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Chapter 671

Zhao Xiaole later also dug a passage to Xichang in the Hou Mansion.

Gradually, the opportunities to go to Fengyue Tower became less and less.

Coupled with Qin Sining's supervision and the changes in the current situation in Beijing at that time, I really didn't go to Fengyue Tower often.

I also gradually stopped seeing Qiuyue.

Looking at his former master, Ruyue replied: "Back to my lord, Ruyue and Qiuyue are just pseudonyms for the slave family."

"The slave is just a slave under Her Majesty the Saint."

Ruyue's reply was very low-key.

Obviously, she was ready to bear Zhao Xiaole's anger.

Looking at her touching color and resigned expression, Zhao Xiaole felt angry for no reason.

He said displeasedly: "Okay, since you are responsible for contacting the saint, tell me now where the saint is now?"

Hearing that Zhao Xiaole was more concerned about the saint, Ru Yue's face flashed with sadness, but she quickly put it away.

Ruyue said: "Back to the master, I am currently unable to contact the saint. She has lost contact with me since she went to the Pingxi King's Land."

"Lost contact?" Zhao Xiaole frowned, "Don't hide anything, tell everything!"

"Yes!" Ruyue nodded.

Afterwards, she detailed everything that happened between her and the Queen.

It turns out that when we first returned to Chuzhou, the Lord Harmony Sect was already at a disadvantage, and most of the members of the Demon Sect supported the Lord War Faction.

They also include a large number of backbones of the Demon Sect.

But the prestige of the saint is still there.

Faced with the opposition of the Saint, the main war faction could not directly break up with each other, so what Ruhua and others were most worried about happened.

The main war faction plans to establish another saint.

In addition, the Saint's defeat in Jingyang also caused her prestige to be greatly affected.

It may seem difficult to create a new saint, but it is not impossible.

Under the lobbying of the main war faction, many elders of the Demon Sect agreed to this matter, and thus the move to create a new saint began.

The Holy Lady had to compromise due to the weakness of the Lord Harmony Sect.

However, establishing another saint is a big deal, and it cannot be decided by the main war faction in just one word, for the sake of fairness.

There is a condition attached to this matter.

The condition is to see which side wins over King Pingxi first.

If the Demonic Sect breaks out of the mountains, King Pingxi's territory will be the exit. Only from here can they radiate their troops to Jingyang and the Yan-Jin area.

Therefore, whether it is for the peace faction or the multi-war faction, controlling Pingxi Wangfan is a top priority!

The main war party was very confident in this and agreed.

The saint must have some grudges in her heart because of the past. If she were asked to seduce King Pingxi with sex, she would definitely not do it.

Even if she really did it, the saint's position would not be preserved.

Everyone thought that the Saint would retreat when faced with difficulties, but unexpectedly, she agreed to the matter with confidence.

When Ruyue said this, she didn't quite understand it.

What does the saint rely on?

This was something she had always wondered about, but unfortunately, she couldn't ask if the saint didn't talk about it.

Zhao Xiaole knew the reason. If Shifang Walker hadn't endorsed the saint, how could she have agreed so happily?

Then, Zhao Xiaole motioned for her to continue speaking.

Ruyue nodded and started talking again.

The saint agreed to this matter, but she also made a request that no more blood sacrifices to the people should be allowed until the matter was over.

Although those people are all from Pingxiwangfandi and have nothing to do with the Demon Sect.

But the saint relied on the teachings as a basis. All people in the world are brothers and sisters. How can they sacrifice the blood of animals?

The main militant faction also agreed to this matter.

The two sides temporarily reached a truce agreement.

At this time, the ninth prince of the Yan Kingdom returned to the country. In order to win over the people, he deliberately launched land reform in the Pingxi Wangfan land.

The result of this.

This led to even greater chaos in Pingxi Wangfan's land.

A large number of local tycoons and gentry who lost their land rushed to King Pingxi, hoping that he could help regain their land.

But Ping Xiwang's rat-headed two ends greatly disappointed the gentry.

I don’t know who heard about it first, but the gentry in Chuzhou found many people in the world to help collect debts.

The gentry in Pingxiwangfandi immediately followed suit.

Since King Pingxi refuses to fight, don't blame them for finding someone else.

For a time, countless heroes from the world gathered after hearing the news.

Compared with the strict control in Chuzhou, Pingxi Wangfan was completely relaxed. Pingxiwang stayed in Yun Mansion every day and ignored it at all.

Let the quacks spread cholera.

To put it in Ru Yue's words, the struggles in Wangfandi in Pingxi pale into insignificance compared to those in Chuzhou.

After all, if you were in Chuzhou, the Jianghu people would still have to worry about Henghou's musketeers. In the Pingxi Wangfan land, it has almost become a no-care zone.

So much so that the chaos there is difficult to describe in words.

The common people are all living in dire straits.

This is the chaos left by the ninth prince of the Yan Kingdom.

He has no intention of managing this place at all.

Since he can't get it, why not destroy it?

Zhao Xiaole asked again: "Where is King Pingxi? Why didn't he do anything? Could it be that he just had the heart to let the Yan people harm his own land?"

Even if he was afraid of Zhao Xiaole's liquidation, he wouldn't be so afraid, right?

He has to take charge of all the people in the world, right?

Ruyue shook her head, "At first, when King Pingxi heard about what the Ninth Prince had done, he was very angry."

"He originally planned to go to the court and make meritorious deeds, but things changed later. For some reason, King Pingxi suddenly changed his mind and stopped fighting with the Yan people. He also replied to the Holy Lady that as long as the Jianghu people messed up

If they lose their territory, the Yan army will inevitably be defeated without a fight."

Therefore, King Pingxi let the Wolf Head Army go out for exercises every day and never really had a fight with the opponent.

After Zhao Xiaole thought for a while.

I deduced my own guess.

Traveler Shifang must have informed King Pingxi that he would save his life no matter what.

King Pingxi was assured.

I know in my heart that I have no worries about my life.

That's why he was so bold and acted recklessly.

Wait a moment.

Zhao Xiaole seemed to have thought of something.

He stood up suddenly.

At the beginning, the Demon Sect also used the soul-catching method to do something to King Pingxi. So, how much does King Pingxi know about the Demon Sect?

Has he been kept in the dark all this time, or has he already had a deeper contact with the Demon Cult?

So, could it be that he chose to continue to wait and see the situation because he was worried about the Demon Cult?

If that's the case, wouldn't it be possible for the saint herself to be in danger if she tried to win over King Pingxi?

For a time, Zhao Xiaole thought of a lot.

His eyes immediately turned cold and he asked: "Has the Saint gone to Yun Mansion now?"

After seeing Ruyue nodding.

There was a click.

Zhao Xiaole smashed the armrest of the collapsed chair with one palm.

This chapter has been completed!
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