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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Section 29 Descendants of Jianwen (2)

"Although I don't really believe that Emperor Jianwen and the prince set themselves on fire, the seal cannot be used as evidence. It is impossible to burn a jade seal, but a stone cannot withstand fire and will crack when burned." Cui Yunhong said,

"Besides, the jade seal must be very heavy, right? Carrying dozens of kilograms of stones on your back is not easy."

Wu Tingwei had fallen into a state of intoxicated excitement, turned a deaf ear to Cui Yunhong's doubts, and continued to chatter about his "textual research".

"Zhu Di himself did not believe that Zhu Yunwen was burned to death. Later, Zhu Di sent Hu Ming to look for it in the mainland.

, concealed the safety of Emperor Jianwen.), and sent Zheng He to the west to search for it by sea and land ("Ming History Zheng He Biography": "Chengzu suspected that Emperor Hui had perished overseas, and wanted to trace him, and wanted to show off his troops in foreign lands to show China's prosperity)

"Also, the later Emperor Wanli asked Zhang Juzheng about the whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen. Do you think Zhu Yunwen really burned Zhu Di to death and didn't explain it clearly to his son?

"That's not all. Forty years after Emperor Jianwen disappeared, the magistrate of Sien Prefecture in Guangxi met an old monk who claimed to be Emperor Jianwen, so he quickly reported it to Zhu Qi Town. Zhu Qi Town did not dare to neglect and quickly found someone to verify it. Although in the end

It is found that this old monk is a fake, but it is enough to show that Zhu Di's descendants attach great importance to the whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen..."

Wu Tingwei impassionedly boasted about his "research results", and it seemed that Emperor Jianwen's escape from the Balni Kingdom was already a certainty.

Cui Yunhong said impatiently: "Okay, okay, even if he is really a descendant of Emperor Jianwen, it's not a big deal. You can just write a paper and declare that the historical mystery is over. Don't think about it here."

"It would be great if Zhu Yunwen could also bring the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, then it would be a real deal."

"After curing him, let's ask again. If he is really a descendant of Emperor Jianwen, it will be an interesting episode." Cui Yunhong didn't want to miss this opportunity to solve historical puzzles.

"Let's go see him first."

Wu Tingwei and Cui Yunhong came to the ward, and before they entered the tent where Zhu Shunshen was, a heavy herbal smell hit their faces.

"Two chiefs, this miasma can be transmitted from person to person. If it is passed on to the chief, it will be a serious crime. How about you two take a look at the door? Is it possible for the chief's doctor to go in with me?" Huang Shidong reminded.

"It's okay. This miasma can't hurt us yet. Please ask Mr. Huang to lead the way."

"Yes, the leader has his own magical power to protect his body, so please follow Huang." Huang Shidong said this with a tone that was either bitter or envious.

The rest of the Huang family were waiting outside the tent. Huang Shidong led Cui Yunhong, Wu Tingwei and the medical staff inside. Lying on a simple hospital bed was a young man in his twenties, covered with a thin blanket, who seemed to be

In drowsiness.

The originally dark skin turned pale due to malaria, and the skin did not have the luster and elasticity of ordinary young people. The young man bit his lips tightly, as if he heard someone coming, his eyelids moved, but he did not open his eyes.


"It's still morning, and he's shivering with chills, but in the afternoon, he'll have fever and headache again..." Huang Shidong introduced his condition in a low voice, and after speaking, he knelt down towards the young man at the end of the bed.

"In order to save you from the disease, I revealed your identity to outsiders. I deserve death!" Huang Shidong shouted. Huang Qilin, who was waiting outside the cabin, also led everyone to kneel outside the house: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty."


This scene made several elders extremely embarrassed. When the young man heard everyone's voices, he opened his eyes and turned his head with difficulty to look at Huang Shidong: "Brother Dong, please wake up Uncle Huang and the others. Don't call me the emperor."

My eldest brother also suffered from miasma and ran away like this back then. This is God's will. It's time for my family to survive here until now..."

Hearing what the young man said, Huang Qilin and others outside the house began to cry. Only then did Wu Tingwei see the young man's appearance clearly, and felt that he did not look like the Zhu Yuanzhang he had seen before, or what he looked like in the portraits of the Ming Dynasty emperors. But this

It is also understandable, after all, it has been passed down in Nanyang for more than ten generations. The bloodline must have introduced a large number of looks from southern Fujian and Guangdong Han people.

"Zhu Shunshen, you can't die now, I still have something to ask you!" Although Wu Tingwei was very enthusiastic about this matter, but he didn't mean to show respect when he spoke, several members of the Huang family showed unhappy expressions on their faces. I felt that

This elder is too rude.

"Chief, it's falciparum malaria." The naturalized civilian medical officer presented the test results to Cui Yunhong and Wu Tingwei. "Fortunately, it was sent early and it didn't develop into other more dangerous forms of severe malaria."

"The Huang family said that his eldest brother and second sister had this disease before. One died and the other became disabled. So now that Zhu Shunshen has this disease, he naturally doesn't dare to neglect it. He knew we had medicine and hurriedly sent it to us."

"Give him quinine dihydrochloride injection. His symptoms are severe and we need to take some strong medicine." Cui Yunhong ordered.

The anti-malarial drugs of the Senate are a miracle drug for falciparum malaria infections in this time and space. Zhu Shunshen's condition was quickly controlled after interventional treatment. Huang Shidong, who stayed here to take care of him, was naturally overjoyed, and the protagonist of the incident, Zhu Shunshen

Although he saved a life from a life-or-death situation, there was not much joy in his expression.

Just early in the morning, Huang Shidong came to "say hello". In order to hide from others, the Huang family rarely did this on weekdays. They would only go to the inner house during holidays or his birthday, and the main members of the Huang family would kneel down to him and say "Holy greetings."


Nowadays, people are so respectful outside, just to show off their face in front of these Australians.

This made Zhu Shunshen very uncomfortable. Because he had used the pseudonym Huang Shen since he was a child and lived in the General Military Mansion as a member of the Huang family. Not only him, but also his brothers, sisters and parents.

They are said to be the "Huang family" and live in the General Military Mansion, but they never participate in the Huang family's ancestor worship. They are a special existence. Everyone in the Huang family respects them, but they rarely act.

Freedom, for as long as I can remember, my family rarely goes out, and even if they go out, they will never leave Sabah. The farthest they go is to visit the tomb on Mount Kinabalu. After a few years, maybe I have the opportunity to go to Ayutthaya or other distant places to broaden my horizons.

Navigation, reclamation, business, taxation, and expeditions... They did not get involved in any of the things that the Huang family did. The only thing they had to do was to read, and read many, many books. The Huang family bought many, many, many books from Ming Dynasty merchants.

Books. They are like idols enshrined in temples, spending their time in the mansion day after day.

However, their pampered life did not give them a healthy body. He had never met his grandfather, and his father died when he was very young. Huang Shidong was the eldest brother who watched him grow up. When he was sixteen years old, Huang Shidong

It was the first time someone from his family "visited" him, and he knew his identity. This made him extremely frightened.

He has never connected himself with the distant Central Plains. He has never even thought about his ancestors. He only knows that he is Chinese, and his ancestors came to the land of Nanyang to make a living, that's all. Now he suddenly knows that he is from the Ming Dynasty.

As a direct descendant of the emperor, the burden of his identity made him breathless.

I also asked Mr. Huang and his brothers to call them the same as before, but Mr. Huang insisted that the royal dignity was indispensable, at least in private.

Neither Huang Jiahe nor his parents said anything like "returning to the Central Plains to be emperor", and they probably knew that this was just a false fantasy. But since he learned about his life experience, he thought of his ancestors and his hometown from time to time.

Can he really return to the Central Plains again in this life? Or, like his ancestors of all generations, live quietly in this corner of Nanyang and pass on the family lineage. The legendary rich and prosperous Central Plains is more like a distant dream to Zhu Shunshen, and

He didn't know how high the tall city wall in his hometown Yingtianfu was. He had seen the city wall in the big city (Kota Batu), which was an earth wall that was only about one storey high. The earth wall was covered with burned and dilapidated structures.

There are traces of traces, and lush plants grow rapidly along the wall, covering the earthen wall in the lush green... Will the city wall of Yingtian Mansion also look like this? There should be many more people in my hometown than in the big city, right?

Will there be a ferocious epidemic in my hometown that will destroy everyone's family...

Creaking... The sound of the wooden door being pushed open broke Zhu Shunshen's contemplation, and then a blond-haired and a black-haired head poked out from behind the door... He knew the blond-haired man, he was the golden-haired servant of the Australian Prime Minister, and

The other one turned out to be a girl.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Zhu, for disturbing your rest." Cui Yongfang apologized as soon as he came in: "My name is Cui Yongfang, and this is my friend Anna, because I accidentally told her that you are a prince.

So she insisted on coming to see you..." Cui Yongfang explained awkwardly.

Anna leaned out from behind Cui Yongfang and looked at him curiously. Seeing his calm expression, Anna came out and saluted, and asked curiously: "Are you...really the prince?"

Zhu Shunshen didn't know how to answer this question for a while. To be honest, he only had a strong sense of embarrassment about his own identity.

"Oh! I understand, the fact that you are a prince must be kept secret, right? Big shots cannot reveal their identities at will. But I really want to meet the prince, especially the legendary Chinese prince..."

But the prince in front of her was a bit disappointing - he was small, dark-skinned, and although his facial features were fairly regular, he couldn't be compared to the handsome and handsome prince in the legend. He was just an ordinary Asian.

Just a young man...

"It is indeed necessary to keep it secret. However, I am not a prince." Zhu Shunshen smiled gently, "I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"But Elder Wu said you are."

This chapter has been completed!
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