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Section 2 Mr. Xiang Yuan and his affairs

"Shogunate, we will overthrow it sooner or later. Now is not the time." He said seriously.

In fact, Xiang Tianying doesn't know whether the Senate will overthrow the shogunate - he has never cared much about the major policies of the Senate. However, since the Senate has never forgotten the Japanese economy, it is a sure thing to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate.

He got the name Xiang Tianying after time travel. Like many elders, he changed his name to break with his past self. The only difference is that he proposed to Dugu, blew rain at the east gate, and was invincible at Nangong. Okamoto believed it was fake at first sight.

Compared to his name, his name seems very ordinary.

Generally speaking, he is a person with a weak sense of existence. Before the D-day, Xiang Tianying was a student who had just graduated. He worked as a book editor for a period of time, and left his hometown to participate in time travel under the guise of Beidiao. Because of his

His major is "international politics" which is useless in this era. Apart from doing odd jobs for Yu Eshui in the Grand Library and helping Zhou Dongtian and Tan Ming in the printing department, he is just a "senior of the basic labor force".

After the establishment of Lingao National School, Xiang Tianying was officially transferred to the education department and became one of several veteran teachers. He was able to get rid of his status as soy sauce.

However, because he did not participate in any activities, and did not even take leave to go to the plenary meeting, Xiang Tianying gradually became a veteran who only existed on the roster. He no longer even had two points and one line, because he lived directly in the national school.

They lived in a single dormitory and ate in the canteen of the national school. The main tasks every day were to attend classes, correct homework and whip students.

After the engine project started, the Ministry of Education originally decided to send Ji Xin to Kaohsiung. However, Xiang Tianying suddenly volunteered, so he came to Kaohsiung as the "Director of the Preparatory Office" and "Provost" of the "Kaohsiung National School".

Responsible for the preparation and future teaching work of Kaohsiung National School.

When I first arrived in Kaohsiung, it was just a huge refugee camp. At that time, even Wei Bachi's "Governor-General's Palace" had not yet started construction. There were only rows of thatched shacks extending from the seaside to the edge of the jungle, housing tens of thousands of people.

The only thing separating the refugees from the wilderness was a ditch and a wooden fence. Not to mention schools, there wasn't even a decent house.

Due to malnutrition, malaria and various infectious diseases, hundreds of people died of illness every day in Kaohsiung. Xiang Tianying, not to mention being a teacher, even had his luggage, was captured by Wei Bachi before he could put it safely. In Kaohsiung

Did all kinds of chores.

As Operation Engine comes to an end, Xiang Tianying finally returns to his serious business: running schools.

However, Kaohsiung National School is a typical institution that "gives policies but not resources". Except for a few junior normal students allocated to it by the Green Grass National School, it actually has nothing. There is no house, no seats, and no funds.

He had no choice but to make do with the basics and set up a literacy class with junior normal school students in the camp. They conducted batch literacy classes for three months, regardless of gender, age or child. Although the literacy results were good, it took more than a year of hard work at Kaohsiung National School.

It still only existed on paper. He went to find Wei Bachi many times to ask for the implementation of the school, but there was never a positive reply. Xiang Tianying could only write a letter back to Lingao asking for help while continuing to work in this large refugee camp.

He continued his educational career at the Thatched Barn School.

Although this period of time was not too long, it made him feel like he could not look back on the past. During this period, he experienced attacks by indigenous people, refugee riots, and the death of several teachers from sudden illness... A series of events made him exhausted both physically and mentally and made him regretful.

I took the initiative to come to Kaohsiung - I thought I could "hide in peace"!

It was not until the end of 1632 that the make-do life gradually improved. After Wei Bachi built himself a beautiful "Governor's Mansion", he finally remembered the National School, a public building with special significance. So he concentrated his manpower and material resources and finally built

At the beginning of 1633, the Kaohsiung National School was officially completed.

Kaohsiung National School is located in Yancheng at the foot of Dagou Mountain. Yancheng, as the name suggests, is a large salt drying field. There are large tidal flats here that can be used to dry salt. In the old days, this place did operate as a salt field. However, due to the veteran

There is no shortage of sea salt in the hospital, so there is no salt farm development project in Wei Bachi's development plan. However, the terrain here is flat and it faces the harbor, so Wei Bachi's Kaohsiung City Government and other related institutions are established here.

The new school has a brick and wood structure and is designed to accommodate only 500 students. This is too small for the population of Kaohsiung. But Xiang Tianying clearly knows that based on the level of junior normal school students in his hands, this

The grand "National School" is essentially a junior primary school, and children who are capable of attending upper primary schools have to be sent back to Lingao for further education.

Xiang Tianying personally went back to Lingao and reached an agreement with Hu Qingbai. All the students sent by Kaohsiung National School to high school and primary school, except for a few children with excellent grades and hope to enter middle school, the rest

Half of them must take an additional year of simple secondary normal education. After completing the education, they must be sent back to Kaohsiung to work.

"This way I can have enough capital to expand the school's education scale in the future." Xiang Tianying said, "Kaohsiung now has a population of 20,000, and recently Zheng Zhilong has to accept 40,000 people who originally moved to Bengang.

At the end of the day, our population in Kaohsiung has exceeded 60,000. The population will increase further in the future, and I can't live on just five junior normal school students."

Hu Qingbai immediately agreed to his relevant plan and at the same time allocated him a large amount of teaching materials and teaching aids. Xiang Tianying's return to Lingao was a fruitful one. Before setting sail from Lingao, he took the time to visit the Women's College of Arts and Sciences.

He selected four female students and paid a large sum of "training fees." This shocked many senior members of the Senate, who thought he had gone hungry and thirsty in Kaohsiung.

For Xiang Tianying, life secretaries are very good human resources. They have all received at least high-level education, and they have also received various vocational educations of varying lengths. When they are brought back to Kaohsiung, they can effectively enrich the curriculum of national schools.

Team. If the office had not only allowed him to choose four at a time, he would have chosen ten or eight.

After returning from Lingao, he continued to be busy with the work of the national school. Unknowingly, he had been in Kaohsiung for more than three years. Although he had the title of "provost", the Ministry of Education never gave him a "regular status".

Make him a "principal".

However, Xiang Tianying didn't care about what position he held. Anyway, the Senate didn't intend to make great achievements in Kaohsiung's education, so he just let everything run normally. In addition to attending classes every day, preparing lessons and

Outside of the office, I hide in my office to study my interests and hobbies.

Although Xiang Tianying majored in politics, his personal hobby was history. He wanted to change his career to study history many times, but failed due to various reasons. This time he returned to history. The only thing he wanted to do was to learn about D-Day.

Everything he has experienced since then and all the information he has collected has been recorded.

Of course, there are some things that must not be made public. For example, the real role of the Senate in the Dengzhou Rebellion and the "sericulture improvements" carried out by Zhao Yingong in Jiangnan. These dark histories are all left alone in a small town.

In the booklet, Xiang Tianying focused on recording the local customs, costumes and customs, bureaucracy, production methods and other historical details of this era. After all, many of these are things that will be eliminated by the Senate sooner or later.

Akashaemon provided Xiang Tianying with a lot of materials. Before time travel, he was a fan of Japanese Warring States history, and he also taught himself half-baked Japanese. The Uesugi family was the daimyo who retained the most traces of the Warring States Period in the Edo period. Akashaemon was simply

It is a living database. In the past three years, he told Xiang Tianying everything he could remember like squeezing out toothpaste, from who were the important officials in the Yonezawa clan to how he changed diapers when he was a child. Almost.

Every Japanese that Xiang Tianying came into contact with suffered the same treatment. Refugees from Shandong, Zhejiang and other places were not immune, especially those from Denglai and Dongjiang rebels. Did they even use stones to wipe their butts?

He had to tell him everything, so many people thought that Xiang Tianying was actually a hidden member of the Political Security Bureau.

Xiang Tianying has always adhered to a concept: "A casual conversation today may be important historical data hundreds of years later." Therefore, his records are almost meticulous. What he usually sees and hears is written in the form of a diary.

The book-worthy historical events that have occurred since D-Day have been compiled into one book. In addition, there are various interviews with aboriginal people and a large number of compiled data tables, as well as the legendary booklet. At the beginning of the project

Tianying naturally had to write it himself, and then handed it over to the life secretary.

The four life secretaries Xiang Tianying brought from Lingao were all below C level. The elders thought that he only pursued quantity and not quality. In fact, the real reason was that his life secretaries were really secretaries, so they were not interested in appearance.

There are not many requirements regarding body shape.

In addition to their teaching duties, their most important job every day is to use shorthand to write down the contents of his dictation, and then transcribe them clearly. He will review all the contents first, and then ask his secretary to transcribe them after revising them, and make a summary card of the content. He will review it and it will be correct.

Then pack and seal.

If it involves confidentiality or dark history, he can only write it in his own handwriting, and the life secretary cannot even take a look at it.

In fact, for Xiang Tianying to undertake such a huge project, he could apply for resources from the Grand Library. The Grand Library also has a history compilation project in progress. But he always believed that it was an official undertaking, even if he participated in writing a few books and volumes.

, it cannot be counted as his own work, not to mention that there are a lot of "revisions". If you want to revise, you must revise a history book like "Historical Records" and "Guoyan" that belong entirely to the author, except for the life secretaries and students and apprentices he educated.

, no one can be allowed to participate.
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