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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Section 47 Oil Field Construction (5)

Qin Xike and Cui Yunhong immediately came to the platform. Based on the data and past experience, Cui Yunhong estimated that this oil well produced at least fifty barrels per day and was already worthy of commercial development.

Only two wells were drilled and the results were already seen, and several people were very excited.

"Complete the well and put it into production!" Qin Xike breathed a sigh of relief, "With this oil well, even if our work is not in vain this time, we will be worthy of the Senate."

"No, no, I think this well still has potential, and it's a bit early to complete it now." Chen Pengyu said, "Looking at the composition of the mud, it should be a loose sandstone oil layer, and there is probably a larger oil layer below. It's impossible.

It is possible to produce a thousand or ten thousand barrels a day."

Cui Yunhong thought for a moment and then made a decision: "Okay! Anyway, we have reached the oil layer now, why not just try again!"

"It's noon now, let's eat first." Wu Tingwei, who came after hearing the news, said, "I have already told Huang Lu that it is too late at noon, so I will give everyone a reward in the evening."

After a while, Huang Lu led the kitchen to deliver lunch to the platform. A large bucket of mint and mung bean soup, which was specially purchased to "remove the fire", a large pot of rice and pickles, and grilled fish.

The veterans and handymen who went down to the drilling platform all squatted on the working surface to eat.

Although the workers could not understand the significance of oil to the Senate, they knew from the expressions of the senators that they had made a great discovery and obtained "the minerals that the senators love". Everyone was smiling. Originally, it was because of the tropical climate and heavy labor.

People who looked a little sick due to torture also regained their energy.

"What if we really extract 10,000 barrels of oil per day? We don't have so many oil pools now. When will your satellite be released?" Wu Tingwei asked while eating.

“How much volumetric reserves do we have now?”

"About two hundred thousand liters..."

"Two hundred thousand liters equals...how many barrels..." Chen Pengyu began to do mental calculations.

"Don't forget it. If it has a daily output of 10,000 barrels, it will definitely not be able to hold it." Cui Yunhong said, "It will waste a lot of money in the beginning. It will be fine when the 'Christmas tree' is installed."

"Christmas tree?"

"The official name is the oil well tree, which is a device installed at the wellhead. It can be used to control the annular space of the sealed oil casing, and can control and regulate the production of the oil well."

"Like a faucet?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Cui Yunhong smiled.

"Even so, I still feel distressed. How much crude oil will be wasted?" Chen Pengyu said, "We will expand the oil storage pool immediately..."

"How many expansions can you make in just a few days? We have been here for more than three months." Cui Yunhong looked at the surrounding terrain, "I think the terrain to the west of the working platform is relatively low.

Build an earth embankment through the gap and use diversion channels to guide the oil into the depression to form an oil lake."

This was the first time Wu Tingwei heard of such an operation, and he couldn't help but be stunned: "Oil lake? Boss, this oil must not seep into the ground..."

"There will definitely be some penetration, but the viscosity of oil is very high and it is not as easy to penetrate as water. The groundwater level in this area is very high and the soil moisture content is very high, which will also prevent oil from seeping. The loss will be smaller, that is...


"It's just not safe." Qin Xike answered.

"Yes, you can imagine that a large amount of flammable gas will gather above the oil lake, a spark, a thunder and lightning...and then..." Cui Yunhong said with a smile.

This scared everyone, but Cui Yunhong said it was not so scary. This is a seaside, and the oil lake is open. The sea breeze and the heavy rain that comes every day will disperse the accumulation of flammable gas.

"The oil lake is open. It rains heavily every day and cannot be covered. Can the oil still be used?"

"It's just that the moisture content is high." Cui Yunhong said, "Oil itself will also be mixed into groundwater underground. The moisture content of crude oil in some oil fields is very high, and some is very low. When refining oil, it must go through a dehydration process.


After lunch, Wu Tingwei organized the engineering staff to conduct surveying and mapping, and prepared to build an earth embankment to accommodate the "oil lake". The drilling work continued. According to Chen Pengyu's plan, continue to drill down 150 meters.

To this end, they lowered the 15cm casing to 90 meters to seal off the loose sandstone oil layer, and then used a 10cm drill pipe to continue drilling.

Taking advantage of the time to replace the drill pipe, Chen Pengyu gave the No. 2 drilling platform a day off to let the workers have a good rest.

By February 10, 1637, the No. 2 platform drilled another 43 meters. At 110 meters, the drill bit cracked again and the drive chain broke. Everyone had to stop the drill and wait for the mechanical maintenance station to install the new drill bit and chain.


On February 14, the drilling team restarted the drilling rig. When the drilling tool reached about 113 meters, there was a sudden tremor on the ground, and then the entire platform shook violently. A large amount of mud suddenly spewed out of the well, and began to intermittent

A sudden eruption. Qin Xike, the on-site supervisor, knew that this was a precursor to a blowout, and immediately shouted: "Run!" He jumped off the platform and ran to the open space. Several workers on duty had already been arrested.

His whole body was sprayed with mud, and he stumbled down from the derrick without any orders from him to escape.

Almost at the same time, a huge blowout occurred. With a roar, a 10-centimeter drilling tool weighing 6 tons flew directly into the sky, hit the drilling rig crane and fell to the ground, twisting into twists. The nearby drillers scattered in all directions.


After a while, the well site calmed down. Chen Pengyu and Qin Xike carefully led the drillers back to the drill floor and began to use shovels to remove the sludge on the drill floor and drill plate. However, a few minutes later there was a sudden sound from underground.

There was a rumbling sound. Everyone had to retreat again. At this time, the wellhead was like a volcanic eruption, first spewing out a large amount of mud, and then forming a 15 cm diameter tall oil column rushing into the air, mixed with rocks flying out from the bottom of the well, as high as

More than fifty meters.

The huge spray of oil shocked people nearby. More than ten minutes later, workers in the camp flocked to Well No. 2 to see this unprecedented spectacle. People were surprised, sighed, confused, and talked about it. But they all

I don't know what the "oil" that I have traveled across the oceans and worked hard to produce means, but the elders know the significance of this moment very well.

The Senate was finally no longer the Senate of Steam Engines! From this moment on, they ushered in the era of internal combustion engines and fine chemicals! Several senators were so excited that they were speechless. Cui Yunhong thought of the countless people who had traveled to various mining sites for oil over the years.

After trying it for the first time, I had mixed feelings and almost shed tears.

Qin Xike's body was almost covered with mud and oil at this moment, and the sky was still continuously raining "oil droplets" with a pungent smell. He did not retreat further, but opened his arms, almost enjoying it.

Embrace it all.

All the hard work has paid off now.

"Quick! Power generation to Lingao! Our Silia exploration team successfully drilled a high-yield oil well with an estimated daily production of 20,000 barrels on February 14, 1637." Cui Yunhong, who calmed down her emotions, taught.

"Okay! I'll go!" Huang Lu turned around and ran away happily.

Over the next nine days, the well spewed approximately 100,000 barrels or 12,000 tons of crude oil into the sky from a depth of 150 meters, with an average daily output of 10,000 barrels. It greatly exceeded their expectations.

"This is our first high-yield oil well with a daily output of 10,000 barrels." The Silia exploration team later wrote in the official victory telegram sent to Lingao: "The successful development of Well No. 2 not only meets the current requirements of Lingao

demand for oil, while tempering the oil exploration team, improving the oil exploration and production process, and establishing a reliable oil production base. The success of Well No. 2 marks that the Senate has fully mastered reliable oil development technology..."

The No. 2 oil well was later called the "Valentine's Day Miracle Well." When its reserves gradually depleted over the decades and was eventually shut down, it was preserved and became a monument. Later, the Silia Oil Company was located here.

A commemorative park was opened, and the No. 2 oil well became an attraction in the park.

Because of the special date on which it was discovered, it unexpectedly became a tourist attraction that young men and women from the Nanyang region frequently visited to express their love. The iron chains on the tower and the derrick were covered with padlocks symbolizing steadfast love. It was once used to store oil.

The depression has also been restored and turned into an artificial lake for people to go boating.

At this moment, these romantic things have not happened yet, but as the surrounding crude oil accumulates more and more, the depression has formed a huge oil lake, and it is still expanding. On the first day, the workers gathered together to watch the "Peep Show"

, some people stood by the lake and used wooden sticks to stir the oil, trying to see what this black thing was. The pungent smell that permeated the lake the next day made people shy away.

In order to prevent any accidents or safety incidents from happening near the oil lake, Chen Pengyu had people put up bamboo fences next to the lake and set up a guard tower to warn and prohibit all unrelated people from approaching.

Looking at the growing oil lake, the engineering team stopped all other projects and concentrated all manpower and material resources to build a new oil storage pool and diversion canal. Work was started in turn around the clock. On the 8th when the oil was produced in the No. 2 well

At that time, the construction of a new batch of oil storage pools was completed. On the day they passed the acceptance inspection, Qin Xike ordered the use of oil pumps to pump the oil from the oil lake into the oil pool.

On the 10th day, Qin Xike and Chen Pengyu finally installed the wellhead device commonly known as the Christmas tree. From this moment on, every drop of oil that spewed out of the wellhead began to be sent into the diversion trough by the cast iron pipe, and then flowed into the storage.

The area of ​​the oil lake finally stopped expanding.

"We actually have only one remaining job, which is to constantly repair the oil pool to accommodate the oil." Wu Tingwei said jokingly, "Originally, we were worried about not being able to produce oil, but now we are worried about too much oil. Okay,

My question is, what do we do next?"

This chapter has been completed!
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