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Chapter 396 Barbarian North Map

"What did you say?"

Du Jiang was shocked when he heard this and didn't believe it at all.

He stepped forward and grabbed Jin Yiwei's collar, and asked: "Tell me again, Mr. Wang is just going to court, how can Zhao Xiaole kill him?"

Jin Yiwei also panicked and explained: "It's true, it's true. According to the information sent back by the informant, Mr. Wang was killed by Zhao Xiaole in the court!"

Hearing this, Du Jiang's heart suddenly sank, and he unconsciously let go of the Jin Yiwei.

Wang Yuan was killed. He was killed when he went to court.

What does this mean?

Needless to say, the answer is that Zhao Xiaole will definitely attack them.

But this is wrong. The Yan soldiers have obviously entered the country. If Zhao Xiaole doesn't care about them, does he still have the intention to deal with them?

Wang Yuan is Du Jiang’s immediate boss.

Wang Yuanyi died.

Du Jiang suddenly felt empty in his heart.


He suddenly became fierce. Since the other party wants to hit, let's hit him!

Time is on his side. As long as he can persist, Zhao Xiaole will definitely be the first to be unable to bear it.

Du Jiang immediately ordered everyone, "Get ready to fight, all archers are in position!"

Jin Yiwei has been busy digging fortifications during this period, and has long been exhausted physically and mentally. How can he still have the strength to fight?

We haven't heard that the enemy is coming yet, so we have to prepare for battle, and there are complaints all over the place.

But under Du Jiang's lustful power, he had to obey orders.

As a result, most people moved slowly to their positions step by step, without any energy at all.

Du Jiang looked at everyone coldly, feeling angry when he saw that these imperial guards were so lax in following his orders.

He took a few steps forward, pulled out the Xiuchundao, and put it on the neck of a Jinyi guard, "Why are you moving so slowly?"

Unexpectedly, the Jin Yiwei was not afraid at all. He didn't know whether he was numb from exhaustion or thought that Du Jiang could not kill him. He calmly explained: "Where have I ever been so tired? This is not an action at all.

Let’s fight!”

"Humph, this is war. Anyone who disobeys military orders will be executed!" Du Jiang said coldly.

Only then did the Jin Yiwei realize that something was wrong, "Wait a moment, Commander, wait!"

Before he finished speaking, Du Jiang flicked the blade in his hand and immediately cut the neck of the Jin Yiwei.

The Jin Yiwei was like a killed rooster, spitting blood and fell to the ground dead.

This scene made everyone else dumbfounded.

Damn it!

How murderous!

Everyone stood there dumbfounded.

Du Jiang glanced at them and said coldly: "This is the case for anyone who disobeys orders!"

At this time, everyone did not dare to wait any longer. One by one, they hurried to their positions and prepared themselves.

While waiting for the West Factory Musketeers and the Beijing Guards to surround the place, they found that the Jinyi Guards had already completed the fortifications.

After several waves of attacks, they failed to break through the opponent's defense line.

No matter whether it was filled with shelling or numbers of people, it had no effect at all. Instead, it suffered many casualties.

After Zhao Xiaole found out, he immediately asked everyone to stop attacking.

He had previously issued an order that he would not pardon Jin Yiwei and would not accept Jin Yiwei's surrender.

This is why they will resist to the end.

It's the so-called trapped beast fight.

Even so, Zhao Xiaole's strategy remained unchanged and he still refused to accept Jin Yiwei's surrender.

If you see one, you will kill one.

However, the other party's fortifications were too complete.

If the musketeers are not in an open area, they will not be able to play their role at all. Instead, the opponent can keep firing arrows at them from behind obstacles.

If cavalry is used to attack, the opponent will set up too many obstacles on the street and they will not be able to charge forward.

The only effective way to attack is to bombard with artillery.

But the opponent has dug a tunnel, and your cannonballs can't penetrate the surface at all. Once the sound of the cannons stops, the opponent will rush out of the tunnel again to fight against the attacking soldiers.

Zhao Xiaole climbed up to a high place, looked at the ruins of the third prince's residence, and came up with an idea.

"Go and evacuate all the people around you, and then bring the archers over to me. We will attack at night. Also, the shelling must not stop!"


Everyone didn't know how Zhao Xiaole was going to attack, but they still followed his way.

For now, Zhao Xiaole didn't let them attack, and he didn't have to rush over to die, so he was naturally happy.

Next, the bombardment began.

Although it has little effect, it can make the opponent constantly harassed and unable to rest at all. The fatigue tactic is also one of Zhao Xiaole's tactics.

He originally wanted to wait for the opportunity to attack, but the eunuch from the palace suddenly came to send a message that the prince wanted to summon him.

Zhao Xiaole was stunned.

Why did the prince want to see him suddenly?

Where is Henghou? Any opinion will be more professional than that of Zhao Xiaole. Have you encountered any unsolvable problems again?

East Palace.

The prince looked at Henghou in front of him and sighed, "Henghou, I know your worries very well, but I know Xiaole's character very well. He can't be the kind of person you said."

Hearing this, Marquis Heng could not say anything more, so he could only say: "Your Highness, please limit the power of Marquis Zhen Guo. Otherwise, even if you favor him, you are only harming him. Since ancient times, powerful ministers have not done anything good."


Heng Hou wanted to discuss matters with the prince alone. Unexpectedly, he only needed 20,000 Beijing troops to guarantee the defense of Chuzhou.

The prince was overjoyed when he heard this.

But what Heng Hou said next stunned the prince. He actually proposed to transfer Zhao Xiaole away from the capital and at the same time restrict Zhao Xiaole's rights. Otherwise, Jingyang's world will definitely belong to Zhao Xiaole from now on.

He also said that His Highness should not favor Zhao Xiaole so much.

The prince's face turned red as he spoke.

What is favored and not favored?

What nonsense is this Henghou talking about?

Because of this, she didn't listen at all to Henghou's other words.

Seeing his silence, Heng Hou also sighed and said nothing more. Since the prince couldn't listen, it was useless no matter what he said.

Just when the two were about to finalize the matter, Li Lin came in with new military information from the Ministry of War, "Your Highness, we can't delay it any longer!"

"Both the south and the north are in panic at the same time!"


When the prince and Henghou heard this, they were both shocked and hurriedly opened the Baili urgent documents and read them.

Because it was too urgent, the documents were sent directly to the palace. They did not go to the Ministry of War at all. They went directly to Li Lin and handed these things to him.

Two letters arrived at the same time, one from King Zhenbei. In addition to guarding against East Vietnam, the northern border was also attacked by the North Sea caravan. The letter from King Zhenbei made it very clear that the North Sea caravan was a group of pirates.

, possessing firearms with long range and great power.

The letter from the King of Southern Fujian also explained the situation in the south. After hearing about the war in Chuzhou, the barbarians are now also frequently provoking in the border areas. One day ago, they robbed and massacred several border towns one after another, and there was a vague intention to go north.

If the barbarians were in the north, they would definitely form a pincer attack with the Yan soldiers from the north and the south.

This chapter has been completed!
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