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Chapter 31 Calamity

Li Zicheng made arrogant remarks and invited all the heroes to fight, and in the blink of an eye he knocked down more than a dozen of them.

Seeing the defeated soldiers all over the ground, his pride suddenly rose.

"The world is big and I am the biggest! If you don't accept it, come and fight!" Lao Li put his hands on his waist and the bull was broken.

"Short-haired youngster, do you dare to compete with weapons?"

Li Chunmao's cousin Li Ziqi jumped out, slapped a foot-long red tassel spear on the ground, and came to invite a fight.

Li Zicheng wiped his sweat and said, "I don't dare!"

Li Ziqi shook his head and said, "Whatever you choose...what? Don't you dare?"

Li Zicheng handed over his hand and said, "This junior is not good at the art of weapons and dare not show his shame. I am willing to be inferior."


Li Ziqi curled his lips, thinking that you had just finished showing off your prestige, and now you are very single.

He created a set of marksmanship based on "Martial Classics Mystery" and was quite proud of it. But the short hair got scared. Alas! Who is this!

Li Chunmao saw that he had met an expert. Although he suffered a disastrous defeat, he did not become angry. Instead, he invited Short Hair to sit and discuss Taoism in Qianzai Temple. He also let him recuperate for a day, and there will be a formal competition tomorrow.

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. It is Zhao's honor to get to know all the heroes." Li Zicheng readily agreed.

But before leaving, I need to explain something.

Li Zicheng turned around and took Xing Xihuai aside and asked him to borrow money.

"This..." Xing Xihuai grinned in sorrow.

Li Zicheng comforted him and said, "Brother, don't be embarrassed. I really borrowed it. I will pay you back if you borrow. It will be half a month at most, and the interest will be calculated as three cents."

Bai Jiuhe added, "Our revolutionary army's large team of 20,000 to 30,000 people does not lack this little money. It's just that the mountain road is difficult to walk, and it is inconvenient to bring it out at the moment."

"Then... little brother, let's give it a try..."

This is really a problem, Xing Xihuai sighed and left.

His boss, Liu Tuhao, was a businessman with a good brain. After hearing the cause and effect, he immediately made a generous donation.

You can't be aggrieved about this matter. For those doing business, lowering your head, bending over, and kneeling are basic skills.

If someone's "courtesy" is met, even if they don't pay interest or even don't pay back the money in the future, you won't be offended. After all, when the "mountain king" gets angry, the consequences will be serious!

The revolutionary army received 30,000 taels of silver, Dang Shousu and Xie Junyou arranged for it, and spent most of it in the blink of an eye.

Li Zicheng bought some gifts with Baijiuhe and went to Qianzai Temple.

The temple is so big that I spent a whole day visiting it.

There are several inscriptions in front of the gate of Taiji Palace. In addition to Wang Chongyang’s, there are also those left by Qiu Chuji——

"Qian Zai Temple, Three Holy Gates, Tai Chi Palace, the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are the perfect combination, and it is a holy place for health preservation."

Qiu Chuji!

If Qiu Chuji hadn't passed by Niujia Village...

It is said that Qiu Zu was so angry that he wielded a knife to "purify" his Taoist heart because of "three leaks in one night". Eunuchs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties regarded Changchun's birthday on the 19th day of the first lunar month as the "Yanjiu Festival" (eunuch).

On the same day, they all went to Baiyun Temple to worship.

The Quanzhen sect combines the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. It is not certain that the "three leaks" are the leaks of desire, existence and ignorance in Buddhism; "purification" comes from the dragon knight Yin Zhiping, which does not necessarily mean self-gong in Taoism.


For the sake of rumors, it’s not easy to go to Baiyun Temple to offend the real person’s body. Don’t talk nonsense, just listen to it.

That night, Li Zicheng, Li Chunmao and others sat and talked, and the more they talked, the happier they became.

"Martial Classics Xuanji" comes from Longxingtang, one of the martial arts schools of Qianzai Temple, and was compiled by monk Faming. The core of Xinyi Quan has been basically formed.

Li Zicheng took advantage of the situation and talked about "the heart and the mind are combined, the mind and the Qi are combined, the Qi and the force are combined, the shoulders and the hips are combined, the elbows and the knees are combined, the hands and the feet are combined..."

He told Ji Jike to show off: "...this boxing can be called "Xinyi Boxing"."

In fact, it is not appropriate to call it boxing, because there are also a lot of kicking techniques in it, such as confusion kick, leg amputation, seam kick, twister kick, reverse heel kick, elbow lift and kick, etc.

The gun that Li Ziqi plays can be called the Xinyi Liuhe Gun... Plagiarism is shameless. Anyway, short-haired people are people who do big things, and there is no point in being embarrassed.

Li Chunmao asked again, "What kind of exercise is that jumping around?"

Li Zicheng explained the sliding step, sprint step, side step, circle step, retreat step, etc. In actual combat, you can quickly avoid the opponent's attack and get close to the opponent quickly.

Li Chunmao was amazed after hearing this. He still had some thoughts and even used a few moves with Short Hair.

At the end of the training, Li Zicheng simply stopped moving his feet and put his hands behind his back, "If you hit me in the head, I lose."

Li Chunmao lost.

Li Zicheng suddenly realized that he had gone too far, so he humbly said some nice words and invited Li Chunmao to have a formal fight.

The next day, with hundreds of people including monks, Taoists, and scholars watching, the two fought back and forth for five rounds.

In the end, they all lost their strength and it was a draw.

Li Chunmao gasped and said, if you are allowed to penetrate the eyes and crotch, you are no match.

This statement is not nonsense and has some truth to it.

Kicking in the crotch and inserting eyes are not just two simple movements, but a system.

For example, a person who has not specifically practiced protecting his crotch is like a person who doesn't know how to protect his head and starts boxing. Think about the consequences. How can the opponent fight?

Some martial arts masters are quite stout men, and they stand in a half-crouched position with their vaginas tightly stretched out, like a sissy, just to prevent intimidation from others.

You must protect your crotch at all times, when taking steps, retreating, and moving your legs. As long as your feet move, you must protect your crotch. People who have not practiced specifically will be hit by a kick from an expert.

The battle between Li Chunmao and Shorthair was really exciting, and the audience cheered loudly.

Afterwards, a group of people asked Short Hair for advice on the essence of martial arts.

Li Zicheng dealt with them casually. Then he turned to Li Chunmao and proposed to set up a martial arts competition in Qianzai Temple, which would be held every three years. Heroes from all over the world, from 63 provinces in the south, north and south, were invited to gather together and compete in martial arts.

"When the grand event begins, I am willing to help with five thousand taels of silver. In addition to the heroes' food, accommodation and conference expenses, the champion will receive a bonus of one thousand taels of silver..."

This was a very good idea, and everyone had a lively discussion.

Before noon, Xie Junyou came to report that the work in Qinghua Town was over.

Li Zicheng still had serious business to do, so he had to say goodbye to all the heroes at the moment.

Li Chunmao, Ji Jike and others were reluctant to leave. They only knew that Shorthair was a figure in the green forest. If one day they found out that he was a rebel, they didn't know how they would feel.

Leaving behind his communication method, Li Zicheng said one more thing before leaving -

"Those who practice martial arts must go through three stages - seeing themselves, seeing the world, and seeing all living beings. In fact, kung fu is of no use. No matter how strong the body is, it is not as good as clear cognition. A prosperous people and a strong country are the ultimate reliance."

"..." Li Chunmao and Ji Jike fell into deep thought.

Thanh Hoa Town is here, and Song Quoc Town (Ning Quoc Town) next door is also going for a walk. Anyway, it’s all about “robbery”, so we can just take care of it.

Guo in the Song Dynasty was also a large commercial port. It was once the county government, but was later abolished and changed to Wuzhi. In the Jin Dynasty, the beautiful man Pan An served as the county magistrate.

The earthen city walls were rebuilt in the Jingtai period. It was almost two hundred years ago and many of them collapsed.

Li Zicheng was strolling around and met Dou Guangyi, the general magistrate of Huaiqing Mansion, who was trying a case in the town.

There was a daughter from a wealthy family, she was twenty-eight years old, and she was as beautiful as a flower. The thief sneaked into the house in the middle of the night and wanted to do something wrong, but was immediately caught by Dou Guangyi, who was guarding the house.

Unexpectedly, those thieves were the guards led by the commander-in-chief.

Lao Dou judged the case impartially and was a good official, so Li Zicheng did not intend to "harm" Song Guo.

In fact, that was a nonsense excuse. The main reason was that he learned that in the past two months, the Yellow River had been dammed at Yuanwu (Yuanyang) Lake Village, Qiu Jinglongkou and other places were closed, and many refugees came to Wuzhi to take shelter.

If they just ignore it and fight blindly, it will easily lead to trouble. So, let’s spare them for now.

Li Zicheng wanted to buy a few carts of Camellia oleifera in the town, but when he walked around the street, he found that there was none. He had to wait until he found out. Lao Li only brought a few carts of melons and fruits back to Thanh Hoa Town.

At this time, Xie Junyou stayed behind, while Dang Shousu had already packed eighty carts of goods north into the mountains and went to Changping Town (Changping Village) to wait.

Liu Tuhao helped arrange fifty donkey and mule carts, but he didn't know what the "King of the Mountain" wanted to buy.

It’s impossible to buy, grab it!
This chapter has been completed!
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