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Chapter 583

Zhao Xiaole put away the knife.

Leave it to the imperial guards behind you.

Stepping on the blood-soaked carpet, he walked to the big tiger-skin chair at the top and sat down with his back turned.

The imperial guards stepped forward to push the King of Yue and his concubines to the ground.

Kneel down and worship Zhao Xiaole.

Scolded and scolded them.

It caused the concubines to cry.

Zhao Xiaole waved his hand, stopped and said: "Let them go, take all the women outside and keep them under guard."


The Royal Forest Army took the order.

Get out the Yue King's concubine and the corpses on the ground.

The soldiers who forced the King of Yue to kneel were also pushed aside.

The King of Yue sighed, thinking back and forth in his mind.

Who is the other party?

How could he kill the royal court?

What about the surrounding soldiers and tribes?

Why weren't they alarmed?

By the way, it's Bayar.

He must have betrayed me by joining forces with King Zhenbei.


I must kill him.

Zhao Xiaole slowly took off his mask, looked at the King of Yue indifferently and said: "Since you are the King of Yue, please take a seat."

The king of Yue could understand Chinese dialect.

He didn't know the other party's true intentions and didn't dare to sit down casually.

The imperial guard behind him helped him move a chair, placed it behind him, and shouted: "Sit down!"

The King of Yue did not dare to disobey and sat down obediently.

He lowered his head and secretly looked at Zhao Xiaole above.

He found that Zhao Xiaole was also looking at him expressionlessly.

He quickly lowered his head.

The king of Yue did not speak.

Zhao Xiaole didn't speak either.

There was an awkward silence in the golden account that made the King of Yue embarrassed.

Time passes.

The scolding and scolding outside the golden account gradually became less and less audible.

The king of Yue was extremely worried.

He doesn't know what's going on outside, nor does he understand his own destiny.

Sitting in the tent, you are constantly being scrutinized by others.

Forget about the nagging feeling.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he looked up again and couldn't help asking: "Don't you know the name of the hero?"

Zhao Xiaole looked indifferent and said nothing.

The King of Yue sighed.

I thought I asked in vain.

Zhao Xiaole suddenly spoke and said, "Are you very interested in my name?"

When the King of Yue heard this, he raised his head and said, "At least I know which hero he died at, right?"

Zhao Xiaole snorted, "So, you agreed to marry your daughter to me before you even know my name?"

"You...you are?"

The King of Yue thought of something incredible.

It broke all his reasoning.

Zhao Xiaole looked at him and said word by word: "I am Zhao Xiaole."


The King of Yue suddenly stood up from his chair.

Behind him, two forest guards stepped forward and yelled: "Sit down!"

He doesn't sit down.

The two men pressed his shoulders and forced him down.

The face of the King of Yue was full of anger.

I feel like I've been fooled.

He looked at Zhao Xiaole angrily.

Zhao Xiaole did not understand his thoughts and said: "According to the rules of the Chinese people, I am your son-in-law."

"However, according to the rules on the battlefield, you are now my prisoner, and we are an enemy country."

The King of Yue still refused to believe it. While being held down, he angrily shouted: "What benefits did Bayar give you?"

"How dare you humiliate me like this?"

"Tell Bayar that even if I am killed, I will die with dignity and will not surrender to him!"

He couldn't believe it.

Why can Zhao Xiaole enter the grassland and accurately find the location of the royal court?


If Zhao Xiaole could do it, the prairie people would have been extinct long ago.

Do you still have to wait for him to do what you want to do today?

He also didn't believe that the person in front of him was Zhao Xiaole.

The King of Yue had already made speculations.

Bayar united with the King of Zhenbei to rebel, and released a small team of Jingyang people to raid the royal court in order to kill him.

Attribute the fault to the people of Jingyang.

Bayar took the opportunity to monopolize power.

His inferences are very reasonable.

There is no error in logic.

However, it has nothing to do with the facts.

Zhao Xiaole didn't expect to convince him to believe it. He originally considered whether to kill the King of Yue, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Everyone in the world knows that Angel is his wife.

What if Qin Sining forces him to marry Angel?

When he killed Angel's father, he killed his own father-in-law.

There was another reason why Zhao Xiaole didn't plan to kill him. Zaha's plea worked.

Zaha is essentially a peace-loving person.

Zhao Xiaole can kill villains without hesitation, and he is always willing to show some mercy to people like Zaha.

Combining the two points, he made a new decision.

"Since you think that I was sent by Bayar to pretend to be the king, why did he ask me to pretend to be Zhao Xiaole?"

"Wouldn't it be better to just kill you?"

Zhao Xiaole asked every sentence that hit home.

However, the King of Yue was already blinded by anger. How could he analyze the problem rationally? He said angrily:

"Haha, of course your purpose is to humiliate me!"

"I sent people to invade Middle-earth and killed many of your people. You hate me, so you want to humiliate me as much as you want!"

"That's right! I even shamelessly married my daughter to one of your eunuchs from China, so you can finally torture her."

"My poor Angel! Woo hoo hoo..."

The King of Yue talked for a while, and then couldn't help but burst into tears.

His current appearance is no different from that of an ordinary old man.

Zhao Xiaole felt a little embarrassed instead.

If Qin Sining finds out about what happened today, who knows how she will lose her temper?

He coughed and said, "Okay, since you think Bayar and I have colluded, can you just call Bayar back and ask him clearly?"

"Send the message!"

Zhao Xiaole waved his hand and asked someone to find pen and ink for him.

The imperial guards brought a table, paper and pen, and placed them in front of the King of Yue.

The King of Yue did not move, and sneered: "You just want to humiliate me, can't you just let him come back?"

"Why bother?"

The king of Yue recognized the truth of death.

Bayar had betrayed him.

I refuse to write anything.

Zhao Xiaole had to change his words, "Since you think Bayar betrayed you, then write to someone who didn't betray you."

No one betrayed me?

The King of Yue thought for a while and could not think of that possible person.

He shook his head and sneered: "With the current fate, how can anyone still surrender to me?"

"Think again." Zhao Xiaole was not in a hurry, and kept playing with the Yue King's royal flag in his hand.

The King of Yue looked at Zhao Xiaole for a while, then suddenly thought of someone, he patted his head and said: "Zalakucha!"

"He was punished by Bayar, and he will not obey Bayar's orders just because he has a grudge!"

"Yes, I will just write to him!"

After picking up the pen, he suddenly stopped. He didn't know what to write.

How should I ask?

Zhao Xiaole threw out the king's order flag in his hand, and with a clang, it landed on the table in front of King Yue.

"This king comes and you write it!"

"Former army commander Bayar intends to rebel. I ordered you to capture him with the royal flag and bring him to the royal court for questioning!"

"Don't let the news leak out!"

This chapter has been completed!
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