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Chapter 432 Golden God

The King of Minnan was stunned.

I became irritable again.

He was not convinced and continued to stuff in, "What's the matter? Tell me."

I don’t know why, but there were some reactions. Minnan.com was very happy.

The soldier outside became anxious, "Your Majesty, Ye... Yecheng is flooded."

The reaction disappears.

The King of Minnan was furious, stood up anxiously, put down his hem, covered his legs, and then left the tent.

His face was full of anger and he shouted: "A flood, a flood, a flood! What does it have to do with me if there is a flood in Yecheng?"

The soldier pointed in the direction of Yecheng and said, "My lord, you see, I am not lying to you. You will understand after seeing it."

After hearing this, the King of Minnan calmed down.

The soldiers dared not fool him.

Something must have happened near Yecheng.

At this time, other officials and soldiers also came out of the camp, and they all felt that something was wrong.

So, the King of Minnan led his team to the front of the camp to check the situation in Yecheng.

From a distance, we can see that Yecheng, which was originally sparsely lit, has now turned into sporadic lights.

And around the city, the boundless water spread around the city.

Yecheng has been gradually surrounded.

It is spreading towards the camp.

The King of Minnan was stunned, and the surrounding officials were also stunned.

The flood is still spreading forward.

It was as if he was waving to them from a distance.

This...what's going on with this horse riding?

The Minnan King and everyone else couldn't help but breathe a little heavier.

Such floods will soon submerge Yecheng.

From Yecheng to Zhangchuan and Linyi, they are all low-lying areas. If the flood is allowed to spread, the area will be flooded.

This generation will all become Qianli Zeguo.

"Zhao...Zhao Xiaole, it was Zhao Xiaole who did it!" King Minnan was the first to react and couldn't help but lost his voice.

Zhao Xiaole had only one purpose, which was to cut off the barbarians' retreat.

Either occupy Yecheng, or flood this generation with floods.

In this way, the barbarians' retreat was completely cut off.

The Minnan King clenched his fist tightly until his fingertips turned white.

The Taifu on the side calmed down and immediately cursed: "Zhao Xiaole, this beast, did such an unscrupulous thing. Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

However, after he said this.

There were very few responders.

Flooding Yecheng was something no one had thought of before.

However, Yecheng used to be the territory of Jingyang people, so why would anyone flood their own territory?

Now, Yecheng is occupied by barbarians.

Once flooded, the barbarians' escape route was cut off.

Actually a clever idea.

But, how did Zhao Xiaole penetrate deep into the hinterland of the barbarians?

You know, there are barbarian sentries in the middle. You want to walk in safely without alerting the barbarians.

This is simply unbelievable.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

The flood was getting closer and closer, and everyone did not dare to delay. They all asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, although the place where our army is stationed is high, it will inevitably be affected. For now, it seems that we should retreat to the city first!"

The King of Minnan snorted heavily, looked at the ocean approaching in front, and shouted angrily like crazy:

"Zhao Xiaole! I and you are inseparable!!"

Then, the King of Minnan took a few breaths angrily, turned around and said: "Bring up camp and retreat!"

This trip was all in vain.

Zhao Xiaole himself cut off the barbarians' retreat.

If the barbarians could not break through the Juyong Pass, they would have only one way to go and break into the hinterland of the King of Southern Fujian.

This is the outcome that the Minnan King tried his best to avoid.

But in order to keep Xunyang, Zhao Xiaole had to sacrifice his interests.

Use him as bait to destroy the barbarians.

After understanding this, how could the King of Minnan not be angry?

He even started to imagine.

In order to divert the disaster eastward, should we unite with the barbarians and help them capture Juyong Pass?

However, how should he win a city that even the barbarians cannot take?

The King of Minnan thought secretly.

Zhao Xiaole led two thousand cavalry and charged all the way.

Those barbarian soldiers who had tried their best to escape from Yecheng encountered the troops led by Zhao Xiaole before they could take a breath.

The leader was a figure holding a spear and wearing a golden mask. That figure was invincible.

Once they break out of the formation, they will immediately kill all the barbarians.

As for the cavalry at the back, the task is much simpler.

He just needs to harvest people's heads along the way.

Don't take it too easy.

Because the leader, Zhao Xiaole, is simply a god.

The cavalrymen gradually went from shock at the beginning, to admiration, to surrender, to finally, being willing to follow him to the death.

Zhao Xiaole took them around Yecheng first.

Those barbarians who escaped from the flood or struggled in the water were all killed.

But the ordinary people in Jingyang let them run for their lives.

I saw Zhao Xiaole going around killing barbarian soldiers with his iron cavalry.

Those Jingyang people who escaped mistakenly thought that the magic soldiers were coming.

They all knelt down and kowtowed.

Zhao Xiaole just asked people to urge them to escape from here quickly without wasting time.

Then, he led his troops and fought from night to dawn, with corpses of barbarians floating everywhere on the water.

As the water situation gradually stabilized.

So much so that the blood turned the water red.

After chasing for a long time, they saw that there were no barbarians for them to kill.

Zhao Xiaole prepared to lead his people to the direction of Zhangchuan and continue the attack.

At this time, cavalry came to report and found that the big shot of the barbarians had escaped and was still alive and dead.

Zhao Xiaole immediately became interested and urged his horse to rush over.

I saw two people floating together on the edge of the water. One of them was a young man, and the other was dressed like a barbarian general.

Judging from his clothing, the other party's status is not low.

Several soldiers had already found branches and were carrying the two of them to the shore.

When Zhao Xiaole arrived, he happened to see this scene.

Soon, the two were dragged to the shore.

What is puzzling is that the young man held a dagger in his hand and stabbed the barbarian general in the chest with all his strength.

The boy also had wounds and whip marks on his body.

During the rafting process, he had died for a long time due to excessive blood loss.

Although the barbarian general was hit by a knife, because the wound was not too deep, there was still breath left.

After being pulled ashore, he coughed first, and then slowly opened his confused eyes, "Who are you?"

He vaguely saw many figures on the river bank and heard the snorting of some horses.

His vision gradually became clearer, and the first thing that caught his eye was a figure wearing a golden mask.

That man was like a god.

What's wrong with me?

Am I saved by God?

One...that must be the case.


I finally escaped the torture of the evil ghost.

I...I, save me!

However, the god-like figure raised the spear in his hand, looking at the barbarian leader in disbelief.

A spear pierced him.

Afterwards, he died unwillingly.

This chapter has been completed!
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