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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Chapter 10 Basten, a naturalist with a half-barrel of water (2)

Basten had never received a higher education than a grammar school, but he was happy to be called a naturalist. He immediately put on the attitude of an old pedant from the Amsterdam Academy and said: "I discovered that on these islands

Aboriginal people and Chinese people are relatively similar in appearance. For example, their skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. Of course, if you can distinguish it in detail from the height of the cheekbones, the shape of the skull, the shape of the eyes, etc.

There’s a big difference.”

"Oh, really? I can never tell what they look like. But what does that have to do with Australians?"

"Have you forgotten, Chinese people have various superstitious customs?"

"Oh, I remembered it when you said it. They will do some things that no one can understand because of their heretical beliefs. This was the case in Batavia: the Chinese there just because they felt that they didn't have enough.

'Good luck' and refuse to do something. So you are saying that it is because of the superstition of the Australians that they do not use slaves from Africa?" Armand also imitated his cousin Basten's thinking and touched his own.

Beard thought.

"You're right, my cousin. This is the most reasonable guess. In fact, we have the same belief in Europa: for example, the connection between black cats and witches. We also think that seeing black cats is an ominous omen.

People in some places even burn black cats to death. So the Australians most likely believe that slaves from Africa will bring bad luck, so they are unwilling to use them."

"It does sound reasonable, but there is one more thing that needs to be made clear in this explanation, that is, according to you, Australians and Chinese are the same people?" Armand is also a smart man, and he quickly thought of this.

the logical connections therein.

"From my observation, it should be like this. There is no difference in facial features and bones between Australians and Chinese. They also use patterned characters and slurred language. You can only distinguish them by their expressions. Of course.

, Australians are generally taller and stronger. The difference among women is even greater."

"Oh, my cousin, you are indeed a powerful naturalist. I can't see any difference in their appearance at all. I think there is a big difference between the Chinese and the Australians. The way they do business is very different.

It’s very different, it’s much easier to deal with Australians.”

"You are talking about the difference in their lifestyles, but in terms of appearance, they undoubtedly belong to the same race. But you think it is normal for these Orientals to all look the same. Just as they think we all look the same

Same. It is difficult for our eyes to detect the differences in appearance between different races, and this requires a lot of training to do so."

Having said this, Basten leaned back on his Australian wicker chair. Being able to memorize and distinguish the appearance of these Orientals has always been a special skill that he is proud of and is very helpful in doing business.

"Actually, over the years I have traveled around the world and discovered new lands and species, which gave me some new insights into the classification of species..."

"That sounds very interesting. Can you tell me more about it?" Armand is a well-informed person and has seen many creatures not mentioned in the Bible, but he has never thought about this issue in depth. Today

His cousin's mention aroused his curiosity.

"That's what I'm worried about, this will involve a restricted area of ​​discussion." Basten straightened up from the back of the wicker chair again, put the wine glass on the table, and stared straight at Armand, "Because you are me

My cousin, can I discuss my idea with you?"

"Of course there is no problem. Although I am a devout believer, I think what we saw and heard in the new world is worthy of discussion. My cousin, you can speak freely to me, and I will

Tonight’s conversation will be kept strictly confidential. More importantly, I also think that dividing and supplementing our Lord’s creation is a very meaningful task. It can show the omnipotence and rigor of our Lord. It’s just this matter.

It is really beyond my ability, you are very suitable for this honorable job."

"Very good, my new view is that animals are actually related, just like a huge net, each occupying a knot. At the end of the net are the extremes of various species forms, and between different species

Over time, they will gradually change their form due to different living environments. For example, common mice will actually evolve into other animals. For example, squirrels will live in trees. Squirrels will evolve according to the environment, and we will have what we have in the New World.

The discovered flying squirrel, after the squirrel flies more, will become a bat and fully adapt to the life of flying... The extreme of the mouse species is the bat in the sky, and the same mouse can also evolve into the ocean, we see

The beaver is the mouse's adaptation to life in the water, and the sea otter is the mouse's further evolution to adapt to the marine environment. As for the end point and extreme form of mouse evolution in the ocean, maybe we haven't seen it yet."

"It sounds like a fresh idea, but there are some things that don't make sense. You see, animals are born exactly the same as their parents. I can't imagine a mouse suddenly growing wings or a flat tail like a sea otter.


"So I said that the network structure between animals is interconnected by nodes that are similar to each other but not exactly the same."

"So, are we humans also on this network?"

"We are also in this web, but there is no doubt that we are at the center of the web. We are the only species with intelligence and language. This is the dominance that the Lord has given us as Lord of all. But we are still different from other animals.

Connection. Don’t you think that the various large apes captured by the company from jungles around the world are actually our distant brothers? With their appearance, expressions and movements, sometimes I really feel that they can actually understand what we are saying...

Basten started talking, completely unaware of the change in Armand's expression.

"Are we related to slaves, orangutans, monkeys, rats, and dogs?" Armand looked like he had eaten a fly.

"Yes, the Lord created us, and then used us as prototypes to create different shapes according to different living environments to adapt to various environments and locations."

"Well, at least we are in the most important position. What about the Australians? Do you think they are lower than us?"

"Haha, my dear cousin. Why have you forgotten the teachings of the Bible now? Human beings..." Basten looked at the sky, "They are all the descendants of Adam and Eve. The original human beings were a group of people, and they only died because of their arrogance.

When the Tower of Babel was built, the language was disrupted and we were divided into different races. From a human perspective, we are all brothers."

"This is really unbelievable..." Armand muttered.

"Cousin, if you find it unbelievable, then let's talk about the most common phenomenon in East India. All people, no matter where they come from: Europe, East and West India, China, Africa or local indigenous people, although it seems

They appear to have different skin colors and very different appearances, but as long as they marry each other and have children, these mixed-race children can continue to reproduce. If there is a certain kind of people who are lower than us or higher than us, then among them

How can we give birth to children? You have to know that it is impossible for us and monkeys to have offspring. Although horses and donkeys can give birth to mules, mules cannot reproduce... Is there any more powerful evidence than this?"

"Okay, what you said makes sense. Let's just think that they are the same as us." Armand reluctantly accepted his cousin's point of view, "But we are civilized people and they are savages."

"That's right, my cousin." Basten was a little excited, "We do business here not only to make money, but also to spread civilization to them, educate them, and let them appreciate the grace of the Lord.

, instead of carrying the original sin and falling into hell after death..." He said so excitedly that he stretched his hands to the sky.

"Do you think Australians are civilized people?"

"If Australians are not civilized, then we are savages among savages." Basten laughed, "Can you say that the Chinese are savages? Obviously not. We should say that they are more advanced.

In the form of Chinese people, it is a pity that they have not received the grace of the Lord." Basten said with regret, "The faith of Australians has always been a mystery. The Jesuit monks in Macau also kept this matter strictly confidential.

But judging from the information circulating, most Australians are die-hard atheists..."

"Don't they even believe in their own heretical religion? I remember that the Chinese have a local religion called 'tao', don't they even believe in that?"

"I'm afraid I don't believe it. Judging from the information we have received, most Australians do not even worship idols, nor do they show any enthusiasm for sacrifice... But what is puzzling is that they have faith in us.

"Australians know so much that they even know a few Bible stories, but why they have become evil atheists is a puzzling problem."

"Too many mysteries surround the Australians, but the name 'Senate' alone is surprising enough. Why do they write the Latin word 'a' on their silver coins? A country thousands of miles away from Italy.

Why do countries in China use ancient words like 'senator and people' to refer to their governing bodies? Why do Australians generally speak such an unfamiliar language as British? Dear cousin, as a naturalist, don't you

Don’t you want to go to Australia to see the local customs and customs there? Australia is also a very wealthy and prosperous place.” Armand asked all his questions here.
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