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Chapter 89 Happy Wang Shoushan

It's still dark.

Wang Shoushan got up early.

But he was not in a hurry to go out, but came to the house next to him.

When he opened the curtain and saw that the sheets on the bed were not moved at all, Wang Shoushan sighed heavily.

When he came outside the house and was about to pack up his things and go up the mountain to chop firewood, he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves coming from outside the village.

This made Wang Shoushan startled.


He seemed to have thought of something, his face showed ecstasy, and he hurriedly ran out of the courtyard.

This is when the villagers get up and get ready for work.

Hearing this sound, someone in the village immediately came out of the house like Wang Shoushan to see what was going on.

But when they saw the figure rushing out of the dark night clearly, their expressions changed, and they all retreated back into the room, only sticking their heads out to watch.

turn out to be.

The few people who came were wearing blue and black detective uniforms and carrying swords at their waists, looking very powerful and domineering.

But in the eyes of these villagers, it is even more terrifying!

Wang Shoushan also shrank his neck and was about to enter the house.

But at this moment, the policemen tightened their reins and asked loudly: "Who is the leader of Wang Village?"

Li Zheng means the village chief.

After the old village chief went crazy, someone like his relatives should have been appointed as the village chief.

But after what happened to Zhao Xiaole, how could they still dare to occupy this position? They gave it to Wang Shoushan directly.


It's not a good thing to be a village chief.

Not only did they have to deal with the government, but they also received no benefits, so they willingly gave up the job.

When Wang Shoushan heard this, he immediately remembered that he was still the village chief of Wang Village.

So he could only sigh slightly and bravely walked towards the detectives!

"Several officials, this old man is the upright one in this village!"

Wang Shoushan bowed and saluted.

The detective didn't talk nonsense to him. He took out a bunch of contract-like things from the horse's pocket, checked them, and then handed them to Wang Shoushan and said:

"According to Master Zhao's order, the Huang family blatantly violated the national law, secretly annexed land, and harmed the people. The entire Huang family has now been sentenced to death!"

"And from now on, return the land that the Huang family has robbed to the people!"


This sentence is tantamount to a big earthquake.

All the people in Wangcun were shocked when they heard this.


All of the Huang family were actually executed by Ming Zhengdian?

This is what they have been looking forward to day and night.

But they couldn't even imagine that this was actually true.

The Huang family fell!

And he was brought down by Mr. Zhao!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Shoushan.

Didn’t I hear that the person on that day had the surname Zhao?

And he also said that it will make our lives more and more beautiful.

Could this really be him...?

Wang Shoushan also thought of this.

My heart was equally shocked.

With his body trembling slightly, he looked at the policeman and said, "This official, I dare to ask, is this Mr. Zhao named Zhao Xiaole?"

The detective looked at him doubtfully and said, "I seem to have heard that Mr. Zhao's name is Zhao Xiaole, and he is a high-ranking official from Beijing. But how did you know?"

Wang Shoushan did not answer his words.

Because when he admitted that Mr. Zhao was Zhao Xiaole.

Wang Shoushan's head exploded with a "buzz" sound.

The whitened lips were trembling constantly.

This is...really him!

The villagers in Wang Village all stared wide-eyed.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

They thought that this young man with extraordinary conversation might be a big shot.

But they didn't expect that Zhao Xiaole would be such a big person!

A high official from the capital!

They overthrew the Huang family as soon as they arrived!

Now I think of the bold words Zhao Xiaole said back then.

Their eyes were filled with tears.

There is an excited look on his face!

Because they feel.

Maybe my good days are really coming!

"May I ask who is Mr. Wang Shoushan?"

At this moment, a group of government servants carrying a sedan suddenly came outside the village.

They asked with a smile on their face and very flatteringly.

At this time, Wang Shoushan also recovered from the shock, and suddenly became confused again.

What are these people doing to me?

But he didn't dare to be negligent and hurriedly replied: "I am Wang Shoushan. I dare to ask the official, what can I do with you?"

Hearing this, the officer's eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly stepped forward to support Wang Shoushan and said with a flattering look on his face: "Oh, Mr. Wang, aren't you offending me by calling me that? My name is Liu." Yes, you can just call me Xiao Liu!"

Wang Shoushan immediately shook his head and said: "How is this allowed? You are from the government, and I am just a commoner. How can you break the rules?"

Seeing him waving his hands and retreating, the yamen officer quickly explained with a smile: "Mr. Wang, you don't know yet, do you? Your grandson-in-law is our deputy captain of Chuzhou!"

"No, his old man ordered me to pick you up and let you reunite with them!"

Wang Shoushan was stunned for a moment.

This, this is actually here to pick him up?

He had never seen such a gorgeous sedan, nor had he ever sat in one.

But now it stopped in front of him, and he still wanted to sit in it!

This was something he had never dared to think about before!

"Master Wang, Master Wang?"

At this moment, he was awakened by the call of the yamen servant.

Seeing his excited expression, the yamen servant understood very well and asked with a smile: "Mr. Wang, shall we set off now?"

He made a "please" gesture towards the sedan.

Wang Shoushan suddenly felt a yearning in his heart.

In the past, only government officials and wealthy men could afford to ride in sedan chairs.

Now that he can do it, he naturally wants to try it.

But thinking of the land deed in his hand, Wang Shoushan immediately forced himself to retract his eyes, and then said to the government servant: "Master, can you wait for me? I still have to pack some luggage, and these land deeds also need to be returned to the villagers here. !”

But Liu Neng immediately said: "How can it be your turn to do these little things in person? Just leave it to us. Brothers, help Mr. Wang pack his luggage!"


Immediately, other government officials began to hand out land deeds to Wang Shoushan and went into the house to pack their luggage.

Wang Shoushan, on the other hand, really felt like a landlord, being served comfortably by these government servants.

He didn't feel uncomfortable at first, but gradually he got used to this feeling and even liked it.

The villagers of Wangcun who received the land deeds were naturally very excited.

From now on, they no longer have to work hard for others.

Having your own land, although you have to pay taxes, is still better than before. You can have three meals a day, right?

An excited old man came over and said to Wang Shoushan with emotion: "Oh, Shoushan, you are so lucky! My granddaughter has married such a good son-in-law, and you can also enjoy the blessings!"

Wang Shoushan immediately opened his mouth happily, showing his teeth that were about to fall out, and smiled "haha".

This chapter has been completed!
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