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Section 5 Qingmutang Farm

Although the technical staff of the Committee of Agriculture "cautiously expressed optimistic views" on his plan, they did not reject him. After all, it is always a good thing if someone is willing to experiment - what if he succeeds? Science is a matter of science.

Hard work is one thing, luck is also important sometimes.

After finishing the career plan, of course, there was also Shan Yue's personal problem. His personal problem was actually "loving the new and hating the old". Originally, he wanted to keep Zhao Muqing in Lingao and slowly let the relationship settle down by taking the opportunity to work in Taiwan.

But after thinking about it again, it would be too cold and callous. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to take her with me - many elders have promoted their life secretaries to administrative staff, and he can do the same. There are a lot of people who go to Taiwan.

There is administrative work to be done, and an educated female naturalized citizen like her is fully qualified to do it.

When she has a career of her own and moves up the administrative level, the relationship will naturally become indifferent and things will fall into place naturally.

As for the candidate to replace Zhao Muqing, he has not considered it yet. Going to Taiwan to work hard will probably not be able to take care of it for a while. It will not be too late to consider it after a stable situation is achieved.

For the next work, he decided to meet Li Dongtian. As his "co-captain", he would build a team together in the future. However, he didn't even know that this person was good-looking and short-faced. He only knew about it from the people in the Agriculture Committee.

, this person has been working as the "livestock farm director" in Changhua for a long time - in fact, he is a full-time sheep farmer.

Unexpectedly, the mutton he ate was actually raised by this person. Guan Shanyue couldn't help but be in awe. He had been herding sheep in Changhua for several years. This kind of hard-working spirit is really not something ordinary people can have.

Li Dongtian was currently conducting "training" at a "demonstration farm" in Qiongshan. Guan Shanyue decided to go to Qiongshan himself and talk to him in person.

Although before the start of the operation, the front office of Operation Engine would hold a collective meeting of senior veterans to discuss relevant details, Guan Shanyue felt that it was better for him and Li Dongtian to communicate with each other first and unify their positions on the matter of agricultural reclamation. Some issues were discussed privately.

There is more room for change in discussions than in a serious discussion at a meeting.

After Guan Shanyue made his decision, he informed Zhao Muqing and informed the general office that he was about to go to Qiongshan to meet Li Dongtian. After the report, the general office would naturally arrange the corresponding schedule for him, including transportation and reception staff.

It is indeed very convenient to have the general office, but on the other hand, the whereabouts of the elders are also under the control of the general office at all times. While Guan Shanyue was sighing, he suddenly had other suspicions and looked at them carefully.

Fan Zhao Muqing made the maid full of doubts.

After packing his luggage, Guan Shanyue got up and went to Qiongshan the next day.

Qiongshan is the county with the most farms under the direct jurisdiction of the Agricultural Committee. The agricultural production conditions here are the best. Although the degree of development is known as the first on the island, there are still large areas of wasteland available for development on both sides of the Nandu River. Coupled with convenient transportation conditions,

Qiongshan has become one of the most important production bases of the Committee of Agriculture. In addition to a demonstration farm, there are also multiple hot farming gardens and other small characteristic farms, involving the planting and breeding of grain, cash crops, and livestock.

The farm where Li Dongtian conducts "intensive training" is located on the bank of the Nandu River. It is not large in scale. It was originally a "training base" for farms directly under the Committee of Agriculture. It is currently managed by the Tiandihui and is codenamed "Qingmutang Farm" to the outside world.

As the guiding ideology of the Senate's agricultural production, intensive, modern, and mechanized large-scale farm production is the future development trend. Although the Senate currently does not have the ability to promote such farms, it must be prepared for it and train enough "seeds"


The training base of the Agriculture Committee does not occupy a large area, but it has complete related facilities, especially a very large living area. Judging from the scale of the farm, the living facilities for 500 people are too many.

This is not only a farm, but more of a specialized agricultural school. However, compared to the training classes attached to the Nanhai Demonstration Farm, the training here is at a lower "level" and is more in line with the current low technology and productivity.

Level. In layman's terms, what was cultivated here was the "leader" of the long-term labor team in the past. In modern terms, it is similar to the "production team leader" or "foreman".

Ye Yuming set the standard for them that they should master a lot of agricultural production knowledge and have certain organizational skills. They should play an organizing, leading and guiding role in labor.

It not only provides grassroots management personnel for the farms of the Senate, but also provides relevant training to landowners who have signed technical service agreements with Tiandihui. It is a very large department in Tiandihui.

The person in charge of Qingmutang Farm is Ye Yuming himself, while Hu Yicheng is responsible for the specific work. As soon as Guan Shanyue arrived at the farm, he received a "warm welcome" from him.

"Are you here to take Li Dongtian away?" Hu Yicheng looked at him expectantly.

Guan Shanyue looked confused and said, "Ah? I'm here to see him..."

"Aren't you his superior?"

"Oh, yes, it is indeed." Guan Shanyue touched his cheek with some embarrassment. He was now regarded as the brigade commander "Your Excellency", and Li Dongtian was the "Union Captain".

"He has been here for more than a month and has caused chaos in the farm." Hu Yicheng looked constipated. "When are you going to set off..."

"This...the meeting hasn't happened yet."

"Alas, I'm almost dying of worry." Hu Yicheng sighed.

It turned out that since Li Dongtian accepted the appointment, he brought several hundred of his "carefully selected" farming immigrants to Qingmutang Farm and started training in a serious manner.

"If you say it's training, it's better to say that we have occupied this place." Hu Yicheng expressed his bitterness, "Our farm has done nothing else in the past month but has only served him."

Seven to eight hundred people poured into Qingmutang Farm, causing all of Hall Master Hu's original work plans to be delayed. Li Dongtian was also telling him how to carry out training work all day long, just like a dove occupying a magpie's nest.

Guan Shanyue was secretly amused, so he could only console him with a few perfunctory words, and then said that he wanted to meet Li Dongtian.

"He's by the river," Hu Yicheng said, "taking his land reclamation team to exercise."

"Exercise?!" Guan Shanyue became anxious when he heard this. The last thing the people in the 17th century needed was to exercise. Obesity was a desirable state for ordinary people, and most people were in a state of chronic malnutrition.

Under the circumstances, most of the people recruited by the farm are refugees who have recently come out of the quarantine camp. These people have just recuperated their bodies and are not even considered "healthy". If they really do any running exercise, they will die.

Guan Shanyue immediately asked Hu Yicheng to take him to see it. He wanted to see what was unique about this "little expert in animal husbandry" and "the terminator of Changhua sheep". After all, in a deserted and remote county like Changhua, from

He started with a dozen breeding sheep given to him by the Agricultural Committee, and within a few years he expanded his flock to thousands, which is extraordinary.

Walking along the road to the riverside, before reaching the place, I heard a majestic baritone voice, "The times are calling..."

It turned out that he was doing radio exercises, Guan Shanyue thought. This is a kind of peaceful exercise, and it does have a great effect on strengthening his physique.

Arriving at the bank of the river, I saw hundreds of people standing densely in the open space, all lined up horizontally and vertically. They all had shaved heads and wore uniform indigo work clothes. At first glance, it looked like they were in a middle school.

There is a gymnasium on Monday. But if you look closely, you can see that there are all kinds of people, men, women, old and young, in the crowd. Some are old women with wrinkles on their faces, and some are still young children who have just learned to walk. They are all dancing to the rhythm of the music.

Waving arms and legs.

Guan Shanyue took a quick look and knew that this was a unit of hundreds of people. In front of each "100-man team" was a very hard-working "leader". The movements of this leader could be described as "horizontal and vertical"

, very standard. The strength is also in place.

As for both sides of the team, there are also inspectors wearing star badges patrolling. If they see anyone who is not working hard, they will use the rattan in their hands to "remind" them.

"Damn it, are you undergoing immigration training or re-education through labor?" Guan Shanyue's first impression was very bad. Going to colonize a deserted place is a near-death undertaking in itself. The reclamation group - no matter what it is called, first of all

The task is to "unify", especially to create the concept of "one heart".

"That's Li Dongtian." Hu Yicheng pointed to the podium. On the rammed earth platform, there was a man in his thirties doing radio gymnastics in a serious manner. His head was shaved and his upper body was bare.

Two flowery arms were exposed, and he was wearing a pair of camouflage military trousers and a canvas armed belt. He looked very strong.

Changxiang Chinese website

Guan Shanyue couldn't help but feel a little bored when he saw the appearance of the "co-captain", wondering if this person could do it? But judging from his appearance, he was very strict in doing the exercises and took the lead, so he should be a relatively practical person.

After doing the exercises, Li Dongtian picked up the loudspeaker and started speaking. His Mandarin was not very standard, mixed with a strong local accent. Guan Shanyue sounded quite strenuous.

Mr. Li Yuanlao's speech had no structure. He roughly said one thing as he thought of it, and from time to time he would say "Wucao" and "TNND". It was as if he couldn't speak without these words.

The content of the speech was quite interesting, and it was roughly a summary of the previous day's study and work. From his speech, Guan Shanyue knew that he divided all the immigrants into seven squadrons, and each squadron arranged different learning projects every day. It roughly included blacksmithing.

, carpentry, livestock raising, textiles and construction are skills projects that are directly related to production and life.

Li Dongtian first praised the squadrons and individuals that performed well, and then began to scold the squadrons and individuals that performed poorly. Compared with the poor vocabulary when praising him, he suddenly showed a very rich rhetorical means.

After a speech, Li Dongtian announced that "the parade is over" and walked down from the leading platform with a thump.
This chapter has been completed!
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