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Section 3 Longjiang Reclamation Society

While Guan Shanyue was reading documents and looking for people to eat and chat, the appointment documents from the Senate were confirmed: Wei Bachi was the chief executive of Kaohsiung Region, coordinating all matters in Tainan. And the relevant appointment documents for him and Li Dongtian were also

Came down.

A cursory glance at Taiwan Development's personnel announcement shows that the configuration is considered luxurious, with more than a dozen veterans in all aspects. There are both long-term appointments and short-term business trips. He and Li Dongtian are considered long-term employees, and most of the short-term employees are veterans of construction companies.


Regarding the issue of Taiwan's administrative structure. When the Executive Committee originally discussed the Taiwan issue, it recommended the establishment of a "Taiwan State" or a "Taiwan Region." Given the size of Taiwan Island, an administrative unit at the "region" level is well-deserved.

What’s more, there is also a vague trend of thinking in the Senate regarding Taiwan as an “emergency backup.”

However, the Government Affairs Council believes that the current expected control over Taiwan is limited to Dagou. The entire Tainan Plain has not yet been unified, let alone Taipei. It is too early to directly establish a "regional" level unit in Taichung. So only one "region" level unit was established.

The establishment of the "Kaohsiung Special City". The appointment of Wei Bachi as the "chief executive" and "mayor" can be regarded as establishing Wei Bachi's status as the highest chief executive in Taiwan.

Regarding this issue, Guan Shanyue didn't care much. As the supreme chief executive, Wei Bachi had a higher official title, but he was essentially the convener of the meeting. What made him more uncomfortable was that although the place name Kaohsiung originated from

After all, the name of the Pingpu tribe (Takau) is a name from the Japanese era. It is not appropriate for the Senate to use it with such carelessness. Of course, the name "Dago" is not very good either, and it is okay.

The name that continues from the Qing Dynasty is "Fengshan"!

Thinking of this, Guan Shanyue originally wanted to drag Xiang Tianying to "have a chat" with Director Xiao. The future "provost" of Kaohsiung National School is good at historical research. But everyone, including Xiang Tianying,

They all advised him that even if this matter was inappropriate, it was not enough to "have a chat." Besides, it was useless to go to Director Xiao for an administrative order from the Government Affairs Council.

Through this incident, Guan Shanyue saw something clearly. Although Yuan Lao said that everyone is equal, after all, it is just an ideal and a slogan. In actual practice, it is only about one vote in the general meeting, which is definitely not possible in ordinary times. His qualifications and age,

Undoubtedly, he is at the lower end of the Senate. In terms of ability, he is a little better and can be among the middle and upper reaches, but compared with the elders, the gap is still relatively large. In the executive committee, except for the director of the general office, I am familiar with everyone else.

He may not necessarily know him. Besides, he can talk to Director Xiao purely because of the nature of Xiao Zishan's work. He needs to have some interaction with every elder. If you want to say that he has friendship, he has friendship with everyone.

No friendship, or no friendship at all. After careful calculation, I don’t seem to have walked around Director Xiao’s place in these years, giving away some local specialties or anything. I only know that Director Xiao has a sweetheart, but I don’t even know what the sweetheart’s name is.

have no idea.

He is in a high-level position, not to mention influential, and does not even have a "view". In terms of factions, he was originally in the Industrial Port, and later in the Army. Logically speaking, he should belong to the Du Gong's faction. However, Guan Shanyue is very interested in forming cliques.

I am very disgusted with some people, such as the fat man who hid in Sanya - I was still in the pharmaceutical factory. During the day, I heard the health department veteran complaining that he molested the little nurse and occupied the hospital bed. In the evening, I had coffee

At the museum, what I heard was the complaint from the agricultural veteran that another poultry was missing today.

In addition, he couldn't bear to see some people using the power of factions to play political tricks and turn things upside down, creating a mess in the Senate.

However, there were some substantive issues in the "Taiwan Development Plan" issued by the Senate, and he decided to write a letter to discuss it. Fortunately, he was now a "front committee member" of Taiwan. Not only was the letter read, but

There is also the possibility of convening discussions when it comes to specific practices.

Guan Shanyue's first thought was that although their reclamation in Taiwan was an "official action" of the Senate, he felt that at least in the field of reclamation, it was not appropriate to display the flag of the "Farming Reclamation Corps" to the outside world for the time being, but to use it in a similar way to the private sector.

The form of gentry autonomy exists.

This is first of all to avoid attracting the attention of all parties and avoiding certain diplomatic disputes. Kaohsiung is not far from the Dutch East India Company's headquarters in Taiwan, and there are Spanish people in the chicken coop on the other side of Taiwan Island. The Senate is currently

The main purpose of landing in Taiwan is to establish a transshipment base. It does not intend to unify Taiwan immediately. It must also hold a hostile attitude towards these two forces for the time being. It adopts a private form of reclamation agency and has some excuses and flexibility in the exchanges.


The second and most important point is to have a certain degree of flexibility when subduing local Han immigrants. Taiwan's large-scale Han immigrants were mainly recruited through various methods after Yan Siqi came to Taiwan in 1624. After Yan Siqi's death,

Although everyone recommends Zheng Zhilong as the leader, his local influence is no stronger than that of the Dutch. The Dutch imposed a poll tax on the Han immigrants, forming a de facto rule. However, the Dutch did not interfere with the internal affairs of the immigrants and allowed immigration

The group is autonomous to a certain extent.

To annex these tens of thousands of Han immigrants, we will not only have to face resistance from the local agents of the Zheng Zhilong Group, but also face backlash from the Dutch. Direct annexation will require a lot of resources and may also cause backlash. It is better to use private institutions

The guise can reduce a lot of resistance, and if things don't go well, there is still room for change.

The third point, which Guan Shanyue put forward very emphatically in his submission, was to be gentle towards the local aborigines.

Guan Shanyue was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. He has an unforgettable concept of "Taiwan is an integral part of China's territory". People living on Chinese territory are naturally Chinese. Although Taiwan's aborigines are all

He is a Malay from the Nanyang Islands, but since he is a human being, he still has a psychological burden when it comes to creating a "living space" and the like.

Although he is not interested in the "Indigenous Rights Protection Association", he can't stand the many phenomena of contempt for the aborigines on a daily basis. As for the local aborigines in Taiwan, whether they are headhunters or not, as long as they can live in peace, Guan Shanyue really wants to conquer them and become

A member of the common people governed by the Senate.

He personally feels that some practices of the Qing Dynasty when developing Taiwan are worth learning from. After the Qing Dynasty unified Taiwan, the number of Han immigrants increased day by day, and the phenomenon of invading aboriginal land increased day by day. The conflicts between Han immigrants and aboriginal people also continued.

Incidents of mutual vendettas were common. In order to avoid disputes, the Qing government stipulated that each aboriginal village community reserved a certain amount of land, namely 500 jas for the big community (1 ga is approximately 0.97 hectares, or 14.5 acres of land), 400 jas for the middle community, and 400 ga for the small community.

Three hundred armor is the land for farming and hunting of each village community. Han people are not allowed to invade or rent it. For excess wasteland beyond the amount, Han immigrants can be recruited to cultivate it and pay rent to the original land owner. When the land belongs to the village community, a fee is collected

"Public grain rent" is used to distribute grain rations to the community and pay for the official supply and public expenses within the community; when the land belongs to the family or the owner of each house, "private grain rent" is collected and belongs to each family or house. This form

The land rent was called "Fan Dali" by Han immigrants.

Guan Shanyue feels that this model of mutual benefit and cooperative development is the form that the Senate, a representative of advanced civilization, should adopt. Instead of driving people away with muskets like in the Western Development of the United States.

If you directly use the name of the Farm Reclamation Brigade, some of your policies will inevitably be criticized as "weak", and it will definitely represent the official will at the policy level. Using the name of a non-governmental organization will give you a lot of flexibility.

With these considerations in mind, Guan Shanyue referred to the records of the reclamation of Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty, combined it with the name of his hometown, stayed up all night, and finally came up with the name "Longjiang Reclamation Society". The Reclamation Society was the Han immigrants to Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty.

After that, the commonly used name is Longjiang, which is the name of his hometown.

He felt a little proud after he came up with this term.

As for the basic setting of the agricultural reclamation brigade, some modifications have also been made. In the original plan proposed by the Agricultural Committee, all the developed areas are planned to be owned by farms directly under the agricultural reclamation. In this way, the jurisdiction of the agricultural reclamation is basically all except Kaohsiung City.

The entire area of ​​Taiwan outside the city is covered. This plan is too ambitious, and it will not be easy to obtain more resources. On the contrary, it will cause general resentment of the Senate and give people a bad impression. There are agricultural committees to expand their territory.

It was suspected of establishing an independent kingdom, so he suggested to Ye Yuming to modify the corresponding plan to gradually transfer the settlements and fields to the local administrative agencies after the reclamation construction was mature and external threats (aboriginal attacks, etc.) disappeared.

In this way, the Taiwan Agricultural Reclamation Brigade is not an independent force of a certain person or a department, but a vanguard of territorial expansion for the Senate, a screw in the imperial chariot. By the end of the initial development, the Agricultural Reclamation Brigade

The farms and settlements were basically controlled near the historical "production boundary" and became an outpost.

As for the organizational construction system, it was originally a ready-made plan copied from the old time and space, and then made certain changes according to the actual situation of this time and space. All levels of the Agricultural Reclamation Corps implement a special management system that integrates the government and the military, with one squadron as an administrative unit.

A village, a brigade is a township, and a regiment is a county. As the Bay Area currently only has one brigade organization, it currently only has one regiment under its jurisdiction. New regiments will be expanded after the reclamation area expands and the population increases.

The Agricultural Reclamation Corps implements the "all citizens are soldiers" system, and all young and middle-aged men are incorporated into the militia. Each settlement has a basic militia team, equipped with weapons. In addition, there is a directly affiliated armed squadron at the regiment and brigade station, which is composed of national

It was adapted from the Taiwan Army and serves as the mobile force of the Taiwan Agricultural Reclamation Corps.

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