind him out of the east gate.

The revolutionary army marched to the outside of Jiangzhou City and confronted the government troops for three days, then pretended to be defeated and left.

The officers and soldiers pursued them as far as Jishan, as far as Hejin, as far as Wanquan (Wanrong), and as far as Yishi (Linyi), and then were defeated.

Li Zicheng went back and played with the Three Cavalry Walls, and the effect was good. Then he turned around and went to Siyancheng (Yuncheng) to "get" some salt.

By the way, salt.

Mao Yuanyi was good in military theory, average in actual combat, and his character was just like that. He could be regarded as a representative of some literati in the late Ming Dynasty. However, he was quite knowledgeable in finance. Let me just talk about salt.

"The things that started the country today are too numerous to enumerate, and yet we are all worried about poverty day and night. How is it that the educated people do not know how to produce, the rich slaves dote on their maids, and they indulge in extravagance, but they only have a frown on their face and have to beg for daily necessities? It is even more important to talk about it.

Although it is difficult for the speaker, it is even more difficult for the practitioner. The speaker said: I am a Confucian, but if I am willing to be a minister who gathers money, my reputation will be ruined, I will be resented by my family, my husband, and I will not avoid it. I must not forget this.

, the name is Er. If you want to dredge the fruits of the people, accumulate wealth and harm the country, and use the earth and wood to worship the king, pray for sex and engage in military affairs, you can't do it. You must avoid his name and just sit back and watch the country's poverty, so you start calling him Geng and Gui.

In the end, the calamity of internal collapse, the long march of barbarians, and the smell of poison in the clan, how can one call himself a Confucian with his eyebrows spread across his neck?"

"Today, Huaihe accounts for half of the salt in the world, followed by Zhejiang. Based on the number of household registrations in the world, the wide range of residences, and the spontaneous generation of wealth, which one is better than Zhejiang's Hangzhou, Jia, Hu, Ning, Shao, and Nanji

Su, Song, Chang, Zhen, Yingtian, Huaiyang, but in these twelve counties, no one eats official salt."

In the twelve most economically developed areas in the south of the Yangtze River, no one eats official salt.


"According to "Dongpo Collection", the price of Yangzhou salt is twenty-eight cents. Today, Yangzhou salt is valued at four or five cents, which means it is considered expensive and will not be quoted, so don't buy salt."

In fact, the officials of the Song Dynasty sold salt according to "grained salt and fine salt" (coarse salt and fine salt), each of which was divided into different grades. The cheapest salt was 34 yen per catty, and the cheapest salt was 40 yen per pound.


The above twenty-eight coins are already extremely cheap. But in the Ming Dynasty, it was also Yangzhou, and four or five coins were considered expensive.

Mao Yuanyi said, "The disadvantage lies in allowing private salt. If private salt is not allowed, even if it is damaged again, it will often accumulate."

It can be seen that the cheapness of private salt has great harm caused by impact on the market.

Also, "I got close to Chu salt for more than ten dollars and criticized it." "When I went to live in Xiong Tingbi's hometown, I wrote a suicide note to Yuan Shizhen, saying that salt valued the people."

Mao Yuanyi also said, "Chu people like to be noisy, but at that time Xiong Tingbi invested thousands of gold into the local merchants in order to stop Yanfa'er."

It is said that Xiong Tingbi took bribes to obstruct the reform of the Salt Law. (Lao Mao looked down on Lao Xiong and often pulled him out to shoot targets. But he himself once wildly said that with 30,000 troops, he could sweep away the slaves, "The whole Liao Dynasty will be destroyed, my brother Gan San

"Execute the clan". Let's talk about the little prince.)

According to Mao Yuanyi's estimation, if the Ming Dynasty could ban illicit salt, it could earn more than 10 million taels of silver a year; and if the price of salt were raised, the annual income would be 20 to 30 million.

Based on the living standards of the vast majority of poor people, half a pound of salt per person per month is enough. Raising the price of salt will not increase the burden much.

Let Li Zicheng do it, and if other reforms are added, reasonable fiscal revenue can be obtained every year by the end of the Ming Dynasty. The physical equivalent of two taels of silver will not be less than 80 million silver, and it is not impossible to add another 50 to 60 million if we work hard. 1 Ming Dynasty

There is no separate department that makes complete statistics on fiscal revenue. It is very scattered and is not just the millions on the surface.

The Ming Dynasty was better than the peaceful Song Dynasty. As a result, not only was the tax revenue miserable, but the people of the Ming Dynasty may not live as well as the people of the Song Dynasty.

Li Zicheng led his team into Zhongtiao Mountain, toured the mountains and rivers for a few days, then set off northward and sneaked to Lishan Mountain.

After two months of separation, Liu Fangliang had already taken root in Mount Li, and the camp was quite neatly built.

A small steel cannon was also cast. 2 It was not until Krupp two hundred years later that the West cast a steel cannon.

After checking, Li Zicheng curled his lips and said, "Use more snacks!"

The quality is passable, but the caliber error is slightly larger.

Zhang Nai led more than a hundred children in the children's camp to form an array and perform for the commander-in-chief.

"Good!" Li Zicheng couldn't help but praise.

"How many words do you know?"

"Five...six...eight hundred, right?" Li Laiheng scratched his head with a grimace on his face.

Xing Xiuniang smiled and said: "If he can write 500 words correctly, he has the ability!"

Li Zicheng was furious and kicked out, "Go back and study!"

A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs will flee.

The women's camp has made great progress and has trained a total of five female secretaries, 30 women's soldiers, and 40 medical nurses.

Li Zicheng was so happy that he and his secretary felt refreshed and stayed on the bed for three days.

Xing Xiuniang blew the pillow wind and said she wanted to have a child.

"A soldier's horse is ruthless and difficult to raise after birth. Forget it." Li Zicheng picked up his pants and ran away.

In fact, in "The Ming Dynasty", if you want to have a baby, you have to spend extra money. At the beginning, Lao Wang was poor, so Li Zicheng was destined to be extinct.

This will also be a hidden danger in the future.

When Li Zicheng was living in the mountains, the Battle of Daling River outside the Pass was in full swing.

The Daling River is located more than 30 miles east of Jinzhou, at the throat of the Western Liaoning Corridor, and is an important line of defense shielding Jinzhou.

If the Ming army wanted to secure Liao, they had to build this city; and if the Jin army wanted to attack the Ming Dynasty and trade with the Mongols, they had to demolish this city.

Since Yuan Chonghuan's time, the two sides have been competing fiercely for the two cities of Linghe and Linghe. Two cities have been built and two demolished.

Ever since Daling River City was rebuilt, the debate in the court about whether to keep it or abandon it has never stopped.

After repeated stumbling, the battlements on the city wall were not yet completed, and the army of the Later Jin Dynasty came with great momentum.

The frontline command outside the Pass has a two-tiered system: the Superintendent of Divisions and the Governor of Liaodong. Since the rights and responsibilities are unclear, blame-shifting is inevitable.

During the reign of Yuan Chonghuan, Emperor Chongzhen dismissed the governors to unify their powers in order to avoid any nonsense. He was really good to old Yuan.

There is another thing that can be seen.

The former governor of Liaodong committed suicide because he was humiliated by the mutinous soldiers because he could not pay the military pay. Then Yuan Chonghuan, who was favored by thousands of people, came to office in time and asked, "Please quickly release the 740,000 gold owed inside and outside the customs and the horse price of Taipu Temple and support him."

Reward 40,000 gold to seal the territory without any mistakes..."

Emperor Chongzhen paid for it without blinking an eye, and the mutiny was eliminated.

In addition, Emperor Tianqi was also kind to Yuan Chonghuan, "When the imperial meeting was held with Chonghuan, (the king's) ministers were incompetent, the summoned ministers returned, and the administration strategy was not implemented."

There is no such thing as this kind of treatment.

After Yuan's death, Emperor Chongzhen was afraid that Sun Chengzong's re-emergence would have too much power, so he began to set up governors of Liaodong to restrain him.

Then Qiu Hejia, the governor of Liaodong, had a conflict with Sun Chengzong, and they were not very cooperative with each other. Sun Chengzong wanted to drive him away.

Emperor Chongzhen first replaced him with Sun Gu; then he asked Xie Lian; then he thought about it and decided to use Qiu Hejia; finally, he appointed Liu Yulie as the left minister of the Ministry of War and the right censor of Jindu, to patrol Liaodong, Shanhaiguan and other places. .

A governor of Liaodong had several consecutive appointments during the war. Okay?

The Ming army first used refueling tactics to rescue Dalinghe, but was eaten one by one by Hou Jin.

In September, an army of 20,000 to 30,000 people was finally assembled to reinforce again.

After Jin pretended to retreat, Song Wei, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, and Wu Xiang, the commander-in-chief of Zunhua, both thought they had an advantage and rushed out first.

Huang Taiji directly cut into the Ming army camp from both wings. When Wu Sangui's father saw that the situation was not going well, he ran away and only lost about a hundred people. Song Wei was betrayed and the entire army of 5,000 carts and firearms was annihilated.

The left and right wings were in disarray, and the supervisors who commanded the troops in the middle prepared their way. The imperial servant Shaoqing Zhang Chun was directly attacked by Hou Jin's artillery.

Later Jin Dynasty began to build cannons in the second year of Tianqi, and in the first month of the fourth year of Chongzhen Period, they imitated the Hongyi cannon. Wang Tianxiang, the bannerman of the Han army, used the lost wax method and annealed the different positions of the cannon accordingly. It can be considered that the technology of cast steel cannons in the Later Jin Dynasty was unique. The world.

Zhang Chun and Huang Taiji were defeated in the artillery fire, and were ambushed when they retreated. Tens of thousands of Ming reinforcements collapsed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Chun was captured and if he did not surrender, he would suppress Shenyang Fan for ten years. Before the Battle of Songjin, Huang Taiji wanted to negotiate peace with the Ming Dynasty in Zhang Chun's name.

Chongzhen was furious and had Zhang Chun's two sons imprisoned to death, while his wife committed suicide. After receiving the letter, Zhang Chun was completely desperate and left a sentence: "You can live up to your admiration, and you can be great and strong" and committed suicide in prison.

Not to mention later.

The war in Liaodong is tense!

At this time, Kong Youde should have set off by sea to support Dalinghe. It is not known whether the early warning Li Zicheng sent to Wang Zheng and Wang Huaiju earlier worked.

No matter how much you ask for, take care of yourself first.

Li Zicheng can't just sit around and rest on his laurels. It's hard to feed the people. Qinshui Autumn Food will be collected later. This time, he wants to do something big and find out the bottom first.

At the end of the month, other teams continued to repair, and the commander-in-chief set out with only Liu Fangliang, entering Wangwu Mountain and then into Henan.

Henan is great, with plains and fertile soil, and you can eat braised noodles. 2 It seems that it didn’t exist in the late Ming Dynasty.

But I thought too much.

Someone once talked about passing through Zhenyang County and Xixian County, Runing Prefecture, southern Henan Province——

Starting in the morning, we left Guomen for twenty miles, and then walked forty miles. The sky was very clear that day, and when we lifted the curtain and looked out, we could see yellow grass and white grass as far as the eye could see for forty miles.

Observe that wherever you pass, you will find that you are walking in acres of land. If the boundaries of the acres are still there, but there is no trace of the straw, it is estimated that farming has been abandoned for a long time.

Then I asked my husband: Are the fields in the east, west, south, and west of this county so barren?

The husband replied: Nine out of ten cases are like this. Xixian is better, but four to five out of ten cases are like this.

I was surprised by what he said. When I went to the post house and saw the old man Bei Zhonghuo and the officials there, I immediately called out and asked: Is there any shortage of food in the barren fields I saw along the way?

Several people said to each other at the same time: "This is all a matter of anointing. How can we get success if we don't pay enough for food?"

The question is: Why not plow?

He said: No cow.

Question: Why no cattle?

It is said that many people are stolen and sold out of the country, and there are no cattle because they have no tenants. This is one end of the problem. Also, the horse households in this county are very demanding. Every time a person is repaid and the person is unable to serve, the cattle will be sold first and the land will be abandoned. Over time, the people will be killed. He also ran away. When people left, the fields were left without owners, so they did not cultivate them. When people left and the grain was still there, they would sit and pay the compensation to the household. If the household could not afford the compensation, they would sit in the original place, or they would sit in their relatives. The house where they were sitting, The rich would still donate their gourds to pay for it, while the poor would abandon their households and leave. Therefore, today the villages are ruins and the fields are all abandoned, all of which are here.

Because he asked again: Why don't you sell this abandoned home with farmland to others, and why are you willing to abandon it like this?

Then he said to him: "Fu Chai's corvee government is a bitter experience for those who have land. Now those who want to pay for it want to abandon their property but cannot get it. What's more, if they accept their property and the food is sent to their family, how can they afford it? So they fled with each other."

And the famine is getting worse day by day, so it has reached its extreme.

He also asked: Is there no one in the county who has such sentiments?

He replied: This county magistrate pays a lot of tribute, but in the evening he has no way to travel, and he is greedy. There are many problems in the yamen, and he is not strong enough to deal with the affairs. So he whips and whips every day, trying to sit down, just to have enough food, so as not to be criticized by his superiors.

There is no time to worry about the fleeing households and the desolate fields. Even those who complain are beaten, so although the people are worried and resentful, no one dares to speak out.

During the Chongzhen period, not to mention the land owned by various princes and princes in Henan, there were also the four major families of Cao, Chu, Miao and Fan, each controlling more than 100,000 acres of fertile land, known as the "Four Evils".

Life is hard for fellow villagers in Henan!

Li Zicheng cared about the people and planned to search less. However, when he arrived in Jiyuan, he realized that he had arrived too late.

What a one-headed tiger, full of stars, a foot-long green, just plundered away, and has already crossed the Yellow River to Luoyang and Yiyang.

Shangtianlong, Wanghuhu, Lone Wolf, etc. traveled further and went to Nanyang and Dengzhou.

To the south of Jiyuan is Meng County, where the water surface of the Yellow River is relaxed, the flow speed slows down, and a large amount of sediment begins to accumulate. It is often flooded and the people are very poor. They don't want to go.

But since it was a trip, Li Zicheng sent people to Gou Village to find Xue Suoyun's family members and try to establish relations with them.

Lao Xue is currently the county magistrate of Xiangling (Xianfen), Shanxi Province, and later became the Imperial Academy Supervisor. When Li Zicheng conquered Beijing, he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty first and then served in the Qing Dynasty, becoming the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites.

To the east of Jiyuan is Hanoi County (Qinyang), the capital of Huaiqing.

"Hanoi controls the danger of Hulao in the south, and leans on the solid foundation of Taihang in the north. The Qinhe River flows to the east, and the Nishui River flows to the west. Mountains and rivers inside and outside cross the Jinwei and the city of boats and vehicles. It is known as "land and sea." Isn't it a key place to control the river?


"Hanoi should be at the foot of Taihang. It embraces the great river and brings Danqin with it. It has benefited from the rivers and lakes for a long time... and the people of Yin have become rich."

During the Qin Dynasty, water conservancy construction began in the area and agriculture developed. Nowadays, top-quality fields can produce three or four shi of grain per mu. It is an important grain-producing area in Henan. It is also known as "Hebei's Little Jiangnan". 3 "Hebei" refers to the north of the Yellow River.

During the reign of Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty, more than 200,000 refugees from Shandong and Shaanxi fled to Henan. The imperial court opened two granaries in Henan for relief, one of which was the Huaiqing mansion. It can be seen that there was a lot of grain.

Prince Zheng still lived in the city, and he was very wealthy, but it was a pity that Li Zicheng did not dare to covet it for the time being.

The revolutionary army continued to move east, and there were two big wealthy families in Ziling Village. However, the walls were high, and the big family had already taken their property and hid in the city.

Going further is Thanh Hoa Town.

The current town cannot be regarded as a formal administrative unit, and places with prosperous markets are often called towns.

As one of the important mountain exits of the Eight Routes of Taihang, "Qinghua is the throat of the three Jin Dynasties and the home of accumulation of wealth. All merchants traveling from south to north will stop here." "It reaches the capital in the north and Yiluo in the south."


The Xiaodan River at the entrance of the town is an important branch of the Yongji Canal of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal dug in the Sui Dynasty. You can take a boat directly to Tianjin from here.

There are five to six hundred merchants in the town, which are rich.

Li Zicheng, to avoid alerting the enemy, led his troops into Jiufeng Mountain to hide.

Then we found Jiufeng Temple.

Don’t look at hydrology

Let’s talk about the absurd things about Lao Zhu’s family.

Zhu Tan was Zhu Yuanzhang's tenth son. He was canonized as King of Lu when he was only two months old.

When he was fourteen years old, he married the daughter of Tang He, the founding hero of the country. Not long after their marriage, they both went to the fiefdom of Yanzhou.

Zhu Tan was now free and began to live a life of intoxication. Then he became obsessed with alchemy. He gathered a large number of Taoist priests in the palace and burned elixirs to refine medicine all day long, hoping to pursue immortality.

Naturally, the elixir was difficult to make and required a hundred 8-year-old castrated boys. Zhu Tan couldn't buy 100, so he simply sent people to arrest the 8-year-old boys in Yanzhou and castrate them in Prince Lu's Mansion.

Who dares to mess with the emperor's son? No one dares to care!

The incident finally reached Zhu Yuanzhang. The old man was furious and immediately took Zhu Tan and his wife to the capital. Then, the princess was executed, King Lu was shaved and sent back to his fiefdom. Zhu Tan returned to the palace to continue refining elixirs.

He probably died of poisoning and was under the age of twenty.

The Lu Mansion has been particularly unique since the first generation of King Lu, and that glorious tradition must be maintained.

In the Chenghua year, Zhu Yang, the fourth generation king of Lu, indulged himself. He often took the princess, her brother and others to gather outsiders to hold parties together, and then started to mess around after drinking too much.

King Lu and his sister reported to the court. King Lu fought back and also sued the princess for bullying men and women in the palace.

The emperor angrily said: What you do is worse than animals, and anyone with a bit of shame would not do it.

The outcome was that the royal family members were deprived of one-third of their lumi, and outsiders were executed or sent to remote areas and exiled to the army. The prince's lumi was restored within a few years.

Let’s go back to the Jiajing years. This generation of King Lu has been a noble since he was a child. Men and women can’t help but come and play in the pond of wine and meat. They “bring prostitutes and have fun to the young people, and drink them day and night. Or the naked bodies of men and women bathe in the pond together.”


"Anyone who has slander or disobedience will be killed immediately or cannoned... Many people will be killed by spitting, and some will have their eyes cut out and their lips amputated."

I won’t mention other ridiculous things. The emperor’s punishment for King Lu was “two-thirds of Clumice, and the order was changed.”

Not only the main branch of the Prince of Lu, but also the side branches are very powerful. For example, the father and son of Fengguo General Jian Chu of the Ju Ye Prince's Mansion said: "Yin abuses animals, and Chu steals the son of man and makes him a slave. If he doesn't obey, he will dismember him and burn his corpse. Xuan Qiang

I am looking for my aunt’s daughter and grandson to kill her as my wife.”

Let’s look at Jin Fan again.

In the Chenghua year, the mother-in-law of Prince Yonghe had an affair with a Taiyuan guard and a monk. Another outsider entered the palace and had an affair with the maid.

In the end, the emperor ordered the Queen Mother Zhang and four maids to commit suicide, and King Yonghe was scolded and settled.

Let’s talk about Qin Fan.

In the year of Hongzhi, the King of Huining County of the Qin Dynasty did a great thing. This noble lady whose husband died young and stayed alone in Kongwei somehow fell in love with a commoner, and the two actually eloped to Fengxiang.

Later, of course, he was taken back. Then, "In each prince's palace, if any princess or county king has a widow, except for the elderly and children, but the young ones have no children, they should be gathered together in one palace, and the old ministers should be assigned to the palace.

People are keeping watch and no unauthorized entry or exit is allowed."

You can imprison a widowed person, but you can't imprison a person whose husband is still alive!

During the Jiajing year, something happened again in the palace of Xizhou. The king of Guangwang County and her husband Liu Tingfeng were really a pair of living treasures. Liu Tingfeng was singing outside every night, and then "the king of Guangwang County was seduced by Wang Jinxian and Wang Peiqiao, a wandering singer of unknown origin."

Lead us away." The three of them eloped.

The ending is "Remove Liu Tingfeng from the ceremonial service, and remove the titles, imperial edicts, crowns, and uniforms from Guangwang County Jun."

I'm so angry, when will a woman stand up? Why can't she be happy?

Da Ming is really sick. She is a princess, a princess, a princess, a county king, and she can’t even sleep with a man. I want this phoenix crown to be of no use!

Let’s look at Jin Fan again.

In the year of Hongzhi, the governor of Shanxi reported that Zhu Zhongyi, the Qingcheng King of Jin Mansion, had ninety-four children and one hundred and sixty-three children and grandchildren.

The court suspected that Zhu Zhongyi had adopted other people's children to defraud Lumi. This happened many times. Some of the adopted children were not descendants of the clan, and they were not found out until he was made a county king. There are still many who have not been found out.


So the imperial court sent people to check, and it turned out that these children were indeed born to King Qingcheng's wives and concubines.

The imperial court gave him more than 100,000 shi of rice every year.

In addition, King Qingcheng has ninety-nine uncles, cousins, and nephews.

His eldest son also gave birth to more than 70 children. The number of his grandchildren has reached 163, and his great-grandchildren have reached 510. There are still no statistics on how many there are.

Can we sustain this amount of reproduction?

Those who love good wine and beautiful women are considered virtuous kings; those who love reading, learning literature and martial arts are rebels; capture Fengyang and make him a criminal prisoner.

Let’s look at the vassal kings of Henan again.

King Yi granted him a title in Luoyang.

The things Zhu Dianmei, the seventh generation king of Yi, did include: robbing more than 400 people, wives and daughters (including the princess’s wife), seizing more than 3,000 people’s houses, blackmailing wealthy businessmen of 30,000 taels of money, and closing the gates of Luoyang City.

, the general election selected more than 700 women over the age of twelve, and kept 90 of their beauties. Those who did not keep them had their families redeem them with money, and those who disliked them were even thrown into the tiger pen. Recruiting scoundrels to use the palace

A "tax factory" is nominally set up to collect tolls.

"The Prince's Palace in Fangcheng, the residence of Princess Tongcheng, the Luoyang County Prison, the Confucian Wenchang Temple and the Buddhist Hall of Fazang Temple were all taken away. Five official streets were still occupied, and more than a hundred private houses were bought. They also sent the military academy to Luoyang and others.

The county pressed for money from the government and sent more than a thousand residents, including Luoyang, to force people to work in the government. They set up the East Factory without permission to seize the troubles and accused the common people of their mistakes... It was Xie Lu, the magistrate of Yongning County, who robbed him and forced him to kneel at the gate of the palace.


Not to mention trivial matters such as destroying cultural relics, he also falsely preached imperial edicts.

One day, a Jin Yiwei passed by on business and was brought into the palace by King Yi to feast and drink. Then the prince summoned his officials to take out a yellow scroll, claiming that it was a secret edict sent by the Jin Yiwei, and also said, "The emperor kissed me especially."

Trick everyone into doing whatever he wants.

There are also violations of the rules. The palace "consecrates the tower and connects the city, imitating the emperor's palace".

That's all. The most powerful thing is that he also secretly hid military weapons. Zhu Diancheng secretly made 600 pairs of armors, 3,000 muskets, and hundreds of cannons in his mansion.

In addition, he also did a particularly magical thing - snatching the army's artillery.

"One day, (Zhu Diankai) and his son, in military uniforms, led their ceremonial school followers, controlled strings and held halberds, and drove out of the city with thousands of horses to the Henan Weijiao Field to perform martial arts on the sun. They stole the general and other firearms and returned."

The chief envoy of Henan came with an official document from the Ministry of Rites to demand the return of civilian girls, demolishing illegal buildings and other illegal activities. King Yi replied: "What is an official document? Can it be used to cover windows?"

In the end, Emperor Jiajing could only issue an edict in person, expelling King Zhu Diangui from his title, removing his world title, and imprisoning Fengyang. Then he lived to be over seventy years old.

It is said that the first generation of his ancestors, King Zhu?, was the 25th son of Zhu Yuanzhang, and his mother was buried as a sacrifice. During the feudal period, he was ridiculous and cruel. He often went hunting in the countryside with ammunition and swords. When he encountered people who could not escape, he would slash them with his sword.

So much so that he was always covered in blood. Xiao Zhu also liked to cut off people's hair in public, strip naked, and have fun with a bunch of naked men and women...

In the twelfth year of Yongle, Zhu Di passed away from this world due to alcoholism and eroding his bones. He was only 27 years old. For the first time, Zhu Di stayed away from court for ten days to express his condolences. It was a serious mourning, not a celebration.

It can be said that dragons and dragons give birth to phoenixes. All the kings of Yi have bullied men and dominated women. The ancestors of the kings of Qi, Lu, and other families have been the same for generations.

Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson, Zhu Youxi, King of Xin'an of the Zhou Dynasty, had a special hobby. "He likes to eat people's livers and brains raw. He often waits for those who cross the family at dusk, and often lures them in to kill and eat them."

In the end, the grandson simply reduced his rank, wiped out the country, and deposed him as a commoner because of his crime.

Zhu Zhenxun, King of Jintan in the Su Mansion, had his younger brother commit a capital crime, so he "led his concubines and more than forty people from the official school and robbed him from the state prison." As a result, the emperor only fined him one year's salary and that was it.

Let’s talk about the Chu dynasty that has been in Wuchang for more than two hundred years. The world-famous case of the false king of Chu and the palace coup case all came from this clan.

The children of the Chu vassal were too full to eat on weekdays and could not find anything serious to do. In order not to get moldy in the pig farm, they developed a variety of leisure activities. Bullying of men and women could no longer satisfy them.

If you want to do it, do it big.

By the middle and late Ming Dynasty, it was nothing new for outsiders to pretend to be members of the clan and inherit the vassal state.

The King of Chu, Zhu Xianrong, had a son, Zhu Yingyao (I don’t know if he was his biological son). It was revealed that he slept with his father in the palace, and the people who helped him were killed. He panicked.

So Zhu Yingyao found a group of fox friends and dog friends, "taking advantage of the Lantern Festival to kill his father. He first used poisonous poison, but it didn't work, and then shot him with a copper melon."

King Wugang was also present at the time and was also injured in the chaos.

After the incident happened, in order to avoid being implicated, Prince Shi and others protected Zhu Yingyao and imprisoned King Wugang and others. At the same time, they falsely claimed to the local government that King Chu died of a stroke.

Fortunately, the King of Chu himself escaped from the palace at that time, and the parricide was revealed.

The local governor official wrote a memorial, but Zhu Yingyao had no time to send someone to recover it, so he rushed the people of Luo to defend himself. King Chongyang was forced to participate in the defense of the memorial, but King Tongshan refused to comply and secretly reported to the court that his son had committed patricide.

Coercing others into defending matters.

When the court investigates and finds out the whole story, of course there will be no amnesty this time. After all, it was the King of Chu who died, not ordinary people.

In the end, Zhu Yingyao was executed in the city.

Then the reaction of the local people was, "I heard that the king of Chu was extremely greedy and cruel, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Heaven avenged the people of Chu, so it used its own hands to kill its son and kill him. This is the principle of heaven's determination to win over man."

These two father and son were fighting like dogs, they died well, they died wonderfully, and they died like croaks!

Regarding the illegal deeds that occurred in the palace of the Ming Dynasty feudal princes, it is no exaggeration to say that it would take three days and three nights to finish the story.

As a huge parasitic group, the Huangzhi clan can breed any kind of hybrids under the light of the sun and moon of our Ming Dynasty.

Of course there are clans that are not ridiculous, such as the most famous Zhu Zaiyu.
This chapter has been completed!
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