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Section 8 First Arrival in Kaohsiung

Kaohsiung's current short-term plan is only a population transfer station and a temporary supply point for the fleet. The original investment from the Planning Institute is only a little. Although it has some advantages in agricultural expansion, in view of the various lessons of immigration and land reclamation in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties,

, when the initial investment is low, forced settlement may be costly. If Taiwan relies on its own internal circulation, the development speed may be very slow.

The plate I took over is really a long way to go...

There was a time when Guan Shanyue regretted taking the offer, but he had to take action. It would not be difficult to regret it, but he would not have much reputation in the future.

I just had to bite the bullet.

On December 1, 1631, the fleet of the Nongken Taiwan Brigade sailed into Kaohsiung Port. The weather in Kaohsiung in winter was mild, the sky was blue, and it looked like a refreshing autumn.

Although I have been in Hainan Island for three years and am used to the subtropical winters, I still have a unique feeling when I first arrived in Kaohsiung.

The scenery here is completely different from Lingao and other Hainan counties where he has stayed. Kaohsiung is more "natural". Apart from a few campsites and simple dock facilities on the shore, it is a completely primitive scenery covered with forests.

The so-called "Kaohsiung Special City" boasted by Wei Bachi is now just a large camp on the seaside. Although it is well organized, it cannot hide its shabby appearance.

A simple fort has been set up on the Cijin Peninsula, flying the navy's flag. Several patrol boats and spy boats are moored. Many simple camps isolated from each other have been set up in places not too far away, with sharpened

Bamboo poles were used as walls, and there were only straw huts inside. Not only were the distances between the camps more than 100 meters, but trenches were also dug. Guan Shanyue didn't know why, but he only found out after asking the naval officer who came to divert water that these camps were the future.

Quarantine camps. Refugees transported from various places are quarantined in each camp according to the date of arrival.

"...The preliminary plan is to build 18 camps, each camp can accommodate 500 people. Fourteen days of quarantine plus four isolation camps for patients with severe infectious diseases..." the officer said.

"This camp is too simple. What if there is wind and rain?"

"Wei Yuanlao said that it is winter in Kaohsiung now, there are no typhoons, and it rarely rains. It won't be a problem. Just burn it down before summer next year. It will be clean and sanitary. Then build a new one."

“What about people who have survived quarantine?”

"It will be arranged in the city."

The so-called urban area is naturally the shabby camp that Guan Shanyue saw. The fleet also anchored near the mouth of the Love River.

Aihe is the name of the 21st century. Its original name was Yanxi, also known as Dagouchuan. To the west of it is Yancheng - as the name suggests, Yancheng is a salt field. Of course, in their era, Yancheng was only a land suitable for drying salt.

The tidal flat was not developed into a salt farm until the Qing Dynasty. Now, it is where the urban area of ​​Kaohsiung is located.

Although Salt Creek is called a creek, it is actually a river with a large volume of water. It is enough for navigation by ships. In the Japanese era, it was called "Kaohsiung River". Although it is only 12 kilometers long, it serves as the Kaohsiung Canal.

Even if the river channel is not renovated, it can still be used by small boats. Moreover, the water volume of the river is sufficient to provide water for the camp.

After the fleet anchored, Guan Shanyue immediately ordered the immigrants to disembark and unload the materials on the ship as soon as possible. Fortunately, a trestle has been built here. Although it looks a bit shaky, at least the immigrants do not need to transfer when they get off the ship, and large cargo can be unloaded directly.

I don't know how much the uninstallation efficiency has improved after downloading it.

It seems that it was very wise for me to set off two months later.

Guan Shanyue was somewhat complacent. As soon as he landed, he saw Li Dongtian. When the fleet was resting in Hong Kong, he sent Li Dongtian and several cadres to sail ahead of schedule on a single-masted patrol boat to Kaohsiung's Daqian Station.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Guan Shanyue went to the city hall to visit Wei Bachi, and Li Dongtian was responsible for arranging the resettlement of the immigrants.

The Kaohsiung City Government is located on the banks of the Love River, and its house is the most decent in the entire "Kaohsiung City" - because it is indeed a house. And from the outside, it is a very typical American colonial-style wooden two-story building.

All built with prefabricated parts, it looks really luxurious and majestic.

In front of the small building, there is actually a small square made of lime and sand. There is actually a fountain without water in the center of the square...

"This Wei Bachi is really a fastidious person." Guan Shanyue sighed.

Li Dongtian snorted: "The Kaohsiung Development Plan in his office is very particular!"

When he first arrived in Kaohsiung and moved to a temporary resettlement site, he realized that there were only a few houses in Kaohsiung. The difference in infrastructure was shocking! Except for a steam generator to generate electricity for the port, there was no place in Kaohsiung that had electricity.

Well, even the city government works by lighting oil lamps.

"Has the settlement point been confirmed?"

"I've gone to see it." Li Dongtian has already gone to explore the terrain himself. The settlement point is located on the bank of Chengcheng Lake. At the moment, they are unable to carry out large-scale hydraulic projects, so it is most appropriate to stay as close to the water source as possible.

“The place is nice, but the transportation is very inconvenient.”

It takes about twenty kilometers from the city to Chengcheng Lake. The first section is relatively easy, and you can use the Salt Creek ferry. But the last eight or nine kilometers must be traveled by land.

"...Wei Bachi has opened a road for us in accordance with the memorandum of the Agricultural Committee, leading directly to the settlement point. But this road is very difficult to walk..."

"Eight kilometers is nothing, let's count it as three hours..."

"Brother Guan! You are really kidding me. I took a few guards and walked there by myself, and it took me ten hours to go back and forth." Li Dongtian shook his head repeatedly, "You have never walked through it, so you don't know what kind of road this is.


Li Dongtian said that this so-called "road" can only be called a "small trail" at best. Thanks to the humid and high temperature climate of this subtropical zone, a large number of plants have appeared on the newly completed road. There are also unnamed streams on the road, which need to be


"The water is not deep, but it is not easy for the oxcart to pass through."

The large amounts of food and materials they carried had to be transported by oxcarts, and the streams and mudflats were a nightmare for the heavily loaded oxcarts.

"In this case, let's rest here in Kaohsiung for two days and let everyone take over the relay - is there anything local that can supplement nutrition?"

"There are fish and dried venison - but I'm afraid it won't be enough for so many people."

"Let the young adults eat first. You arrange to camp and get some delicious food. I'll go see Wei Bachi."

Guan Shanyue went to the city hall to visit the self-proclaimed "Governor of Taiwan". After some pleasantries, he entered Wei Bachi's state of "sighing on the bitter scriptures". Guan Shanyue listened patiently for half an hour before he proposed

Road problems.

"I am also helpless about the road problem." Wei Bachi spread his hands, "Look at the population here. There are tens of thousands of people in each quarantine camp, but even ten percent of them can be used for work.

There is nothing left, let alone the work of building roads..."

The current roads were mainly opened with the help of Nanyang slaves sold by Quark Jean. To open roads in such an environment, every kilometer has to pay the price of human life. And the current labor force in Kaohsiung is really precious. So Wei Ba

Chi is not keen on this matter - no matter whether the road is good or bad, it will eventually be there.

"Li Dongtian walked it once. He said he walked back and forth for ten hours on the eight-kilometer road - I can't even imagine what kind of road it is."

"At least it's a road." Wei Bachi said with a bitter smile, "You want a better road, but you can't do it now... There are no people, and there are not enough machines..." As he said this, he complained again, saying what he had originally promised

There is not even a trace of the No. 1 Mobile Brigade of Farm Reclamation sent there. There is not even a single track on the steam bulldozer. In short, if you Guan Shanyue has an opinion, he has more opinions than you.

After complaining, as if to appease Guan Shanyue, Wei Bachi suddenly became concerned about the food and accommodation arrangements for the immigrants after they landed. He asked them if they had any difficulties and what plans they had for the next step.

"Li Dongtian has contacted and made arrangements. For the time being, we will camp in the third camping area. Everyone can get off the boat and have a sheltered place to sleep peacefully. It doesn't matter. I plan to let them rest for two or three days.

Start marching again."

"I'll ask the Joint Logistics Department to give you a supplement of nutritional rations." Wei Bachi suddenly became very kind. "I will provide it for three days in a row so that everyone can eat better. Those emergency rations should be eaten when there is nothing to eat."


Guan Shanyue had no choice but to thank him politely. Needless to say, it was honey to block his mouth. Don't think about road construction, he could only overcome it by himself.

Returning to Camp No. 3, there are ready-made reed mat sheds and straw bunks, which are more than enough to accommodate more than 800 immigrants. The young and middle-aged people will be unloading goods on the dock, and women, children and young people have already taken up residence in the camp. The women are busy

He boiled water for cooking and took care of the sick patients - yes, due to the bumpy and tired days, there were more than a dozen sick patients as soon as they landed.

The Joint Logistics Department sent nutritious rations: smoked fish balls, surimi products such as bamboo wheels. Although they are shabby, they are real protein. There is also fifty grams of smoked venison per person.

Guan Shanyue ordered that the surimi products should be distributed equally per head, and that all bacon should be provided to the strong men except a small amount for the sick.

"Isn't this bad? It's obviously one for each person." Li Dongtian objected.

"The young men have to unload the ship, and after they get on the road, they may have to walk while repairing the road. How can we not let them eat well?" Guan Shanyue said, "The labor that follows is very hard, and it may not be possible given our supply standards.

It’s going to kill someone.”

"The road is indeed difficult, but I know there are many cattle here..." Li Dongtian pretended to be mysterious.

"A lot of cows?"

"That's right. The Dutch imported a lot of cattle, and Wei Bachi sent people to buy a lot of them and bring them back for leg power."
This chapter has been completed!
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