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Chapter 368

The prince looked at the officials, snorted coldly, and said: "My dear friends, today I want to tell you about the righteousness of the king and his ministers..."


The prince kept talking until the sun was high in the sky.

Many of the officials below were already sweating profusely, their knees were aching and their legs were weak.

I secretly regretted that I had been too indulgent these past two days.

If not, how could you not hold on for such a short period of time?

Especially if you keep leaning forward and lowering your head all the time, how can it be called "hard"?

Some people can't help but want to move. If they move a little bit, they will be noticed by the sharp-eyed eunuch.

Then he reminded the officials to pay attention to their appearance at the court meeting.

This embarrassed many officials.

I didn't expect the prince to be so vindictive. Last time, he only forced her a little bit, but she had such a big reaction.

If things go on like this, when will it end?

This also made everyone secretly decide that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, so they should tolerate him for a while, and wait for the third prince to take power, and then give him a good look.

Finally, the prince finished talking nonsense.

The purpose of her reaffirmation of the righteousness of the king and his ministers is to beat the officials, and to hope that they will realize their mistakes and sincerely repent.

Unfortunately, she miscalculated.

This will only make the rebound more severe.

As soon as the prince finished speaking, the eunuch began to take over, asking those who were capable to perform.

The minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs took out the fold from his sleeve and stepped forward and said: "I have this report, don't you know that the prime minister is the auxiliary of the country. If the auxiliary is weak, the country will be weak, and if the auxiliary is strong, the country will be strong. Therefore, those who want to strengthen the country should not focus on

To choose a prime minister, the current imperial court is divided into two phases, which is not a long-term strategy for governing the world."

"I believe that the selection of the prime minister should not be delayed. Lu Qingbai, the prince of Prince Pingxi, is versatile and open-minded, good at managing the order of the dynasty, and is a good prime minister. I risk my life to submit a letter, hoping that your highness will appoint Lu Qingbai as prime minister."

After the minister of official affairs finished speaking, the prince did not speak. He was silent for a while and then asked: "What do other officials think?"

The prince did not make a statement, and the officials had already responded to this move.

Immediately, officials of third rank and below came out to stand in line for Lu Qingbai and knelt down one after another to ask for orders.

At this time, the Minister of Rites also stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, the prime minister serves the emperor and controls all the officials. The wishes of the officials must be taken into consideration."

Further forcing the prince to make a choice.

All the officials are also veterans. Out of the tacit understanding that they have been in the court for many years, they know who should step forward at this time with a few words and a look.

Or who should say what.

Faced with the persecution of everyone, the prince sneered and picked up the book at hand, "In these books, all the government affairs of the two people are recorded. Now Qin Sining's government affairs far exceed that of Lu Qingbai. If I appoint Lu Qingbai as the prime minister, how can this be justified?


The prince kicked the ball to the opponent and let them solve the problem on their own.

Wang Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, stepped forward and said with cupped hands: "Your Highness, some members of the court have pointed out before that the assessment is unfair, and the prime minister is not only talented in government affairs, but also cannot disappoint the officials. I hope Your Highness will consider it carefully!


Li Lin, Minister of the Ministry of War, immediately stood up and said, "That's nonsense. If the assessment is unfair, why didn't you raise it in the first place?"

"Now, you are here to force His Highness to change the election rules. What is your intention? Is it because you are taking advantage of Lu Qingbai?"

Wang Yuan heard this and cursed loudly, "Li Lin, don't talk nonsense. I, Wang Yuan, am pure and innocent. Have I ever accepted any favors from anyone?"

"Are you innocent? I can't see it!" Li Lin sneered and turned to look at the prince, "Your Highness, I am afraid that there is something unclear between the lower officials, Wang Yuan and Lu Qingbai, so it is better to leave it to the

Investigation by the Ministry of Criminal Justice.”

How much benefit did Wang Yuan himself get? How could he not know?

The main thing was not that he took advantage of Lu Qingbai, but that he took a lot of benefits from other people. How could he dare to let the investigation go?

After the investigation, he will definitely be imprisoned and beheaded.

Wang Yuan immediately knelt down and cried: "Your Highness, I have vomited blood for the imperial court for thirty years and have done nothing for the imperial court. I am ashamed of the people of the world. Now I am being reported for taking bribes. Although I am unworthy, why should I fear punishment? Please go to jail.


Wang Yuan used retreat to advance, which can be said to be a brilliant move.

First, he said that he had no merit, just a little bit of hard work. It would be inappropriate for someone like me, who is just a vegetarian, not to be removed by His Highness quickly and find a reason.

So be it, anyway, I am innocent and I am not afraid of torture from the Criminal Department, so just send me there.

The reason why he dared to say this was because he knew that it was impossible for the prince to depose him or really put him in prison.

Even if the prince wanted to do this, the officials behind him would not agree.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Yuan lay down on the ground, all the officials behind him lay down in a large area, vying to be the first to plead:

"Not allowed, Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, if you believe Li Lin's lies and punish the ministers, the civil and military officials of the entire court will be in danger!"

"Your Highness, if you want to correct others, you must first correct yourself. Please put Li Lin in jail first."


He opened his mouth and hit him like a violent storm, giving the prince a chance to speak.

When the eunuch on the side saw this, he immediately shouted, "Quiet!"

"For a high-ranking official of the imperial court, it is so disrespectful. How can he behave like this?"

Hearing this, all the officials immediately became quiet.

The eunuch looked at the prince again, "Your Highness, please reprimand this kind of reckless behavior!"

The prince said coldly: "You are not asking for mercy for Wang Yuan, nor are you trying to punish Li Lin, you are forcing me!"

The prince's words revealed the thoughts of all the officials, and for a moment, no one dared to say a word.

Then, the prince looked at Lu Qingbai and said, "Lu Qingbai, so many officials want to elect you as prime minister, what do you want to say?"

Lu Qingbai immediately fell to his knees and said, "The guilty minister is incompetent. He owes the country's favor and the court. He cannot be the prime minister."

Normally, Lu Qingbai would just be simple and humble.

It is impossible to really shirk the position of prime minister.

But this time, why doesn’t the smell sound wrong?

What is incompetence? Shouldn’t it be that one has little talent and little knowledge?

Why do we owe the country a debt of gratitude above and the imperial court below? Shouldn’t we be ashamed of the imperial court and owe the country a debt of gratitude?

The last sentence about not being a prime minister is even more wrong. It should be said that he is not a prime minister!

What is this all about?

The officials had noticed something was wrong and wanted to stop them, but the prince had already spoken first.

"Lu Qingbai, why are you belittling yourself so much? You know, all the officials are trying to elect you as prime minister!"

The prince was also stunned after hearing Lu Qingbai's words, and then secretly rejoiced.

Therefore, before the officials could speak again, he took the lead in blocking them with one sentence, not giving them a chance to speak.

Speaking of which, Lu Qingbai's probability of winning has been reduced by more than half, which the prince never expected.

In the top position, Zhao Xiaole looked coldly at Lu Qingbai from the corner of his eye and continued to wait for his next words.

I saw Lu Qingbai suddenly kowtow to the ground, "Your Highness, I have committed an unpardonable crime and should be put to death!"

This chapter has been completed!
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