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Chapter 130 Epidemic Prevention Measures


Hearing this word, everyone present was shocked.

In this era of scarcity of medical supplies, plague is almost like a scourge.

Because many people in this plague era have no treatment at all.

The only way to deal with it is to lock them together and leave them to die.

But now there are hundreds of thousands of people in Chuzhou City!

Once this spreads...

Zhao Xiaole suddenly turned his head and looked at Shiniang on the side, with murderous intent in his eyes and a chill on his face.

They didn't expect that these people had such sinister intentions.

In order to win the war, plague patients were sent to the city.

This is like a country with no bottom line in the previous life. It wants to massacre the entire people of Chuzhou City!

As if aware of the strong murderous intention in Zhao Xiaole's heart, the pale Shiniang said hurriedly: "No, we didn't do this!"

Zhao Xiaole stared at her and said with a gloomy face: "You'd better tell me the truth, how many people like this are there, otherwise I will torture you until you are worse than dead!"

Thirty Niang suddenly trembled, her red lips moved, but in the end she didn't speak. She just looked at Shiniang anxiously, hoping she could speak.

But Shiniang also looked frightened and said: "How dare I hide it? What I just said is true. I don't know that they are still carrying the plague!"

The reason why she is afraid is because she is too aware of the power of the plague.

Once it spreads, not to mention the entire Chuzhou City, even Chuzhou will not be able to escape disaster!

"Hmph! You'd better tell the truth!"

Zhao Xiaole stared at her for a long time, and after seeing nothing strange, he had someone put her under house arrest.

Shiniang also knew that the only consequence would be death if she resisted again, so she was very obedient and did not resist at all.

After doing this, Zhao Xiaole said to Shen Lian with a serious face: "Inform General Xie immediately and ask him to send people to block all the blocks in question, and no one is allowed to enter or exit again!"

"Remember, ask them to cover their mouth and nose with a headscarf. Anyone who dares to disobey will be subject to military law!"


Although he didn't understand why these soldiers were asked to cover their mouths and noses with scarves, Shen Lian turned around and went to execute it without a second thought.

"You guys, go immediately and invite all the doctors in Chuzhou City to come to the Yamen so that you can settle down!"

"You guys, go immediately and gather all the lime in the city to the Yamen and wait for orders!"


Zhao Xiaole ordered one order after another in an orderly manner.

Seeing his extremely calm and calm appearance, the nervous hearts of everyone around him instantly calmed down.

It seems that if Zhao Xiaole is here, they will never make any big trouble.

Soon, the entire state government office was in motion, but they didn't appear to be panicked at all. Instead, they were very organized and orderly.

But even so, the news of the plague in the city still spread.

It instantly caused a sensation in the entire Chuzhou City.

In this era, plague is a word that is really talked about in an egregious manner, and no one is not afraid of it.

Some people packed up their revenge luggage overnight and fled out of the city.

But now the whole city is under martial law, how can they escape?

For a while, they blocked the city gate and cried loudly. There was a lot of resentment among the people!

"Sir, if this matter is not dealt with, someone will probably take the opportunity to cause trouble. If they want to suppress it then, it will be troublesome!"

Xie Junhao's face also looked extremely ugly.

After he suppressed all the spies of Yan State, he heard about the plague when he came back, and he was so angry that he wanted to eat those spies alive.

It’s so hateful! He could come up with such a vile trick!

"Yeah! I know, I'll be there in a minute!"

Zhao Xiaole nodded very calmly.

Seeing his appearance, Xie Junhao felt relieved immediately.

He had seen Zhao Xiaole's thunderous methods and knew that as long as the man in front of him didn't panic, this matter would definitely not be messy!

However, what he didn't know was that Zhao Xiaole was already shaking badly and his mouth was dry.

No matter in his past life or this life, this is the first time for Zhao Xiaole to deal with such a big matter.

Now basically the life of a whole city is in his hands, or even more than one city.

As long as he makes a slight mistake, it will immediately lead to the disaster of countless lives. This is absolutely unbearable for Zhao Xiaole.

"I just hope that these epidemic prevention measures I know can work!"

Zhao Xiaole sighed in his heart.

"Sir, do you really want to use all the food to produce that kind of alcohol? You can't drink that stuff..."

At this time, Wu Mingcheng stood up and said with a bitter look on his face.

He also just received the news that Zhao Xiaole asked him to suspend the production of those fine wines and instead use them all to produce something called "alcohol".

Not only is the process cumbersome, but it also requires more raw materials and only a small amount is obtained.

The most important thing is, you can't drink this stuff!

He once secretly drank half a bottle of wine from one of his workers. As a result, he foamed at the mouth and almost died.

If he hadn't had someone give him water to induce vomiting in time, that person might really have died.

But afterwards, the man who woke up was in pain as if his head was about to split, and he screamed so pitifully that he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

Apart from this, this "alcohol" seems to have no other effect.

Can't make money yet.

So he is not very willing to produce this thing.

But who would have thought that as soon as he said these words, he saw Zhao Xiaole's terrifying gaze, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Wu Mingcheng suddenly trembled with fright, and the fat on his body trembled.

Cold sweat broke down on my body.

"Yes, sir, I will immediately order people to stop producing wine and focus on producing alcohol!"

Wu Mingcheng said in a panic.

He was afraid that if he spoke too late, he would really be abandoned by Zhao Xiaole.

Now all the treasure of Shengxuan Winery rests on Zhao Xiaole.

If he is angered, Shengxuan Winery will really be doomed.


Zhao Xiaole snorted coldly, which made Wu Mingcheng tremble again in fright.

But after that, Zhao Xiaole's expression also softened.

He understands that it is inevitable for businessmen to pursue profits.

But some interests can be pursued, but some interests cannot be touched!

That's why he decided to give Wu Mingcheng a beating to prevent this guy from stumbling upon him secretly.

Now that the effect is achieved, he is naturally no longer so serious.

Zhao Xiaole said: "I know you are worried that producing alcohol will cause your winery to lose a lot of money."

"But let me tell you, not only will you not lose money when you produce alcohol, but you will also make money! All you need to do now is to do a good job in production!"

"If I find out that you dare to cut corners, you know what the consequences will be!"

Wu Mingcheng was shocked in his heart, sweat poured down his forehead and said: "Yes!"

Although he doesn't know how alcohol can be used to make money, he doesn't dare to refute it at all now!

This chapter has been completed!
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