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Chapter 823: When in town, do as the Romans do

It was nearly an hour's drive from the airport to the Security Bureau training base in Warsabak. The driver and Yu Zhesen didn't chat much during the second half of the journey, so Jane still took the opportunity to take a nap.

When he was about to arrive at the base, Yu Zhesen contacted the relevant person in charge. Soon after, they saw the extremely surprised training base affairs officer in the security room at the gate.

The other party was very surprised as to why Yu Zhesen didn't inform him before coming. He was also surprised that he had clearly said he was coming alone before, but now he was two people.

"This is Commissioner Jian Yiran from the Qidao City Security Bureau. She is here for training." Yu Zhesen handed a document to the other party, "Please handle the relevant procedures for her."

Jian Yiran's training opportunity was obtained by asking Claire to help him. He went through the normal approval channels, and An Zhitian signed it without knowing the inside story.

Claire told Yu Zhesen at the time that the reason why she did such a violation of principles was entirely out of trust in him, and hoped that he could lead the "misguided" Jane back on track.

Yu Zhesen agreed to her, but he didn't have much hope in his heart. He knew that it was difficult to completely change a person's position, unless he used brainwashing or mind control, but this would completely violate his original intention.

Jane still never thinks that she has gone astray. She can only accept that both sides are imperfect and have problems. It is impossible for her to completely abandon the past and embrace the Iron Dome Order.

Therefore, Yu Zhesen can only use a relatively subtle method to cultivate her compassion and sense of responsibility for the world as much as possible, hoping to find a path of intersection in the future.

"Commissioner Jian, please go to the training office to go through the formalities first. The new instructor, please come here with me." The affairs officer at the training base quickly made arrangements for the two of them.

Yu Zhesen was transferred here as a specially hired instructor, while Jian Yiran entered the base as a trainee. Naturally, the treatment they received was completely different.

The instructors have special residences and living areas, which are far away from the students on weekdays. This is the same as the Security Bureau training camp in Xingzhou City. Yu Zhesen remembers that there was a rule that students could not enter the instructors' living area casually.

There are gates and guards at the entrance to the living area, but he still has more opportunities to go to Claire and enjoy some special treatment.

"This is the ID card you used at the training base. Please keep it." The clerk handed a newly made electronic card to Yu Zhesen and added: "This is a high-authority ID card. It can be opened except in the archives."

, all access control except the financial and weapon warehouses, please be sure to keep them properly, and if lost, please report it as soon as possible."

"I understand, thank you." Yu Zhesen carefully put the ID card away.

"By the way, because you came from Xingzhou City and worked in Qidao City before, there is something I must explain to you."

"What's up?"

"The security bureau system here has been localized. You may have been used to using the 'Yiguang' system common to Starzhou City and Qidao City before, but we use 'Isis' here."

"What's the difference between the two?" Yu Zhesen asked curiously.

"There is not much difference in the basic functions, except that calling 'Yi Guang' here may not result in a timely response." The other party reminded kindly, "You can use the ID card just handed over to you to directly connect to Isis.

system, she will answer all questions on behalf of Yiguang, and the schedule of the training base can also be understood through her."

"Okay, I know."

In line with the idea of ​​​​doing as the Romans do, Yu Zhesen did not continue to ask.

In his opinion, it is not surprising that the Volshabak Security Bureau uses an independent system. Each renaissance city under the Iron Dome order is a highly independent existence. Although they uniformly accept the leadership of the Supreme Council, each region actually has strong autonomy.


This independence is particularly obvious among renaissance cities with different cultural backgrounds. Xingzhou City and Qidao City have a lot in common with each other because they both have Chinese cultural backgrounds.

The Istar sect that actually mastered Volshabak must have a strong protective mentality towards the local cultural characteristics. It is said that even the electronic brain language conversion module has only been approved and opened to the public in recent years. Prior to this, Volshabak

Almost exclusively local languages ​​are used.

After the Abraham family came to power, some of the city's exclusivity has been reduced, and the city's economic development has begun to make great strides. The unique local desert style has also attracted many tourists from other places to visit. Generally speaking, this city

It's still moving towards the positive side, at least on the surface.

The explosive development of science and technology has achieved immediate results regardless of the cost of capital investment, Yu Zhesen thought as he looked at the ID card in his hand. This small, paper-thin electronic card has countless nanometer circuits integrated into it.

At the same time, it is also a network terminal itself. At this time, the front of the card is showing Yu Zhesen a map of the training base. The content of the map is constantly changing and updating as he moves.

Guided by the electronic map of his ID card, Yu Zhesen easily arrived at his dormitory in the instructor's living area. It turned out to be a beautifully decorated three-bedroom villa with brand new interiors, furniture and other items.

Such luxurious treatment made Yu Zhesen a little unbelievable. He couldn't help but wonder if he was receiving special care, but after observing the surroundings, he rejected this idea.

All the instructors' dormitories in this area are villas of this level. The overall feeling is like a customized resort, with standard inhumanity.

Two villas overlap each other. Yu Zhesen walked around and saw his neighbor at the other end. On the wooden sign at the door was the name "Shirley" written in cursive English.

"Shirley." Yu Zhesen read out.

At this time, the instructors should all have their own training tasks, so the entire living area was empty. After Yu Zhesen remembered the neighbor's name, he planned to leave. The affairs officer had previously told him to go to the dormitory and settle down before looking for this training base.

general manager.

The general person in charge is the bishop here. Based on his past training experience in Xingzhou City, Yu Zhesen guessed that most of the bishops do not participate in the usual specific training tasks and are mainly responsible for the administrative management of the base. But this does not mean that the bishop's own level is not good and he can

The people who manage a training base are often those who have made outstanding achievements in the Security Bureau.

Before coming here, he tried to research the information of the general manager of this base on the Internet. Unexpectedly, the confidentiality here was extremely good, and no information related to the personnel working here could be found on the Internet.

From the living area to the administrative office area where the bishop is located, you need to pass through a training ground. Yu Zhesen has not yet changed into the instructor uniform of the training base, which makes him look particularly eye-catching when walking on the road.

When passing by the training ground, a group of ten students were running in groups of ten carrying logs under the scorching sun for coordination and physical exercise. The instructor leading the group held a silver whistle in his mouth and was a woman with a sharp wolf tail hairstyle.

She noticed from a distance Yu Zhesen, who was acting alone in his regular uniform. She whistled a short "chirp" sound, pointed at him and asked loudly: "That guy in the red jacket with pigtails! Which squadron are you from?"

This chapter has been completed!
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