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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Chapter 50 Pulling the Team

Qin Xike interrupted him: "What they said may not be accurate. Besides, the more people the better when attacking. Now that Basten is on defense, there can't be so many people - he also has to pay military salary."


"Yes, we still have to send people to conduct reconnaissance first to know the details."

After agreeing on the resolution, Cui Yunhong called the Huang family's aunts and nephews and expressed that the Senate was now willing to help the Huang family "restore the country." However, the Senate could not directly provide troops and money, and they needed to raise it themselves.

"...You should also know that we have long-term trade cooperation with VOC. Without a normal and suitable reason, it is impossible for us to launch an armed attack against them." Cui Yunhong said, "So we cannot support you publicly. We only

I can help secretly."

Then he talked about the guaranteed loan plan.

"...I don't know how many resources you still have on hand to allow the Indians to open their money bags for you. If the Indians are unwilling, the Senate is willing to provide guarantees for your loans."

Huang Shidong immediately understood what he meant. If you want to "restore the country", you have to recruit troops and arm ships, which require a lot of money - but they don't have it now. They have also done borrowing money, but under the current situation

No one is willing to lend. The most I can do is give some money and food to express "support", but I can't borrow large sums of money at all.

If the Australians are willing to guarantee them, they can borrow a large sum of money from Indian money merchants to arm the army and recapture Shanba Port!

"If the Senate is willing to guarantee it, we can borrow money immediately and recruit thousands of people. It will not be difficult!" Huang Shidong knew that the counterattack was going to happen, and he suddenly became excited.

"However, guarantees carry a huge responsibility. I am arbitrary in this matter. But I still have to give an explanation to the Senate." Cui Yunhong said, "You have to sign a separate agreement with us."

"If the chief is willing to guarantee it, we can sign any agreement!" Huang Shidong knew that it was a great grace for the Senate to help, and he had to accept it no matter how harsh the conditions were.

"Okay, in that case, let's start taking action."

Cui Yunhong immediately divided the work. Huang Lu accompanied Huang Shidong to Mara, where he contacted Indian money merchants and tried to borrow money.

"After you borrow the money, don't rush back. Take a boat back to Sanya immediately. After arriving in Sanya, report to President Zhou, and then buy all the Nanyang rifles you can buy in Sanya - you can probably buy three to four hundred of them.

.Is it possible to make a round-trip call within twenty days?

"As long as we don't encounter bad weather, there will be no problem."

"After we get the money, it's up to you two." Cui Yunhong said to the Huang family's aunt and nephew, "You have to recruit soldiers in a big way and make a counterattack on Shanba. Do you have room?"

"Shanjiu is fine." Huang Shidong said, "Although they are not willing to help, it is still possible to borrow a piece of land to camp."

"That's it. The greater your momentum, the more secure the lives of the Huang family in jail will be."

"Yes, I understand this!"

If they remain silent, it is equivalent to acquiescence that they have failed. There is no point in retaining the prisoners of the defeated generals. Whether it is Huang Shibei in Dacheng or the Huang family members trapped in Shanba, they will lose their use value and will immediately

Being mutilated.

Cui Yunhong asked them to prepare for war in a big way, but he actually had another purpose. If possible, he could try to persuade Basten to withdraw from Shanba Port.

.Furthermore, he is not willing to let Anna become an orphan - after all, he has no eyesight.

"One more thing, that is, you have to try to send people back to Shanba Port to conduct reconnaissance to see how many enemies there are and how their defenses are. By the way, you still have many villages there, and the Dutch should not be able to take care of them at this time.

Come on, let’s all get in touch, maybe we can get some people to come out.”

The aunt and nephew of the Huang family looked embarrassed, because they fled almost alone. There was no one accompanying them. When they arrived at Shanjiu Port, they found their own merchant house and shipping company, and accepted some outgoing ships, and then they gathered a small team.

There aren't many people available, and it's impossible for someone close to him to do such a life-threatening job.

"There are now more than a dozen pirate boats patrolling the surrounding area. It is very difficult to get close at sea."

If you sneak in from land, the road is difficult and dangerous, and you will almost die. Therefore, you can't find anyone willing to conduct reconnaissance.

"Is there any other way?" Cui Yunhong was talking when someone suddenly came to report: "There is a captive laborer outside who wants to see the leader for something important."

"We'll talk about it later!"

"He said he knew two guests..."

"Oh?" Cui Yunhong became interested, "Let him come in!"

It was Tao Liliu who came in. As soon as he came in, he greeted Huang Shidong: "Second Master!"

Huang Shidong was surprised: "You are?!"

"I am Xiaoliu! Tao Bo's son..."

"Oh! It's you!" Huang Shidong said in surprise, "You have been away from home for several years. Tao Bo said that there was no news about you. I didn't expect you to be here in Australia!"

Tao Liliu was a little embarrassed and muttered: "I am actually..."

Now he considered himself a pirate, robbed a ship and was captured by the Australians. Now he told the story of working as a laborer for the Australians.

"...If the second master can be of any use to the villain, the villain will definitely help!"

"Okay!" Mr. Huang felt a little comforted in his heart. Since the fall of the General Military Mansion, many people who have received great favor from the Huang family have resisted and looked on with cold eyes. It's hard for Tao Bo's son to be so loyal!

"It's rare for you to be so loyal." Huang Shidong said with a bitter smile.

"...Second Master, I heard that the Huang family is in trouble now, and Shanba Port has been captured. I think both the Second Master and my aunt are eager to know the situation there. If the Second Master does not dislike it, I am willing to go to Shanba

Let’s find out in Hong Kong.”

This is because Dozey brought a pillow! Cui Yunhong became interested and asked:

"Oh, how are you going to get there?"

"Starting from Taojiazhai, there is a land route to Shanjiu." Tao Liliu said, "Two-thirds of it is water and the rest is land. I used to walk with my father, and it only took four days one way. I arrived at Taojiazhai

, whatever you do next will be convenient!”

"Is there such a way?" Huang Shidong and Huang Qiyan didn't know. They looked at each other unconsciously.

"My father took this road. It was originally just to avoid going around in circles. It's just that the road is inconvenient and you can't carry heavy objects, so you rarely walk on it on weekdays. It's not difficult if you walk alone and empty-handed."

This is unexpected good news. Pirates now control the sea surface of Shanba Port, which is equivalent to cutting off internal and external traffic. Although Basten controls the town port of Shanba Port, he still has no control over many villages scattered inland.

There was no way to control it, but after the General Military Mansion fell, the entire center of the Huang family was paralyzed. These villages lost their backbone and could only wait in confusion.

Huang Qiyan made a quick decision: "I'll go with you!"

Huang Shidong was shocked: "This can't be done! If you go, you will be alone behind enemy lines..."

"No, I want to go." Huang Qiyan said, "The villages in Shanbagang were all built by the Huang family, which is different from the villages in other places. Tao Bo's family has been friends with the Huang family for generations. As long as I can come

Once there, we can raise a team. At least we can prevent the Dutch from giving orders to the village."

Once the Dutch can effectively command the villages, they can make full use of the resources of Shanba Port, and it will only be more difficult to counterattack.

"But..." Huang Shidong still hesitated.

"Don't be afraid, nephew," Huang Qiyan said with a sudden smile, "I am still the incarnation of Grandma Changning. As long as I show up in Taojiazhai, the surrounding villages will join me."

Cui Yunhong also felt that this was a good choice. If Huang Qiyan could really rally his team inland, it would greatly reduce the difficulty of attacking from the sea. He immediately agreed.

Huang Shidong was actually worried. Since ancient times, people's hearts have been easy to change. Since the fall of the General Military Mansion, he has seen too many cold looks. It is hard to say whether these villages in Shanba Port can remain the same as before.

But now there is no other way, he nodded and said: "In that case, please ask aunt to bring more followers..."

"You don't need too many followers, just choose four or five people who are careful and decisive. If you have more people, it will be difficult to hide your whereabouts."

After the discussion was completed, Huang Qiyan prepared to go to Shanba Port with Tao Liliu. Cui Yunhong asked them to take four navy revolvers and fifty rounds of ammunition each from the spare weapons of the Wild Wind, and presented them to Huang Qiyan. He also taught them how to use them.

After Huang Lu and Huang Shidong set off, the elders became concerned about how to recruit a team.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you have money in Nanyang, it is not difficult to recruit a small army of "scum of all nationalities". However, the combat effectiveness of these troops is also conceivably poor. Basically, they cannot fight a tough battle. The Dutch have a

If well-trained mercenaries guard the shore, even if the Huang family has an advantage of two or three times, it will be difficult for them to secure victory.

The Nanyang rifle is just a power multiplier. If the soldiers are not willing to fight, giving them Mini rifles will not work either. There must be an armed force that dares to fight and is good at fighting...

Where did this team come from? He wondered, first, to organize all the pirates in the labor team. These people originally had rich combat experience, and most of them were desperadoes. In the labor team these days, most of them have "Jiu Kun"

"The organization has a certain fighting capacity. But these people are too few, only more than thirty.

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw Anna playing blowgun with a native child. The sick Daya child had actually recovered and returned home long ago, but his mother often brought him and his tribe here to do business with the camp recently.

Various tropical fruits in exchange for various small hardware and food. Cui Yunhong also intends to win over them - after all, exploration in inland areas requires the help of such local indigenous people.

This chapter has been completed!
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