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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Chapter 42 Anna's Life Experience

"Why do you still keep them? Now that the people who hindered our business have disappeared, we can sell the natives to the British guy without any care. We can hand over the Huang family to the king. What to do with them is his business."

"Haha, my dear brother, please don't cause problems for the king." Basten smiled, "He just acquiesced to our actions, but he didn't say that the Huang family deserved it... Do you understand?"

"So, we should kill them all?"

"No, we have to keep them first. After all, we have just occupied Shanba Port, and there are still many variables." Basten took a deep breath, "Don't forget, Huang Shibei, the eldest son of the Huang family, is still here.

Darbaru. Before the king puts him in prison, let’s not get our hands dirty in a hurry.”

"I get it. You're such a statesman!"

Basten laughed. If life has taught him anything over the years, it is that the promises of big people are often unreliable.

The King only gave them "tacit approval". As the "political partners" of the royal family for hundreds of years, the Huang family has a strong influence on the local Chinese and the entire court. The King will definitely deal with them carefully and will not completely control them.

He will not express his position before the situation.

Therefore, there is no need to get your hands dirty now - you have to wait until the king is willing to pay a sufficient price for this.

"Let's go... take a look at our trophies!" Armand said excitedly.

"Go down, there are still many things to do..." Basten turned around and was about to leave the tower.

Armand was in a happy mood at the moment, somewhat gossipy: "I'm really curious now about where Anna's mother came from. I wanted to ask you before but never asked you. You said her mother was from here, right?


Basten paused, turned around and looked at his cousin, and it took him a long time to say something from his mouth: "You are right. She is from the Huang family - this is a huge mistake.


Sixteen years ago, Dan Basten was a promising young man who joined the East India Company and came to East India only a few years ago. At that time, the company gradually took control of the spice trade in the Maluku Sea. The young Basten concluded that the North Spices

The archipelago is the blue ocean for the company's future development. So he took the "Full Moon" merchant ship to Bo Ni Country, which is located at the heart of the East-West trade route, and started his own business here.

European merchants who ventured into the New World during the Age of Discovery were engaged in business and plunder. They often played the role of pirates, so that they could accumulate huge wealth as quickly as possible. The "Full Moon" often appeared along the coast of Borneo.

The area raided coastal villages, towns and ships.

In these villages, towns and ships, his favorite thing is to plunder the Chinese. The Chinese in Borneo are good at doing business, and are more diligent and accustomed to saving than other ethnic groups. Once captured, they are willing to hand over large sums of wealth in exchange for safety.

They are the favorite targets of pirates, and Basten also calls them "fat lambs".

Robbery is indeed a joy, but life at sea is also extremely difficult. As a low-level businessman on the ship, Basten has almost no time to rest, shuttling back and forth throughout the Spice Islands, transporting various goods and running companies

and your own business.

In such a tense and arduous life, if he could rob a woman, it would be the greatest reward for him. When the "Full Moon" robbed the Chinese town under the mountain in the north, Basten snatched a beautiful woman from the dock.

Chinese woman.

"...She is Anna's mother." Basten fell into memories, "This is not the first time I robbed a woman, but she touched my heart - I didn't sell her, I kept her with me.

Later, I took her to Mara, where she gave birth to Anna. Many years later, I accidentally learned from her that she was the youngest daughter of the Huang family. This was really a bad mistake!"

Robbery of a Chinese woman is nothing. Robbery of the daughter of the Huang family is a very bad thing in Borneo. If the heads of the Huang family know about this and use their influence in the court, they can force VOC to arrest Ba

Sten was handed over to punish him.

"It's a good thing she didn't report it, right?"

"Yes." Basten said, "I once expressed my consent to her intention to return to her hometown, but she said that she was the incarnation of some god, and because she was defiled by me, she would bring disaster to her hometown when she returned.

, so she didn’t want to go back..." A bitter smile appeared on his face, "She could have chosen to go back and ruin everything for me. But she didn't."

Basten was silent for a long time, then said: "I think maybe Anna saved me."

"You are indeed a good father. Anna's mother is really a kind person. She mentioned that she is the incarnation of God. This should be a popular heretical belief in the local area, right?"

"Indeed, it should be the most popular witch belief among Chinese people in Shanba Port..."

After two days of rough seas, the two rowing boats finally arrived at Shanjiu Port without any danger. This was still the territory of the Huang family. After Huang Shidong landed, he immediately ordered the local governor to prepare a boat to send the elders and Anna back to Shi


"What are you going to do next?" Wu Tingwei was very concerned about this matter.

"Although Shanba Port has been lost, we still have two towns, Shanlu and Shanjiu, and dozens of villages. I will send people to Dacheng to discuss countermeasures with my elder brother to recapture Shanba Port and rescue the whole family!" Huang Shidong said.

Wu and Cui knew that the Huang family was strong. Although they had lost their "capital", their basic base was still there and they still had the ability to counterattack. The pirates could not stay in Shanba Port for a long time, so they immediately said: "If there is any need for us,

If you want to help, just ask. Whether it's ship cannons or muskets, we can help you arrange it."

"Thank you to the leaders for your chivalry and righteousness." Huang Shidong said, "My aunt and I will convene a meeting of leaders from all over the place. If you need help, please come and ask for help."

"You're welcome! You're welcome!"

"I have another unkind request here, please allow the leaders."

"you say!"

"Can you take Brother Shen to Silia? Once the situation is calm, I will send someone to take him back."

"This is easy. We are responsible for his safety."

"Thank you, chief!" Huang Shidong bowed.

At that moment, the two sides parted ways. Cui Yunhong and others took the Huang family's boat and quickly returned to Silia's camp.

After Zhu Shunshen was settled, a few people met in the camp. Cui Yunhong and Wu Tingwei told Huang Lu and Chen Pengyu who stayed behind about their trip to Shanba Port.

"...It was such a dream-like trip." Wu Tingwei said the entire itinerary, "Not only did the eternal mysteries be solved, but I also saw many relics with my own eyes. Time travel is really the right time!"

"Hey, you are being patronized to express your feelings." Huang Lu said dissatisfied, "My family's village has been taken over by others, so there must be some explanation."

"It doesn't matter, your family has a lot of money. They still have towns, a lot of people, and ships. It is estimated that they will soon gather thousands of people to counterattack. The pirates probably won't stay in the port forever. They will definitely do it after the robbery.

Escape is nothing more than a big loss. What’s more,” Wu Tingwei said a little seriously, “many people in the Huang family have fallen into the hands of pirates, and I’m afraid there will be many casualties. Mr. Huang and his grandmother are afraid

It’s also very bad and bad.”

"No, no, the pirates understand their value. As long as they are not killed or commit suicide in the chaos, the pirates will definitely keep their lives - and they can also extort a large ransom!" Cui Yunhong said with relief.

"I hope so." Wu Tingwei was depressed. He fully felt the deep affection of the Huang family during this trip, and was very sad and anxious about the Huang family's misfortune.

"If they really can't do it themselves, we can just give them a little help." Huang Lu didn't care, "Send the ship over to provide fire support or something. I don't believe there are ships here that can compete with Hailan and Yefeng.


Cui Yunhong remained silent for a while, then said: "I think this matter is a bit strange."

"What's fishy?"

"Do you remember the gunfire when the pirates chased the Huang family's aunt and nephew in the mountains?"

"Of course, that was the gunshot of a Nanyang rifle." Wu Tingwei said, "But there is nothing strange about this. These guns are now sold for money, and the amount flowing into Southeast Asia is quite considerable..."

"It's true that you can sell them for money, but when they use them, they can actually maintain a continuous volley. This is extraordinary."

Shooting can be done with simple training, but the tactic of multi-person volley shooting is generally only used by the army, and is rarely used by ragtag pirates. And according to Huang Qiyan, the invading pirates are not only large in number, but also

Various performances in the battle showed that they were not ordinary pirates gathered together temporarily.

"...Judging from the entire raid, it is very likely that it was carried out by an army."

"You mean to say that it's possible that it came from one of the two East India Companies?"

"It's possible, or it could be the army of a certain country here."

"A country of local natives?" Huang Lu sneered, "They can only play with bows and arrows!"

"Bows and arrows are also very powerful weapons. Moreover, the wars between Southeast Asian countries in the 17th century were very large, and European firearms and mercenaries were widely introduced. The combat effectiveness should not be underestimated." Cui Yunhong said, "I think this is not a matter of pirate robbery.


"Will this incident have any impact on our oil exploration?" Chen Pengyu is most concerned about the progress of oil exploration, and is worried that getting involved in local fights will affect oil exploration.

"It shouldn't have any impact. To be honest, it doesn't concern us." Cui Yunhong said thoughtfully, "If the Huang family is really unable to solve the problem and asks for help, we can also provide them with appropriate support - after all, we are all from the Chinese ancestry.

The Huang family also controls many resources and is a potential partner."

This chapter has been completed!
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