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Chapter 24 Ruoxia's Love (Part 2)

"Of course it's not him..."

"That's strange, who could it be?"

Zhen Hejin couldn't help but blush slightly, and said coyly: "Yes... he is the envoy of the Song Dynasty."

Hearing that the king and Zhen Wunjia Jin looked at each other for a long time, they exclaimed in unison: "Ah ha?!"

"In front of you is Zhaichang Yudake." Zhao Yanhao, who was sitting on the sedan chair, put his hand on his forehead with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

This is not because of the long journey, but now he is wearing women's clothing: white coat, white coat skirt, white belt, white headband, wooden clogs on his feet, and a string of glass beads and magatama hanging on his chest, hanging on the upper and lower sides of the sedan chair There was a jingling sound in the ups and downs.

Although the cockcrow has just passed and the fifth watch has not yet arrived, in the eyes of the Ryukyu followers who are holding torches and rushing together, the clothes of Elder Zhao have no obvious gender characteristics, let alone the previous masters of Shuri, Kanashi. I have always dressed up like this when visiting Mount Otake at the Zhaiba, so naturally I don't take it to heart.

But Mr. Zhao, who had previously boasted that he didn't mind women's clothing, was no longer as calm as before. After all, the clothes looked very out of place on him. Mr. Zhao couldn't help but wailed in his heart: "Wear it in front of the naturalized people." Women's clothing is really embarrassing! How can I pretend to be a veteran in the future?

Zhao Yanhao glanced sideways at Li Renjun, who was riding a horse and responsible for the security work. This loyal naturalized cadre was holding back a smile with a tense face. He looked at the plantains and iron bushes on the roadside, deliberately avoiding his eyes. His gaze. Several other naturalized citizens also deliberately put on poker faces, making him even more embarrassed.

I was full and had nothing to do. My curiosity killed the cat, so I had to go to Ondake to worship. In fact, what does it matter whether I go or not? It’s just to satisfy my desire to see the relevant ritual process with my own eyes. Speaking of which, , my major is not the study of cultural history. If you want to travel around, there is a place for it. The original ecological beaches in Ryukyu are pretty good. You can go and enjoy some sunshine on the beach. Although there are no beauties in swimsuits, it is okay. Think about it for a while...

On the contrary, Wu Xiangxian, the Crown Prince of Yudi who was on the side, said with a serious face: "Reply to the envoy, you will be here soon."

When he went to Hucheng Village, although Zhao Yanhao said that he only had an interpreter like Zheng Jue around him, it was not easy to see a family reunited, so he gave him a short vacation. Wu Xiangxian, who was already good at Ming Dynasty Mandarin, after several After three months of self-training, he has made great progress, and he has also learned roughly 80% of the Mandarin of the Song Dynasty. In order to test his Mandarin skills, Wu Xiangxian volunteered to take over Zheng Jue's translation work and followed Zhao Yanhao to Nanshan.

After Zhao Yanhao and his party left the Zheng family, they followed the path of Dongfengping, Nanfenghara, Yonabahara, Tsunamiko, and Yahiko to Chinenmachi. Along the way, they observed the customs and customs of Ryukyu. Although Ryukyu is not a rich place, it is a subtropical island. The scenery is very charming. No wonder it has become a famous tourist resort.

After staying at the host's house in Chinen, a shrine maiden brought the clothes to wear when visiting Otake in the Saiba. Zhao Yanhao originally thought that the shrine maidens of Ryukyu should be like Japanese shrine maidens, who are generally cute and cute girls, but he found out that they were cute girls. The two aunts, who were dressed so plainly, burst into tears.

"Since ancient times, our country has had the custom of men fishing and women serving as bridesmaids," Wu Xiangxian explained. "If our women who have given birth to children are over thirty years old, they must go to Jiugao Island to participate in a national competition. Become a witch and take office as a Zhunu. Of course, there are also a very small number of psychic girls who say that they got the favor of the sister god or Amomijiu when they were young, and they became Zhunu..."

"It seems that the number is really very small..." Zhao Yanhao thought to himself, "No wonder there are no games about women."

The two congratulatory ladies taught Zhao Kui how to wear this costume for her "master look" and then left first. Early the next morning, Zhao Yanhao wore this "women's costume" and headed towards the Zhaichang Yutake in a grand manner.

Just when Zhao Yanhao was so discouraged that he wanted everyone to laugh openly, the team of congratulatory girls who came out to greet him finally appeared in front of Zhao Yanhao and his party. Zhao Yanhao was sitting on the sedan chair, and he could see Mao Taiyun as a threesome.

The officials, down to the ordinary officers carrying the palanquin, all looked solemn. Seeing the Ryukyu people acting like this, the naturalized cadres also kept their voices to a minimum.

The youngest of these congratulatory girls is in their thirties, just like Zhao Yanhao at the moment, wearing a white coat, white coat and skirt, and a white headband, but some have a big fan in their hands, and some have many

There was a small drum painted with the samba pattern of the Shang family.

The Zhu girls were all very respectful, but no one spoke to anyone in the team. They followed Zhao Yanhao and the others quietly, all of them expressionless, without the slightest hint of sadness or happiness.

, just singing Kagura in a low voice with a tone full of Ryukyu style. Zhao Yanhao could not understand any of the words at all, but he only felt that it was filled with an incredible sense of sacredness.

Walking to a hillside, Mao Taiyun lowered his voice and ordered the guards to put down the sedan chair. Zhao Yanhao stepped out of the sedan chair and saw an aristocratic man in his fifties wearing a large-sleeved shirt with blue clouds and dragon patterns.

The woman, surrounded by fourteen or five female congratulators, came forward. For a time, everyone from the three officers to the servants knelt down, lowered their eyebrows, clasped their hands, and prayed silently. Only Zhao

Yanhao and several "Song people" were still standing there, a little at a loss.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yanhao knew that the lady opposite was Lord Wen De, so he lowered his head slightly and clasped his hands together to show respect to Lord Wen De. Lord Wen De just kept silent, unlike King Shang Feng.

Instead, he put his hands together and bowed his head, returning the salute slightly.

"Greetings... I welcome the envoy." I heard a slightly shy female voice coming from the other side.

"Mandarin?" Zhao Yanhao looked up and saw a gust of wind blowing. In the flickering firelight, Zhao Yanhao saw that it turned out to be a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old - not tall, with thick eyebrows.

A pair of big black eyes. Seeing Zhao Yanhao cast his gaze, the girl suddenly panicked.

The girl wore a white coat skirt and a white headband like most Zhu girls, but she was lined with a bright yellow red dress, which made her look very different from other Zhu girls. Of course, the more important thing is that in a group of people with an average age of over

Zhu Nvzhong, who is in her forties or fifties, is even more outstanding.

The girl took a deep breath and said again: "If you dare to trouble the envoy, please follow the instructions of the great king Ganashi to come to power."

Zhao Yanhao listened to the girl's instructions, nodded, and walked up to Lord Wen De. However, Lord Wen De turned his back and slowly walked towards the wooden platform in front of him that looked like it had just been erected recently.

Zhao Yanhao then heard that the Maharaja walked up to the high platform, but upon hearing that the Maharaja lowered his head and clapped his hands, he suddenly sang:

"アガリトトゥウプヌシ(Sun God)

チチヤトトゥウプヌシ(Moon God)

ヒーウスマーヤ(I haven’t seen it in a long time)

ハイティメール(I bow to you)

ナマイガーヤ(Today is an auspicious day)

クダカシーガ(Kudaka’s god)

ハイティメール(I bow to you)

Hakone's guest room (in Tenjin's guest room)

Hakumankan (in the main room of Tenjin)

ウサギノーチ(I pray to you)

サシプターラ(Blessings to the ladies)”

This melody with Ryukyuan charm was ethereal and ethereal. Zhao Yanhao could not help but be immersed in this unique atmosphere. He heard that the Maharaja had just finished singing his congratulations, and only heard a drumming sound from behind.

The congratulatory girls formed a large circle under the altar, with the barrel of sacred wine covered with palmetto leaves in front of the high platform as the center. While beating the Bawen snare drum, they repeated half a step forward with their left foot in accordance with the rhythm.

, a round dance on the right heel, and a blessing to the envoy of the Kingdom of God.

Zhao Yanhao suddenly realized, isn't this "shaman"?! Speaking of which, Ryukyu's religion is very similar to Japanese Shintoism. Whether it is the creation myth or the concept of animism, even in such religious rituals,

There are similar traces. That is, the religious form is very primitive, and there are obvious traces of primitive shamans.

As for the Ryukyu officials and officers behind Zhu Nu, they were still sitting on their knees, clasping their hands, praying silently. Only Wu Xiangxian had changed from the patience he had when studying Confucianism, Australian Studies or Satsuma, and he was already on pins and needles. As for a few

The naturalized civilian cadres had quietly slipped to the roadside behind everyone. Some of them had their hands crossed, some of them pinched their waists, and looked at them with their ears close to their ears.

After beating the drums, the blessing girls lined up in two rows, knelt down, and worshiped again. It was not until they heard the king's order again that they leveled up with the Ryukyu officials and servants behind them. At this time, the sky in the east had already

My belly started to turn white.

"I dare to bother you, sir. Today, my daughter will be your interpreter and guide for you to pay homage to the sacred place."

"Then Miss." Zhao Yanhao walked down the high platform, followed the young lady almost side by side behind Lord Wen De, and walked towards the interior of the Zhaichang Yutake.

Walking not far forward, you can see six stone incense burners of different sizes sitting on the right side of the royal entrance. Although they are incense burners, they just look like a grooved limestone stone bar. The smell can be

The Maharaja stood in front of the stone incense burner, put his palms together and recited a few prayers.

The girl said: "My Lord Envoy, the imperial mountain in our country is just like the residence of the gods. If you are visiting someone else's house, you will naturally knock on the door and announce it first. Therefore, before entering the imperial mountain, you must first inform the gods. These six incense burners are

The clones of the six divine realms in Yuyue, please tell the gods your name, origin and place of first residence."

After saying that, the girl knelt down in front of the stone incense burner and whispered to the incense burner: "True crane gold was born in Shuli and is in Shuli."

This chapter has been completed!
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