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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Section 45 Oil Field Construction (3)

Drinking hay grass tea still can't relieve the fire. The elders wander around the construction site every day, eagerly looking at the work surfaces, hoping for a big prize somewhere.

On this day, Qin Xike got up early as usual, got out of the tent after finishing the relationship, and was about to go to the duty work shed of the headquarters to supervise today's drilling situation.

The kerosene lamp in the work shed was still on, so Qin Xike turned off the kerosene lamp. The attendant fell asleep leaning on his chair, and there were data reports scattered on the desk. Qin Xike took a look and saw that there was no oil or water.

The sun is rising, and it's a new day, well, a new day full of hope.

A hand-drawn exploration area map was erected in the work shed, with exploration positions densely marked on it. In order to increase the "winning rate", drilling wells were drilled in the four exploration areas at the same time, but the mechanical drilling rigs were in area A, which had the greatest hope, and the other areas were drilling.

Several areas all use Dayton drills.

Although no well with a daily production of more than 50 barrels has yet been drilled, the oil diversion channels running through the four exploration areas and the oil storage pools in each area have already been started. If a high-yield oil well is drilled, it will be wasted without storage facilities.


He looked at the diversion channels and oil storage tanks marked on the map. Most of these facilities were still dotted lines. In other words, they were "under construction." Needless to say, there were still many days until completion.

The map standardizes the specific locations of the four steam engines that have been shipped so far. One is drilling in area a, one is waiting for repair, one is driving the crane at the dock, and one is at the wood processing factory site.

Seeing "to be repaired", Qin Xike's mood suddenly became very bad. These machines have not been running for thirty or forty hours after being unloaded and assembled, and they need to be repaired again!

He silently checked the progress of the drilling teams currently drilling in Zone A. The progress was pretty good, but there were no exciting reports.

His gums began to hurt again. In order to relieve the pain, he took out a few prepared peppercorns from his pocket and pressed them on the swollen gums. After a while, he felt much better. At this time, the door of the work shed was suddenly opened.

Pushing open, Chen Pengyu walked in.

His face has been swollen recently, and he is unwilling to drink "withered grass tea". He only said that the supply of vegetables should be increased. However, the supply of local vegetables is difficult, not to mention that the vegetable production in this time and space is completely a small farmer economy and cannot be supplied in large quantities;

After the vegetables purchased from Mala were transported for hundreds of sea miles, at least half of them were rotten when they arrived in Silia. Huang Lu organized workers to grow vegetables, but it was difficult to save him from water far away and thirsty near him, so his "suffering from internal heat" problem has not increased.


"How's the progress?" Chen Pengyu said "nonsense".

"There is no big progress." Qin Xike also replied with nonsense, "But there is some good news..."


Qin Xike raised the report in his hand: "The progress of several drilling teams currently conducting surveys is pretty good, roughly matching the schedule. According to this progress, it will take us another half month to complete all the exploration points in area A.

All the wells have been drilled, and the preliminary survey and mapping results will be available."

With this report, there will be a certain basis for geological exploration when drilling the three areas b\c\d again, and it is not just a matter of luck.

"Are there any signs of oil and gas coming out?"

"Unfortunately, not yet - maybe we haven't drilled deep enough."

Chen Pengyu took the report and looked through it, showing a happy expression: "It seems that several drilling teams have been trained."

"Don't be too happy. They only drilled a few small holes, and the well casings and pipes have not been actually used yet." Qin Xike said with a smile. "At present, we can only guarantee that they can successfully drill 50 holes."

Mi’s well, other things are still question marks.”

"It's a good thing to be able to mechanize well drilling. The efficiency of drilling is too low," Chen Pengyu said, "What about the No. 3 exploratory well in area b?"

Although trial drilling has not started in the b exploration area, someone reported that among the twenty exploratory well locations in the b area, one numbered b3 has an oil and gas outcrop.

No. b3 is the most promising place among all the places where oil and gas are emerging, but it is also the most difficult to chew. The oil stains seeped out from under a huge stone. But this stone is very big, weighing dozens of tons.

.Several elders are very optimistic about this seepage point. Chen Pengyu is very optimistic that this stone is actually pressing on a spouting well.

Qin Xike does not have such high expectations. It would be great if he could find an artesian well with a daily production of 50 barrels. Most artesian wells in Brunei have low pressure and limited daily output.

"The stone weighs twenty to thirty tons. We can't pull it away with manpower and our tractors. We have to use explosives to blow it open. Conservatively, it can produce a thousand liters per day."

"One thousand liters is enough. With a few other wells that can produce oil, the daily production of 1.5 tons of oil is barely enough. At least it will look better when reporting." Chen Pengyu touched his hair, "Just blast it! Yefeng

There should be enough gunpowder on board. I’ll just tell Lao Cui..."

"It's true that there is gunpowder, but we don't have demolition workers. If we just pile up the gunpowder, it will probably not explode. And most of the gunpowder on the warship is propellant, and there are not many grenades, so I'm afraid it won't work for blasting."

"Damn, there's still this problem!" Chen Pengyu knew that he was trying to be simple, "Why didn't we think of bringing engineering explosives and blasters? It should be necessary for the project."

"If we knew everything, wouldn't we become gods? Let's ignore b3 for now. Let's work hard today and see if there is any new progress. Maybe a big oil well will be produced directly!"

After a while, Cui Yunhong and others also came. Although Wu Tingwei worked the night shift last night and should catch up on sleep in the morning as usual, they still had to attend the "breakfast meeting" every morning.

The kitchen brought them breakfast, saying it was a "special treat for seniors", but it was actually nothing delicious. As usual, breakfast was raw fish porridge with a few vegetable leaves on top - this was the special treatment for seniors.

The staple food is compressed biscuits - not grass dry food, but serious compressed biscuits. Although they are hard after all, the taste is decent, and it goes well with the porridge.

Everyone discussed the current development progress while eating.

"Except for drilling and exploration, other projects are not progressing enough. Infrastructure construction and production facility construction are behind schedule. There are too few workers and too many people are sick - malaria is only one problem we have to face, and there are others.

Disease problems. Currently, there are unexplained diarrhea, fever, and sudden death in the camp... Originally we would only have one or two death reports a week, but now it has increased to every day."

"What did the doctor say?"

"It is speculated that most of them are caused by bacterial infection - there are no testing conditions here. And our food supply is not enough. Workers can only eat enough food, but the nutrition is not enough. There is insufficient meat and vegetable supply. Doing heavy physical work in tropical areas consumes

Too big, malnutrition plus bacterial infection, a diarrhea can be fatal..."

"Well, we can grow our own vegetables, but do we have to raise pigs and feed our own sheep?" Huang Lu spread her hands.

"Maybe we really have to do this." Cui Yunhong said. He turned to Chen Pengyu, "Before you came, didn't you talk to the agricultural department about setting up a farm? You draft a telegram and ask Lao Wu to implement this matter as soon as possible, and send technicians, breeding stock

and agricultural supplies are delivered.”

"Isn't this a tendency to rashly expand the scale of infrastructure construction..."

"It's not a loss to expand. Silia has enough oil resources. Setting up a logistics base is a good thing that will benefit both the present and the future."

"Okay, I'll send a telegram shortly. If he hesitates, I'll go back to Lingao myself!"

After the exchange, we found that there are many problems in civil construction. The main diversion channel was originally dug for one week, but now it has not been completed after half a month. The civil construction of several supporting oil storage pools in the exploration area has not been completed yet.

Although the Tieniu II is a powerful engineering tool, it consumes a lot of time in cleaning the dust and adding water at intervals. Because it uses scraps from sawmills instead of coal, the calorific value is insufficient, and the power output is also compromised.

"Let Yefeng unload the coal from the ship to use on the tractor." Cui Yunhong said, "Yefeng still has dozens of tons of coal in storage. It's no problem to deal with it temporarily. Later, let the coal ship replenish it - by the way.

We need to bring in more thermal coal, because the steam engine cannot keep eating grains - if you fool it, it will fool you."

After breakfast, the work schedule for the whole day was also announced. After the meal, the elders went to work separately. Chen Pengyu's job today is to continue to supervise two civil construction projects: the diversion channel and the oil storage tank.

The industrial system of the Senate could not support oil storage tanks, and even building earthen oil tanks with bricks and cement in Silia was a bit difficult. So they adopted the most primitive design of oil storage tanks.

The oil storage tank is circular in shape, with an area of ​​ten square meters and a depth of two meters. An oil storage tank can store approximately 6,000 liters of oil.

Although the oil storage pool is technically the simplest and relatively safe, the oil pool is not just a hole dug in the ground. Oil can penetrate through fluid. During the Anti-Japanese War, the oil storage pool in the Yanchang Oilfield used a "paved border area"

Mass-produced stone slabs are jointed with lime cement."

The Senate has neither slate nor lime mortar in Silia. It uses bricks to build the walls and the bottom of the pool, and smear them with cement. At present, the cement and bricks are shipped all the way from Sanya, with a transportation volume of T800.

, it was not possible to transport enough building materials to lay all the diversion channels and oil storage tanks, so Wu Tingwei applied for relevant equipment and planned to build a simple brick and tile factory here, so that he only needed to transport cement from Sanya.


The diversion canal project is more complicated because it involves the issue of rain protection. Compared with the limited area of ​​the oil pool, the diversion canal is long and has a large area, which requires more rainproof and sheltering equipment. It rains heavily every day here.

If there are no rainproof measures in this place, both the oil pool and the diversion channel will soon be flooded by rainwater. Not to mention oil storage, just drainage will take a lot of effort.

This chapter has been completed!
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