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Chapter 354

King Pingxi would make some moves, which Zhao Xiaole had foreseen long ago.

Since he wanted to support Lu Qingbai's candidacy for prime minister, he could not just watch Lu Qingbai lose the election.

If Yan Bing is allowed to come in, that is obviously impossible.

Therefore, Zhao Xiaole said: "Only if the bandits respect themselves, Lu Qingbai will have an advantage in the election. If Yan Bing comes in, King Pingxi will become a sinner, and Lu Qingbai will be implicated as well."

However, the answer to all this will ultimately have to wait until the court meeting and discussions among officials.

Zhao Xiaole was still unable to cover the sky with one hand. He and the prince forcibly bound Qin Sining to the position of prime minister, which would not be able to convince the public.

Especially the queen would not agree.

Recently, members of the Demon Sect have disappeared in Beijing, and no one knows where they have gone.

Zhao Xiaole guessed that it should be in Dongchang.

But he had been observing for a long time, and the queen had no intention of touching the East Factory. What would happen if he led troops to raid the East Factory?

Soon, he gave up the idea.

At present, it is not suitable to do this. After all, all this is just his guess.

That night, Zhao Xiaole left the two ministers in his mansion and made hot pot for them to eat.

When the hot pot was served, they had not seen it and thought that the Marquis of Zhen Guo was entertaining them with these cheap meals.

He said flattering words on his lips, but he felt quite dissatisfied with them in his heart.

Who said that the prince of Zhenguo was generous?

Who said Zhen Guohou was rich?

This is obviously an iron cock that has nothing to lose.

Even if you can't get delicacies from the mountains and seas, you can at least ask Juxianlou to deliver a table of ordinary meals?

During the whole meal, the two of them were not very happy.

When they saw Qin Sining and others enjoying the popularity, they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts, and finally tasted it themselves.

Because summer has arrived, it is easy to sweat when eating this. The two of them just took one bite and refused to stop.

In the end, I was sweating profusely after eating and showed no official dignity at all.

Before leaving, Zhao Xiaole had to ask for the hot pot recipe before leaving. Zhao Xiaole asked someone to write it down and send it to their house later.

The two of them left with satisfaction.

It's summer now, and since there's no air conditioning, hot pot isn't too popular.

When winter comes, the first hot pot restaurant will be opened in Beijing. Let’s see how the business goes?

If it goes well, after the land reform and it is promoted across the country, we can make a lot of money.

However, there are more important things waiting for Zhao Xiaole now. If he cannot pass this level, he will lose his life, let alone make money.

At the court meeting.

Qin Sining, who had been seriously ill for a long time, came to attend the court meeting for the first time. Wang Yuan, the official minister, who almost died due to suicide, also attended today's court meeting.

For Qin Sining, after meeting, all the officials congratulated him, and then greeted him with greetings.

As for Wang Yuan, the first thing everyone said after meeting was, "Sir Wang, I have offended many of my subordinates, so please don't remember the faults of others."

Wang Yuan was startled when he heard this.

What's going on?

Because he had just recovered from an illness, he had difficulty moving. Today he came to court, but he was out of breath after just a few steps.

But the matter was so important that he had to come.

But why did all the officials apologize when they saw him?

Wang Yuan soon understood the reason. Everyone thought he was really planning to commit suicide, but they didn't know exactly why he couldn't think about it.

In order to curry favor, they came over one after another to show their courtesy.

Try to take the blame on yourself as much as possible.


Wang Yuan almost cursed, "Did I commit suicide? Then I was obviously assassinated, okay?"

Although Wang Yuan is greedy for money, he is not stupid.

What do you want the money for?

Isn’t it just to enjoy a good life?

Then why did he need to commit suicide?

Since Wang Yuan could not remember what happened at the time, eyewitnesses all said conclusively that they saw him stabbing the dagger into his chest with their own eyes.

Wang Yuan punished several servants for this, but no matter how much he beat him, those servants still complained that they were wronged.

Finally, I couldn't bear it any longer, so I changed my story and said that I had indeed been assassinated.

Ask them what an assassin looks like?

He also said he didn't know, and after another beating, he said all sorts of things. Some said they didn't see clearly, and some said the assassin was wearing white clothes.

In short, Wang Yuan finally understood that he might really commit suicide.

But this is unreasonable?

He told the third prince and others about this, and the third prince just comforted him with kind words, saying that he was under too much pressure and it was better to relax.

I was too harsh on him before, but I will definitely not be like this again in the future. He has already thrown away all the porcelain bowls at home.

Wang Yuan was moved to tears, but he still wondered, shouldn't he commit suicide?

He asked Ren Xiaoyao again, and Ren Xiaoyao naturally understood what was going on, but he just refused to tell him.

Wang Yuan finally concluded that he might be possessed by a ghost.

After getting some psychological comfort, recently, Taoist priests and monks came to Wang Yuan's house every day to perform rituals and help him expel the evil spirits from his house.

He also took advantage of this period of recuperation to enjoy some good food, wine, and beautiful women.

Injury was his only obstacle, so he just took medicine and enjoyed himself.

This experience taught him a lot. If he didn't enjoy it early, it would be too late once he got to the underworld.

Wang Yuan became more greedy and violent than before.

After all the officials arrived, they lined up on both sides of the court. The prince walked into the court amidst the shouts of the eunuchs.

The prince looked at the civil and military officials and nodded.

When the eunuch saw this, he shouted loudly, "If you have something to report, please leave the court if nothing happens."

Since ancient times, eunuchs have been called eunuchs, which means to let the civil and military officials push the matter out first, and then the prince will take over.

If the prince came directly to ask questions, it would easily cause the officials to become overly nervous, which is also considered a courtesy between the monarch and his ministers.

However, today, no one came out to speak. Even though all the civil and military officials were ready, no one spoke first.

The prince sighed and was about to speak when the Minister of Rites stood up and said, "I have a copy to write."

"Since the delay in paying tribute last year, East Vietnam has frequently launched wars at the beginning of the year. Now it has defeated the northern barbarians and its military preparations can be said to be at its peak. Its recent foreign affairs have also been quite disobedient. From a minister's perspective, East Vietnam has now mobilized its troops.

, there seems to be a tendency to go south, I hope the Ministry of War can take precautions early."

These words of the Minister of Rites are something that everyone has known for a long time.

In the past few years, East Vietnam had a tendency to unify the north. At the beginning of this year, it even deliberately delayed the payment of tribute.

There is obviously an intention to test.

As expected, as many people expected, in the spring of this year, East Vietnam once again launched a war against the northern barbarians, and successfully unified the north before the summer.

Now it might be more appropriate to rename it North Vietnam.

But, will East Vietnam go south and invade Jingyang this autumn?

As soon as the Minister of Rites raised this issue, everyone couldn't help but feel worried.

This chapter has been completed!
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