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Chapter 7: Glittering Candied Haws

Shen Pingping is not as good looking as the original owner, not even as fat as Shen Xiujuan, and does not have such a generous dowry as Shen Xiujuan, so it is impossible for the Cui family to fall in love with her.

However, Cui Zixuan understood very well that now was not the time to fall out with Shen Pingping. After all, there was a generation gap between Shen Xiujuan and Shen Yunxi. If this matter was revealed, he would lose face.

Today's business was really booming. Just after noon, all the candied haws on a stick were sold out, and Shen Yunxi was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back.

After calculating today's income, I received a total of one tael of silver and twenty copper coins. After excluding the cost of six hundred cents for ten pounds of sugar, I earned four hundred and twenty cents.

The speed of making money is still too slow! We still need to study more apps and develop more ways to make money.

Mu Chenglin gave a fraction of twenty to Shen Yunxi, and Shen Yunxi accepted it happily!

Mu Chenglin bought four meat buns, half a catty of meat, three catties of sugar, and then went back with Shen Yunxi.

Because they came back a little late, everyone ate meat buns to cushion their stomachs first, and Mu Chenglin cooked the meat with wild vegetables and mushrooms.

After dinner, when Shen Yunxi was about to go back to his room to rest, he saw an open space in the yard filled with calligraphy. Mu Chengjin should be practicing calligraphy with tree branches.

The handwriting is good. Shen Yunxi doesn't know calligraphy, but she can still tell whether the handwriting is good-looking or not.

It is impossible to write such words just by writing with branches. This must have been something Mu Chengjin had practiced before.

What did the Mu family do in the first place?

Don't think about this, Shen Yunxi picked up the basket and went to pick wild vegetables and mushrooms again!

Yesterday's wild vegetables and mushrooms are already half-dried. I will pick some today. By the time autumn comes, it will be difficult to see such fresh wild vegetables.

While picking wild vegetables, Shen Yunxi was mentally planning for the future.

The most stable way is to open a restaurant that is fresh and not easily copied by others. It is easy to package and can be eaten at home.

But before doing this, she needs financial support. Without capital, she can't do anything. She can make a few simple meals first.

You can make it yourself and sell it, or you can sell it directly.

In order to promote economic development in the Xia Kingdom in recent years, the emperor trained some imperial merchants and formed many caravans, so sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, etc. were introduced in these years.

However, because these are not easy to preserve, especially potatoes, which sprout easily, there are not many of them growing in farmland.

But Shen Yunxi is not afraid. Sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn can be made into various delicious foods, including potato chips, various vermicelli, and popcorn corn.

Fans can make a variety of delicacies, and even if she doesn't check the app, she can name a bunch of them.

Another crop is soybeans.

When it is young, you can eat it tenderly, but when it gets old, people here have not thoroughly studied how to eat it except fried soybeans.

Eating too much livestock can easily cause various discomforts.

There are so many ways to eat soybeans, the most common ones are dried tofu, bean sprouts, bean paste, and tempeh soy sauce. Dried soybeans are also an ingredient in themselves after soaking.

Shen Yunxi was digging wild vegetables and thinking. She thought she would start with bean sprouts.

Because bean sprouts are the simplest, the raw materials only require soybeans. You can buy soybeans directly from the farmer, which is not expensive, and you don’t feel bad even if you fail.

Soon the basket of wild vegetables was full. Shen Yunxi carried the wild vegetables back. Mu Mu and Mu Chengjin were already in the yard. Seeing that Shen Yunxi had brought back another basket of wild vegetables, the two of them immediately stepped forward to help.

"Yunxi, the wound on your head hasn't healed yet, so you don't need to work so hard." Mother Mu felt a little distressed when she saw that Shen Yunxi hadn't rested since morning.

"It's okay, I just have time. I plan to dig more, so that my life will be easier in winter."

Seeing Shen Yunxi's insistence, Mother Mu had to give up, "By the way, after selling the candied haws tomorrow, let Ah Lin buy some cloth. The clothes you are getting married with are just a few old clothes from summer. Autumn will come soon. These clothes are not warm."

"But, I don't know how to sew clothes!" Shen Yunxi never thought about this. She was so focused on making money every day that she forgot about the original owner's shabby dowry.

"It's okay. Mom knows how to do it for you!" Mother Mu said to Shen Yunxi kindly.

Mu Chengjin on the side also interjected, "Sister-in-law, my mother's skills in making clothes are very good. You can just leave them to me without any worries!"

"Thank you, mother!" Shen Yunxi also smiled happily.

When Mu Chenglin returned home with a basket of hawthorns on his back, he saw the whole yard full of people talking and laughing. He hadn't seen his mother and brother so happy for a long time.

Seeing that it was still early, Shen Yunxi planned to go to the mountain again, this time Mu Chenglin would go with him.

Mu Chenglin walked in front and was silent all the way. Shen Yunxi just felt that this man was too boring, so she simply raised the topic.

"Brother Mu, the candied haws business doesn't take much time. I've come up with another idea, but the raw material needs to be soybeans."

As soon as Shen Yunxi finished speaking, Mu Chenglin's pace slowed down a lot, "Soybean?"

Mu Chenglin was no stranger to soybeans. They had just been introduced by caravans a few years ago. They were really delicious when they were still green, but they were of little use as they got older.

In addition, the yield is not high, so every household only grows a little.

In view of Shen Yunxi's performance in the past two days, Mu Chenglin no longer had any doubts. He asked directly, "How many soybeans do you need?"

"Half a catty is fine, one catty is not too much!"

"Okay, I'll go to the village chief's house later and ask him to buy some."

"Brother Mu, aren't you curious at all?" Shen Yunxi was a little surprised to see Mu Chenglin agree so readily.

"I'm very curious, so I really hope you can make other foods with soybeans." Mu Chenglin said very sincerely, but in Shen Yunxi's opinion, it was somewhat perfunctory.

The two people found another wild vegetable field near the trap. Shen Yunxi discovered several different kinds of fungi. She had studied the app before coming here. These fungi were also non-toxic and edible. They all came to Shen Yunxi. In Yunxi's backpack.

After picking wild vegetables, Mu Chenglin looked at the trap again. There was an injured rabbit and two pheasants inside, but the harvest was not much.

"Tomorrow I'm going to check out the traps in the mountains. I haven't been there in the past few days. I guess there should be a lot of harvest there." Seeing that Shen Yunxi was a little disappointed, Mu Chenglin explained.

This is considered an outer mountain and is relatively safe, so there are correspondingly fewer prey.

"Would that be dangerous?" Shen Yunxi asked.

"For hunters, danger coexists with harvest." Mu Chenglin tied the two chickens, hung them around his waist, threw the injured rabbit into the basket, carried the basket on his back, and picked up Shen Yunxi With a basket on his back, he took Shen Yunxi down the mountain with him.

Shen Yunxi picked some of the wild mountain peppers, red peppers and vine peppers he saw along the way.

"What are you doing with these? These things are very irritating and not suitable for making food." Mu Chenglin saw Shen Yunxi's movements and asked with some confusion.

Could it be said that these things can also become delicious food?

"They are not used for food, but they can be used for seasoning!" Shen Yunxi replied, "Just like sugar and salt."

Seeing that Mu Chenglin was still a little confused, Shen Yunxi continued, "When making rabbit tonight, just put some in. It will definitely taste very good!"

"In addition to the ones I just picked, there are also wild ginger and wild onions that can also remove the fishy smell and enhance the flavor, but I didn't see them today."

Mu Chenglin nodded doubtfully. He felt that Shen Yunxi was like a treasure house now. He always had some ideas that were different from ordinary people, but they could make people's eyes shine.

Maybe Mu Chenglin spent one hundred and twenty taels of silver and really found a treasure!

It's just that she seems to care about that scholar very much!

A scholar? Mu Chenglin smiled contemptuously in his heart!

After Mu Chenglin returned home, he turned around and went to the village chief's house. Shen Yunxi and Mu Chengjin, his mother, picked wild vegetables, dried vegetables and dried mushrooms together. Soon the whole yard was hung with wild vegetables and covered with mushrooms.

When it was getting dark, Mu Chenglin rushed back. He went to several houses and exchanged ten cents per pound for two pounds of soybeans.

"When soybeans were first introduced, everyone planted a lot of them, but as they got older, they became hard and the livestock got into trouble if they ate too much. So in the past few years, everyone only planted a little bit to eat the tender edamame."

"These soybeans are seeds saved by everyone. Each family mixed some and gave them to me."

Mu Chenglin handed the soybeans to Shen Yunxi and explained it. After hearing this, Shen Yunxi felt that this was not possible. Without soybeans, what would she use to make soy products?

Mu Chenglin went to kill the rabbit, and Shen Yunxi took out two taels of soybeans and soaked them in warm water.

Mother Mu knew that Shen Yunxi had thought of another idea, and she was extremely happy.

Because Mu Chenglin went to several houses to buy soybeans, rumors began to spread in the village that the Mu family was almost out of food and could only eat soybeans, which were cheap, hard and difficult to digest.

What a pity!

After soaking the soybeans, Shen Yunxi secretly opened the "Fall in Love with the Kitchen" app and searched for how to stir-fry rabbit meat.

Nowadays, the seasonings are limited, so Shen Yunxi has no choice but to simply use the existing ingredients.

Cut the rabbit meat into small pieces and marinate it with salt and a little wine.

There wasn't much wine, it was left over from the banquet a few days ago. Mu Chenglin didn't have the habit of drinking, so he just kept this little wine.

Shen Yunxi washed the wild peppers, red peppers, and vine peppers, and prepared some wild vegetables and mushrooms.

After the rabbit meat was marinated, she added a little flour and mixed it well.

Then Mu Chenglin lit the fire, Mu Chengjin watched the fire, and Shen Yunxi directed Mu Chenglin to hold the spoon.

After the pot was hot, a little lard was put in. Only then did Shen Yunxi realize that in this era, there was no vegetable oil.

Soybeans, corn, etc. are all sources of vegetable oil. At this moment, she only felt that she had a heavy responsibility in the future.

After the lard melts, add the rabbit meat and stir-fry over high heat until it changes color and then serve.

Leave oil in the pot, then add wild pepper, red pepper and vine pepper. Since it was a high fire, a spicy smell soon filled the room, choking the three of them to tears.

Shen Yunxi quickly asked Mu Chenglin to add the rabbit meat, and then added a small amount of water, salt and sugar.

The spicy taste mixed with the aroma of rabbit meat will seduce the greedy people in the body.

Mu Chengjin stared at a large plate of stir-fried rabbit meat and swallowed his saliva.

Shen Yunxi smiled and said to him, "Go and wash your hands quickly, and then call your mother over. Let's start dinner!"

Shen Yunxi and Mu Chenglin served the rice together and set out the bowls and chopsticks.

"Oh, I can smell the fragrance from afar. What delicious food did you cook today?" Mu Mu walked in happily. She was in a good mood these days.

Although the Shen family cheated her out of money and got married, Shen Yunxi did not disappoint anyone at all, except that she couldn't do housework.

"This is called spicy stir-fried rabbit meat. Mom, please try it." Shen Yunxi gave Mu Mu a piece of rabbit meat, and Mu Mu was not polite and took a bite.

"Wow! It's so spicy! But it's so fragrant!" Mu Mu said after taking a bite.

In the past, the rabbit meat cooked by her son always smelled bad, and she couldn't get used to it.

But today's rabbit meat is obviously more fragrant, and the smell of mutton is not so obvious.

"Because there are a lot of seasonings added today. In addition to these, garlic, coriander, and some medicinal herbs can also be used as seasonings."

Shen Yunxi took a bite and found that it didn't meet his expectations, but it was pretty good.

"Is this what your mother taught you?" Mother Mu asked.

Shen Yunxi: Uh, that’s too arrogant, there’s a lot to say!

"That's right! Mom mentioned it to me, but today is also my first time trying it!" Shen Yunxi mumbled.

Shen Yunxi didn't see it, but Mu Mu and Mu Chenglin looked at each other.

After a very filling meal, Mu Chengjin burped loudly, making everyone burst into laughter.

Early the next morning, Mu Chenglin and Shen Yunxi went to town with one hundred and twenty bunches of golden candied haws.

When they came to the town, they had already seen several stalls selling candied haws, and the price was cheap, only two cents a bunch.

All this was expected, but when Shen Yunxi and others took out the golden candied haws, everyone was dumbfounded.

This is so beautiful! The golden sugar strands completely wrap the hawthorn inside, like works of art, making people reluctant to eat.

"Golden candied haws, the sweet and crisp gold thread wraps the red hawthorn, which means that gold and silver are coming to your home in prosperous days!"

"Buy a bunch for your family and a bunch for your children, for good luck!"

After Shen Yunxi praised it, many people came over and bought the golden candied haws. They were reluctant to eat it and held it in their hands to watch it carefully.

However, many people also visit other candied haws stalls, mainly looking for bargains.

The golden candied haws are just beautiful in appearance and taste the same. If there are many children in the family, the advantage of the price difference will be reflected if you buy more.

Shen Yunxi didn't care at all.

No matter what kind of commodity it is, it always comes in various forms. Just like grain, there is rice and wheat, coarse grains and fine grains. Rich people eat rice and white flour, while poor families eat coarse grains.

Everyone's consumption level is different. Rich people can buy better snacks, but those who live at the bottom and are reluctant to spend an extra penny can buy cheap candied haws.

A vendor who sells a string for two cents has to sell forty strings a day to earn twenty cents, which is just a living wage!

This is the diversification of goods!

The sales of golden candied haws are not slow, and its beautiful appearance attracts many people.

Just as Shen Yunxi was spitting and introducing the golden candied haws, a young man in gorgeous clothes looked at her quietly from the side.

Shen Yunxi took a look at it. His features were delicate but not as handsome as Mu Chenglin's. However, his outfit showed that he was a rich man.

"Sir, do you want to buy golden candied haws?"

The young master smiled and said, "My surname is Xia. I would like to ask the girl to discuss business!"
This chapter has been completed!
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