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Chapter 391 Gradually reply

Three days in a row.

The capital was filled with cries and screams, followed by piles of corpses being transported out of the capital.

The cleaning lasted three days and nights.

Many people are staying behind closed doors.

Outside there were officers and soldiers galloping around and shouting for death. When no more movement could be heard, the common people secretly ran out to find some food and water.

Otherwise, they would rather stay at home and eat dirt than open the door and go out.

During this purge in the capital, the people also suffered great disasters, but most of them were wealthy households. When the Jin Yiwei sent troops to rob, they were almost wiped out.

Most of the powerless people suffered from the disaster, and most people were not affected.

It was more likely that he was mentally frightened or accidentally injured.

When Zhao Xiaole was purging those officials who had colluded with the Third Prince's remnants and indulged the private army, he specifically told the soldiers not to affect the civilian population.

Later he found out that he was completely overthinking it.

The soldiers were too tired and had no time to pay attention to these ordinary people who had no money or water. Only a few soldiers who came to ask for food and water were whipped by Zhao Xiaole for bumping into the ordinary people.

After that, nothing similar happened again.

As for the corpses being sent out of the capital, since they were besieged by the Imperial Guards, the passage for transporting the corpses was opened with the force of the musketeers and artillery.

This will prevent them from staying in Beijing and causing more troublesome plague.

Especially now that it is summer, if these corpses are not disposed of early, once they stink, they can really kill people.

Even so, the soldiers still couldn't finish cleaning up.

We could only mobilize the surrounding people to help transport the corpses, and then the corpses were sent away in time.

After the cleaning was completed, Zhao Xiaole was too tired to move.

In order to gain time, not only did he take action, except for Suzaku who was protecting Qin Sining personally, the other three killers all took Xichang Fanzi with them to search for the missing Jin Yiwei and the hiding dignitaries.

Zhao Xiaole could not be soft-hearted towards these people.

And under the heavy attack of Xichang, Zhao Xiaole did not save any of the powerful people who had committed plunder and plunder and should be purged.

The power of the Jin Yiwei has been basically disintegrated, leaving only the Third Prince and his party, and a group of Jin Yiwei who have not been dealt with.

It's not that Zhao Xiaole is soft-hearted, one is that he has no time, and the other is that the musketeers' recent frequent attacks have caused the opponent to basically understand the advantages and disadvantages of muskets and artillery.

Never engage in street fighting with the musketeers, but engage in ambushes and assaults. As for the artillery, use the time between artillery shots and the speed of the horses to carry out surprise attacks, which will definitely inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

Therefore, Zhao Xiaole decided not to kill them all.

There are two reasons. The first is that if they are exterminated and these people have nowhere to go, they will definitely continue to lurk in other places in the capital and secretly carry out sabotage activities. Rather than hunting them down everywhere, it is better to give them a place to go.

It is convenient for Zhao Xiaole to have a meal at once.

The second reason is that since the musket has appeared in the world, it is only a matter of time before the other party finds out. What he can do is to delay this time, continue to make the other party vaguely understand, and figure out the principle of the musket later.

This is also the reason why he hid the Musketeers in the later period, not allowing them to continue playing in order to avoid being completely figured out by the opponent.

After three consecutive days of not sleeping, Zhao Xiaole couldn't bear it anymore.

He just lay on the chair and rested for a while, then set off to go to court again.

The Yan army has begun to attack Chuzhou, and urgent military information has been piled on the prince's case.

He has to deal with these things.

To deal with the outside world, one must first settle the inside. Now that internal and external troubles are breaking out at the same time, Zhao Xiaole has no spare time at all.

After changing into court clothes, Zhao Xiaole suddenly realized that Hong Ni was holding the clothes he had changed and was crying secretly.

Zhao Xiaole asked in confusion: "What's wrong with Hongni? Who bullied you?"

Hongni shook his head, "Master Marquis, Green Ant has stewed lotus seed soup for you. You can eat it first and then go to court!"

Zhao Xiaole didn't believe it, "You can still deceive me? Why are you crying when nothing happens? Otherwise, I won't drink lotus seed soup!"

Hong Ni started to cry again. Zhao Xiaole felt soft in his heart and took her into his arms to comfort her.

"There has been a bit of chaos in the capital these days. I am indeed a bit busy, but don't worry, the capital will get better soon."

Hongni wiped her tears and said, "Master Hou, I haven't seen you in the past few days. Everyone is worried to death!"

Only then did Zhao Xiaole understand.

Most of the Hou Mansion was burned down, and it was so chaotic outside. No wonder Hongni and the others were so worried, fearing that he might have died outside if he didn't come back.

After that, Zhao Xiaole offered some kind words to comfort him, drank the lotus seed soup, and immediately rushed to court.

On the last day of the purge, order in Beijing had actually gradually been restored.

Therefore, the prince did not have time to wait for the psychological trauma of officials and people to recover, so he immediately held a court meeting.

No way, Yan Bing has already knocked on the door.

On the way, Zhao Xiaole opened the sedan curtain and could faintly see blood stains on the stone pavement that had not been cleaned.

But in the surrounding B&Bs, the voices of people who got up early could also be heard.

Compared to the past few days, there was once again a bit more fireworks in the capital.

Zhao Xiaole put down the sedan curtain and sighed.

He knew that the chaos was not over yet.

Neither the Queen nor the Third Prince have eradicated their influence yet. We only hope that when there is another turmoil, it will not affect so many innocent people.

At the court meeting.

Many officials have arrived.

Wait in the hall in advance.

Logically speaking, they should line up first and then enter the main hall.

The prince didn't have time to pay attention to these etiquettes anymore, and directly let everyone who could come into the hall.

When Zhao Xiaole came in, he suddenly found that the officials were much more deserted than before.

Or, it can no longer be called Baiguan.

Now, the number of people who can come to court is less than one-third of the original number.

Some were captured and executed by Jin Yiwei, but more people were executed by Zhao Xiaole in recent days.

He couldn't remember exactly how many people he had killed.

Therefore, as soon as he came in, he could clearly feel the fear of him from all the officials. After seeing him, they all took two steps back first.

As for why you want to withdraw?

Do you still have time to think about this issue now?

Let’s take two steps back before talking.

As for the older officials, I don’t know if it’s because their legs are not working properly or for some other reason.

Ever since Zhao Xiaole came in, his legs couldn't stop shaking.

If you ask, why are there so few officials attending court today?

Wasn't it the person in front of me who did it?

Why did this man come to court?

There is no reason. The officials just want to leave here quickly. They don't care if it is a court meeting now?

He just instinctively wants to leave and stay far away from Zhao Xiaole.

What's even worse is that the underside of the court robe is already damp, with drops of water constantly dripping onto the floor tiles.

There was an obvious stench permeating the main hall.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaole could only shake his head, sighed, and stood at his own place.

This chapter has been completed!
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