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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Chapter 56 Mountain Climbing (2)

"Now let me ask you a question: The light of the fireworks reaches our eyes instantly, and the sound of the explosion of the fireworks reaches our ears after about 102 seconds. Calculate the straight-line distance from our location to Sabah Port."

Anna calculated in her mind for a moment and gave the answer, "34,680 meters, Sabah Port is about 34.68 kilometers away from us, almost nine leagues. It turns out that it is so far away from Shanba!"

"Yes, you have basically mastered it."

"Sure enough, you guys know everything..." Anna murmured to herself.

"Know everything? No, no, it's still far from it. The Australian sages a hundred years ago thought that everything was suddenly clear in the clear sky above the building of knowledge, but two dark clouds occasionally drifted in... Only later did they discover

There are actually dark clouds over the building of knowledge. We still know nothing about this world, and we still need curious people like you to explore it." Cui Yunhong stared at Anna and said these words of encouragement.

"By the way, speaking of this, Taoist Zhang decided to canonize your identity as Grandma Changning at Yunjiguan, the new Taoist headquarters in Lingao. Then you can come back to Lingao with me. I promised Yongfang to teach you the knowledge of natural history.

, only by coming to Lingao can you learn this endless knowledge..."

"Are you going to Lingao..."

In her dream, Anna leaped from the top of Changning Mountain through layers of clouds and arrived at Lingao. She landed on the edge of the harbor in Lingao wearing a white dress and pajamas. The gentle sea breeze came from behind her and kept throwing her dress and brown hair up and down.

Falling down, facing Lingao stood countless tall towers reaching into the sky. There were people flying in the sky. There were many colorful flowers on the ground of Lingao, and there were frogs with dragonfly wings climbing and flying in the forest.

Crowds of people were passing through the wide stone streets like waves. Anna walked forward, raised her legs and came to the huge library. It was bigger than the largest library she had ever seen in books, and the bookshelves with books on them went up to infinity.

Stretching beyond the sky, the sun shone from the vacancy in the middle of the library on one side of the desk. Beside the desk, there was a handsome young man with blond hair, facing her sideways and concentrating on reading the book...

"Is that... Yongfang?" Anna walked towards the boy, but before she could reach him, the scene in front of her disappeared again.

Anna screamed and opened her eyes, only to realize that she was still on Changning Mountain. Cui Yunhong was packing things and making a jingling sound.

"Grandma, you're awake, come and have something to eat." Tao Liliu presented the hot dry food paste to Anna.

"Teacher Cui, why didn't Yongfang come this time?"

"He is a busy man now and is helping in the oil field. We will soon transport a lot of oil back to Lingao."


"A very useful mineral. Do you know bitumen?"

"I know, it can burn, it smells bad..."

"Yes, asphalt is one of the products of petroleum. But it can be transformed into many more things. It can be used as fuel, made into clothes, and even into medicine."

After breakfast, the climbing team set off. After the hard work of the past few days, the team members were all exhausted. Anna talked a lot less along the way and silently climbed up with her hiking poles.

After a while, Anna discovered that there were more and more large exposed rocks around her feet, while the tall trees that had been surrounding them became increasingly sparse, and there were many plants similar to fluffy grass mixed in among the rocks.

"We are about to cross the tree line. Above this is the landscape of alpine meadows and shrubs. There will be no forest above the tree line." Cui Yunhong reminded.

Cui Yunhong calculated the forest line altitude of Lower Changning Mountain, which is 3,400 meters, which is in line with the forest line pattern of high mountains in the tropics. Reaching this altitude also means that the possibility of altitude sickness among team members will greatly increase if they climb higher. Cui Yunhong signaled to the team Stopping to rest - without the obstruction of trees, Anna looked back and saw a sight that she would never forget - under the clear blue sky, white clouds were spread like wool blankets on the green land at the bottom of the mountain, and the clouds and mist continued to rise from the bottom of the mountain. Ascension flows through the mountains, really like a fairyland in the sky. Looking to the west, you can vaguely see Sabah in the sky and clouds. On the South China Sea there, dozens of cloud pillars rise from the ground, high in the sky. Diffusion and accumulation when exposed to cold...

The majestic scenery of nature shocked everyone in the mountaineering team. It seems that you can touch the mystery of the operation of nature here. All human emotions seem so small in front of such scenery...

"Drawing board... to the drawing board! Oh, why didn't you bring my drawing board? I really want to draw this scenery! There are also poems. It would be great if I could write poems. I can give Zhu Shunshen a beautiful poem to convey this. What a beautiful scenery." Anna looked at the sea of ​​clouds and was talking to herself in a trance, with a glimmer of light in her eyes.

While the mountaineering team was admiring the beautiful scenery of the sea of ​​clouds, Tao Liliu walked around a few times. When he came back, he pointed at a huge rock in the northeast and said: "Chief, grandma, please look at it. That is the Immortal Stone..."

Everyone looked to the northeast again and saw that about two hundred meters above the northeast slope, under the cliff of Zu Lao Peak, stood a huge boulder about ten meters high. The boulder was completely black and looked like the background of the granite mountain of Zu Lao Peak. Out of a series.

Arriving at the boulder, everyone helped Anna look for the inscription left by her predecessor's grandmother, and sure enough they found traces of Chinese characters carved on it...

Huang Yuan Oriole, Huang Mingjuan, Huang Jiangyan...

The names in the top row have become somewhat blurred after years of wind and rain. A total of nine names of ancestors are engraved on the boulder and Changning Mountain has been guarding the people at the foot of the mountain for two hundred years. The inscriptions become clearer as you go down. In the bottom row, The name of Anna's mother Huang Qiying is watching Anna quietly.

Anna stretched out her hand and touched her mother's name gently. A breeze blew by and swirled around Anna's hand. It seemed that her mother was gently shaking Anna with both hands.

"Grandma, it's time for you to engrave your name on it..." Tao Liliu reminded him softly.

So Anna picked up a carving knife and marked her name on the boulder stroke by stroke - Anna Huang Basten. This combination of Chinese and Western names seemed a bit awkward on the boulder, but it also seemed to indicate that Changning Mountain and Changning The country has ushered in a different future...

Anna finished carving and completed the last test of becoming her grandmother. The mountaineering team decided to continue climbing. Tao Liliu hesitated for a long time and finally stood up to raise objections.

"Chief, Grandma, if you go up the Ascension Stone, you'll find the forbidden area where Grandma practices. I think... we'd better stop here..."

Cui Yunhong looked at Anna and said, "You are my grandmother. It's up to you whether you want to go up or not."

Anna thought for a moment and said firmly, "Yes! I really want to climb to the top of the mountain and take a look!"

Cui Yunhong cast an approving look at her and teased Tao Liliu: "You see, your grandma has spoken, so let's go up and order some more."

"Anna, you still have to say hello to all the ancestors and say sorry for bothering you." Cui Yunhong added towards Anna.

After reaching an agreement, everyone continued to move towards Zu Lao Peak, but before going very far, several locals, including Tao Liliu, developed altitude sickness symptoms of dizziness and chest pain. Tao Liliu begged Cui Yunhong and him in great pain.

Anna: "Chief! Grandma! You are immortals and can naturally go to Grandma's Peak, but our mortal bodies cannot bear it. What should we do if we offend Grandma now..."

Cui Yunhong looked at the condition of the team and it was indeed not very good. The fatigue of many days and the low temperature and hypoxic environment on the mountain had already shown damage on their bodies. Cui Yunhong looked up at Zu Lao Peak again.

The road is full of cliffs. Then I remembered that when climbing in the 21st century, I used the help of laid climbing ropes. The road also has a lot of gravel and is very difficult to walk. Now I want to climb to the top at once. It is really a big deal.

, I’m afraid we need to organize a professional mountaineering team to find a way to reach the summit...

Cui Yunhong immediately made the decision to go down the mountain. Before going down the mountain, Cui Yunhong took out the Changning Mountain flag from her backpack. The same sky blue as the Senate's Morning Star Flag was used as the background color of the flag. The Morning Star was shrunk and placed in the upper left corner of the flag.

, in the middle is the silhouette of Changning Mountain, and at the bottom there is a circle of Kangding azaleas surrounding Changning Mountain...

Cui Yunhong found a safe corner with leeward wind and put down the Changning Mountain flag, which also counts as a landmark. “I’ll put you on top next time.”

Anna took a handful of soil from the Immortal Stone and put it into her backpack before starting to go down the mountain.

"Teacher Cui, my father calculated that the height of Changning Mountain is almost 4,000 meters high. Are you right?"

"Oh? Did your father calculate this by himself? How did he calculate it?"

"My father told me that it seemed that the height was calculated through the shadow of Mount Changning. After he calculated it, he happily told me that he had discovered the highest mountain in the world (Europeans at that time were familiar with the Himalayas in the interior of Asia, the Himalayas in the American continent)

The Cordillera Mountains are unknown, and although the main peak of the Alps, Mont Blanc, is 4,800 meters high, Mont Blanc is located at the base of the Alps, and its relative height is not as high as Mount Kinabalu, which rises from the sea level.

Yes, there is no higher mountain than Mount Kinabalu on the European routes. Dambasten mistakenly thought he had discovered the highest mountain in the world.) But you said that Mount Changning is not the highest mountain..."

"It's not true, but it's admirable that your father can calculate the height of Changning Mountain using the projection method. After you go to Lingao, you should also visit your father more. He is a respectable naturalist.


Regardless of Basten’s character, he can at least be considered a good father. Cui Yunhong thought to himself.

"Teacher Cui, can I ask another question?" Anna grabbed Cui Yunhong and waited until the others were a little far away before she mustered up the courage to continue asking, "Do you think the Huang family will forgive my father?"

This chapter has been completed!
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