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Chapter 648 Outrageous

Zhao Xiaole interrogated so many prisoners, but he never thought that the most important information would be obtained from Emperor Jingyang.

It turned out that Xuanshui fled to Chuzhou.

Now that he knows this, the trip to Chuzhou must be put on the agenda as soon as possible. Ruhua and Chang Kun have urged him several times.

If he doesn't leave, they both plan to go by themselves.

The situation of the empress, also known as the saint, is extremely bad now, and Manichaeism has since split into two factions.

The Zhuhe faction to which the Empress belonged was repeatedly defeated in battles.

Ruhua and Chang Kun didn't know the specific situation. Since the Empress left, there have been fewer and fewer communications between them.

The less information there is, the more worried the two of them are.

This probably means that the main war faction interrupted the saint's communication channel, although Ruhua and Chang Kun are not important figures in Manichaeism.

Sometimes, they don't need to know too much information.

But Ruhuagao told Zhao Xiaole something that worried her the most, that is, the candidate for the saint was not fixed.

Although the saint's status in Manichaeism is supreme, she is not irreplaceable.

In other words, as the main peace faction gradually loses, it is very possible for the main war faction to establish another saint.

This is what Ruhua and the others are most worried about.

The Holy Maiden's war and peace are not what they care about most, but if their years of dedication are in vain.

How can Ruhua be willing to do so?

Although, in Zhao Xiaole's view, Ruhua's contributions cannot be called real contributions, she obviously enjoys them.

At the same time, based on Ruhua's hints, the Empress advocated peace for her own reasons as well as Zhao Xiaole's reasons.

Otherwise, once the situation is unfavorable, she can completely compromise with the main war faction, and then her status as a saint will not be threatened.

This may also be Ruhua's way of provoking enemies. After all, she is good at using beauty traps and charm techniques.

But in Zhao Xiaole's heart, the Queen still has a place.

He couldn't just sit back and watch.

The matter of going to Chuzhou was decided.

A rare smile appeared on the flowery face, and it flashed in front of Zhao Xiaole like a blooming chrysanthemum.

He didn't know how long it would take to erase the psychological shadow that smile brought to him.

Although he can understand Ruhua's mood.

Compared with the tense situation of the Empress, the war in Chuzhou was less painful.

Starting from the end of summer, Yan State began to attack Chuzhou with heavy troops, and it was already winter.

The Yan soldiers lost a large number of soldiers under Chuzhou City, but they were still unable to advance a step forward. Chuzhou became a big mountain, a mountain that the Yan people could never shake.

On the contrary, Zhao Xiaole quickly ended the war between the North and the South from the beginning of autumn, and his reputation shocked all countries.

The prestige of the Ninth Prince will inevitably be damaged.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he has been planning for so long, and with the help of King Pingxi, he has been unable to capture Chuzhou.

Things are afraid of comparison. Without comparison, there will be no harm.

Compared with Zhao Xiaole, the ninth prince of Yan Kingdom is nothing but a loser!

If Zhao Xiaole comes to Chuzhou in person and you lose to him, maybe it’s not a shame. If you are stronger than Saihan and Bayar, wouldn’t you also suffer a defeat at the hands of Zhao Xiaole?

But they never came to Chuzhou.

You can't do it.

Faced with countless accusations and sarcasm, the Ninth Prince naturally felt extremely depressed. Even the throne, which he regarded as his treasure, was threatened to a certain extent.

He had to rush back to the capital to stabilize the situation there, so he temporarily gave up frontline command of the attack on Chuzhou.

Once the third prince left, how could the Yan soldiers still have the courage to attack Chuzhou?

In addition, Zhao Xiaole's hot air balloon and decapitation tactics were very exciting when Hou Heng learned about them, and he strongly requested to use them.

Zhao Xiaole didn't give it to him.

Subsequently, Jingyang also promised all countries that such inhumane weapons would never be used on the battlefield again.

But who will believe him?

If you say you don't need it, then don't use it. If the war reaches a critical moment and you suddenly use it, who can resist it?

Before they had hot air balloons and shotguns, they would not dare to attack Chuzhou rashly again.

Then withdraw the troops?

If we don't fight, we must withdraw our troops. Otherwise, the supply of food and grass will become the biggest problem.

But the strange thing is that the Yan soldiers did not withdraw.

They stayed. Not only did they stay, they also fought against the local tycoons and carried out land reform for the people in Pingxi Wangfan.

Soldiers were also required to do no wrong when dealing with the common people. If any soldier took away a needle or thread from the common people.

Good guy, not only the soldier will be executed, but his corps commander will also be executed.

The blame was placed on the superior officer.

This kind of thing is rare enough, but when it came to Yan Bing, it was even more rare.

It was at this time that King Pingxi suddenly announced that his illness was cured and that he would fight against the bandits for Jingyang.

Many gentry and local tyrants who had been robbed of their land also went to King Pingxi to cry.

This aroused the hatred of many local soldiers.

So the soldiers of Yan went to war with the king of Pingxi.

Henghou was overjoyed when he saw this. He thought that the time had come to regain King Pingxi's fiefdom, but the fighting between the two sides made him stunned for a while.

He has been fighting all his life and has never seen such an outrageous scene.

The Yan soldiers first shouted twice and beat their war drums feebly. The infantry rushed out first, followed by the cavalry.

The cavalry was the first to arrive outside the wall of the Langtou military camp, casually shot two arrows at it, and then quickly rode back, as if preparing to take a nap.

The infantry who were halfway through the attack saw the cavalry withdraw.

He immediately stopped chanting, then turned around and returned to the camp in twos and threes.

It wasn't until they were far away that the wolf-headed army from King Pingxi's camp realized and hurriedly shot a few arrows to send them off.

A battle that was declared extremely fierce to the outside world ended miserably with zero casualties on both sides.

Heng Houqi's face turned purple.

When Qin Sining sent a letter after hearing the news, Marquis Heng scolded King Pingxi in his reply.

He also bluntly said that the purpose of King Pingxi's sending troops was just to deceive the people of the world, to show that he had not rebelled, and to leave a political escape route for himself.

The reason why the Yan soldiers did not retreat was because the Ninth Prince was unwilling to admit that he was defeated.

The so-called flattery is nothing more than this.

More importantly, even if he wanted to withdraw his troops and leave, why would King Pingxi do so?

He would rather give up Fandi's territory to Yan Bing than face the liquidation of the Jingyang court alone.

With his help, the Ninth Prince's food and grass problem was solved.

The two hit it off immediately, and the matter was settled.

Faced with this situation, all Henghou could do was defend Chuzhou. How could he dare to send troops rashly to regain his territory?

If King Pingxi and Yan soldiers jointly attack him, how can Chuzhou defend it?

This chapter has been completed!
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