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Chapter 373 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

 The first ray of dawn swept across the flat sea east of Qidao City, and this huge renaissance city began to wake up.

Thanks to the rain last night, there was not much dust visible on the ground at the Hong Kong Island pier. Reporters from various media had already arrived in advance to seize the spot and pointed their cameras at the brand new giant luxury cruise ship in the distance.


Two airships towing colorful banners hovered over the cruise ship, with colorful fireworks and cannons hanging under the pods.

At 7:30, the mounted police from the Linhai West Station Security Duty Room arrived at the dock first and set up a cordon around the perimeter to maintain order.

Not long after, four special vehicles from the Field Service Department also arrived at the scene. Lin Jie, Meng Dongxia and others, dressed in Security Bureau windbreaker uniforms, got out of the car and met with Jiang Mingqiu and others who had arrived in advance to ensure the safety of the ribbon-cutting ceremony and maiden voyage ceremony of the cruise ship.


"It's really surprising that the Criminal Investigation Department didn't snatch this kind of limelight job." Meng Dongxia said while using a telescope to observe the Eden Park docked in the harbor.

"I heard that Chief Zhong will accompany the city mayor to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony. It is indeed a bit strange that he did not let his confidants come to watch the event this time." Lin Jie agreed.

They all guessed that people from the Criminal Investigation Department might have other arrangements, but this was obviously not suitable for discussion.

As we all know, Fengmang Entertainment Group is mainly responsible for the development of Eden Paradise and Paradise Island, and Zhuo Yifeng was recently exposed by the media to be seriously injured in an accident.

Coupled with the recent rumors that the Security Bureau has learned about this person's suspected illegal crimes, this grand event of the cruise ship's sailing may not be as glamorous as the media promotes.

"In short, we just have to do our jobs well, and we don't need to worry too much about the things above."

After speaking, Lin Jie turned on the intercom and began to confirm the arrangements of each team one by one.

Meng Dongxia put her hands on her hips, turned the target of the telescope to the high platform where the ribbon-cutting ceremony was to be held, and murmured in a low voice: "On such an important occasion, the commander's beloved general is not present, which makes people a little uneasy..."

"Are you talking about Yu Zhesen?" Sun Minghang appeared mysteriously behind her.

"Wow...what are you doing? Why are you here? Your team has no mission?" Meng Dongxia was so frightened by him that he almost dropped his expensive electronic telescope to the ground.

Sun Minghang raised his hand above her shoulder, as if he gave up the idea of ​​patting her shoulder after seeing her reaction.

He glanced back at Team D who was gathering not far away, shrugged and replied: "The commander asked Team D to be responsible for the navigation security of the cruise ship, but he refused to let me board the ship by name, so I am idle now."

"Oh...Wu Xuan and Tian Wenyu have both returned to the team, right? The commander finally kicked this unreliable guy away." Meng Dongxia covered her mouth and teased with a bad smile.

"I don't care. It would be best if I didn't go on a business trip." Sun Minghang said leisurely with his hands on the back of his head, "By the way, Team D's mission for next week has also been cancelled, so I can take a good vacation."

Meng Dongxia curled her lips: "No future."

At nine o'clock in the morning, the pier gradually became lively, and the convoy from the city hall also arrived shortly afterwards.

Jonard and officials from the Qidao City Economic Development and Tourism Management Department were invited to attend the cruise ship's maiden voyage ceremony and cut the ribbon in person.

Zhuo Yifeng, who was originally scheduled to deliver a speech at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, was unable to attend for some reason, so the vice president of Fengmang Entertainment Group performed the speech instead.

Under the attention of reporters and supporting audiences, Chouinard completed the ribbon-cutting of the cruise ship, a gun salute was fired at the scene, and the airships in the sky also sprinkled colorful ribbons.

"Mr. Alderman! I heard that your wife will also board the Eden Paradise to participate in this maiden voyage. Why don't you go with your wife?"

Chouinard smiled slightly on the stage and replied to the reporter who stretched the microphone as far as possible towards him: "I also want to participate in this significant voyage. It's not just me, Director Xia of the Municipal Economic Development Bureau, the Tourism Administration

Director Suzuki also wants to participate. But if we all get on board, who will be in charge of the city's work?"

The crowd soon burst into warm applause.

"It's really watertight. Is this the manager of Qidao City that you like?" Nanami Saki, wearing a blue women's JK uniform, stood in the crowd and looked at Jonard on the stage, and looked at Yu Zhesen and Wu Xiaoming beside him.


Wearing a black mask, Yu Zhesen shrugged: "It has nothing to do with me. I don't have the strength to influence the selection of city officials."

Wu Xiaoming glanced sideways at him: "But you have actually contributed a lot to Chouinard's foothold in Qidao City. Don't think about leaving yourself clean."

"I didn't do those things so that Jonard could gain a foothold in Qidao City."

"Hehe, but judging from the results, that's what it is." Wu Xiaoming winked at him, "Without your security bureau's sacrifice and hard work, the boss's financial support alone would not be able to help Jonard establish his reputation. But you guys

Not enough has been done, there are still many holes to be filled."

Nanami Saki interjected lightly: "Sorry to interrupt, am I considered one of the 'holes'?"

"Of course, so after this time you'd better return to Kamiya City as soon as possible." Yu Zhesen said.

"In such a hurry to burn bridges, please be careful." Nanami Saki threatened coldly, "Be careful, I will report you to the administration for your dealings with terrorists."

Wu Xiaoming shouted "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and corrected her in a arrogant tone: "Miss Qihai, you misunderstood, I am not a terrorist. Maybe our company will open up a market in Kamiya City in the future, so we might as well take this cooperation opportunity to

A good relationship, right?"

Nanami Saki snorted softly and asked curiously: "Then where is the real owner who entrusted me with help this time?"

"In order to avoid being too conspicuous when gathering together, Mr. Jin acted alone and would contact us after getting on the ship." Yu Zhesen explained.

"Can't he wear a mask like you?"

"My boss is very handsome. Even if he wears a mask, he still looks very stylish. In addition, he is also considered a celebrity in the city's upper class circles, so he must be extra careful." Wu Xiaoming's words were full of showoff.

She asked with some evil intentions to Saki Nanami, who had a suspicious expression on her face: "Didn't Miss Nanami have such concerns when she was in Kamiya City? Oh, after all, you are also the daughter of a leader, so you shouldn't be."<


Nanami Saki calmly replied: "That's because the elder men in our family are still alive, so it's not my turn to show up. In addition, it's been almost ten years since my grandfather retired from the position of head of the family, and the relationship within the family is harmonious.

There is no antagonism between father and son or brotherly feud."

"Wow, with such a good family environment, it's really hard for you to run out alone... Ouch!"

Before Wu Xiaoming finished speaking, he suddenly felt his arm being pinched.

She glared at Yu Zhesen aggrievedly and angrily: "What are you doing?"

"I don't understand. Are you always so aggressive in front of new friends?" Yu Zhesen blinked in confusion.

Wu Xiaoming was stunned for a moment, holding his cheek with one hand and shyly glanced away: "You are so in charge of me, are you starting to like me? Is it because we strengthened our relationship last night? Really?"

"Eh?" Nanami Saki and Mayu Sakura made surprised sounds at the same time.

Wu Xiaoming looked around keenly: "Strange, was there another woman's voice just now?"

"Where is it? You heard it wrong." Nanami Saki stamped her feet at her shadow, signaling Mayu Sakura not to reveal her existence.

Yu Zhesen reached out and took out another mask from Wu Xiaoming's jacket pocket: "Put it on. Jin Guozheng has seen you before. Don't bump into your face when we get on the boat."

"Huh? It feels so boring to put it on so early."

"If you're bored, stop talking." Yu Zhesen hung the rubber band on one side of the mask on her ear.

Wu Xiaoming put on the mask and said in a low voice: "I'm nervous, can't you see? Talking can make me relax a little."

"Shh, someone is coming." Yu Zhesen signaled her to be quiet.

From behind the crowd came the sound of a loudspeaker clearing the way: "Make way, please give way!"

Several men in black with badges as employees of the Fengmang Entertainment Group were clearing the way, followed by a wheelchair, with Zhuo Zhongshi sitting on the wheelchair.

A skilled man in black ran to the stage first and exchanged a few words with the host on stage.

The host quickly nodded in understanding, raised the microphone and announced loudly: "Dear guests, let us give warm applause to welcome Zhuo, the chairman of EX Dexun Technology Group and the president of the head office of Fengmang Entertainment Group..."
The roar of engines in the sky overshadowed the host's microphone, causing the crowd below to look up.

Zhuo Zhongshi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, also raised his head in shock, his lips trembling.

A jet plane with a novel and graceful appearance flew over the pier with colorful tail smoke. A black figure popped out of the cockpit and opened a very eye-catching gold and red parachute at high altitude.

The security bureau commissioners in charge of on-site security became nervous for a while, and the sniper teams from the east and west commanding heights all aimed at the parachutes in the air.

"Team Lin, report from sniper point 1, the parachute personnel are fully armed with exoskeletons."

"Requesting instructions from sniper point 2, do you want to fire?"

Lin Jie took the electronic telescope from Meng Dongxia and adjusted the magnification to the highest level to observe the airborne figure.

It was an unknown model of exoskeleton armor. Although there were no weapons mounted on the surface at first glance, some details of its appearance design showed that it was an armor focused on close combat.

"Sniper positions No. 1 and No. 2 are replaced with anti-armor high-energy armor-piercing rounds and are on standby. Team D is approaching the ceremony platform and giving priority to protecting the city mayor." Lin Jie ordered.

The parachute was actively cut off when it was still dozens of meters away from the ground. The exoskeleton armor relied on the jet device hidden on its back to slow down the impact of landing, and landed almost steadily on the ceremony stage.

He took the microphone away from the dumbfounded host, cleared his throat and raised his hands to the crowd: "Ladies and gentlemen, I've been waiting for a long time! I am Zhuo Yifeng from Fengmang Entertainment Group, and I welcome you to come and participate in the event.

The maiden voyage ceremony of the Paradise Island! I believe that this voyage and the scenery of Paradise Island will leave you with wonderful and unforgettable memories!"

After a brief moment of surprise, the crowd at the scene burst into cheers that resounded through the sky.

Jonard and a group of guests also applauded on stage to build momentum. Most of them thought this was an arranged appearance.

"Young people are really brave. I can't show up like him hahaha..."

"This event will definitely revive the economy of our Qidao City from the shadow of previous cult terrorist attacks."

There was a faint smile on Jonard's face, and he listened calmly to the compliments of his colleagues around him about Zhuo Yifeng or their good expectations for Qidao City, without any agreement or expression.

He tapped the earphones he wore with his index finger and whispered in an unquestionable tone: "Let them stay calm."

At the same time, there is the tactical command center on the underground floor of the Security Bureau.

Claire, who was originally lying on a chair with her legs hanging high on the table, stood up in surprise when she saw Zhuo Yifeng appearing on the live broadcast screen.

She was about to issue an arrest order to Lin Jie who was at the scene, but was disrupted by Jin Shounan who suddenly visited.

"Zhuo Yifeng is not moving for the time being." Jin Shounan gave the instruction as the top person in charge of the Qidao City Security Bureau, "The mission of the on-site commissioner is to ensure that the ceremony is perfect and ends successfully. This is the decision from above."

Claire took a deep breath and sat back slumped in the chair.

"In order to ensure the smooth promotion of the navigation and tourism projects?" She held the flip lighter in her hand and opened and closed it repeatedly. "Aren't the bosses worried that the entire project may explode in the future?"

"It is our job to eliminate hidden dangers, and it is also the meaning of the existence of the Security Bureau." Jin Shounan said solemnly, "Two generations of Qidao City Administration Bureau have invested countless costs and efforts in this project, and now it is finally time to pick the fruits.

There must be no mistakes in one day."

"Then I apply for additional support. There is intelligence that Zhuo Yifeng may be involved in the illegal armed forces and gangs in St. Newman City." Claire closed the flip cover of the lighter and made a crisp sound.

"Zhong Yugu has sent people to conduct a secret investigation. If the evidence is conclusive, the National Defense Force will fully assist you." Jin Shounan assured.

Claire turned her chair and turned sideways to face Jin Shounan: "Director, you should know that there are many dignitaries on board the ship this time. If Zhuo Yifeng, who is suspected of a major crime, is allowed to control the entire voyage and activities, what happens if something goes wrong?

We cannot take responsibility for mistakes."

"Didn't we already send people on board to take charge of security?"

"With all due respect, how effective do you expect a team of ten people to be on a cruise ship carrying thousands of people? Their presence on the ship is just a symbol of the Security Bureau." Claire chuckled.

Just like police boxes on the street, the number of police officers on duty is actually not enough to cover the entire area under their jurisdiction. Maintaining their existence is more about deterring the evil thoughts of potential criminals.

But when faced with truly crazy and premeditated thugs, it’s hard to expect these posts to do much good.

"I understand your worries. It's good to stay vigilant, but you don't have to be overly nervous." Jin Shounan said, "I will be in charge of the bureau for a while, and I will bear the pressure no matter what."

This chapter has been completed!
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