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Chapter 710: Be positive when you go home

At the northern airport of Qidao City, Yu Zhesen, who had changed into autumn clothes, wore a black and white baseball cap, and his slightly long hair, which had not been trimmed for a long time, was tied into a small and delicate ponytail behind his head.

An He's outfit is similar to Yu Zhesen's, and even their autumn clothes are similar in style to red jackets - she personally selected and purchased them before departure. Although she insists that they are brother and sister styles, this is not obvious in anyone's eyes.

It’s clearly a couple’s style of dressing.

Yu Zhesen was slightly surprised when he received the new autumn clothes she bought, because he knew that An He did not hold the identity of an Iron Dome citizen and did not have a legal electronic account. Before, when she was addicted to playing the role of a bionic machine maid, she had always been

While using Yu Zhesen's account to make purchases, Yu Zhesen discovered that there was no consumption record in his account.

So he would inevitably wonder where An He got the money to buy clothes.

"It's the dividend rebate from Xingtian Heavy Industry." An He told him proudly, "The new product we participated in the design has begun to make money on the market. When the 'Ludia' storm was raging, the city hall had already placed orders in advance.

A batch of new bionic robots participated in disaster relief services, and the response was quite good, which also served as a disguised image promotion for the product."

"Did Qingxue help?" Yu Zhesen guessed that if Yu Qingxue hadn't played a driving role, the city hall might not have been so quick to take a liking to Xingtian Heavy Industries' new products.

"She just made suggestions, the decision was made by the city councilor."

As a result, Xingtian Heavy Industry received a large number of orders after the disaster. According to the previously agreed sharing agreement, 5% of the profit will be paid directly to Yu Zhesen and An He.

When he went to Xingtian Heavy Industry to repair the damaged prosthetic arm two days ago, An He received the dividend by the way, in the form of a new electronic account opened with the help of Luo Meiwu.

"Isn't this money shared by us? Why did you keep it all without saying a word?" Yu Zhesen joked.

An He replied in a matter-of-fact tone:

"Am I not your housekeeper and maid? Is it reasonable to control your family funds?"

"There are no acquaintances here, so stop pretending." Yu Zhesen couldn't help laughing.

An He pressed the brim of his baseball cap mysteriously: "I don't understand what you are talking about. Remember, we are going to Xingzhou City to attend the memorial ceremony of your sister An He this time."

"What will be done at the memorial service?"

An He thought for a while and said:

"As usual, a uniform should be buried in the Martyrs Cemetery. In addition, I was posthumously awarded the Defender Medal and the title of Hero of the Iron Dome, and the relevant certificates of honor will also be buried together."

"Defender Medal?" Yu Zhesen took out a golden badge with the Security Bureau logo from his pocket with a playful expression, "Is this what you mean?"

An He, dumbfounded, nudged him with his elbow:

"What are you doing? Are you showing it off on purpose? Now that we know you are the one who got the medal alive, so what? Didn't you tell me you didn't care about this the day the city magistrate awarded you the medal? You're duplicity."

Yu Zhesen avoided her and smiled: "I don't mean to show off. You deserve half of the credit for this medal, right?"

An He didn't want to follow his lead: "Young master, you should have gotten this medal long ago when you defeated Fu Zhaohai. They owed it to you. I didn't help you much that time."

"The fact that you are here is the greatest encouragement to me. I still remember you peeling apples for me to eat when I was in the hospital." Yu Zhesen tried to hold An He's arm. Seeing that she didn't refuse, he leaned over with relief: "It's a pity.

This time I was not injured and hospitalized, and I can’t eat the fruits my sister peeled by herself.”

An He was a bit shy at first, but when he heard "Sister" suddenly coming from behind him, he was so angry that he wanted to beat him up on the spot: "Don't talk nonsense... Don't look at the fact that everyone is protecting you in Qidao City. When you get to Xingzhou City

But this is the territory of the arbitrators, so you have to develop the habit of being cautious in your words and deeds."

"I wonder if I can meet Mr. Messer. If the opportunity is right, I would like to invite him and Lao An to have a meal together. It is rare to get such a long vacation. I have to meet everyone I want to see when I return to Xingzhou City.

It's a worthwhile trip." Yu Zhesen has already begun to think about what will happen after arriving in Xingzhou City.

An He sneered and pointedly revealed his little thought: "If you want to see Wu Xiaoming, just say so. You don't need to make so many bedding and layer your armor so thickly, and I won't stop you."

Yu Zhesen scratched his head and sneered: "This is the first time I have noticed that you are so troublesome after inheriting Shi Xin's ability. You can see through what I am thinking at any time if you want?"

"I can see through what you are thinking even without inheriting the ability of Shixin." An He said arrogantly and forcefully, "As long as you let me stare into your eyes, you will have no secrets."

"It's so scary, so scary. Why do I feel that getting along with you is more stressful than getting along with Qingxue?" Yu Zhesen said jokingly.

An He was stunned for a moment, and responded without thinking: "Qingxue has been busy with work recently, otherwise I would also like to invite her to go with you. You have been a little distracted recently, and I think she can take good care of you."

"Isn't it awkward for three people to walk together?" Yu Zhesen rubbed his cheek with his index finger, "Are you trying to pretend to be a bionic again?"

"I am originally a bionic person." An He said seriously, "You and Qingxue are living people."

"I don't think there is any difference. You are the same as before."

"Hold it, we should get ready to board the plane." An He killed Yu Zhesen's affection at its nascent stage, took his hand and headed to the security check.

When he passed through the security check and headed to the terminal, Yu Zhesen's heart beat a little fast.

An He turned his face to look at him with questioning eyes, and smiled knowingly after a few seconds.

"Having been away from home for so long, you suddenly feel nervous when you think of returning to the city where you grew up?"

That's right.

Yu Zhesen did not deny An He's teasing. He turned back and looked at the sea of ​​people in the airport hall, his eyes a little dazed.

I have been away from Starzhou City for so long, and today is the first time I have truly returned to Starzhou City. Although I have returned to Starzhou City in various supernatural visions and dreams in the past, those experiences are incomparable to my mood at this time.

"Xingzhou City must have changed a lot. You said that the old city has disappeared and the development areas have moved outward. The city must have expanded a lot." After he asked, he felt a little uneasy, and he was looking forward to hearing what An He said.

Xingzhou City is developing rapidly, but I don’t want to make myself feel unfamiliar there.

An He said in a comforting tone: "The area around our home has not changed much. It is still the edge of the city and the suburbs. The agricultural park outside has also been retained. Standing on the balcony, you can see the steel jungle on one side and the green fields of greenhouses on the other. The scenery


"Haven't there been many changes at home?"

"It should be no different from when you left." An He suppressed a smile, "Occasionally I will clean your room and clear away the dust. Except for the traces left by the years, everything will be the same as before."

Yu Zhesen didn't know what to say, and secretly felt a little touched. It turned out that An He also cleaned and maintained his room when he left.

"I have been looking forward to one day being able to say to you personally at home - welcome back, Komori."

Just as Yu Zhesen was about to hug her, the announcement came over the radio that their flight was about to board.

An He grabbed his hand and said, "Let's go home. If you don't work hard at home, there's something wrong with your brain!"

This chapter has been completed!
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