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Chapter 47 Can't you thank me in another way?

Chen Qianqian came with Zhuang Yan.

She heard clearly all the conversation between Zhuang Yan and Fu Canglong just now.

When she learned that the doctor Zhuang Yan wanted to invite was Fu Canglong, she was stunned for a long time.

In her impression, Fu Canglong knew many things.

Such as business methods, martial arts, etc., but she thinks Fu Canglong's most powerful thing is his identity as calligraphy master Mr. Qingxi.

But she never expected that Fu Canglong was actually a famous doctor who was even highly regarded among the top ten famous doctors.

The master who could heal her mother was always by her side, but she didn't notice it.

Chen Qianqian, who recovered from the shock, knelt on the ground without hesitation and asked Fu Canglong to heal her mother.

She is more willing to believe in Fu Canglong than others.

Fu Canglong can give her a strong sense of security.

"Mr. Fu, please, save my mother!"

Chen Qianqian was kneeling on the ground, already crying with tears streaming down her face.

Fu Canglong also didn't expect that the patient Zhuang Yan mentioned was actually Chen Qianqian's mother.

"You don't have to be like this, get up quickly."

"It is normal for doctors to treat illnesses and save people."

"I will treat your mother's illness."

Fu Canglong persuaded Chen Qianqian.

While speaking, Fu Canglong motioned to one of the nine doctors to help Chen Qianqian up.

After Chen Qianqian heard Fu Canglong's words again, she felt extremely grateful and then slowly stood up.

"Let's go, take me to see the patient."

Fu Canglong didn't waste any time, got up and walked out.

However, just after taking two steps, he turned back and pointed at the glass jar containing the golden silkworms, and said to Zhuang Yan: "By the way, take this with you and come with me."

Hearing this, Zhuang Yan was stunned for a moment, and then asked Fu Canglong with a puzzled look on his face: "Why are you bringing this?"

Fu Canglong smiled back: "Treat the disease!"

Zhuang Yan was stunned again.

However, Lin Wenfeng and other nine doctors who had transferred from Chunfeng Medical Center all asked Fu Canglong to take them with him.

"Mr. Fu, can we go with you?"

"Yes, yes, we want to see how Mr. Fu treats patients."


When Fu Canglong saw this, he understood clearly.

These nine people just heard that he explained that golden silkworms can cure diseases. Now when they heard that they wanted to bring golden silkworms with them, they guessed that they might be using golden silkworms to treat Chen Qianqian's mother. They wanted to see it with their own eyes.


"Okay, then you can come along."

Fu Canglong agreed.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and urged Zhuang Yan again: "Why are you still hanging around? Just pick up your things and go."

Only then did Zhuang Yan suddenly wake up and quickly agreed...

Twenty minutes later.

Fu Canglong had already arrived at Chen Qianqian's mother's bedside to feel her pulse.

Chen Qianqian stood on the left, her face full of anxiety, but she suppressed her inner impulse and did not dare to make the slightest sound for fear of disturbing Fu Canglong.

On the other side of Fu Canglong, Lin Wenfeng and other nine doctors who came with him also stood very quietly and did not dare to disturb Fu Canglong.

However, unlike Chen Qianqian, each of the nine doctors brought paper and pen. At this time, they were all using their pens to record Fu Canglong's pulse-taking technique in their notebooks, so as to review their studies.

At this time, Fu Canglong stopped, obviously the diagnosis had been completed.

Chen Qianqian hurriedly came up and asked anxiously: "Mr. Fu, how are you doing?"

Fu Canglong smiled slightly, reassured Chen Qianqian, and said, "It's quite serious."

"But it's not a big deal here."

"It will be cured soon, don't worry."

When Chen Qianqian heard this, she breathed a long sigh of relief, but she still asked uneasily: "Is it true?"

Fu Canglong nodded.

Although Zhuang Yan was certain that Fu Canglong's medical skills could cure Chen Qianqian's mother, he still didn't know how Fu Canglong would cure her next.

The whole person became excited and looked forward to the next scene.

However, Zhuang Yan took a casual glance and found that Lin Wenfeng and the other nine doctors were more excited than him.

Under everyone's gaze, Fu Canglong gently opened the glass jar, then poured the golden silkworm out of the glass jar, and then placed it on Chen Qianqian's mother's finger.

The next second, the golden silkworm slowly crawled into Chen Qianqian's mother's body.

This scene was still absolutely unbelievable even for Lin Wenfeng and the other nine people who had seen Fu Canglong's demonstration before.

The solemn person who saw this scene for the first time was stunned.

As for Chen Qianqian, she was so frightened that she screamed.


"Mr. Fu, what is this?"

"It got into my mother's body. Will my mother be okay?"

Fu Canglong gave Chen Qianqian a reassuring look and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, it won't hurt your mother, but will heal your mother."

Chen Qianqian is no longer as panicked as before, but she is still dubious.

Zhuang Yan, Lin Wenfeng and many other doctors all opened their eyes wide, wanting to see if the golden silkworm could create a miracle.

Half an hour later.

Chen Qianqian's mother, who was originally like a dead body, suddenly moved her fingers, and then she coughed violently. Then, she slowly opened her eyes and woke up.


"You finally woke up."

Seeing this, Chen Qianqian was the first to rush over.

Seeing that her mother had really woken up, Chen Qianqian could no longer suppress her inner emotions and cried again.

"Mom, do you know how scared I am?"

"I'm so afraid of losing you."

Chen Qianqian threw herself into her mother's arms and cried loudly.

And her mother slowly reached out her hand, gently stroked Chen Qianqian's head, and murmured: "My child... you have suffered a lot these years..."

While talking, Chen Qianqian's mother also cried.

"Incredible, incredible."

When Zhuang Yan saw Chen Qianqian's mother waking up, her eyes widened and she kept repeating the word "unbelievable".

He never expected that Fu Canglong's way of treating Chen Qianqian's mother would be so fantastic.

It is unheard of to use golden silkworms to treat diseases.

Zhuang Yan was not the only one who was shocked.

Lin Wenfeng stared at the nine people who were also surprised and speechless by this scene.

Unexpectedly, this golden silkworm can actually cure diseases.

It's really amazing.

This can almost be written into the history of medicine.

"Mr. Fu, can you tell me why this is happening?" Finally, someone couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

Fu Canglong smiled: "The reason why the patient's organs failed for no reason is actually not that she had some strange disease, but that a small bug grew on her organs."

"This little bug continuously sucks the blood and protein from the patient's organs, destroys human tissue and strengthens itself, which leads to the patient's organ failure."

"As long as the small bugs parasitic in the patient's organs are removed, the patient's organs will naturally recover slowly."

"The golden silkworm can eat this kind of insect without harming the human body."

Zhuang Yan suddenly realized.

So that's the case, no wonder the cause can't be found.

"What about the golden silkworm?" someone asked.

Fu Canglong smiled, then pointed to the window and said with a smile: "Where is it."

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, and saw that the golden silkworm had emerged from Chen Qianqian's mother's body at some point and landed on the window of the room.

To everyone's surprise, the golden silkworm actually had wings, just like a golden cicada.

The next second, the golden silkworm flew out of the window and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Everyone was shocked, and some even ran to the window to catch the golden silkworm, but were stopped by Fu Canglong.

"Let it go."

"Golden silkworms can only save people once in their lives. The next time they enter the human body, they will not save people, but harm them."

When everyone heard this, they all sighed.

What a pity.

Golden silkworms are so useful, it would be great if they could be recycled all the time.

At this time, Chen Qianqian suddenly walked up to Fu Canglong.

Although he had wiped away his tears at this time, he could still see traces of tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Mr. Fu, can I talk to you alone?"

Chen Qianqian looked at Fu Canglong expectantly and said suddenly.

Although Fu Canglong had doubts, he still nodded and agreed.

Soon, Fu Canglong followed Chen Qianqian to Chen Qianqian's own room.


When Fu Canglong walked into the room, Chen Qianqian quickly locked the door of the room.

Fu Canglong looked at Chen Qianqian's actions and felt that they were similar.

On that day, when Chen Qianqian was about to sacrifice herself, the first thing she did after entering the room was to lock the door.

Next, I'm afraid I won't have to take off my clothes.

Fu Canglong's guess was good.

After making sure that the door was locked, Chen Qianqian turned her head, looked at Fu Canglong affectionately, and slowly took off her clothes.

When Fu Canglong saw this, he looked helpless and said to himself, "Can't you thank me in another way?"

This time she probably wanted to thank herself for saving her mother's life.

at the same time.

In Chen Qianqian’s mother’s room.

Lin Wenfeng and the other nine doctors were not idle either. They were busy making phone calls at this time.

Zhuang Yan was stunned when he saw this scene.

This was the first time he had seen a fellow doctor look like this.

But he could also understand that not only them, he also wanted to tell his master the process of Fu Canglong's treatment just now.

It's absolutely amazing.

"Old Wang, let me tell you some good news. I just witnessed a medical miracle with my own eyes. Let me tell you, I began to see with my own eyes how this expert who created medical miracles used a bug to treat people.


"What? You want to meet this master?"

"Okay, I'll tell you the address..."

"What? You want to bring reporters here...let the whole world witness this medical miracle..."

"Dean Liu, there is going to be an earthquake in the medical world..."

"Director Zhang..."

These people are all calling their relatives and friends to share their excitement.

Without exception, everyone who heard the news wanted to see Fu Canglong with their own eyes, and some even wanted to bring reporters over.

This chapter has been completed!
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