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Chapter 16 Making Tofu

"That's right, Shen Yunxi, you are such a white-eyed wolf. The Shen family has raised you for so many years. You just don't want to pull the strings. You are still here to slander your fourth uncle's reputation. Why did our Shen family have a daughter like you! "

Old Mrs. Shen hates being talked about by others about her precious son. "You don't want to bring me down! I don't believe that without your help, my Wen Junshu will no longer be able to read!"

After saying that, Old Mrs. Shen pulled Shen Wenjun and was about to go out. She had been running into obstacles here in the past few days, and she felt a little scared about this yard!

Shen Wenjun still wanted to try harder, but he couldn't pull the old lady and was pulled away directly.

Shen Yunxi looked back at Mu Chenglin. Mu Chenglin didn't speak from the beginning to the end, his face was expressionless. He glanced at Shen Yunxi and turned back to work.

Shen Yunxi didn't know where she offended this young man again, so she shook her head helplessly.

"Mom, please stop pulling me. You don't know Xia Yifan's identity. I heard that he has several hotels in the county!" Shen Wenjun still refused to give up.

Old Mrs. Shen stopped and persuaded, "Son! Don't even think about Boss Xia. You don't know that Shen Yunxi regards us as enemies now!"

"I didn't inflict the injury on her head, and I didn't stuff her into the sedan chair. Besides, Su passed away early, and we didn't despise her as a daughter. We raised her little by little, so how can she be where she is today?"

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have listened to Mrs. Liu in the first place. If Shen Yunxi hadn't gotten married, she would have been able to sell it for at least five hundred taels now!"

"Five hundred taels, enough for you to spend many years in the town!"

The old lady complained to Shen Wenjun before coming here. If Shen Yunxi had not come to Mu's house, he would have sold it for at least five hundred taels. At that time, he was not too worried because he wanted Xia Yifan's support.

It's not just Xia Yifan's money, but more importantly his reputation. With Xia Yifan's reputation, he, Shen Wenjun, will definitely be praised by many people in the town!

But now Shen Yunxi actually rejected him, and he had to take these words to heart.

The next day, Shen Yunxi got up before dawn, and Mu Chenglin also got up early, because today Shen Yunxi was going to make tofu, a soy product that is more delicious than bean sprouts.

The stone mill was prepared the day before. Shen Yunxi poured the soaked soybeans and some water into the grinding eye of the stone mill. Mu Chenglin began to grind the soybeans, and slowly the milky white bean juice dripped from the stone grinding mouth. When it leaked out, Mu Chenglin saw it and couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

How did Shen Yunxi come up with this method? Who is the Su family?

Shen Yunxi soaked a lot of soybeans in total. Mu Chenglin grinded them while Shen Yunxi added soybeans. The two of them worked hard for a long time before grinding the soybeans into bean juice.

Is this process difficult or easy? Do not add too much or too little water, otherwise the soybean juice will not flow out evenly.

Shen Yunxi also mastered the quantity after trying little by little.

Grind the soybean juice and filter it with gauze. Place a clean small wooden basin on the big pot. This is what Mu Chenglin just made these days. There are several gaps under the wooden basin. Put the gauze on the wooden basin. On top, pour the bean juice, and the pure bean juice flows into the pot along the gauze and gaps.

Finally, Mu Chenglin wrapped the gauze and squeezed it hard, and what filtered out was bean dregs. Since he didn't raise chickens or pigs at home, Shen Yunxi decided to use it to make bean dregs cakes when he was finished.

The filtered bean juice began to simmer slowly. Shen Yunxi stood by the pot and stirred slowly. The longer the time is, the more fragrant and mellow the flavor of the tofu will be.

On the other side, Mu Chengjin and Mu Mu also got up. Shen Yunxi took advantage of Mu Chenglin's absence to secretly take out the braised slices from her arms, bloom them with cold water, and keep them for later use.

She has been studying how to make tofu these days. She didn't know that in addition to soybeans, tofu is also needed to make tofu.

Either gypsum, brine, or white vinegar.

She checked again and found that braised tofu was better than gypsum tofu, so she chose braised tofu.

Later, when she was completely done with the matter, she would replace the marinade with white vinegar. There might be a difference in taste, but at least she could keep her secret.

After the soy milk was cooked and ready to be cooled, Mu Chenglin started preparing breakfast again. Shen Yunxi specifically told her to use the water and asked Mu Chenglin not to move it. At the same time, she poured out some soy milk and kept it for a while. Tofu brain.

Although Mu Chenglin didn't understand the secret of the water, he still did as he was told. After eating, the soy milk was almost cold. Mu Chenglin used chopsticks to pick off the thick layer of skin on the soy milk, and Shen Yunxi Started ordering tofu.

She poured the brine into the soy milk little by little, stirring constantly. This process should be slower, and the soy milk would gradually become like bean curds.

Mu Chengjin and Mu Mu were very surprised when they saw it. They thought the water in Shen Yunxi's bowl was just ordinary water. They didn't expect that after the soybeans were soaked, ground into pulp and cooked, they would turn into tofu pudding when exposed to water. It's incredible.

Only Mu Chenglin knew that the bowl of water was not ordinary water, but as long as Shen Yunxi could make the tofu she said and the water was not poisonous, he would not ask more questions.

After ordering the stew, let it sit for a while. There will be more and more bean curds and it is ready to be pressed.

Mu Chenglin brought the pot to the yard. Shen Yunxi placed the gauze on the wooden frame, poured the bean curd in the pot into the wooden frame, and filled three wooden frames in a row. Shen Yunxi placed the wooden frames separately. Put a big stone on top of each one to suppress it.

She originally wanted to overlap them directly, but she was worried that the tofu would be different due to the different forces. Today she was going to send the tofu to Xia Yifan. It was best not to have too many differences in the finished product for the first time.

Xia Yifan is a businessman, so this is not conducive to their bargaining.

While waiting, Shen Yunxi was preparing to make tofu puffs again. Because she needed to add the inner fat, she went to clean the pot, and then when no one was paying attention, she poured a little of the inner fat into the pot, and then poured it into the pot. The soy milk has cooled down a bit, but I guess the temperature should be about the same.

Shen Yunxi stirred it for a while and then closed the lid.

The whole process is a bit confusing to everyone. What kind of tofu can be made by just covering it up?

When did soybeans become so magical?

Taking advantage of this time, Shen Yunxi invited Mu Chenglin to start making the marinade for the tofu brain.

Add oil to the pot, add minced green onion and garlic, stir-fry until fragrant, add boiling water, add some soaked dried wild vegetables and chopped mushrooms, cook for a while, add salt, then add some water and flour to thicken, and the marinade is ready.

After doing this, Shen Yunxi looked at the tofu and it was done!

It's white, tender and square, and you can't tell that it was still a hard soybean before!

Let’s go to see the tofu puffs. Because the temperature is higher in late summer, the tofu puffs are also ready!

Shen Yunxi took out four bowls, scooped beans brains into each bowl, and poured marinated sauce on them, which directly aroused people's appetite.

The tofu itself is white, smooth and tender, and the marinade is also very fragrant. Everyone ate it and praised it.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Shen Yunxi saw that Mu Chengjin was sweating profusely after eating, and deliberately teased him.

Mu Chengjin nodded, with some bean sprouts still on his lips, and Shen Yunxi smiled. Even though the Mu family had a good life, they had never seen these kinds of food before.

"How do you make these tofu?" Mu Chenglin asked after finishing the soybean curd. After tasting the soybean curd, he yearned for tofu even more.

"Let's make a few of them ourselves first, save some for ourselves, and put the rest in food boxes for the Xia Da merchants to taste. With the finished product, method and taste, this tofu will definitely sell for a good price!" Shen Yunxi said, If she directly gives the tofu to Xia Yifan, he will definitely lower the price. If she directly gives him the recipe, I believe Xia Yifan will not miss such a good opportunity.

After saying that, Mu Chenglin started to take action. The first thing to do was to fry the tofu. Cut the tofu into cubes and fry until golden brown on both sides. Then take it out. Sauté the chili and minced garlic before adding the tofu and top with the pre-fried tofu. Prepare the sauce. The sauce contains salt, sugar, flour and water. Simmer for a while and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Without the soy beans, the taste would be a bit different, but it was still delicious. Mu Chengjin followed behind with chopsticks and nodded while eating.

They were not like children from a big family at all. Mother Mu did not blame them, but looked at them dotingly.

The second thing to do is to stew tofu. Cut the tofu into small cubes and stir-fry the minced meat with onions, ginger and garlic until fragrant. Because I haven’t been to town these days and there is no meat at home, Shen Yunxi cut a small piece without smoking it. Just use the good bacon.

Add boiling water, then add tofu and salt, simmer over medium heat for a while, remove from the pot and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Mu Chengjin took a bite and shouted, "Brother, I can eat a whole bowl of rice from this!"

Seeing that Mu Chengjin loves to eat so much, everyone laughed.

The third dish was cold tofu, which was very simple. Shen Yunxi could make it by herself. She directly asked Mu Chenglin to make tofu and mushroom soup.

Shen Yunxi chopped the wild onions, added some salt, stirred evenly with chopsticks, and the cold tofu was ready.

Mu Chengjin didn't dare to put down his chopsticks after looking at the presentation, but he still believed in Shen Yunxi. After taking a bite, his eyes went cold. It was refreshing and delicious, and raw tofu could be so delicious.

On the other side, Mu Chenglin put the mushrooms into the pot and stir-fried, then added water. After the water boiled, he added the tofu cut into pieces, and then sprinkled with salt and green onions.

The last dish is bean dregs cake.

From now on, when making tofu every day, there will be a lot of bean dregs left. It would be a pity to throw it away. It is better to sell it to restaurants and make it a dish.

Add green onions, eggs, salt and flour to the bean dregs, take a small piece and make it soft and even, press it into a cake shape, add oil to the pan, fry over low heat until golden brown on both sides, fragrant and crispy!

Mu Chenglin kept a lot of each dish at home and packed the rest, preparing to go to town to find Xia Yifan.

Mu's mother didn't want Shen Yunxi to go. She was injured yesterday and got up before dawn today. After working for a long time, she went to town again. It was too hard.

But Shen Yunxi was worried. In her eyes, the capable Mu Chenglin was only a sixteen-year-old boy, while Xia Yifan was a businessman!

Seeing her persistence, Mu Mu had no choice but to let her go. Mu Chenglin packed up the remaining tofu and the wooden frame and carried it on his back. He carried the lunch box in his hand and went to town with Shen Yunxi.

When leaving yesterday, I heard Shen Yunxi say that he would be delivering tofu today. Xia Yifan was looking forward to it early in the morning.

But it was almost noon, and I didn't see two people.

A strong man said next to him, "Xia has been studying the method of soybeans for many years but has not figured it out yet. How can we let an Orion figure it out?"

Obviously, he doesn't believe it!

If Shen Yunxi were here, he would have recognized this strong man as one of the strong men who went to help transport the soybeans that day.

Xia Yifan shook his head. From the first time he met Shen Yunxi, to the golden candied haws, to soybean sprouts, and then after going to Mu's house, he ate pickled fish, salted duck, and mushrooms that everyone thought were poisonous. , and smoked meat.

Xia Yifan knew that the method of making soy products mentioned by Mu Chenglin was not fake, and that Shen Yunxi should have come up with all this.

As for why they haven't come yet, it's either because they failed today or because this approach is not easy and they also need time.

No matter what, Xia Yifan is full of confidence in Shen Yunxi.

Just when the strong man was about to say something else, the shopkeeper came and knocked on the door. Following behind him were the little Shen Yunxi and Mu Chenglin, who was carrying a wooden frame and a food box.

Mu Chenglin came in and put down the wooden frame. No matter how strong he was, he was still sweating a lot.

Shen Yunxi took out the six tofu dishes in the food box one by one, and then displayed the tofu in the wooden frame.

"This?" Xia Yifan looked at the white and tender tofu and didn't believe it was made from soybeans.

"Aren't soybeans yellow? They are white!" the strong man also asked.

Xia Yifan then introduced, "This is the manager of Qingfeng Building, his surname is Hong. When I am away, he will take charge of everything in Qingfeng Building."

Mu Chenglin and Chen Yunxi greeted Manager Hong. Xia Yifan did this because he was worried that if the young couple came up with something to eat while he was away, they would not be able to find him and would sell it to other restaurants.

"This is indeed made of soybeans. If you don't believe it, you can smell it!" Shen Yunxi explained to Manager Hong.

Manager Hong picked up a little bit of tofu, smelled it, tried a little bit more, and then nodded, "Yes, it does have a beany smell!"

Xia Yifan touched the tofu lovingly, "I didn't expect that soybeans could become like this!"

"And it's very delicious! Mr. Xia, please try it!" Shen Yunxi said, pointing to the six dishes on the table.

Manager Hong immediately went downstairs and brought up two pairs of chopsticks and two spoons, because he also wanted to taste what the tofu made from soybeans tasted like.

The first dish is pan-fried and braised tofu, which is tender and delicious. The outer layer is caramelized and the inner layer is tender and soft. It leaves a fragrant aroma on your lips and teeth after one bite.

The second dish is stewed tofu, which is fragrant and delicate. The addition of bacon adds a salty flavor.

The third dish is tofu and mushroom soup. The tenderness of the tofu and the freshness of the mushrooms are heart-warming and stomach-warming.

The fourth dish is tofu brain. The tofu brain looks particularly beautiful, tender and watery, and with the marinade, it has a tender and refreshing texture and a rich aroma.

The fifth dish is bean dregs cake. The fried cake is fragrant and crispy, and has a special taste.

The last dish was the least aesthetic cold tofu. Neither of the two people who tasted the first five dishes wanted to take off their chopsticks. However, Xia Yifan and shopkeeper Hong controlled their facial expressions well and took a small bite. Bright, tender and smooth taste, refreshing and relieving greasiness!

Even a businessman like Xia Yifan couldn't resist showing praise in front of Mu Chenglin and his wife, "I didn't expect that you not only made soy products, but also developed so many methods. These dishes are still so delicious!"

"Since Mr. Xia likes it so much, let's get straight to the point. How much does Mr. Xia plan to pay for our tofu?"
This chapter has been completed!
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