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Chapter 523 Long live my emperor

Even though there are many people who are dissatisfied with Zhao Xiaole.

But it still cannot stop those who are greedy for money and profit.

However, under the suppression of the gentry and royal family members from all over the country, these people did not dare to actively collude with Zhao Xiaole.

Wang Wanwan didn't care about this.

At first, after his fleet encountered difficulties from some local officials and gentry, Zhao Xiaole soon learned about it.

He immediately ordered the governor of Xunyang to send troops to escort Wang Wanwan's caravan if anyone dared to try to rob it and intervene.

Killing on the spot is allowed.

All the gentry involved were also wiped out.

After he passed this order to various state capitals, Wang Wanwan's caravan never encountered any difficulties again.

Goods sent from the Jiangnan area to the capital have no longer been hindered.

And with the two major blood transfusions of Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and Wang Wanwan, plus the almost inexhaustible wealth of the capital city.

Jingyang, which was affected by the war, quickly recovered economically.

This has, to a large extent, alleviated the public’s resentment towards Zhao Xiaole.

Among them, those who benefited the most were naturally the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and Wang Wanwan.

However, for other reasons.

Zhao Xiaole deliberately lowered the profits of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, but even so, he still made a lot of money.

Zhao Xiaole wanted to continue to suppress him, but after the prince's repeated interference, he finally gave up.

Wang Wanwan also took the initiative to ask for instructions, hoping that Zhao Xiaole would reduce his profits.

Zhao Xiaole refused.

This can be regarded as a reward for his support of the war against the barbarians.

However, there is a problem that is also facing us now.

That is, when did Zhao Xiaole attack Jiayuguan?

You know, the north is now in the hands of the East Vietnamese.

The longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable the war in the west will be, and the war in the north will be equally unfavorable.

At this time, the theory that Zhao Xiaole did not want to go to the Northern Expedition and wanted to continue to consolidate his own interests gradually emerged.

Regarding this matter, the prince also asked Zhao Xiaole for his opinion, and Qin Sining also asked.

Zhao Xiaole's answer was, "Now is not the time."

This may cause confusion.

Zhao Xiaole ignored it. It had been half a month since the Dongyue people besieged the capital.

During this period, the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and Wang Wanwan's ordnance factory worked overnight and each delivered a thousand Suifu muskets.

Zhao Xiaole successfully expanded the Musketeers to 3,000 people.

At the same time, he also asked people to survey the paths of Yuquan Mountain. At that time, Zalkucha could lead people through here.

If Zhao Xiaole sends people to sneak attack from here, what is the chance of success? How long will it take to open the road?

It will be at least a month after you find out.

Zhao Xiaole decided to simply wait.

Continue to wait and expand the number of musketeers to five thousand.

Five thousand is the current limit.

When the number of people expanded to five thousand, the ordnance factory needed to continuously produce ammunition to supply the consumption of these thousands of people.

This is also determined by the productivity of the current era.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaole was also constantly studying how to break through Jiayuguan?

Siege is always the most difficult.

Even with four times as many troops as his own, Bayar still had difficulty taking the capital. You can imagine the difficulty.

Regarding this matter, Zhao Xiaole fell into thinking.

During this half-month period, Zhao Xiaole also fought against Bayar several times.

However, the other party is obviously mainly testing.

Once the East Vietnamese cavalry sees the Jinyi Guards or the Huben Camp, they will try to use their cavalry to sneak attack.

But Lu Xun's Pixiu camp often followed him around.

When Dongyue and Pixiu fought against each other, they got a taste of how powerful it was, so Bayar gave up on his plan to fight Zhao Xiaole head-on.

If the two sides really fought, the East Vietnamese cavalry would have a very high probability of defeat.

This discovery also shocked Bayar.

Therefore, while Zhao Xiaole was busy expanding his army and preparing for war, Bayar was busy with another thing.

That is, Prince Rui was crowned emperor.

After the failure of the siege, both Prince Rui and Xing Zhang gathered the remaining troops, hid for a few days, and then fled to Jiayuguan again.

If they continue to stay with Jingyang, Zhao Xiaole will kill them sooner or later.

no way.

Although you have to rely on others.

At least one life can be saved!

Coupled with Bayar's kind invitation, the two came.

After gathering their remnant troops, Prince Rui had 20,000 men, while Xing Zhang only had more than 30,000 men.

The others either died under the city wall or fled in all directions.

Don't even know where you went?

Together, the two of them only have more than 50,000 people, which is quite a force.

However, when I think about it, one of them was in charge of more than 100,000 troops and the other was in charge of 200,000 troops.

But to be reduced to such a situation is very sad.

Bayar did not mention this.

Instead, he hosted a banquet for the two of them and proposed that Prince Rui proclaim himself emperor immediately.

Prince Rui looked at Xing Zhang, then at Xin Rulong, who was standing next to him, and said with a wry smile: "General, don't be joking."

"How can there be such an emperor?"

Bayar laughed loudly after hearing this, "I understand what you mean, but you are also of the Jingyang royal family, and there is no one more suitable than you."

"Besides, you and General Xing only have 50,000 people. Can you be Zhao Xiaole's opponent?"

These words really touched upon Prince Rui's pain points.

These 50,000 people, if not supported by Bayar, would soon fall apart.

If you don’t even have food and grass, why fight?

Prince Rui looked around, but saw no sign of King Zhenbei, so he asked, "What do you think of King Zhenbei?"

After King Zhenbei was defeated, only a few generals were left behind to gather up the scattered remnants of the army.

He went back to some place first.

Without soldiers and horses, wouldn't he become Xin Rulong?

He would not live like Prince Xuerui, relying on others.

Once he returned to his homeland, he continued to recruit troops and horses. In addition to the cavalry he did not bring with him, he was still the dominant King of Zhenbei.

When Prince Rui mentioned him, Bayar was obviously a little displeased. Then he smiled and said: "He suffered some injuries and will nurse them back when he goes back."

"However, he has informed me of his intentions and hopes that you can become emperor as soon as possible."

"Moreover, once you become emperor, you only need to enjoy the world with peace of mind. The task of guarding Jiayuguan will be taken care of by me."

"What do you think?"

Prince Rui looked bitter and asked, "I wonder how many soldiers and horses I can leave behind?"

Bayar glanced at Xing Zhang, then looked at him again, and said with a faint smile: "I will guard the world for you, so why do you two need troops?"

"Just leave your soldiers behind to guard against thieves!"

Xing Zhang seemed to have expected it. He sighed, stood up, and bowed down in front of Prince Rui.

"Xing Zhang meets my emperor, long live my emperor!"

Seeing this, Xin Rulong had to shake his head and stood up to salute, "Long live my emperor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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