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Volume 18 of Changning Kingdom: Malaria

Cui Yunhong really wanted to be defeated by Anna of 100,000 Reasons: "In short, it is very far, thousands of times further than Amsterdam... In the place m78, there lives a group of people called Ultraman.

People are 30 meters tall, and they survive by absorbing the sun from the Kingdom of Light. When monsters and disasters appear in our world, they will hear the call of the righteous people in our world, cross the vast sea of ​​stars, and come to

The world around us protects us…”

The weak cyclone shattered and dissipated over the South China Sea after hitting the tall Mount Kinabalu. The bad weather it brought also quickly dissipated. At this time, Lingao also transmitted the latest data on the Siya Oilfield.

Come over. The general idea is that the oil quality in Brunei has a lot to do with the depth of the formation. Due to bacterial transformation, the shallow oil fields have transformed from paraffin light crude oil into asphalt-rich heavy and super-heavy crude oil. These oils are buried

They were shallowly mined early and their reserves were not abundant. By the 21st century, they had long lost their mining value, so most technical materials did not mention their existence.

"Okay, now we are awesome. The light crude oil that we dug out for a long time and can be put into the diesel engine for burning is gone..." Wu Tingwei, who got the telegram, couldn't help but joke again: "Okay, the northbound faction is going to do this now."

The encirclement and suppression campaign has been sent south, and the oil coming out of Silia is heavy oil instead of light oil, so the entire mining and utilization plan will have to be restarted, and Mr. Zhou will take the blame!"

"President Zhou is the one who takes the blame in Sanya, otherwise why would he be needed?" Cui Yunhong said seriously, "The key to a project is to create a fait accompli. When the sunk costs go up, it's no longer possible to continue working on it."

"Isn't heavy oil good? At least the production and transportation problems are gone..." Huang Lu has always felt that the Senate's plan to develop the natural gas-rich Silia Oilfield on a large scale is somewhat risky. "Besides,

The petroleum here contains benzene. Direct extraction, distillation and fractionation can extract benzene and toluene, which are indispensable good things for our chemical industry. Necessities for the organic chemical industry."

"Heavy oil can produce more various base oils needed by diesel and chemical industries, which is actually more in line with our current needs. Fuel is actually not our most important need. This is not a dirty thing, just do what you need to do."

Cui Yunhong said, "The most important thing is how to increase production."

"We can only wait until the steam kowtow machine comes to discuss the matter. Now we can only dig wells. It is impossible to pump oil on a scale that is based on salt well technology."

After the heavy rain, the beach at the Siyariya construction site returned to life, but the cyclone brought more than just rain.

The abundant rainfall brought by the cyclone also turned the Siriya area into a swamp, and all the low-lying lands were filled with rainwater. Even the flattened campsites and development sites were full of puddles.

The terrain here in Silia is flat and drainage is poor, and a large wetland with ponds and puddles quickly formed in the jungle. This kind of environment cannot be treated by simple landfill. Historically, drainage channels have been dug to continuously drain away the accumulated water.

Only water can cure the problem. This is obviously impossible for an exploration team with only a few hundred people.

The humid and watery environment is a paradise for mosquitoes to breed. In addition, rainy days suppress the mosquito repellent effect of smoke. The disturbing whine of mosquito swarms can already be heard on the construction site of the exploration team.

In order to deal with the threat of malaria, the oil exploration team has also greatly shortened its night working hours. It will end work early at 4:30 in the afternoon and return to the seaside camp where there are fewer mosquitoes.

In order to enrich the workers' long nightlife time, Huang Lu specially commissioned traders to bring some saltwater girls from Cotabato to "do business", and said that the engineering team did not want them to pay "share money." He said to this group

It is very clear what kind of trouble people will cause when they have nothing to do after work - proper venting is still necessary to maintain physical and mental health.

"People must be clean and not have any dirty diseases!"

Although the merchant patted his chest and said that he would definitely find a clean girl, Huang Lu was still not reassured. Syphilis had begun to spread on a large scale throughout East Asia and the offshore areas of Southeast Asia due to the spread of European sailors, so he sent a hygienist to accompany the team.

Go for a checkup.

To be honest, visual inspection for syphilis is unreliable and unscientific, but it is also the only inspection method available to the medical team of the exploration team. The treatment method is even more complicated: mercury ointment - it has serious side effects and limited effect. But in 606

Before the invention of arsenamine, this was considered the most scientific and effective treatment method.

Although the Xianshui girls they found were dark and thin, their appearance instantly caused a sensation among the labor community. Soon they had to adopt the "call by appointment" business model.

The arrival of the woman brought happiness to the camp, but the melancholy sound coming from the shack was a huge torment for Lin Laowu, who spent all day digging sand and rocks.

He is over thirty years old and has not yet been married. The only woman he has had close contact with is the girl on the Dan family's boat. Every time Lin Laowu returns from a trip to sea, his interactions with her are all he expects from life. Lin Laowu's book

I originally planned to wait for this deal to be completed and then go to the boat to buy him back as my wife, but unexpectedly an Australian appeared on the way, sank the Shark, and captured him in this stupid place.

Every day I was either digging sand or carrying rocks. I wonder if any of my accomplices had stolen the money I had saved... Marrying a wife was a dirty business...

Although they have to do physical work every day, the Australians do not treat them badly when it comes to food and drink. They have food and drink, and the physical work time is shortened. When they return to the camp, they are not as exhausted as they were in the past few days and just want to sleep. After free time, Lin

A strong man like Lao Wu is ready to take action.

Lin Laowu was very horny, but he was still a prisoner with no wages. He had no money to have a romantic affair. So he extended his demonic hand to Tao Liliu who was in the same shack. Unexpectedly, the young man was very alert and woke up immediately when he felt that someone was picking on him.

When they came over, they screamed and called out the night sentries. Many workers were half asleep. When they heard the screams, they thought that the local natives were coming to attack at night. They immediately blew up the camp and the whole camp was in chaos. Cui Yunhong and Wu Tingwei were also involved.

All the elders rushed out with guns.

After struggling for a long time, I realized that such a commotion had actually occurred. Huang Lu, who woke up from her sweet dream, was so angry that she jumped eight feet high, and almost sent Lin Laowu to the gallows on the spot to "set an example".

Finally, in front of everyone in the camp, Lin Laowu was tied to a stake and his buttocks and thighs were spread open with a whip.

"Whoever dares to act recklessly again will suffer this." Huang Lu mercilessly poured a bucket of seawater onto Lin Laowu's bloody buttocks, causing Lin Laowu to scream in pain.

"You guys live in the same shack, each of you pour a bucket of seawater on him, so that he can remember what it feels like to have a sore butt, so that he won't have to worry about others."

Following Huang Lu's order, Lin Laowu's screams like a pig being slaughtered continued to be heard throughout the camp.

The drilling work soon entered the stage of lowering the stone circles. In this stage, the polished stone circles must be placed layer by layer into the large well using hanging rods to form a surface stone casing to protect the well wall. Outside the stone circles

The inner circle is square, the diagonal angle is slightly smaller than the diameter of the big mouth, and the thickness of each one varies from about 0.33 to 0.66 meters. When lowering half of the stone circle, a pair of iron bars should be added to the stone circle, and the two ends of the lift should be embedded in the large stone wall.

, to prevent the stone circle from breaking due to excessive force... Wang Dali and Li Tianfu, the foremen of the Sichuan salt well in charge of the No. 1 wellhead, naturally shoulder the important task of pioneering.

"Dear me, it's such a hot day and I still feel a little cold?" Wang Dali, who was working, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Don't tell me, I feel a little bit too. Did you get caught in the rain the first two days?" Li Tianfu, who has been staying with Wang Dali all the time, also feels strange in his body. However, it is inevitable for workers to have headaches and brain fever, so he can't sleep too much.

After meeting, they got through it. The two of them continued to go down the stone circle without worrying about it, but soon, Wang Dali began to tremble uncontrollably all over his body, with goosebumps appearing on his skin, and his face turned purple from holding back.

Feeling completely exhausted, he fell to the sandy ground. The co-workers on the side remembered that this was the "playing tricks" that the chief often mentioned, and hurriedly carried Wang Dali to the ship's infirmary.

Just as Wang Dali was sent to the infirmary, Li Tianfu, who came with him, started shaking all over. This frightened the whole group into panic. It was obvious that this disease was contagious to people, so they all were naturalized.

Doctor Min knelt down and begged the doctor to treat him as well. The whole infirmary was in chaos.

The naturalized doctors and nurses had received relevant training before departure and knew that this was probably malaria. They immediately calmed everyone while conducting blood tests on Wang Dali and Li Tianfu.

The nurse performed Giemsa staining on the blood smears of the two people, and then clearly discovered the structure of the malaria parasite under the Zhong 1634 microscope, confirming that the two had vivax malaria.

"Don't worry, they do have malaria. However, the Senate has distributed enough anti-malarial drugs to us. I will report to several leaders next. If they are infected, we will definitely treat them in time."

Malaria prevention and control is also an important part of the Silia exploration plan. In particular, these Sichuan salt well workers are from non-high-malaria areas and are less resistant to malaria. They have always been the focus of the exploration team. Unexpectedly,

Despite all the precautions, I still fell victim to the trap.

The fact that the two had malaria was also reported to the three elders as soon as possible. They are now in a malaria area. As long as someone gets sick, more cases will appear soon. Wu Tingwei immediately requested to increase the level of malaria prevention and control.

All outbound exploration activities were stopped, and mosquito extermination work in the camp was strengthened. At the same time, an anti-malarial drug, quinine sulfate, was distributed to all exploration team members on a daily basis.

This chapter has been completed!
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