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Chapter 33 Li Zicheng's hydrology

"Oh! Boss! You miss me so much..."

Jia Fugui was ecstatic.

He has been worried that the revolutionary army will be wiped out, or that the shorthair will never return. Although he has already received benefits, God knows what new tricks the shorthair has.

Li Zicheng smiled and asked: "How are things made?"

"The commander-in-chief has new equipment and wonderful methods, and the steel produced is nothing but fine steel!" Jia Fugui smiled into a chrysanthemum face.

Generally speaking, craftsmen rely solely on their character to make steel, which sometimes works well and sometimes fails. In fact, it simply means decarburization, deoxidation, dephosphorization, desulfurization, degassing and impurities, and adjusting the composition and temperature. The simplest method is to use an acidic or alkaline furnace according to the raw materials, and then

Add quicklime to remove impurities, blow air to remove carbon, etc.

Of course, the current conditions are limited, and Li Zicheng's iron and steelmaking method is relatively crude, which is a shame to the whole world.

The earthen blast furnace is short and fat in shape, with many air outlets and slag outlets, and uses anthracite coal. If the sulfur content is high, the coal can be washed by earthen methods and soaked in lime water.

No matter how demanding the parts are, they are put into the crucible and steel is made with coke or charcoal.

Jia Fugui got a little red book - "How Steel Was Tempered".

Now this fat man is absolutely invincible in smelting.

In view of the current limited conditions, Li Zicheng stipulated all the detailed steps so that skilled craftsmen can get started with a little help. The most indispensable thing around here is old craftsmen.

Fatty Jia welcomed the commander into the back room, opened the cabinet, and new gadgets such as rifle parts, grenade shells, bulletproof inserts, etc. appeared in front of him.

Li Zicheng picked them up and inspected them carefully, praising them all the time.

Jia Fugui said happily: "Commander, if it's acceptable, can we do it?"

Li Zicheng nodded, "Go for it! Can you make a thousand sets of each by the end of the year?"

Jia Fugui's face fell, "The steel piece is okay, but other small parts and seamless pipes are 30% difficult. Your requirements are really high. If there is a slight deviation in the size of this thing, it will be useless. And the bearings are not easy to get.

Only slow work can produce fine work."

"Okay! I see the waterbed outside isn't ready yet?"

"The dam has been repaired. However, the water volume is now low and winter is coming soon. We are planning to go to the waterbed again next year."

"Okay, I'll see how you make the arrangements. I'll think of ways to get the money later... By the way, I'll borrow 30,900 taels first."

"..." Why are there still some details?

"Having trouble?"

"No, no, I will send it over tomorrow morning."

"Take him directly to Qinghua Town, Henan Province and give him to Liu Maodi."

"I know Liu Ermao well! Does the commander-in-chief have business with him? I can do whatever he can do!"

"Don't talk nonsense! You can't bite off more than you can chew. Just take care of this first, and there will be plenty of wealth for you in the future."

Jia Fugui bowed and said, "Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for your support."

The two chatted for a while, and then Li Zicheng went to the workshop to inspect and improve the craftsmen's skills.

He even made a bowl himself.

It will be polished and shiny, and the light can shine on people.

"This thing won't embroider for three to five years. I'll keep it for you to play with."

Jia Fugui held the stainless steel bowl and marveled.

"Commander, this is no small boast. I can sell 300,000 pieces a year without any problem."

"No way! This thing is difficult to make. It doesn't hurt to leave the recipe to you, but I don't have time to teach you by words and deeds. If you have the ability, just figure it out yourself."

Thank you very much Jia Fugui.

After chatting about things in the factory, Jia Fugui took the commander to visit the Zhang family.

Lao Zhang's father didn't succeed in studying, so he went to "travel as a businessman"; he himself didn't succeed in studying, so he had to inherit the family business.

"Treat the fields, teach furnaces and smelt. Eat lightly and tolerate cravings. Be thrifty and diligent. The lowest servants share the joys and sorrows. I also traveled to Jia Zhongzhou, where I lived in Jifu."

After chatting with each other for a while, Li Zicheng said, "This kid of yours is smart and studies hard. He will be a scholar in two years. He will win the imperial examination at the age of nineteen and become a Jinshi at the age of twenty. If we are destined, we can meet in Yuanwu County, Henan Province."


Everyone likes to hear good luck, so Lao Zhang immediately brought a plate of silver and offered it to him.

Li Zicheng refused to accept the offer.

He said to himself, your son later became the governor of Shaanxi and was a grassroots person in the Qing Dynasty. It should be easier to recruit him in the future.

After leaving Zhangjiamen, Li Zicheng reminded Jia Fugui again, "I won't be able to stay long. There are prominent people in the surrounding counties. You need to build more connections. It will be of great use in the future."

Jia Fugui himself was a big businessman, and he was familiar with everyone doing business in the area, but it was difficult to get into the door of an official's house.

Businessmen have money but no status.

The second family visited Lao Yang.

Yang Pu was originally the magistrate of Daxing County in the capital. A few days ago, he learned from a letter from his family that rogue bandits were rampant, so he returned to his hometown.

The north of Runcheng is surrounded by water on three sides. Lao Yang has surveyed the terrain and is currently raising funds to build a stronghold to resist the bandits.

Li Zicheng came here because of his lies and was willing to donate a thousand taels of silver.

Yang Pu was overjoyed, and the two chatted happily.

Li Zicheng suggested to him that there were many abandoned crucibles from local iron smelting, and using these to build a wall could be called a copper wall or an iron wall.

Three hundred years later, the Japs besieged it and could not defeat it even with artillery.

After bidding farewell to Lao Yang and leaving the house, Li Zicheng reminded Jia Fugui, "Don't forget to donate one thousand taels of silver."

"Okay, okay!" Fatty Jia agreed simply.

Rest in Runcheng that night.

The next day Li Zicheng went to the ravine a few miles away.

Guoyu is also a large and wealthy town with nearly 10,000 residents.

The three villages of Guoyu are lying high and low, and the scholars have raised two thousand and five people. It’s amazing!

Wang Zhongzhong is in his early thirties. He inherited the family business when he was fourteen years old and travels between Changlu and Tianjin to do business. Now he has thousands of employees under his name.

The rich man was fond of charity and advocated frugality. He would not wear silk and would not sit in a sedan chair.

According to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, it was against the rules for merchants to ride in sedan chairs, but no one took it seriously anymore.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, it was decided that all civil and military officials were not allowed to ride in sedan chairs. "Even if you are an official, you must ride a horse when you go out." No matter the merchants.

Firstly, riding a horse shows martial virtue; secondly, Confucian scholars in the Song Dynasty objected to sitting in a sedan chair, believing that it was inappropriate to replace animals with humans. This can be considered as a reason.

However, the fact that sedan chairs are comfortable, sheltered from wind and rain, and majestic has gradually become more common.

So in the fourth year of Jingtai, the court re-established the rules and officials of third rank and above could ride in sedan chairs.

This leads to some interesting phenomena.

For example, the minister of Guanglu Temple was of the third rank, while the censor of Qiandu of Duchayuan was of the fourth rank. Although the latter's official rank was slightly lower, his real power was much greater than that of Qingshui Yamen. Therefore, the minister of Guanglu Temple was ordered to be appointed as the censor of Qiandu.

Even though I have a history, I will not feel depressed about being demoted, but I feel lucky.

But trouble also arises. The boundary between whether you can ride in a sedan chair is right between the third and fourth ranks. Officials who are transferred to the imperial censor of Qiandu can ride in a sedan when they go to court to express gratitude, but after accepting the appointment, they can only bid farewell to the sedan and change to

horse riding.

Therefore, in "Wanli Yehuobian", there is "carrying a sedan chair to express gratitude and riding to the post". Those officials who were transferred to their posts were excited about making money, but they would inevitably have some regrets that they could not ride in the sedan chair.

Of course, rules are meant to be broken. Why can't I, a sixth-grade official, sit in the sedan chair? I will sit on it.

So in the Hongzhi year, the rules were reiterated again: civil and military officials who should sit in a sedan chair should be rescued by four people. The five cities are responsible for the affairs, the internal and external guards, the garrison and the dukes, marquises, uncles, governors, etc., regardless of age, are not allowed to sit in a sedan chair.

Those who ride in sedan chairs illegally and use eight people without authorization will be reported to the police."

Reiterating the ban can achieve some results, but as time goes by, it gradually becomes looser.

Fifteen years later, in the fourth year of Zhengde, the imperial court felt the need to reiterate the ban, so the above process was repeated.

Twenty-seven years later, that is, the fifteenth year of Jiajing, the imperial court once again stated: "Those under the fourth rank are not allowed to ride in sedan chairs, nor are they allowed to use shoulder carriages."

Wang Shizhen's "Gou Bu Gu Lu" records that if there were mid-level officials in Jiajing riding in two-person sedans, it would be considered a terrible thing. However, by the first year of Wanli, even if officials went out in groups to play in four-person sedans, passers-by would be surprised.

But it felt normal.

He Liangjun's "Siyou Zhaicong Shuo" records that during the Jiajing period in Nanjing, he saw officials from the Wucheng Military and Horse Department sitting in sedan chairs against the rules, but he felt guilty. "When meeting officials from various yamen on the road, they would get off their sedan chairs to avoid entering their houses."

When a person is being promoted, the scholar also gets off the sedan chair to hide, for fear of being reported and exposed.

However, within three or four years, illegal riding in sedan chairs could be seen everywhere. Those officials not only had "the curtains of the sedan chairs were fresh and tidy, and the ceremony was honorable," but they also traveled grandly and grandly.

During the Jiajing period, Wang Hua, the supervisory censor, inspected Zhejiang. One of his ministers went to see him, wearing a fashionable hat.

Wang Hua was dissatisfied: In which year did people start wearing such hats?

The implication was that his clothing violated court regulations.

Unexpectedly, Ju Ren didn't buy it, and even retorted: It started in the year when the boss sat in the sedan chair.

Wang Hua was suddenly choked and speechless.

After arriving in Zhejiang, he had the power to make judgments on major matters and make decisions on minor matters, but after all, the supervisory censor was only a seventh-grade official and could not reach the rank of sitting in a sedan chair according to regulations. How could he have the nerve to care about others who violated the rules.

In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, people like Wang Hua who illegally rode in sedan chairs were not an isolated phenomenon.

It took only 16 people to carry the emperor's sedan chair, but it is said that a sedan chair with a bureau seat required 32 bearers.

As for businessmen sitting in sedan chairs and wearing silk and satin, it is also common.

Also tell me something interesting.

During the Chenghua period, Lu Rong examined the issue of officials riding sedans and horses in his "Shu Yuan Miscellaneous Notes". Based on the fact that there were mounting platforms outside the ceremonial gates of every government office in Beijing and Nanjing, he concluded that "no ministers rode in sedans" in the early Ming Dynasty.

Although the evidence is insufficient, the conclusion is consistent with the truth. However, special research is required to know it. What does it mean?

It can be seen that by the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the subjects had almost no memory of the regulations at the beginning of the founding of the country.

It has only been a hundred years, which sounds a bit incredible. (In the classical era, social development was almost stagnant, which is not easy to compare with the rapid changes in later generations. For example, a family moves to a new village to settle down, even if three or four generations have settled there.

Years later, neighbors still call them "foreigners" when greeting them on a daily basis.)

There is another thing similar to the need to verify riding a horse and sitting in a sedan chair.

Emperor Jiajing was followed by his son Emperor Longqing, Zhu Zaihe? His name was Zhu Zaijing.

Zhu Zaihe was the king of Qidong.

In the Wanli year, Zhu Guozhen revised "Da Zheng Ji" and mistakenly wrote "坖" as "啕". No one noticed the mistake, so it was passed down. Isn't this funny? Wanli's father's name was even wrong, and he died.

several years?

Wang Shizhen, who was dismissed from office by Zhang Juzheng, was written as "坖" in "The Collection of Yanshan Hall", but later when the book was reprinted, it was changed to "啕".

He Qiaoyuan, a man from the Wanli period, also wrote the book "Mingshan Zang" correctly, but it was also changed later.

Chen Yiqin's epitaph is recorded in the "Guo Chao Zheng Lu" in Wanli. Chen Yiqin, who supported King Yu as the crown prince, once mentioned in his defense: (Mu Zong) was named after birth, from the Yuan Dynasty to the earth...

Then in the "History of the Ming Dynasty: Biography of Chen Yiqin" it was changed to "(Mu Zong) was named after he was born, and he came from the soil..."

During the Wanli period, "Mingzheng Tongzong" and "The Universe in the Palm" were both led astray by Zhu Guozhen, and the name of the former emperor was written incorrectly.

Why let Zhu Guozhen take the blame?

Because Zhu Zaijing had not even ascended the throne when he was in elementary school, and he was also the chief minister after all. He was authoritative enough, so naturally he was the one who prevailed.

This old man is still alive. If he hadn't been too far away, Li Zicheng would have wanted to run over and slap him for your nonsense!

Zhang Dai, Wan Sitong, Tan Qian, Zha Jizuo and others behind were completely led astray.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" naturally went astray.

Fatty Jia reintroduced the commander-in-chief to the king, and everyone chatted for a while.

Wang let him smoke again, and Li Zicheng said he had quit smoking for forty years, which confused the two people next to him.

After being polite, get straight to the point.

"Wang Caidong, I want to let you know that by April next year at the latest, thieves will enter Shangdang. And they will be far more ferocious than last time. Guoyu will definitely not be spared. I wonder if Wang Caidong has any countermeasures?"


"When I came to Guoyu, I didn't go to the Chen family or the Zhang family. I came to visit Caidong first. The reason is that Brother Wang is an honest and open-minded person. People who are honest don't tell secrets. I have 20,000 elite soldiers in the revolutionary army..."


Wang Zhongxin was stunned, first glanced at Jia Fugui, and said with cupped hands: "The revolutionary army in Qinshui County? I have heard about it for a long time. Your army has strict discipline, punishes evil and promotes good, and everyone praises it. I have a small family fortune, and I would like to show my filial piety.

One thousand taels..."

Li Zicheng waved his hand, "I'm not here to blackmail you. I just want to remind you that various peasant armies in Shaanxi will gradually enter Shanxi again at the end of the year.

That group of hungry people was full of mud and sand, and the good and the bad were mixed. They even committed murder, set fires, raped women, and did all sorts of nasty things.

I came here to warn the villagers, but also had my own plans.

To put it bluntly, as long as anyone pays taxes to the revolutionary army in accordance with regulations, I will ensure that he is safe and sound."

Wang took a deep breath again and said, "I wonder how much tax the commander-in-chief will collect?"

Li Zicheng took out a piece of paper and put it on the table, "There are agricultural taxes and industrial and commercial taxes. This is the tentative detailed list."

Agricultural taxes can be paid in kind or in cash. The tax rate is progressive.

For land of fifty acres and below, 20% of the annual yield per mu will be levied; for land of 100 acres and below, 25% will be levied on the excess; and for land above 3,51,000, the tax will continue to increase, and the top-tier tax will be 100%.


At the same time, all homesteaders who cannot maintain simple reproduction and minimum living needs will be exempted from tax.

Industrial and commercial tax is based on turnover, collected quarterly, and has the same progressive tax rate.

Annual turnover below 50 taels is tax-free, 6% for annual turnover above 50 taels, and a maximum of 25% after graduation.

At the same time, tax-free and low-tax policies will be implemented for people's livelihood goods that are in short supply in the market and where the revolutionary army has otherwise stipulated.


Wang Zhongzhong frowned as if he had taken gall. The tax was so harsh that he could not find another one in the past dynasties.

He murmured in his heart, no wonder the young man in front of him had to cut his hair. As expected, he was neither bald nor poisonous, not poisonous but not bald, turned bald and turned poisonous, turned poisonous and turned bald.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated "thirty taxes per yen", in the 4th year of Wanli, the Jinhua Mansion, with a population of 6.7 million, only collected 7 taels of commercial tax per year...these 300 taels of silver were more than the tax per yen.

However, after Chongzhen came to power, he increased taxation. Ordinary shops continued to pay taxes, but industries that passed customs duties had higher taxes. "According to the tax on merchants in the north of Taipingqiao, Nanxiong Prefecture, Guangdong, it was more than 43,000 taels... Fish tax in central Zhejiang...

Taishan incense tax...a certain amount should be paid every year, half of it should be used for the public use of this place, and half should be used as payment for the department."

Many commercial taxes and customs duties that were stopped during the Apocalypse were levied again by Chongzhen.

Wang Zhongzhong said worriedly: "Commander, is this tax too high..."

"How high is it? I have not confiscated the three mentions and five taxes, and I have also confiscated the value-added tax, consumption tax, income tax, urban construction tax, surcharge, vehicle and vessel tax, land tax, real estate tax, deed tax, resource tax, environmental tax, stamp tax, monopoly tax, inheritance tax, Three Gorges tax, road tax, steamed bun tax... I will talk about this later.



Wang Zhongzhong doesn’t know what the three mentions and five unifications are. It’s probably similar to exorbitant levies and miscellaneous taxes. You’ll know it after listening to the long list of “ten thousand taxes”. Shorthair is so cruel!

Nowadays, everyone is a slave and I am a fish, so he had no choice but to say: "General, if you can protect the people well, you can pay this tax. However, the government still has a share..."

"To get you a few taels of silver, the imperial court will send out one or two thousand people. It costs a lot of money to send troops. If there are just a few subordinate officials and yamen servants, they can kill as many as they come. As long as the revolutionary army is here, the yamen's taxes, duties, taxes and miscellaneous donations will not be used.

Pay attention."

"How long can the revolutionary army stay?"

"Fight to the last soldier!"

"This year's autumn harvest has passed, how about next year's harvest?"

"Agricultural tax can be exempted, commercial tax will continue...wait a minute, it's only a few months, the autumn tax will be levied until the end of the year, and it has just started...forget it, I'll exempt it for you."

Wang Zhongzhong took a few puffs from the pot and thought for a long time.

Jia Fugui began to beat the drum: "Brother Wang, Brother Yu has been counting money every month since he followed the commander-in-chief until his hands cramped. This is because I am cowardly. If I sell grain in the south of the Yangtze River, I will make a business of two to three million yuan a year."

"Selling grain in the south of the Yangtze River?" Wang Zhongxin was puzzled. There is no shortage of food here.

"In the next ten years, natural and man-made disasters will occur on both sides of the Yellow River, and people will be devastated..." Li Zicheng slowly explained.

Food is a big problem.

There will also be floods and snowstorms in the south of the Yangtze River, but the severity is much less severe than in the north.

For example, in the last year of Wanli, there was a flood in the south of the Yangtze River, and the price of rice rose to one stone, two or three, and the people complained that they could not survive. Compared with the north, it was just a drop of water.

At the end of Wanli Dynasty, Geng Ju, who was familiar with the county, once recorded that the local land rent was only one stone and two dou per mu... The tenancy rent was one stone and two dou, which was higher than the yield per mu of Li Zicheng's hometown. 1 Lao Geng was an upright and capable official, but later offended his boss Qian Qian

Yi resigned in anger. Geng Ju excelled in martial arts and had a famous disciple Shi Jingyan. Shi You taught Wu Shu how to spear.

Look again at Songjiang in the Chongzhen year——

"In Gengwu, the third year of Chongzhen's reign, the grain was scarce and the people had abundant food. The counties and counties gave out porridge to relieve the hungry. I was young and the prices were unknown. However, two years later, in the summer of Renshen, the price of white rice was one hundred and twenty cents per dou, which was worth one silver

Money is very expensive among the people, so you can probably tell the price of rice in Gengwu. In the autumn, the price of early rice per stone was only 650 or 60 wen." 2 At the beginning of the apocalypse, one tael of silver was exchanged for 600 wen, which was also the beginning of Chongzhen.

It's almost the same, and it will slowly rise later. But there are many versions of copper coins, so it can't be easily converted. We will figure it out later.

In other words, even if there is a shortage of rice there, the price of rice is only one tael of silver or one stone. The fellow villagers still find it too expensive.

In the autumn of the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, one tael of silver could even buy two stones of rice, which was incredibly cheap.

Compared with northern Shaanxi, it is simply incomparable... The current price of sorghum there is more than ten times that of rice in the south of the Yangtze River.

The people of Jiangnan are so happy.

In fact, a better way out is to buy grain from Nanyang, such as Siam, Luzon, etc. Plus the freight is cheaper than Jiangnan grain.

It’s just that it’s hard to find people who dare to run on that front line.

After Wang Zhongxin listened, he did some mental calculations and said: "The shipping has never been done in the south. If we buy grain from Huguang and then travel thousands of miles by land, even if everything goes well, it will cost at least three taels of silver for one stone of rice."

The long distance and inconvenient transportation is a problem, and you have to wait for food and money on the way. It is of course expensive to bring food over. There has been no disaster in the local area, and the market price of food is only one or two yuan.

Of course, it is not easy to buy grain on a large scale nearby. After all, in addition to his own use, Li Zicheng also needs to release grain to help the people. If grain is looted now, the famine will be more serious in the future.

"Businessmen pursue profit as a matter of course. No matter how high the price of food is, I will accept it all. It is just to save all the people from the fire and water. My merits are immeasurable."

Li Zicheng continued: "Brother Huanyu, if you are interested, you can plan this matter in advance and don't rush it. If you don't want to, let's discuss other deals."

Wang Zhongxin hesitated for a moment and asked carefully: "Since the commander-in-chief cares about the people, why..."

"The Ming Dynasty is hopeless. It will die early and be born early. If the revolutionary army does not work hard, in ten years the Tatars outside the customs will wreak havoc on the world. Time waits for no one!" Li Zicheng said firmly.

"It's hard to live in this world..." Wang Zhongxin sighed.

He has a business in Tianjin, collects ginseng and deer antlers, and is familiar with tartar.

Wang Zhongzhong said that he would have to think about buying grain for a few days, and Li Zicheng expressed his understanding. With the revolutionary army's financial resources and the inability to provide an advance payment, who would dare to easily risk making a deal worth hundreds of thousands of silver with "rogue bandits"?

Jia Fugui's mind was spinning and he asked what business he wanted to discuss just now.

Li Zicheng said: "Glass! Nowadays, these things come from the West. We can make them ourselves."

"Dragonfly eyes" were unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng. These exquisite glass beads belong to the soda-lime-silicate glass system, which is different from the lead-barium glass that flourished in the Warring States period. I don't know if they were made by myself. If so,

Why don’t future generations play with glass anymore?

While Wang Zhongxin was stunned, Jia Fugui had already served him a ton of rainbow farts.

"Commander, I have a glass cup at home, which is crystal clear. I bought it for eight taels of silver. There is also a mirror, which costs thirty taels for the size of my hand. There is a lot of business in this business."

Wang Zhongxin asked doubtfully: "It is said that the mirror only comes from one city in Taixi, and its secrets are unknown to outsiders. Does the commander also know about this thing?"

Li Zicheng said carelessly: "Little trick! It's easy."

Wang Zhong couldn't help but feel hot in his eyes, this was a huge fortune.

Fatty Jia added: "I have long wanted to replace the window paper at home, but I have never been able to buy a large piece of flat glass. This thing is said to be fragile, and people are unwilling to ship it and sell it."

Li Zicheng smiled and said: "It's not just about replacing the window paper. If you are willing, you can just build a transparent house with glass."

"Really?" Jia Fugui's eyes dropped in shock.

The two businessmen immediately had a lively discussion about the new business.

Glass raw materials can be found without going out to Shangdang, and there is no technical difficulty. Although large pieces of glass may have more bubbles, have a little green tint, etc., the quality is definitely far better than foreign products.

Li Zicheng asked each of them to find five reliable apprentices. If they follow them for a month or two, they should be able to win.

Jia Fugui, Wang Xin is so beautiful.

While having lunch, the three of them mentioned the nearby Chen family while chatting.

The ancestors of the Chen family "had the ambition to make a living in the world, not to sell, but to retreat to drum casting, to have a plan to make a living, and to have a prosperous family."

He failed in the imperial examination and went into business. After becoming rich, his descendants studied well and became governors of Shaanxi Province.

Wang Zhongzhong and them were neighbors, and on the surface they had a good relationship, but secretly they complained about each other.

Because someone in the Chen family was an official, he started to look down on businessmen after shaking off his reputation.

Chen Sanle's daughter married the grandson of Guangguang, who lived across the mountain.

Lao Wangtou served as an official for forty years. During the Wanli period, he served as a household official and minister of the second department. He once assisted Zhang Juzheng in implementing reforms.

It only shows the Chen family’s reputation from the side.

When it comes to the younger generation, Chen Changyan just passed the national examination last year; Chen Changqi is quite knowledgeable, but has failed many times. His unborn son will be a big figure in the future.

Chen Tingjing was born in the 11th year of Chongzhen. His original name was Chen Jing, and he was given the word "ting" by Shunzhi. During the Kangxi period, he was promoted to the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Husbandry, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and a bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion. Later, he built the Prime Minister's Office in the Imperial City.

The true glory of the Chen family was in the Qing Dynasty, when nine Jinshi scholars were produced and six were ranked in the Imperial Academy. Qianlong's personal letter read, "Nine Jinshi in one discipline by virtue and Enrong in three generations and six Imperial Academy scholars." Excellent review!

Wang Zhongzhong chatted for a while, and Li Zicheng pretended to listen carefully.

He consoled him: "Brother Huanyu, the grasshoppers after autumn will only be able to jump around for a few days. Just wait and see, if the Chen family doesn't understand current affairs, it will only happen in the next two years."

"Commander, please don't get me wrong. The Chen family are pretty good people. I..." Wang Zhongcheng hurriedly tried to defend himself.

Li Zicheng interrupted with a smile, "There are two sides to good and bad. Anyone who goes against the revolutionary army will be knocked to the ground."

"..." Wang Zhongxin was speechless.

After eating and drinking, he accompanied the commander to visit the Zhang family.

As soon as he went out, Li Zicheng saw a follower who was quite burly and praised him a few times.

Then I learned that his name was Wu Kaixian.

Li Zicheng smiled slightly, "You were the one who chopped down Mao Wenlong?"

"..." Wu Kaixian was so frightened that he almost wanted to run away.

Wang Zhong was also surprised, he didn't know about this.

Jia Fugui puffed up his belly and said proudly: "The leader of our family can do calculations. He knows five hundred years in advance and five hundred years in future. He knows astronomy and geography, and he understands people and people; he understands yin and yang, knows the eight trigrams, and understands everything.

With a strange door, you know how to escape; when you are strategizing, you can win a victory thousands of miles away. You know how to divide the world into three parts before you even leave the nest."

Li Zicheng was happy and patted the fat man on the shoulder, "Are you capable?"

Jia Fugui took advantage of the situation and bowed down modestly, "I recently invited a master and read a lot of books seriously."

Li Zicheng asked: "Do you know Mao Wenlong?"



Jia Fugui turned to stare at Wu Kaixian and said in surprise: "You chopped down the dragon?! Peeling the skin from cramps? Nezha descended to earth?"

Wu Kai bowed his head and said nothing.

This young man was from Anhui and his family was poor, but he was well-educated and good at riding and shooting. He lived in Douzhuang in his early years and was taken in by Zhang Daojun, who recommended him to join the army. Later, he worked under Yuan Chonghuan and became highly valued.

It was Wu Kai who killed Mao Wenlong first, and he was awarded the title of Dusi afterwards. After Yuan's death, he fled because he was afraid that the Queen would settle the score.

Unexpectedly, he was taken back into the nursing home by the king.

Li Zicheng patted him on the shoulder, "As I said before, Shaanxi refugees will enter Shanxi again next year. Originally, the Huanyu Brotherhood recruited 1,500 volunteers and gave them to you to lead. Then in September, you will die from a random knife.



Wu Kaixian didn't know whether he was called out or frightened by the "magic stick" prophecy, but he was trembling all over.

Li Zicheng continued: "But since I'm here and I've hit it off with Brother Huanyu, as long as you don't seek death, you won't die."

The king thought about it again and bowed his hands: "Thank you, Commander-in-Chief."

Jia Fugui smiled, "How is it? Do you accept it?"

He turned around and said flatteringly: "Commander, Mr. Wang has always had a grudge because of his status as a merchant. He has always wanted to donate his fame. Can you help me see if there is any talent in his family?"

Wang became curious again and listened attentively.

Li Zicheng pretended to pinch his fingers and said, "You have a nephew, what is his name, Wang Weishi? He immediately became a scholar, promoted people in one go, and became an Enke Jinshi in the twelfth year of Chongzhen."

Wang Zhongxin was shocked and bowed again, "The commander-in-chief's golden words are always a blessing to the younger generation."

Li Zicheng clasped his hands behind his back and looked up at the blue sky forty-six degrees, "What do you want me to say? In fact, it doesn't matter whether you take the exam or not. If you follow me, you will be more than just a Jinshi. Of course, you don't believe this. Just wait and see!"

Jia Fugui patted the horse a few more times and said with a flattering smile: "Commander, I have been working in front of and behind the saddle for a long time, but I have never been able to get the fortune. Will you, the boss, be merciful and help me take a look?"

"You? Well...it turns out that within a hundred or two hundred years, there will be only three or five talented people in future generations. How about high-ranking officials? In three hundred years, there will be a member of the House of Representatives and a counselor in the presidential office." 2

"Congress...members...president...what kind of official is this?"

"What are you worried about three hundred years from now? You have noble people in front of you to support you, but you are still afraid that your descendants will not have official positions?"
This chapter has been completed!
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