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Section 29 Civil Engineering and Astronomy (Part 1)

Although he didn't know the details of what he was talking about, it must be some kind of routine of Ryukyu merchants.

Although he did not know the specific tactics of the Ryukyu people and why the Japanese specifically emphasized that they hoped that the Senate would come forward to ban it, Jiang Yuanzhi believed that he had just arrived and the situation was unclear, so it was not appropriate to express his position immediately, so he only gave a vague and unclear response.

Kawakami Tadamichi couldn't help but feel discouraged: when paying tribute to the Ming Dynasty, if someone from the Satsuma Domain appeared in front of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty might discover the fact that the Satsuma Domain controlled the Ryukyu tribute, thus suspending the trade; if Taira Qixiang had done this,

Officials who were naturalized in Ryukyu went to pay tribute, but it was not easy to tell that they were Japanese. It was just that as Ryukyu tribute envoys, they were either uncle Wang or Dr. Zijin. Ping Qixiang's identity was really hard to hide in paper;

Crossing the sea to Lingao and trading directly with the Australians would have been feasible a few years ago. However, a few months ago news came from Edo that the general had ordered that all Japanese were prohibited from going overseas to do business.

The person was prohibited from re-entering the country - so the people of the Satsuma Domain would probably not be able to go to Lingao for trade.

Although Kawakami Tadamichi repeatedly reiterated his opinion, several elders remained unmoved and kept kicking the ball. Kawakami Tadamichi couldn't help but turn pale, but he didn't dare to have an attack, so he had no choice but to return in frustration.

Ping Qixiang couldn't help but think to himself: No wonder Xi'an didn't come with him on the pretext that there was tea at the palace. He couldn't help but curse in his heart: "Bah, this stinking boss!" He had no choice but to bow to the elders and follow Kawakami Tadamichi away in despair.

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate to choke the Japanese away like this?" Zhao Yanhao said helplessly to several other elders.

"The Japanese are afraid of power but not moral. I have to let them know what kind of existence they are facing."

"According to their habit of making trouble, these unscrupulous people will definitely not dare to hold a grudge. In two years, they will have to crawl at our feet and act as pawns."

Then Jiang Yuanzhi, Lu Yang, and Huang Tianyu began to discuss the next work content. The focus was naturally on the construction of Yuntian Station in the Beishan area.

The position of this station is not high, and the Colonial Trade Department does not have many trade and material expectations for it. Except for the navy and the chemical industry department, other departments have little or no interest.

But for Jiang Yuanzhi, the meaning of Yuntian Station is different. After all, this is the "one-third of an acre" where he presides over the work. Jiang Yuanzhi seemed very excited and kept talking about his "grand plans and great achievements".


Zhao Yanhao is not too interested in construction. In his opinion, the more construction, the more administrative affairs will be in the future. With his lazy character, if he becomes the governor of Japan's Ryukyus in the future, he will definitely be better than his own Emperor Zhao.

The scolding is even worse. Or is it better to take charge of a place with fewer people, such as being the Governor of New Zealand or something?

A few days later, the group took a boat to Beishan to "inspect the progress of the project."

The general person in charge of the Yuntian Port reconstruction project is Ji Shu, the great apprentice of the design madman Ji Runzhi, and he himself took Ji Yuanqian to Guangdong. Zhao Yanhao originally heard that the person assigned to lead the construction work was a man in his early twenties.

A young man who was still the apprentice of "Jipel" suddenly felt that he was not well. However, after having a little exchange with him when he first came to Ryukyu, Zhao Yanhao felt that this young and taciturn all-round naturalized civilian building

The engineer is quite reliable, at least not like his master who keeps mumbling about building a "city of gods" all day long.

Zhao Yanhao learned from Ryukyu historical records that a major earthquake would occur on the Ryukyu Iohama Island thirty years later and cause a tsunami. Although he felt that there would definitely be no elders maintaining the Yuntian Station at that time, according to his concept of perfection, Shang

The museum still needs to be built some distance away from Yuntian Port, and open space on higher ground near Nakijin Village is safer.

The commercial building designed by Ji Shu has an obvious Ji Runzhi style, which is between Baroque and neoclassical architecture. Although it is only three stories high and the shape is not too complicated, it has a very dynamic building shape and "magnificent"

The "magnificent" decoration of five hundred angels will probably open the eyes of Ryukyu people who have never seen Western architecture. It will also serve as a source of after-dinner conversation for Satsuma merchants for decades. The downstairs of the business building is used as a trading house.

, the second and third floors are used as daily living places and utility rooms for the webmaster and naturalized clerks. In addition, there are guest rooms, restaurants and conference rooms for important merchants.

Near the commercial building there is a high wall built on the hills. Within the high wall are warehouses and empty yards for storing goods. Because the sulfur must be stored, it was designed and built far away from the commercial building.


Jishu has also designed a relatively complete set of water supply and drainage facilities. The drinking water is directly taken from the river near Nakijin Village, and then disinfected with bleaching powder through the sedimentation tank. Various wastewater generated in daily life is used to flush public toilets.

As for the large amount of materials required for construction, wood, bricks and stones can all be obtained locally in the Kitayama area. However, neither Ryukyu Island nor Kagoshima produces coal mines, which gives Huang Tianyu, who is in charge of the work, a headache. However,

I heard that Iriomote Island in the Yaeyama Islands produces "fired stone", but Ryukyu is very rich in tree resources and no one uses it for heating and cooking, so it has never been developed. Zhao Yanhao plans to visit the Southwest Islands of Ryukyu when he returns.

Naturally, the coal mines on Iriomote Island were also included in the investigation.

Most of the skilled naturalized migrant workers from Lingao served as foremen, while most of the construction workers were recruited from the Beishan area according to the plan. In order to meet the needs of the "Song Dynasty Envoys", Heling, Wu Xiangxian and several other Beishan

Officials who were born in Ryukyu took their leave one after another and ran back to their villages on horseback or in sedan chairs to recruit people to serve the "Celestial Kingdom".

Ryukyu has more people and less land. Although there are two crops a year, due to backward farming technology and most of the food produced was taken away by the Satsuma clan and the Ryukyu royal family, the remaining food is naturally better than nothing. Farmers can only eat hemp most of the time.

The sweet potatoes and wild cycad fruits that were promoted hard were barely making ends meet. After hearing from the press secretary, the adults in Oyakata said that the "Celestial Kingdom" actually managed two meals and wages, and many farmers in various villages were immediately encouraged to go there.

Yuntian Port was undergoing port construction work. Therefore, a temporary settlement was quickly formed in the Nakijin Village area.

The eldest son of Kunito Oyakata, Xiang Guoqi, reluctantly rode his horse, followed his father Xiang Heling and his cousin Xiang Guoyong, and led nearly a hundred villagers from Kunotou Village on the mountain road through the dense jungle to Yun.

Sky Harbor.

As soon as he heard that his father would be "retired" before the end of the year, as a necessary process for serving as the Third Chief Officer, Xiang Guoqi had already started packing his bags and heading to Satsuma Domain to replace the next Third Chief Officer - their uncle Xiang Heqian.

I have been a hostage for three years. My father suddenly ran home two days ago. Without considering whether it would affect the harvest, he not only directly summoned nearly a hundred laborers to go to Yuntian Port to help the "Emissary of the Song Dynasty" build a commercial building, but also ordered all laborers in the territory to

After the busy farming season is over, they all come to Yuntian Port to do hard labor.

In order to go to Satsuma Domain in the past few years, Xiang Guoqi has been immersed in reading "The Court's Communication", "The People's Communication" and other Terakoya primers that he got from nowhere. At the same time, he studied Japanese from the only Japanese immigrant family in the village.

He had also seen the envoy Du Sance from "Tangshan" (China) two years ago when he canonized King Shangfeng. Naturally, he was not interested in this "envoy from the Song Dynasty" who came from nowhere. He had just returned from the Ming Dynasty.

Xiang Heling suddenly took him and his younger brother to Yuntian Port to see this "Messenger of the Song Dynasty". He didn't know what was wrong with the old man. However, Xiang Guoqi and his brother obviously did not dare to confront their father, so they had no choice but to do so.

The ground followed.

Xiang Guoqi had also heard a little about the "Great Song Dynasty" that suddenly appeared. After all, his family had close ties with the Satsuma Domain, and he was more or less aware of the "Nintendo" trade in Japan. He also heard about the fall of Zheng Zhilong.

But this doesn't seem to mean much to him. In his opinion, the political situation in Ryukyu is divided into two parts: one light and one dark, one virtual and one real.

The Ming Dynasty is the legal authority of Ryukyu, and the trade with the Ming Dynasty is the main source of Ryukyu's economic income. It is "Ming", and this relationship must be maintained. However, the Ming Dynasty is "virtual" in Ryukyu. The political situation of Ryukyu is all the lifeline.

It is in the hands of Satsuma. Although it is "dark", it is also "real".

If you want to be an official in Ryukyu, you must first handle the relationship between reality and light. In Xiang Guoqi's view, the most critical thing is Satsuma's attitude.

Unless there is a major event such as the dethronement of the king, the Ming Dynasty is just a distant emperor, and does not specifically interfere with Ryukyu's governance and court personnel. However, Satsuma is an out-and-out "Ryukyu Emperor".

Naha, as long as he wanted to, could interfere in the administration and personnel affairs of the Ryukyu court anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, in order to get involved in Ryukyu official circles, you must first have Satsuma's connections. This is why he has been studying Japanese so hard.

What ability does this Song Dynasty have that makes his father pay so much attention to it? The giant ships and heavy artillery are certainly powerful, but according to rumors, the Australians are just a group of businessmen who are good at all kinds of crafts and business. What's the point of them coming all the way to make Ryukyu a vassal?

What does it mean? Ryukyu produces the most and most valuable brown sugar, but I heard that Australians have good white sugar and rock sugar. If we talk about sulfur, it is not really a valuable thing. On many islands, even

They are everywhere. Australians can transport a boatload of whatever goods they want.

With such doubts, Xiang Guoqi led his servants all the way to Yuntian Port.

"Oh, don't be lazy! You can reach Yuntian Port through this forest," Xiang Guoqi said sharply at the "unnamed" people in his village. He flicked his whip and rode out first.


This chapter has been completed!
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