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Chapter 1008 News about Father and Grandpa

"Emperor Qian, the Prime Minister, and the Master of Piaomiao Peak also know about it!" Murong Ziyun responded.

"So Emperor Qian and the Prime Minister knew this a long time ago?" Qin Yuxin was stunned again.

"Yeah!" Murong Ziyun nodded and continued.

"After Hao'er ran away from home, Emperor Qian sent many people to secretly search for him for many years, but to no avail!"

"And on the day you rescued Hao'er, Yu Xin, Emperor Qian's people finally confirmed Hao'er's identity."

"After Mr. Tianshan learned about Hao'er's whereabouts, he immediately sent someone to Dongzhou."

"Unfortunately, it was too late and we couldn't arrive before something happened to Haoer's adoptive father and his family."

"You all know what happened later. Hao'er was taken to Tianshan Mountain by someone arranged by the old man!"

"That's it!" Qin Yuxin nodded in response.

"Speaking of this, I have to thank you, Yu Xin. Without you, Hao'er would probably no longer be alive!" Murong Ziyun then looked at Qin Yuxin and said. ??

"I heard that because of that incident, it caused a lot of trouble for you and your parents, right?"

"Mom, we are a family and we don't talk about these things!" Qin Yuxin picked up the tea cup and added, "Besides, I feel that I am the happiest woman in the world now!"

"Haoer, it's great to have you!" Murong Ziyun smiled.

"Thank you, Mom!" Qin Yuxin's face was filled with a strong look of happiness.

After a slight pause, he continued to look at Murong Ziyun and said, "Mom, have you and dad gone back to see Ah Hao since then?"

"Yeah!" Murong Ziyun nodded.

"In the years when Hao'er was in Tianshan and in the Western Region, his father and I visited him two or three times respectively, but we both changed our faces and did not recognize Hao'er."

"Huh?" Ling Hao was slightly stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect that his parents would actually visit him.

"Mom, why don't you and dad recognize each other?" Qin Yuxin was stunned again.

“The golden bloodline in Haoer’s body is related to the thousand-year prosperity of Daxia Kingdom.

, there is no room for any mistakes." Murong Ziyun responded.

"If you get to know him, he will be exposed in advance to some people with ulterior motives."

"In that case, Hao'er's situation will be very dangerous unless he is allowed to stay in Tianshan!"

"But those greenhouse flowers are obviously not the children of Qilin that Great Xia needs!"

"Understood!" Qin Yuxin nodded.

After hearing this, Ling Hao and the two finally understood the general idea.

"Yuxin, Ruirui must be six years old, right?" Murong Ziyun took another sip of tea and asked with a smile.

"Mom, you even know how old Ruirui is!" Qin Yuxin was slightly stunned.

"Of course!" Murong Ziyun smiled.

"Mom, I have Ruirui's photos and videos here, let me show them to you!" Qin Yuxin took out an electronic device from the drawer while speaking.

When she set out from China this time, she specially copied all the photos and videos of Ruirui from birth to now. She usually takes them out to look at when she misses Ruirui.

"Really? Show me quickly!" Murong Ziyun's face lit up.

Afterwards, the two of them started watching the electronic equipment. Qin Yuxin explained while turning the pages, and the two of them quickly became immersed in it.

Time passed quickly, more than an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the two of them had watched all the photos and videos.

"Mom, let's go back together when you have time next time. I will ask my mother to take Ruirui to the capital!" Qin Yuxin said after putting away the electronic equipment.

"Okay!" Murong Ziyun responded with a smile.

"Where are Mom, Dad and Grandpa? How are they? Are they in the Central Region now?" At this time, Ling Hao took a deep breath and looked at his mother and asked.

"Yes!" Murong Ziyun nodded and said in a hesitant tone, "But..."

"But what?" Ling Hao's heart skipped a beat.

"Hao'er, do you know much about the Central Territory?" Murong Ziyun asked.

"Better than nothing!" Ling Hao shook his head in response.

"Then have you heard that there are some very special places in the Central Territory?" Murong Ziyun continued to ask.

"I once heard City Lord Tang mention it!" Ling Hao nodded.

While speaking, my heart skipped a beat.

After a pause, he continued, "Did father and grandfather go to those places?"

"Yeah!" Murong Ziyun's face looked slightly solemn.

"So far, no one has really come out of those places?" Ling Hao took a deep breath and continued to ask.

"At least not as far as I know!" Murong Ziyun nodded.

"Mom, what are the things in those places?" Qin Yuxin gave Murong Ziyun a cup of tea.

"Is it really like the legend? It may be related to the origin of human martial arts. Is it possible that there is a true inheritance of peerless experts?"

"This is just a legend. No one knows what is in it." Murong Ziyun put down her tea cup and responded.

"Then are there any strong people who can use their mental power to investigate the situation inside?" Qin Yuxin continued to ask.

"Countless powerful people have tried it, but it has no effect at all." Murong Ziyun shook her head slightly.

"No matter how strong your mental power is, you can only go deep into it for about ten kilometers before you are blocked!"

"It is said that there was once a ninth-grade holy man who wanted to use his mental power to explore the situation inside."

"It's just that when we went about 20 to 30 kilometers deep, our mental strength was severely damaged, and our cultivation level fell directly to the supreme realm!"

"Huh?" Ling Hao frowned slightly.

"Mom, did Mr. Tianshan go into those places?" Qin Yuxin continued to ask.

"No!" Murong Ziyun

He shook his head.

"The old man is the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Great Xia Kingdom. As long as he is in charge of the Tianshan Mountains, there will be no great chaos in the Great Xia Kingdom!"

"On the contrary, if something happens to him, Daxia will be in great trouble!"

"So, before Hao'er has fully grown up, nothing can happen to him!"

"Understood!" Qin Yuxin and Ling Hao nodded at the same time.

Both of them knew very well that the old man was the patron saint of Daxia, and he was more courageous than Emperor Qian!

"Mom, which places do I want to visit?" Ling Hao said again.

There has been no news from his father and grandpa so far, so he naturally wanted to go in and have a look!

"No!" Murong Ziyun shook her head, "At least not yet!"

"Your current cultivation level is still too weak. You can try it when you advance to the late stage of the Holy Saint!"

"Understood!" Ling Hao nodded.

Naturally, he would not be so reckless as to rush in now. Even the ninth-grade saint has been severely damaged mentally. You can imagine how dangerous it is inside.

"Hao'er, I can't leave the Central Territory for too long. I have to go back with Aunt Qin and the First Elder tomorrow." Murong Ziyun continued.

"Are you, Yu Xin and the others coming with us tomorrow?"

"Mom, there are still a few things to deal with here in the city. It may take a few days for me to arrive!" Ling Hao responded after thinking for a while.

"Okay!" Murong Ziyun nodded in response.

"I've already had your place in the Central Territory tidied up. It's a big courtyard just like here. You all can still live together!"

"Thank you, Mom!" Qin Yuxin said.

After the three of them continued chatting for a while, they walked out of the room.

After arriving at the front yard, I took a look around.

Lu Yue and his group were seen refining spiritual stones and spiritual fruits, while Murong Xu was helping everyone on the side.

After another hour or so, everyone opened their eyes and stood up.

This chapter has been completed!
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