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Volume 14 of Changning Kingdom: The Drilling Team (3)

"Barrel?" Chen Pengyu asked, "Why a barrel?"

"You are about to develop oil, and you don't even know this allusion? Oil was first industrially mined in the United States. How to transport it after it was mined? At that time, there were neither oil pipelines nor oil tankers and tankers. The Yankees

Oil is stored in large barrels from the brewing industry. The barrel has a capacity of 42 US gallons. So later, oil continued to use the unit of measurement "barrel"."

"We don't need to completely replicate this. Let's not talk about this weird American standard 42-gallon. At least we don't need a wooden barrel..." When Chen Pengyu said this, he suddenly became less confident. Don't look at the metal oil.

The barrel is not considered high-tech, but it requires welding, and it is difficult to mass-produce it based on the current capabilities of the Senate Industry.

"In my opinion, we can set the capacity of the barrel at 200 liters. As for the barrel itself, using wooden barrels is an acceptable choice. After all, there is an abundance of wood in Borneo. The barrel-making process is also very simple.

.We can build a mechanized cooperage."

"That's all we have to do. The wooden barrel is not strong enough and can't be used many times."

"One use is enough." Qin Xike had already made up his mind about this. "One of the characteristics of wooden barrels is that they have low strength, poor durability, and are not easy to clean. Therefore, wooden barrels can be manufactured according to single-use standards.

.In this way, both material selection and processing can be greatly simplified. After the crude oil is transported to the refinery and unloaded, the oil barrels are dismantled on the spot. The iron hoops are recovered and sent back to the barrel factory in the oil field for reuse. The removed barrel staves are directly

Used as fuel for factory boilers."

"It's really yours!" Chen Pengyu said, "How did you come up with it?"

"There are many examples of this in the industry," Qin Xike said, "Just say the businessmen from Guangdong and Fujian who went to Nanyang. Many of the boats they built were made of cheap wood without drying in advance, and the boats were even shoddily built. etc.

When we get to Nanyang, we dismantle the ship and sell the wood and nails... we sell everything, and then we take someone else's ship back. Look at this cost consciousness."

"If that's the case, it would be easier to just refine it on site and ship the finished product back directly."

"This depends on how the Planning Institute and the Works and Energy Commission decide. Refining oil is actually not difficult. I have seen a lot of local oil refining factories. The waste and pollution are relatively large, but common oils such as kerosene, gasoline and diesel are refined.

It's not difficult to buy it - especially the oil in Brunei is of much better quality than domestic oil. But gasoline is difficult to transport over long distances by sea, and it might just explode. So I guess I'll still ship the oil back to Hainan.

Come to refine. Didn’t Danzhou build a chemical industry complex?”

"I heard that the quality of Brunei oil is very good and can be used directly in diesel engines." Chen Pengyu said, "Wouldn't this save a lot of trouble?"

"It would be troublesome." Qin Xike shook his head, "Of course light crude oil is good. But it is also more dangerous. And Brunei oil is not all light crude oil. To be precise, it only has the fragrance of some oil wells in Sumatra and Borneo.

Hydrocarbon-based crude oil can be directly used as raw material oil. Most oil wells produce mixed-base crude oil that is mainly naphthenic and contains more aromatic hydrocarbons. The disadvantage is naturally that it is flammable and explosive. Even if it is mined, it is difficult to transport it back.

"Qin Xike said, "We will not take care of the oil refining equipment for the time being. We will first fix the equipment currently used for drilling and infrastructure."

"These things have probably never been officially produced by the machinery factory. We have to write a planning document quickly and go to Wu De as soon as possible to ask the Industrial Energy Commission to establish a trial production project. This process is not short, and one month will definitely not be enough."

"As long as the project can be approved when we set off," Tesico said, "In this way, we will split up. You will take the infrastructure team and some of the equipment that can be raised to make preparations in Sanya, and I will go to the machinery factory to stay."

"Okay, let's do it!"

"By the way, we still need to find some livestock. The machinery and equipment can be pulled by steam engine tractors, but it will be too slow for them to transport the extracted oil. Horse-drawn carriages or ox-carts are better." Qin Xike thought of watching the Automobile Association.

The scene when the team was maneuvering. A fully loaded ox cart slowly passed a steam tractor at full speed. After passing, the ox turned back to look at the steam tractor.

Chen Pengyu asked in confusion: "Horses and cattle have to be transported from Hainan? Isn't there even a tribe nearby?"

"You don't have to think about horses over in Borneo. There may be cows. I remember that there are a lot of buffaloes in Southeast Asia. Buffaloes are strong and have a big temper. They are probably not easy to control - but this is not a problem, as long as they can be bought.

For cattle, just hire local natives as cattle drivers."

"The stack alone is not enough. We have to actually assemble it. Otherwise, if there is a problem, it will be too late to cry when we arrive at the scene." Chen Pengyu recalled how lazy he looked when he went on a business trip to assemble machinery for the first time.

"We have to apply for a place in Lingao for us to store equipment, test equipment, and train technical personnel."

The two people discussed it and went to the surrounding office to discuss their plan the next day. Naturally, there was no objection from the surrounding people. They approved the relevant plan and issued a series of documents in accordance with the corresponding requirements. The two got the procedures and started working together without stopping.

Got on the boat back to Lingao.

As soon as they arrived in Lingao, they split up and went to find the relevant person in charge. Qin Xike first found the person in charge of the Petroleum Countermeasures Group of the Planning Academy. With his contact, he quickly met Wu De and asked him what he needed.

A list of related equipment has been made.

"These are all necessary machinery and equipment for oil field development."

Wu De opened the plan, glanced at it, was silent for a long time, and said: "Theoretically, it is natural that you need these equipment to develop oil..."

Qin Xike thought to himself: "What's next?"

"But..." Wu De made a turning point, "I'm afraid you know our machining level very well. We can make these things, but the barrier-free working time is relatively short. In Brunei, you can do it yourself.

Is it guaranteed? This is not the equipment used by those salt well workers in Sichuan. A few carpenters can maintain it with just one furnace."

"In terms of maintenance, I am a mechanical major. I have worked in a machinery factory over the years, doing manufacturing and maintenance. I probably know the performance and problems of local machinery." Qin Xike said, "As long as you give me

Some related processing equipment - no control equipment is needed, just the machine tools and related products produced by our machinery factory. I can set up a small hardware factory in Brunei. I also mentioned it in the plan. In addition, I

The machinery factory also has a few apprentices. I would like to apply to take these apprentices away as the backbone. You can also allocate a few apprentices from the current training class to me. I can build this maintenance team."

"I appreciate how adventurous you are." Wu De said, "Most of these equipment have no problems. It is the first time we have made this kind of drilling rig, and this casing - we have never made such a large diameter seamless pipe before.

..." He pondered for a moment, as if he had made some kind of determination, "There is always a first time. You can't live on melons and vegetables forever!"

"Yes, you are right!" Qin Xike said happily, not expecting that things went quite smoothly...

"But there are some difficulties with steam engines. There is no quota for new machines. The petroleum countermeasures team did order a few steam engines, but these machines will not be delivered for at least six months. If you want them as soon as possible, just

There are several steam engines 'to be renovated'. If you can organize your own manpower to repair them, these steam engines can be given to you - without affecting future orders - they are considered extra."

"This is great," Qin Xike said happily, "Don't worry, I will take my apprentice to repair it, and I will take him away after repairing it."

That night he met with Chen Pengyu and exchanged information about the first day.

First of all, there was the issue of the site. Chen Pengyu specifically visited Qian Shuiting and obtained a vacant factory building in the industrial zone near Bairen Town to temporarily store related equipment and personnel. In addition, he also specifically went to find the factory that he had brought with him in the past.

his apprentices and old subordinates, and persuaded them to join the plan.

"Now the land and people are almost there. What shall we do tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow we will burn incense, and we will burn it for every family." Qin Xike said, "Do you still have those Nanyang tonics? I'll wrap up dozens of them, and it will be easier to ask for some gifts."

So early the next morning, Chen Pengyu and Qin Xike began to visit various departments including machinery factories, agricultural exports, shipyards, chemical plants, army, navy, Central Reserve Bank, Delong Bank, Securities Regulatory Commission, health clinics, etc.

In addition to talking about the low investment in oil development and the great results now, he also signed a bunch of intended equipment purchase contracts in the name of Nanyang Company to machinery factories, farms, shipyards, Chinese medicinal materials factories, Lingao Construction Corporation, Hainan Telecom, etc.

As for where the money comes from, I don't care about it for the time being. Anyway, as long as oil can be produced, everything will not be a problem.

Because they couldn't pay the money, these two people were just talking bad words.

They proved to machinery factories, chemical plants, hospitals, pharmaceutical factories, etc. that only by developing oil, even a little bit of oil would be a huge progress for the machinery industry and chemical industry. The two even cried bitterly in the hospital and pharmaceutical factory.

He said that if oil is not obtained immediately, the health of the elders will not be effectively guaranteed.

As for machinery plants and shipyards, Chen Pengyu promised that the petrochemical products such as lubricants needed in the future can be deducted from the equipment. As for whether it is repaired old equipment or newly built equipment, the planning team said that as long as the equipment can meet the design requirements, it can be deducted. Qin

Xiko told Mei Wan that the asphalt needed by the construction company would be given absolute priority.

The Navy was told that the first barrel of light crude oil must be taken to the Navy to be burned in the boiler.
This chapter has been completed!
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