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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Section 25 Indigenous (2)

"Let him come here!"

The savages slowly approached, but everyone in the exploration team was extremely nervous. The guard captain regretted why he didn't bring a few shields - in this kind of terrain, shields are more useful than any other weapon.

Fortunately, the savage probably knew the other party's concerns. As he approached, he put the object in his hand on the ground, raised his hands high, and leaned closer while shouting.

As he got closer, Cui Yunhong saw the other person's bulging chest - it turned out to be a woman...

"It's a Dayak!" The local Chinese who acted as the guide suddenly spoke, his voice full of fear, "Headhunter..."

"Be careful!" the guard captain reminded again.

The guide was right. The grass skirt on her body, the strange accessories made of feathers and stones, and the huge and heavy earrings on her earlobes all showed that the person coming was a Dayak from Borneo.

The Dayaks are the indigenous inhabitants of Borneo. It is said that the Dayaks originally lived mainly in the coastal areas and along the Kapuas River (sungai kapuas), the longest river in Borneo. Later, due to foreign immigrants, they moved into Borneo, and the Dayaks

Talents gradually moved inland, mainly living in the upper reaches of various rivers, so they got the name orang dayak, which means "people from the upper reaches".

The Dayaks have a large population and were historically one of the main ethnic groups in Borneo. There are seven major ethnic groups within them. In terms of their appearance, language, culture and religion, they are very similar to the Gaoshan people in Taiwan. It is likely that they originated from

They have the same origin, and they also have the same frightening custom: "headhunting". Therefore, the coastal residents are afraid of them.

The woman opened her arms to show that she had no weapons. She came close and knelt down on her knees. This meant that she had no hostility. Cui Yunhong estimated that she was the mother of the child.

Cui Yunhong observed that there were no signs of other suspicious activities around her, and the other party's eyes did not reveal any sign of attack, only sadness and panic on their faces.

"Bring her here." Cui Yunhong ordered, then turned to the guide and asked, "Can you tell me what they said?"

"Reporting back to the chief, the younger one can speak a thing or two, but they have more than a dozen languages, and not all of them can speak..."

"Then let's make do with it."

But Anna held Cui Yongfang's arm tightly and complained: "Why do you want to let this cannibal female savage come over? Just drive her away!"

Cui Yongfang consoled her: "She doesn't eat people, and headhunting doesn't mean she can eat people. I've read that headhunting is a kind of witchcraft...or to be more precise, it's superstition."

"Witchcraft?!" Now Anna was even more frightened. "Okay, even if it's superstition, it's too barbaric to rush out and chop off someone's head for no reason!"

After hearing this, Cui Yunhong thought to herself: You are really a crow talking about a pig, your father and your father's compatriots will do this!

The guard quickly brought the woman closer. Fortunately, she belonged to a group whose language the guide could speak. After some muttering and gesticulating exchanges, the guide told Cui Yunhong that the woman was bringing her child to collect medicine.

Because the child's foot was injured and she had a high fever. She heard that there was some kind of herbal medicine here that could reduce fever, so she took her child here to look for it.

The herbal medicine was not found, but the exploration team was met.

"...She begged us to return the child to her," the guide said.

"Give the child back to her." Cui Yunhong felt that this mother was very pitiful and very brave, and she felt great sympathy. "But if the child is returned to her, she won't live long."

Cui Yongfang said: "Why don't we help him treat him? It's always a life."

"That's fine." Cui Yunhong thought to herself that the other party was not hostile anyway, and this area should be their activity area. From all aspects, their favorability should be improved.

He immediately told the woman through a translator that he had medicine here that could help treat her child, but there was no guarantee that it would be cured. He asked her if she was willing.

"She said she was willing. As long as her child could be cured, she was willing to follow the masters. All she wanted was to send the child back to the tribe."

"That's not necessary." Cui Yunhong waved her hand and immediately asked someone to bring the medical kit.

Although he did not bring a hygienist, Cui Yunhong was a person who had obtained relevant first aid licenses in the old time and space. For no other reason, people who often conduct field surveys and field explorations had to be fully prepared.

After a brief observation, the child's high fever was actually caused by wound infection. As long as the wound was cleaned and treated with antibiotics, it could be cured. The biggest problem was that I didn't know whether the child had sepsis.

Sepsis has no obvious clinical symptoms, and most of them have similar symptoms to infection. It is difficult to detect without blood tests. However, he explored the wound and found that the wound was just an ordinary trauma with suppuration. The depth and area of ​​the wound were not large, so it would not be a serious disease.

Cause sepsis.

Now use disinfectant to clean the ulcerated wound, use a scalpel to remove the rotten tissue, and conduct thorough debridement. Then apply sulfonamide powder and bandage it with gauze.

"Chief, the environment here is humid, so it's actually better to open the wound..." Cui Yongfang suggested.

"What you say makes sense. However, the sanitary environment here is worrying. Opening the wound may cause secondary infection." Cui Yunhong said worriedly, "And judging from the severity of his injury, it may take three or four dressing changes to heal."

"Why don't we take this mother and son back to the camp for treatment..."

"You have good intentions, but others think they are malicious." Cui Yunhong knew very well that the Dayak people did not retreat to the interior to "escape from the peace", but were actually driven in by waves of outsiders. This kind of

Under such circumstances, there is no mutual trust between the two parties at all.

"Tell her that we have treated her child, but she still needs to change the dressing. If she can trust us, she will come to our camp every six or seven days from now on. We will change her dressing. If she doesn't trust us, it's okay not to come.

.Life or death depends on fate.”

The guide told Cui Yunhong's words to the woman. The woman was overjoyed when she saw that the child was returned to her. After listening to the guide's words, the expression on her face was mixed with joy and sorrow. She muttered something about her life. After a while, the guide spoke.

She turned around and said: "She said she was extremely grateful to the gentleman for his treatment, and said that she would definitely come to change the dressing. She also said that if the child was well, she would bring valuable things to thank him in person. She also asked if the camp of the gentleman was at the mouth of the river.

That village with wooden frames.”

"In that case, just tell her that we are there and let her come with the child. Then tell her that if there are any goods to be traded in their village, they can bring them to the village. Give money or barter.


After hearing what the interpreter said, the woman nodded repeatedly and was about to leave. Cui Yunhong stopped her again and said to the interpreter: "Tell her again and ask her to send a message to the clan members that headhunting is not allowed in this area. If someone is headhunted, we will

I will definitely take revenge."

The woman carried the child on her back and quickly disappeared into the forest. After this incident, no one was interested in exploring anymore. Anna was even more anxious to "go back".

When the group returned to the camp, Cui Yunhong briefly reported to Wu Tingwei and others the process of the exploration team's discovery of the female savage. At the same time, he also made suggestions to strengthen the camp's defense. Especially if they go out for exploration activities in the future, the defense configuration may need to be upgraded to a higher level.

The Dayak tribe is active here, so the security situation faced by the exploration team in the rain forest and the equipment required must be re-evaluated. In the dense rain forest, the crude bows, arrows and poison darts of the primitive tribes are more powerful than the sophisticated Hall rifles of the navy.

Exert greater damage.

About a week later, a sentry came to report that a "female savage" had come to the camp gate.

"Oh, she's here." Cui Yunhong was secretly surprised. He originally thought that this woman would most likely not come - after all, she came alone with her child among a group of strangers. In this world where the presence of law and morality is very important,

In a fragile time and space, a mother and her son are a fortune, and many people will have evil thoughts.

"She frightened many people here as soon as she arrived. The headhunters are really famous," Huang Lu said.

Cui Yunhong knew that although the reputation of the headhunters was scary, in their eyes, her group of people wearing strange clothes and holding sticks were even more terrifying.

If it hadn't been for that chance encounter, and if her treatment hadn't taken effect, she would never have come to the door with her child. Even so, she risked her own safety and came to ask for help from the exploration team in order to save her child. This is a great courage.

"This is the power of maternal love." Cui Yunhong said with emotion.

"Don't be sad, let's treat the child first." Huang Lu disagreed, "It's great to be great, but Old Cui, what if the child was treated by the river and it didn't work after he returned and died?

You said it was possible."

"Yes, it is indeed possible."

"It's fine if he just dies like this. What if his mother and other tribesmen think that your treatment is the reason why the child was 'cured' to death? Don't think I'm an alarmist. In the old days, there were incidents of doctors beheading and killing doctors.

A lot of it is caused by this kind of cognition... When the other party is angry, the entire village becomes our enemy, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it."

Cui Yunhong scratched her scalp: "You are right. But I didn't think so much. After all, he is a child, and his life is at stake, so he must save him."

The woman and child were brought to the infirmary. Cui Yunhong went over to check it out. Her body temperature had dropped a lot and her wounds had improved. The child who was originally unconscious was now awake, staring with a pair of curious and frightened eyes.

Looking around.

However, the recovery of the wound was not as good as expected. In addition to the unsanitary environment, the child's physical condition was also not very good, which should be related to insufficient protein intake. Cui Yunhong redecorated the wound and applied medicine, and told the reporter through a translator

Woman: The child needs to rest.

"It's best for him to stay in the camp for a period of recuperation, which will be conducive to his recovery. If she doesn't want to, she can take the child back and come back in a few days."

This chapter has been completed!
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