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Chapter 362: Meet Again

It really took a lot of effort for Ren Xiaoyao to hold her.

If his power had not been blocked, this would be relatively easy.

But now he is basically equivalent to an ordinary person. Before he touched the body of Protector Bailian, he felt his palm being snapped.

Then, the whole person was shaken out by the internal force of the White Lotus protector, and the whole person fell to the ground.


Ren Xiaoyao spurted out a mouthful of blood.

But he ignored his injuries and immediately shouted: "Stop! Don't do it, it will be over if you do!"

Protector White Lotus looked at him coldly, "What do you mean? Dare you deceive us? Even before I die, I will take your life first!"

Ren Xiaoyao explained: "Stop, we are Jin Yiwei now, don't reveal your identity, let me negotiate!"

"The other side has no reason to harm Jin Yiwei. Once you do it, we will definitely be killed!"

"Even if you have great martial arts skills and can leave here, what about them? They will all die here!"

Protector Bailian snorted coldly, and then put away his murderous intent, "Okay, I will trust you once, but if I find that you have done anything wrong, I will take your life immediately!"

Ren Xiaoyao covered his chest and stood up with difficulty, "You just come with me and I will communicate with them."

At this time, Agula had retreated with a group of believers, many of whom still had arrows on their bodies. The number of people who came back was obviously smaller than when they left.

Obviously, some people will never come back.

Agula glared at Ren Xiaoyao, pulled out the long knife and put it on his neck, "You Jingyang people are really untrustworthy, I will kill you now!"

Protector Bailian said coldly: "Stop!"

Agula: "Master Protector, why don't you kill this traitor?"

Bai Lian said coldly: "If he betrays us, he won't end up well. Let's see what else he can say. Go ahead!"

At this moment, with the sound of galloping, the soldiers in the distance were slowly approaching here. It was vaguely visible in the darkness that the number of the other party was at least five hundred.

When they were only fifty steps away, with an order, all the crossbowmen in the front row squatted down.

Then, there was the sound of crossbow arrows being cocked, and hundreds of crossbow arrows were aimed at them at the same time.

With just one command, hundreds of crossbow arrows will shoot them all into a sieve.

All the demon believers looked at the White Lotus protector one after another. It was impossible to escape now, and there were only two ways to choose.

One is to rush forward, fight with the opponent, and kill one to get enough.

One is to bite the poison in the mouth to avoid the pain of being pierced by thousands of arrows and falling into a dead body.

No matter how you choose, it all depends on the orders of Protector Bailian.

Ren Xiaoyao sighed: "You stay here, I will negotiate with them, don't expose the disguise of our Jin Yiwei."

Seeing that Bai Lian didn't speak, I knew that she acquiesced.

So, Ren Xiaoyao took a few steps forward and shouted to the crossbowmen in front of him: "Who are you? You actually attacked our Dongchang Jinyi Guards. Do you want to rebel?"

There was no response from the other side.

Ren Xiaoyao took out the token on his body and said, "Dongchang is a bodyguard directly under the command of Emperor Jingyang. How dare you stop us?"

"Now get out of the way and I can forget the blame. If you insist on breaking the ban, no matter who you are, your whole family will lose your head!"

There was still no sound coming from the other side. Agula couldn't stand it anymore and asked, "Who is the other party? Why do you insist on killing us?"

Bai Lian snorted coldly, "The opponent is not attacking now, which means he is also wary. Keep reading."

Just as the voice of Protector Bai Lian fell, there was a faint sound of horses running from the opposite side, and soon a voice shouted,

"Since you are Jin Yiwei, why did you leave the capital via the underground river?"

Ren Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, "We, the Jinyi Guards, supervise all officials. In order to avoid leaks, we must of course avoid all ears and eyes when we act. You should not inquire about these things, and you should not know about them."

The shout came again, "Since you are a royal guard, let me tell you your name and verify the authenticity."

"I am Ren Xiaoyao, the head coach of Dongchang Jinyiwei!" Ren Xiaoyao shouted into the distance.

The person on the other side was not asking questions, but was obviously discussing something.

After a while, the shout came again, "It's too dark, we can't see you clearly. Come closer, we adults will know the authenticity once you verify your identity!"

Ren Xiaoyao glanced at Bai Lian and others behind him and replied: "Okay, I'll be there right away!"

Then, he said to Bai Lian and others: "If you are worried, you can follow me there."

Agula glanced at Bai Lian and said, "Master Protector, let me go there. If this kid does anything wrong, I will kill him."

"You take the opportunity to retreat to the tunnel and inform the saint about this."

Bai Lian refused, "You take the person to stay, and I will go with him. Even if the other party has thousands of troops, they may not be able to hurt me at all."


Agula sighed, asked the believers behind him to prepare, and then prepared to retreat into the tunnel behind him.

As long as you retreat inside, no matter how many people the opponent has, they won't be able to perform anything inside.

After the discussion was decided, Protector Bailian followed Ren Xiaoyao towards the opponent's military formation. When they arrived in front of the crossbowmen, the opponent took the initiative to make way for a small path.

Signal them to come over.

Ren Xiaoyao and the other two had no choice but to continue moving forward.

As they walked through the military formation, they were surrounded by pairs of eyes that were wary of them, but neither Ren Xiaoyao nor Ren Xiaoyao was afraid.

After passing three rows of crossbowmen and the cavalrymen holding spears behind them, they were ordered to go back, while the cavalrymen in front led the way.

Ren Xiaoyao and the two walked forward for a while, and there was a man in brocade clothes with his back to them, and a military attaché stood beside him.

As soon as the military attaché opened his mouth, Ren Xiaoyao could tell that it was the person who had just asked them questions.

When the military attaché saw the two men, he sneered and said to the man next to him: "Master Marquis, we are already here."

Zhao Xiaole turned his head to look at them and said with a smile: "Ren Xiaoyao, it's really you!"

Ren Xiaoyao and Protector Bai Lian were both stunned. Ren Xiaoyao naturally recognized Zhao Xiaole, but Protector Bai Lian did not. However, they could only guess now.

Feeling the killing intent around him, Ren Xiaoyao immediately stepped forward and said, "It turns out to be Mr. Hou. I wonder why Mr. Hou is waiting here?"

Zhao Xiaole sneered, "The person I am waiting for is you, not you. The person next to you should be Bai Lian."

"Dragon protector of the Demon Sect, we meet again."

Zhao Xiaole recognized Bai Lian, naturally because he read the memory of Furious King Kong. Even though he was dressed as a royal guard, how could he escape his sight?

The killing intent in Bai Lian became stronger and stronger, and the coldness in her eyes became more real, which made Ren Xiaoyao's heart rise again.

He didn't know why Zhao Xiaole recognized Bai Lian? He didn't even know why Zhao Xiaole knew they were leaving here.

But there was one thing he knew very well, Bai Lian would definitely take action against Zhao Xiaole.

This chapter has been completed!
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