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Chapter 512 Cooperation!

Human massacre with bloody hands, human Shura!

Wait for the title to be mentioned again.

This Zhao Xiaole is simply a murderous maniac!

Before, there were people who spoke well of Zhao Xiaole because he fought alone against 30,000 East Vietnamese cavalry at the north gate of the capital.

Now, these sounds have been completely silenced.

Because many people are doubting whether Zhao Xiaole will fight the East Vietnamese for the sake of the country?

Or do you simply like killing people?

And, when did this happen?

Even if these royal family members rebel, you can just send them to the battlefield, right?

Why kill them?

Isn't this a waste of resources?

This is the reason why those people who value practicality scolded Zhao Xiaole.

Others are also members of the royal family.

They also went on a crusade against Zhao Xiaole for this reason.

Zhao Xiaole has indeed gone too far.

Killing royal disciples is like killing a pig?

For this reason, the areas south of the capital, under the leadership of these royal families, began a massive verbal and written campaign against Zhao Xiaole!

And those who really care about the country and the people and have far-reaching insights also sigh with regret.

They didn’t think Zhao Xiaole was killed by mistake.

These royal children are indeed killed!

But it was not the right time for you to kill.

Isn't it obvious that killing him at this time is to force him to rebel against Prince Rui and Xing Zhang?

Zhao Xiaole did a great job.

There is no way for the imperial court to escape!

Eunuch, oh eunuch!

You are so damned wrong to the country!

In fact, whether Zhao Xiaole does this or not, the result will be the same.

Because Xing Zhang had rebelled in the first place. This is irrefutable evidence and fact, regardless of whether Xing Zhang returns to the court or not.

He won't end well.

Therefore, either Xing Zhang dies or Zhao Xiaole dies.

There is no conflict that can be reconciled between the two.

Prince Rui, when he returned from Bayar's banquet, he kept thinking about it and immediately discussed it with Xin Rulong and others.

How should we choose in this matter?

Everyone looked at each other and felt a little moved.

Now, the conflict between them and the court is difficult to reconcile, so instead of waiting for the situation to change.

It's better to be more proactive.

In the past, there was no benefit to them doing this.

But now, Bayar is willing to return 50,000 private troops to them. These 50,000 people are more than the private troops in Liucheng!

If you don't want to accept it, wouldn't you be a fool?

Or maybe, all fools know how to choose at this time, right?

However, everyone was embarrassed to speak at first.

After all, it was Prince Rui who took the initiative to rebel.

At this moment, someone said: "Zhao Xiaole threatened that if the prince does not arrive in the capital before dark..."

"He will tell the world that the prince has rebelled."

"The current message has been circulated!"

After the man finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Everyone was also silent.

If you say this at this time, it is very accurate.

The imperial court has already said that you have rebelled. Even if you say that you have not rebelled, it will be meaningless.

Unexpectedly, Prince Rui became furious after hearing this. He hammered the low table next to him and cursed:

"Damn eunuch, you actually insulted me like this!"

"court death!"

Everyone else agreed to rebel, but Prince Rui, who was originally the mastermind, suddenly changed his mind.

Instead, he didn't want to rebel.

It’s true that if you don’t hold me back, you will push me backwards!

In fact, human nature is like this.

If you tell him to look west, he will always look east.

I can't explain why.

In life, this kind of thing can also be found accurately.

Prince Rui is like this.

If everyone tried to persuade him to surrender to the imperial court, he would slam the table and tell everyone, this damn eunuch, this king and him will be at odds with each other from now on!

But Xin Rulong frowned and remained silent.

Prince Rui glanced at him and asked: "Mr. Xin, what do you think of this matter?"

Xin Rulong sighed and said, "What I'm worried about is the family members left in the capital."

"If we rebel, Zhao Xiaole will definitely kill them!"

Prince Rui also nodded and said: "Yes, I have ignored this matter. If we don't announce the rebellion, then Zhao Xiaole will not dare to kill them. If we announce it, Zhao Xiaole will definitely kill them to vent his anger!"

"It seems that this is Bayar's poisonous plan. If you hadn't suddenly woken up, I would have been fooled."

Now that you know this.

Prince Na Rui didn't need to think about how to choose.

Because now it is not he who begs Bayar, but Bayar who begs him!

Xin Rulong and everyone also nodded.

Many people even laughed in relief after being stunned.

It was as if the situation was back on their side again.

So, that night, Prince Rui called Mei Ji again, set up a banquet, and had a meal and drink with everyone.

This is a rare moment of relaxation.

Previously, because Jiayuguan was lost, everyone was thinking about how to escape?

There was a lot of fear in my heart.

Fear is born from the kidneys, which causes them to have a lot of restlessness accumulated in the heart and kidneys, which needs to be vented in time.

When I received the message the next day.

In the arms of Prince Rui and others, they all still held their favorite Mei Ji.

It took a long time last night.

I still have some back pain now.

Prince Rui couldn't help but lament that he was getting old after all.

His elder brother, Emperor Jingyang, fell ill due to overwork due to Ruhua.

I wonder if Prince Rui can absorb this lesson?

Prince Rui's sigh did not last long, and he was soon surprised by the news from the messenger.

Zhao Xiaole actually executed prisoners on the city wall.

Are these prisoners all disciples of the royal family?

How is this possible?

Prince Rui was so shocked that he stood up quickly, ignoring the pain in his back, without even putting on his coat.

In the cool autumn wind, he wore a thin pair of underwear and leaned on the railing to look at the distant capital.

Of course it was impossible for him to see anything.

It's just that the shock in his heart needs to be expressed.

Just like that, Prince Rui looked into the distance and was shocked for a while.

After a moment, he immediately shouted: "Go quickly, call Xin Rulong and others over! I have important matters to discuss!"

Things have changed now.

It is not Bayar who is forcing them to rebel.

It was Zhao Xiaole who was forcing them to make a move.

Why does Zhao Xiaole dare to do this?

Why should he?

"Zhao Xiaole, I want you to die without a burial place!"

Prince Rui couldn't help but shouted loudly.

Zhao Xiaole is just a mere eunuch. He is just disrespectful to himself and actually tries to force him to rebel!

This way of influencing Prince Rui's fate was simply intolerable to him.

It also made him feel a silent anger.

All the resentment squeezed inside my heart burst out at the same time at this moment.

Not long after, Xin Rulong and others came quickly. They also looked shocked and were wearing thin underwear.

But in the cool breeze, I didn't feel cold at all.

At this time, Prince Rui, who had beaten the railing a lot, had almost vented his anger. He slowly turned his head and said with red eyes:

"Tell Bayar that the king agrees!"

This chapter has been completed!
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