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Chapter 26: Teaching Fans the Recipe, Mrs. Shen Lies to Duck Eggs

Early the next morning, the Xia family's groom not only brought the raw materials needed for preserved egg powder, but also brought Shen Yunxi ten pounds of sweet potatoes, as well as an iron grater and a colander.

Shen Yunxi still only gave them bean sprouts and tofu today. The sauerkraut and vinegar would taste better if they were kept for a few more days, but if Qingfeng Building didn't have these things for a day, Xia Yifan and Manager Hong hated the Shen family even more.

After breakfast, Mu Chenglin carried sweet potatoes on his back and went to Yang Xiaomi's house with Shen Yunxi.

The Yang Xiaomi family treats Shen Yunxi well and knows how to advance and retreat. Mu Chenglin is also happy to help them!

In particular, the two uncles of the Yang family were injured for the sake of peace in the world. Shen Yunxi gave them a prescription, and he agreed very much!

When they arrived at Yang's house, Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang were about to go to work in the fields, but were stopped by Shen Yunxi!

"Uncle, Auntie, I've thought of a good recipe, which is especially suitable for your family. I'll come over when I'm ready!" Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang looked at each other in surprise.

Uncle Yang immediately refused, "Yun Xi, keep this recipe for yourself. Our family can afford to eat. You have just had a good life. A Jin is not in good health and is still studying. There will be a lot of money to spend in the future!" "

Shen Yunxi explained patiently, "Uncle Yang, my recipe is not suitable for our family, but it is particularly suitable for your family. Don't be anxious, listen to me slowly."

Shen Yunxi took out the sweet potatoes and said, "Look, the raw materials for this recipe are these sweet potatoes. People only use them to feed pigs, roast them or make porridge. However, because sweet potatoes rot easily when exposed to the cold, every household He doesn’t grow much!”

"But there is a particularly good way to preserve it, but it requires a lot of arm strength. The one who has the arm strength in our family is Brother Mu, but Brother Mu still has a lot to do."

"Your family is different. Although Uncle Yang and Uncle Yang have limited legs and feet, their arms are very strong. Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang are very energetic all year round."

"You have chickens and pigs at home. There will be a lot of garbage in this recipe, which can be used to feed the chickens and pigs. There is no waste at all!"

Yang Xiaomi on the side listened and knew that Shen Yunxi would not leave without leaving the prescription today, "Dad, let's get on with it!"

"My uncles have been living very hard in the past few years. They are reluctant to spend the subsidy money and have been saving it for us! But do you want them to be so poor all their lives?"

Uncle Yang looked at his two brothers, then at the two sensible children, nodded, and Aunt Yang Xiaomi and Yang stepped forward to help.

Ten pounds of sweet potatoes were cleaned first, and then Shen Yunxi took out an iron wiping board and demonstrated first, but she was not strong enough and could not finish wiping any of them.

Everyone in the remaining Yang family tried it once and probably mastered the strength and technique.

After wiping, the sweet potato puree was filtered with gauze, and the remaining residue was fed to the pigs. The sweet potato liquid was placed in a wooden basin and left to stand. Shen Yunxi said she would come back the next day.

After Shen Yunxi and Mu Chenglin came back, they started preparing the preserved egg powder again. The recipe for preserved egg powder was made by checking the "Fall in Love with the Kitchen" app the night before, and then she memorized the ratio of ingredients bit by bit.

After preparing the preserved egg powder, Mu Chenglin went to the river and found forty or fifty wild duck eggs. After washing them, he wrapped them in the preserved egg powder and placed them in a jar to rest.

Mother Mu saw them busy with new things every day, and she felt happy and nervous at the same time.

Happily, these novel gadgets are pleasing to the eye, but nervously, the more novel recipes Shen Yunxi brings out, the more obvious the heat becomes in the eldest son's eyes.

Obviously, he has not forgotten what happened before, and he wants revenge!

But she didn't want her son to fall into that kind of life again, so she managed to escape and save her little son's life!

But she herself is a little unwilling to take revenge!

Shen Yunxi felt that forty or fifty preserved eggs were too few, so she went to the village chief again and spread the word that the Mu family wanted to collect wild duck eggs for a penny each.

Wild ducks lay eggs every year at the turn of spring and summer or in autumn. Now that it is autumn, wild duck eggs are beginning to become abundant.

However, Mu Chenglin also added that the Mu family does not care about safety issues. If some people are greedy and something goes wrong, they cannot settle the score with the Mu family!

Fortunately, in autumn, the river water will become shallower and snakes will begin to hibernate, so the risk will be much smaller. Many people tie a rope around their waist, and then another person will pull it from the shore, so the risk is greatly reduced. !

That night, many people came to deliver wild duck eggs, and Shen Yunxi paid and delivered them.

Shen Yunxi also heard that everyone in the Shen family was upset, probably because they ate half-pickled sauerkraut.

Mrs. Shen didn't dare to cause trouble to Shen Yunxi, and she swallowed her breath in her stomach.

The next day, Shen Yunxi went to Yang's house again. Mu Chenglin stayed at home to make preserved eggs. Mu's mother helped count the eggs and pay for them. As for Mu Chengjin, he had been helping because he was busy at home during this period. Now Mu Chenglin is Lin hurried back to the house to read.

Yang Xiaomi was waiting for Shen Yunxi early in the morning. The wooden basin had been left there for a day. She wanted to open it several times to take a look, but she remembered the jars Shen Laosan broke. The pickled vegetables in them were broken because they were exposed halfway. Once it fell, she didn't dare to open it.

Shen Yunxi told Yang Xiaomi that this unrestricted one should be left to settle!

Shen Yunxi poured away the top layer of water, revealing the sweet potato starch inside.

The Yang family felt very incredible when they saw this white layer of starch!

Under Shen Yunxi's command, they pulled apart the starch and spread it out to dry.

Out of ten kilograms of sweet potatoes, only two kilograms of wet flour was obtained. Shen Yunxi asked them to watch it and call her after it was dried.

The two uncles of the Yang family said that they would stay at home and watch carefully!

The news of the Mu family's purchase of wild duck eggs reached the Shen family. Ever since Mrs. Shen was compensated thirty taels of silver, she had been losing her temper at home and did not dare to bring bad luck to Shen Yunxi again.

But the Mu family purchased so many wild duck eggs, but they didn't show any filial piety to the old woman.

They also had diarrhea after eating these sauerkraut. There are still a lot of sauerkraut at home. It doesn't matter whether they eat it or not.

The Shen family has a lot of eggs, but it is still a bit difficult to eat duck eggs. Because the Shen family has contracted their fields to tenant farmers all year round, the men in the family do not work all year round, and no one is willing to go to the river and take the risk to dig out duck eggs.

Old Mrs. Shen stood by the river, watching these people deliver basket after basket of wild duck eggs to Mu's house, and her eyes were filled with tears.

She walked to a relatively remote corner and saw a few lone people picking up duck eggs. There was a large basket full of duck eggs, about two hundred of them.

"It's Old Mrs. Shen, are you here to pick up duck eggs too?" A man standing by the river pulling a rope said to Old Mrs. Shen, although what the Shen family has done these days is disgraceful.

But over the years, the image of the Shen family as wealthy has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the villagers in Qingmu Village, not to mention that the Shen family also has a scholar and a child.

Mrs. Shen looked at the frame of wild duck eggs and said, "It was my Yunxi who called me to collect the duck eggs!"

"Didn't the Mu family say that the duck eggs are delivered directly to the door? You pay with one hand and deliver them with the other hand!" These people were a little suspicious, because that was what the village chief said when he informed.

Besides, based on the relationship between Shen Yunxi and Mrs. Shen, how could she entrust the old lady with help?

"Yunxi said, please give me some duck eggs as a filial piety. Didn't she have some unpleasantness with her mother-in-law some time ago? Just give us some duck eggs to ease the relationship!"

Seeing that these people still didn't believe it, Mrs. Shen said again, "If you don't believe it, you can ask her!"

"Okay, there are scholars and children in the Shen family, so we will trust you for once! Do you want us to help carry these duck eggs?"

"If you want it, count how many there are, and then go to Yun Xi to ask for the money!"

The people who were still collecting duck eggs also came up. They put the duck eggs in their pockets back into the frame, "There are 228 eggs in total. With so many duck eggs, can you finish them?"

Mrs. Shen was a little impatient, "Why can't we finish eating? There are so many people in our Shen family!"

These few people no longer had any doubts and helped carry the frame to Shen's house.

Two days later, Yang Xiaomi came to see Shen Yunxi and said that the starch had been dried! Shen Yunxi brought a custom-made large colander and a large bowl of beef sauce to Yang's house.

She took out some starch, poured it into water according to the proportion, and dissolved it. The dissolved starch paste should be thicker.

Then boil the water in a pot. After the water boils, pour the starch paste on a large colander and follow the small holes on the colander downward until it falls into the boiling water. The shaped vermicelli will come out.

Shen Yunxi made vermicelli soup with beef sauce. Because there was no base soup, the taste was somewhat different, but the vermicelli had a smooth texture and the aroma of beef sauce. Everyone drank a big bowl.

Shen Yunxi dried the remaining fans. She told the Yang family that when the fans were dried, she would take them to the town to find Xia Yifan.

Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang were particularly happy, with tears in their eyes. They were too stupid to say words of gratitude.

The calmest person was Yang Xiaomi. She actually offered to let Shen Yunxi become a shareholder and give Shen Yunxi half of the money earned from fans in the future.

Shen Yunxi refused directly, saying that if you give it to them, you will give it to them. No matter how much they earn in the future, she will not be jealous.

There are more and more wild duck eggs at home, and Shen Yunxi wants to go back to make preserved eggs. Although there are many rivers in Qingmu Village, the number of wild duck eggs is limited. After a few days, there should be fewer and fewer wild duck eggs.

When Shen Yunxi was still on the way, she saw the panting village chief and an acquaintance of the villagers, "Yunxi, why are you here?"

"I went to Yang's house, village chief, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

The acquaintance of the villagers immediately said, "Yunxi, you don't know, someone is making trouble in front of your house now!"

"It was said that you entrusted Mrs. Shen to get the wild duck eggs, and then asked you to pay the bill. But now they come to you to pay the bill, and the Mu family refuses to acknowledge it, so there is a fuss!"

"I have never entrusted Mrs. Shen. They were deceived and went to find Mrs. Shen themselves. Why are they making such a fuss in front of my house?" This old lady had just signed a letter of commitment. It had only been a few days and her skin was itching again!

When the three of them arrived at the door of Mu's house, they found that the door of Mu's house was closed. These people actually found rocks and prepared to smash the door of Mu's house. There was also a rogue in the group.

This man's name is Wang Ermazi, and he is a scoundrel. The last time the Mu family went to Liang for dinner, he was sitting at the next table and saw Shen Pingping, who had been ostracized by the Shen family.

Although Shen Pingping is not beautiful, she has a good figure, just like her mother Liu when she was young. And her reputation is not very good now, so Wang Ermazi thinks he can save Shen Pingping.

A few days ago, he went to Mrs. Shen's house and proposed that she would marry Shen Pingping. Mrs. Shen said that as long as he could come up with money, two hundred taels of silver, Shen Pingping would marry him.

How could a scoundrel have so much money? Wang Ermazi had no choice but to come back, but he did not give up and kept flattering the Shen family.

Today he was originally here to deliver wild duck eggs. In the past few days, he sometimes sneaked around and sometimes picked them up by himself. He also collected dozens of wild duck eggs and sent them back.

It happened that these villagers came to Mu's house to ask for money!

As soon as he heard the cause and effect, Wang Ermazi knew that Mrs. Shen was deliberately deceiving them. She wanted to prostitute these wild duck eggs for nothing and let Shen Yunxi pay for them!

Now he was flattering the Shen family, so naturally he was on the side of the Shen family, so he proposed that since the Mu family wouldn't open the door and give money, he would smash the door with rocks. Anyway, the truth was on their side.

These villagers were already angry, but after being fooled by him, they actually found a lot of rocks and prepared to smash their new door!

The village chief saw it and stopped them quickly. Shen Yunxi followed the village chief. When these villagers saw Shen Yunxi, they quickly stepped forward to ask Shen Yunxi for money, but were stopped by the villager who was helping.

"I said to the village chief, it has been a natural thing to repay debts since ancient times. How come you can act like a rogue when you get to Shen Yunxi's place!" Wang Ermazi stared at Shen Yunxi's beautiful face and said in a mean tone.

"Who did you give all the wild duck eggs to?" the village chief ignored Wang Ermazi and directly asked the troublemaking villagers.

"We gave it to Shen Yunxi!"

"That's right, we gave her all the wild duck eggs!"

Shen Yunxi shook his head, "First, I have never seen you before in my memory; second, when the Mu family collected the eggs, they said, please deliver the eggs to your door, pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, the Mu family will not entrust it Anyone go to the river to collect eggs!"

"That's right, when I informed you, I emphasized that the wild duck eggs must be delivered to the door in person and handed over to the Mu family. Have you ever handed the wild duck eggs to Shen Yunxi?" the village chief asked again.

When they first came to the door, these people had already let it slip. The Mu family said that they had never entrusted Mrs. Shen with anything. They already knew in their hearts that they had been tricked by Mrs. Shen.

But they didn't dare to let them go to the Shen family to make trouble. Plus, Wang Ermazi added fuel and jealousy here, so they made the trouble worse and worse!

They hesitated and said that they gave the wild duck eggs to Shen Yunxi.

At this time, the door of the Mu family opened, and Mu Chenglin walked out with an iron rod in one hand and a dark face. These people quickly stayed away, and some even touched their butts. They were probably beaten just now. Mu Chenglin was spanked.

"But village chief, we worked so hard to touch these wild duck eggs. Are we going to suffer like this?" Some people were unconvinced.

"So you don't dare to go to Shen's house, so you come to my house to make trouble?" Shen Yunxi said angrily.

"Aren't you responsible for this? You don't abide by the requirements we put forward, easily believe in other people's words, and don't know how to reflect on it yourself?"

However, Mrs. Shen never learns her lesson, and Shen Yunxi has no intention of letting her go!

"Let's do this! How about the village chief and I take you to join the Shen family and seek justice for you?"

Seeing what Shen Yunxi said, these people immediately nodded and apologized to Shen Yunxi.

Shen Yunxi found that Mu Chenglin was following her, but his face still had no expression.

I don’t know if I am worried that I will be bullied, or if I want to see how Mrs. Shen is punished!
This chapter has been completed!
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