Turn off the lights
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Chapter 574: Massacre

 The matter has become a big deal. The reporter died like this, and the leaders of the newspaper also have a headache. Normally, they are just secretly spreading rumors and playing sideways. Now it is troublesome to send people to interview people who died inexplicably. Late

At some point, the newspaper was directly asked to rectify its newspapers and suspend publication. The coffins and coffins shook and roared more and more violently, and no one knew whether there would be any special changes in the future.

Someone came up with an idea, is it possible to take the long sword to the Palace Museum? "I heard that this type of weapon can ward off evil spirits..." The person who said this is relatively weak. After all, this is indeed feudalism.

Superstitious activities. But we are all pragmatists, so there is nothing wrong with just taking them to the Forbidden City. However, we must consider all the possibilities of things. So far, everyone has found that the way to slightly suppress these weird places is to use


Illuminating it with very bright light, preferably similar to the solar spectrum, can have a certain impact on strange places, or at least hinder the changes therein, but generally these strange places are in residential areas or office areas.

In the city, it is difficult to arrange powerful lighting equipment. The Forbidden City is an exception. It can install powerful lighting, so construction work continued during the day and it took three days to complete the lighting installation.

But how should we arrange the Changsha? Let one person carry it in or just leave it in the courtyard of Beisan Institute? After discussing it for a long time, we decided to leave it in the courtyard. It just means that there is no weird place between the wall and a team of people.

As soon as there was any abnormality, the surveillance and observation personnel immediately turned on the headlights and dozens of strong men went in to get the things out. Although it was not scientific, the roosters and black dogs were ready.

Chang Yan was placed on the weapons rack and placed in the center of the yard. The originally closed Beisan Gate was also opened, allowing the surveillance people to see inside. The place was still desolate, and although the houses had not collapsed, it was obvious at first glance

It looks like it has been in disrepair for a long time, the railings and paintings have faded, and plants have grown between the bricks and tiles on the roof... Standing in it is quiet and cold for no reason.

As night gradually fell, many archaeologists and experts originally wanted to stay to see what was going on, but they couldn't resist the young man and were forcibly carried back. "We can't bear the responsibility if something happens to you!" So they stayed behind.

They are all relevant departments and young graduate students. They will use their own eyes to see something that can subvert the entire world's outlook... The information about strange places received by relevant departments is not just from the mainland.

These things have appeared in Hong Kong Island, Southeast Asia, and the density is even higher than on the mainland. There are also such things appearing in Japan, but in other countries-these weird manifestations are different, and they are more of a certain kind.

Materialization. In the past, although there were more religious believers in foreign countries, it was just a matter of spiritual sustenance, but now...those monsters emerging from the darkness have begun to harvest human lives.

The sun has set. According to what the staff have observed in the past, the weirdness here will not happen until after ten o'clock at night - this is slightly different from the weirdness abroad, especially in Japan.

The most dangerous times are the three short moments of dusk, midnight and dawn. Time passes bit by bit, and everyone is very nervous. "How about we order some skewers and some beer to eat first?" Someone said


Of course, everyone looked at him sideways. With such a big nerve, he would be the first to go out.

During the long wait, the corridor began to be gradually shrouded in an inexplicable coldness. The corridor under the moonlight was divided into two halves by the shadow of the wall. The monitors watching through the camera were horrified to find that someone seemed to be walking slowly in the corridor.

I walked over. And the Beisan Institute did not know when it turned on. The dim lights were brought by lanterns one by one. However, during the day, everyone knew that there were no lanterns here at all.

At this time, the surveillance staff felt chills all over, and almost everyone heard the conversation coming from nearby - but no one spoke at this time, everyone was paying attention to the video screen. And the conversation was loud and clear.

It's still the kind that I can't understand, it's specious, and it's accompanied by the sound of footsteps approaching. "Is there anyone else at this time?", "No!", "Then what is this?"

In the midst of the commotion, the long tree placed in the yard suddenly roared, and the long tree that was originally placed on the shelf jumped into the air. The voices and footsteps disappeared immediately, and the shadowy figures in the aisles disappeared.

In an instant, it seemed to melt into the moonlight and darkness, and the original lanterns in the yard were extinguished, as if they had never existed. But what's the use? It's too late...

Almost everyone saw it, and saw the long spear flying in the moonlight. The long spear seemed to be held in someone's hand. It flew forward at an extremely fast speed, with the front of the spear shining with cold light.

It pierced directly into the house in front of them. At this time, everyone heard the roar of the tiger like thunder in the clear sky, "Evil obstacle!" The long tree was lifted up, and everyone saw what looked like a concubine of the former dynasty being carried on the long tree.


This person let out a shrill scream, and everyone who heard it covered their ears and couldn't stop it. They were dizzy and sick. Fortunately, in just a few seconds, this "person" disappeared, and Chang Shan's blade flashed over

With a ray of green light, the long sword flew directly out of the yard, and flew forward in the corridor as if it was being held by an invisible giant and driving a horse to sprint, and at the same time, it cut out a ray of light directly sideways.

The arc of light that escaped from the body directly cut through the walkway more than a hundred meters in front. Along with the hoarse scream, everyone could see the "ghost" that was chopped in half, twisted and turned into a faint blue smoke.

The green light on the long spear flashed again. Finally, the long spear rose into the sky and fell straight down. This time, it landed on the side of the monitor, just outside their yard. It seemed that something was being lifted from the top to the ground.

His feet were nailed to the ground.

At this time, Changsha trembled slightly, and the original scream turned into a low moan...

At the same time, the coffins in the warehouse initially made an angry roar, but not long after Chang Hao swept away the things in the strange place, it turned into a gurgling sound like running water. After Chang Hao landed on the ground, it shook

At this moment, a circle of white light swayed out, sweeping across the entire Forbidden City in the blink of an eye, and even passed through the Shenwu Gate outside and directly swept across Jingshan. The ghosts and monsters in the Forbidden City were also wiped out.

At this time, everyone knew that the original proposal was indeed true. This long spear, which can be called a generational murder weapon, can really kill evil spirits. It's now time. Don't lie to yourself that this is a weird place. Just go straight to it.

Just say it's a ghost.

This chapter has been completed!
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