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Chapter 597: Chasing Pirates

Once the cavalry charges, there is no reason to argue.

After the grassland and northern soldiers broke into the private army's formation from the flanks, they split the opponent's formation sharply.

Like a flood breaking through a river bank.

Spreading endlessly.

The private army is in chaos.

Total chaos.

Some of them were busy running for their lives, and some had no time to run for their lives. They couldn't even kneel down and surrender. They were surrounded by galloping horses and blades that were harvesting human lives.

Even if the enemy doesn't want to hurt them, it's difficult to do so.

Some private soldiers escaped the charging horses in front, but were followed closely behind, and more horses were knocked away.

Fell to the ground.

It was trampled to pulp by horses' hooves.

A large number of private troops were retreating towards Wanjiaji. The cavalry did not stop when they got there. After simply harvesting some lives, they continued to charge forward.

Killed the pirates heading east.

Once the crowd becomes crowded, the cavalry's attack momentum will immediately stop, and space needs to be left for subsequent cavalry to continue their attack.

The battlefield was a mess.

The formation of the private army has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The private armies in the rear were scattered and in chaos, and the private armies in the front were also facing annihilation.

After they fought against the Jingyang cavalry, with their superiority in numbers and firearms, the two sides fought evenly.

They are fully confident of defeating each other.

Unexpectedly, the private army in the rear was defeated.

The northern soldiers and grassland cavalry trampled the back row of the private army, turning the mountains and rivers into pieces.

How can the private troops in the front row still have the heart to fight?

Their advantage was quickly eroded by the Jingyang people, and in an instant, the offensive and defensive situation was reversed.

Jingyang's cavalry also broke through the defense line.

The remaining formations of the private army were destroyed and riddled with holes. The private army was in chaos and no longer had any resistance.

on the coast.

Lu Xun led the Pixiu camp and ran wildly along the coastline.

When he, Chang Kun and others saw the prairie cavalry attacking the private army, how could they still have any doubts in their hearts?

They were certain of one thing without a doubt.

Zhao Xiaole has conquered the royal court.

Once again he decided the situation on the battlefield.

Simply unbelievable.

The reality is happening vividly before their eyes.

Slap their young faces hard.

How did Zhao Xiaole do it?

Just thinking about it gave them goosebumps.

At this moment, they also understood.

Understand why Zhao Xiaole wants them to fight.

If they don't leave the city to lure the enemy, how can Wanyihe command the army to advance?

How could the prairie people severely inflict heavy losses on the private army?

Lu Xun's heart was full of fighting spirit.

He shouted loudly first and led the Pixiu battalion to fight out.

The coastline was full of pirates worth their weight in gold, and Lu Xun and his Pixiu Camp soldiers showed no mercy.

Step on, step on, stab, bite.

Any tactics and any means of killing the enemy are used without scruples.

The enemy is in chaos and has no power to fight back.

He led the Pixiu camp to run wildly.

As a result, there were so many enemies in front of them that they had no time to kill them, so Pixiu rushed to the enemies in the back row.

They simply didn't kill him.

So he let Pixiu run along the coast.

The morning light has just risen.

The warm sea breeze blows.

The overwhelming murderous intent and bloody atmosphere on the coast cannot be blown away.

However, everyone in Pixiu camp felt that they were running between the sea breeze and the killings on the battlefield, as if they were traveling through the gap between two worlds.

There is a magical feeling of freedom.

It makes people unable to help but feel their hearts racing.

The murderous intention imbued with it became more and more intense.


Accompanied by shouts, the shouts of pirates, the sound of muskets, the sound of waves, and the sound of fish leaping out of the sea.

Camp Pixiu is constantly harvesting lives.

The pirates were defenseless.

Their number is not very large.

There are about five to six thousand people.

Wang Zhi also discovered the betrayal of the grassland people immediately through the diorama, and he decisively asked the pirates to retreat.

Wang Zhi doesn’t understand.

What are the prairie people doing on horseback?

However, he only has so many people under his command.

I don't want them all to be wiped out too.

Will the private army die, and how many will die?

Those are not things he wants to care about.

As long as his people are fine.

Wang Zhi issued the order to retreat without hesitation.

He reacts quickly enough, is insidious enough, and is selfish enough. Of course, if he doesn't do this, he can't do anything else.

The pirates withdrew immediately.

Their losses were minimized.

Lu Xun chased for most of the day, but only hunted down about half of the pirates.

The remaining half either escaped back to the boat, or jumped into the water, struggled and fled in terror.

When the chase came to an end, the prairie people also came and killed them.

The grassland people are good at shooting. They took out their bows and arrows without thinking and shot arrows at the pirates on the sea.

Lu Xun's side is similar.

Neither Pixiu nor the war horse can go into the water.

The only thing they can do is to harvest a wave with arrows.

How much you can harvest depends on fate.

A hail of arrows shot across the sky.

The water surface was soon stained red with the blood of the pirates, and soon many corpses with arrows stuck in them floated.

The boat the pirates evacuated on was also riddled with arrows.

Fortunately, after they escaped for a certain distance, their frightened mentality slowly adjusted and they began to use artillery to fire back at the pursuers on the shore.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Lu Xun led Pixiu Camp away.

Continuing to stay on the coast, he was accidentally hit by a pirate's cannonball. Even if Pixiu wore iron armor, he would inevitably be hit to death.

The same is true for the prairie people who stayed on the coast.

Everyone turned their horses and continued back to the front of Wanjiaji to harvest the resisting private troops on the battlefield.

The situation on the battlefield is still chaotic.

There were also very few private soldiers who resisted.

Most chose to escape or surrender.

There are too many people.

It's too late to kill him.

The soldiers in Jingyang and Grassland all chose to let them go, or ignore the soldiers who surrendered.

It's not that they don't want to deal with it.

They have absolutely no time to deal with it.

The reason is that part of Wanjiaji's private army finally retreated into the city, while a small part of the private army was locked out because they were too late.

They also became shields against cavalry.

Let them in, and the prairie people's cavalry will rush into the city.

Trinidad and Tobago gritted his teeth while observing the situation on the field. When he felt that it was about the same, he decisively ordered to put down the jack.

The private troops below have all become dead souls.

They can't go in, and there's no need to go in.

Inside the city gate passage, a large number of corpses of private soldiers were crowded, and the corpses were all covered with arrows.

They are all masterpieces that were shot in by prairie people as they passed by.

You can shoot someone with your eyes closed.

Many of the private soldiers who fled into Wanjiaji were carrying arrows and were seriously injured, lying in the street unable to move.

There were cries and screams.

Regardless of whether Trillions is put together or not, it will be difficult for the cavalry to step on the crowd and enter Wanjiaji.

The chance of cavalry coming in is very low.

It is also not allowed by Trillions of Dollars.

His life and wealth are of course the most important, no one can compare with them.

The moment he put down the jack, he also ordered the defenders to fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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