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Section 19 Not doing business properly

It seems that Xiang Tianying is also a homeboy in Kaohsiung. Jin Xiaoyu thought to himself. There are only a few elders in Kaohsiung, and they still don’t move around among each other?

"He and Hu Xiang reported it several times and requested that teaching sites be opened in farms and other relatively remote settlement locations to solve the schooling problem for children."

"Teaching point..." Xiang Tianying showed a grimace on his face, "It's not easy to handle!"

A teaching site must be equipped with at least one teacher. Even if ten more people are added now, it is already very difficult for nineteen people to complete the primary school. It will be a bit stretched to free up manpower for the teaching site. Let alone still have to do it.


"But his application is reasonable and reasonable. Even if you don't want to do it, you have to have a reason, right?"

“Isn’t it enough that there are not enough teachers?”

"This is not a reason, it's just a difficulty. Everyone is in difficulty, so why don't we just stop doing things when it's difficult?" Jin Xiaoyu asked, "Otherwise, what's the point of overcoming difficulties?"

"It's easy to overcome difficulties, but you can't make something out of nothing. There are only these teachers, and they can't teach remotely, and the teachers don't have the ability to be separated..." Xiang Tianying said, "You have also seen the schedule. We don't have summer and winter vacations here.

, we only have holidays when the farming season is busy. Teachers basically work all year round. Moreover, teaching in high schools will start soon in the next semester, and the teachers you brought will not be available either."

Jin Xiaoyu has read the class schedule and it is indeed very full. However, she thinks that the current class schedule is "problematic". It should be possible to adjust it with appropriate adjustments. She said: "I will think about this again. I have to find a way to solve it."

"Thank you for your hard work." Xiang Tianying wished that someone would take on this troublesome problem, so he immediately agreed.

"I will adjust the class schedule and course settings next. Then I will see how teachers are allocated. By the way, weren't you originally planning ten teachers? So one less?"

Xiang Tianying immediately reported the matter of accepting this person and adjusting the class personnel according to his place of origin without authorization.

"She has been detained by political security for questioning."

"Can I see her material?"

"The file has been transferred by the political security, but he is actually a good teacher." Xiang Tianying felt regretful, "Too young, he gets confused when he is confused by others. He is too obedient, and he is still a child!"

Jin Xiaoyu thought to himself that this was a pity. However, privately adjusting class personnel and forming regional cliques were extremely taboo under the rule of the Senate. If everyone has arrived at the political security level, they must be dealt with.

After thinking about it, she suddenly thought of something and asked, "I'm not very familiar with the law. Will she be executed for this crime?"

"That's not the case." Xiang Tianying shook his head and said, "If you have to kill people for this, what's the point of the Senate?! If she were in Lingao, there would be a high probability of being sentenced to exile. The problem is that she is already in Kaohsiung, what else can she do?

Where to be exiled?”

According to the ranking list of places of exile according to the laws of the Senate, Kaohsiung is considered the worst place.

"It would be nice if it's a minor security or criminal case. She can be released after a spanking." Jin Xiaoyu wanted to use this teacher. "Can you tell her whether she can be given a labor force or something, and we will try to designate a location."


"This should be okay." Xiang Tianying nodded, understanding her thoughts, "Do you want to get her to be a teacher at Li Dongtian's teaching site?"

"Yes, do we lack people to cut sugar cane?" Jin Xiaoyu said, "She has received a high school education and has also attended a simple normal school for one year. Wouldn't it be a waste to let her cut sugar cane and plant rice? Talents are rare.


"Okay, I'll go talk to Wei Bachi. He is also in charge of the court."

"Damn, the mayor and the president of the court? Is there such a heavy responsibility?"

"Haha, you are so rare. Bachi is still the director of the Kaohsiung Prison Management Bureau. After the sentence is sentenced, it is still under his control."

"and this?"

"Kaohsiung is compared to the Song Dynasty, just like Ninggu Pagoda is compared to the Qing Dynasty. Isn't his title strange?" Xiang Tianying sighed, "If it weren't for anti-malarial drugs, this place would be even worse than Ninggu Pagoda.


No matter from which level, Wei Bachi would not refute Xiang Tianying's proposal. So this matter is more than half done. The next step is nothing more than a formality issue. Xiang Tianying felt relieved, so he returned to the office

Go and continue your work of "revising history".

Jin Xiaoyu continued to look through the various documents compiled by Zhao Mengmeng. It can be seen that Xiang Tianying is very "not doing his job properly" in Kaohsiung. He does a lot of work, but many of it is purely "interest", and it is difficult to say that he is not interested in education.

Is there any substantial help from the school?

"No wonder you took the initiative to come to Kaohsiung. It turns out you came here just to fish."

One of them is the compilation of teaching materials. From the thickness of the relevant files, we can see how much energy the principal of the national school spent on this.

At present, schools run by the Senate, no matter where they are, are edited and reviewed by the Ministry of Culture and Education, and then distributed to various places after unified printing in Lingao. Although printing offices have been established in Kaohsiung, Jeju and other places, most of the printing paper cannot be solved by themselves.

Therefore, most of the teaching aid materials are sent after printing in Lingao.

The current common textbooks were compiled by the elders of the Ministry of Education in 1630 based on additions and deletions from several textbooks in the old time and space. Xiang Tianying participated in the proofreading of these textbooks when he was in high school. He was in the old time and space

I am a book editor, and proofreading teaching materials is a basic skill. After all, in the book publishing industry in the old time and space, instructional supplementary materials accounted for almost half.

The teaching materials of Kaohsiung National School were delivered directly from Lingao at the beginning. However, after swallowing up the immigration of the Zheng family in Taiwan, the number of students enrolling and literacy students increased significantly, and the demand for teaching supplementary materials also increased greatly. We cannot always rely on

Shipping. At the beginning of this year, the printing factory affiliated with the National School was built. Several obsolete hand-operated printing presses and lithographic printing machines produced by the Lingao Machinery Factory were supported from the Kaohsiung Printing Factory. The main purpose is to print test papers and teaching materials.

For people like Xiang Tianying, who dealt with books every day in the old days, having his own printing house but only printing teaching aids, exercises, test papers and the like was an intolerable waste, so he

I came up with the idea of ​​compiling my own textbook.

However, under the current situation, it is most economical to use unified textbooks, and it is more convenient to print and review, and it also involves the issue of unified examinations for students from all over the country. Xiang Tianying wanted to compile his own textbooks, but was naturally rejected by the Ministry of Culture and Education.

The self-compilation of textbooks by local schools is currently a policy blind spot in the Senate. In the old days, Ye Shengtao was the founder of both textbook compilation and book editing. The People's Education Press textbook edited by Ye Shengtao was the only one in the country until 1985.

Standard textbooks. The reason why it was changed to "one outline with multiple volumes" and allowed local governments to compile their own textbooks was because the regional differences in China's education at that time were too great, and the standards of students and teachers were even more uneven. The People's Education Press could not publish them.

It is valid everywhere.

In Kaohsiung National School, where even the teachers are sent from Fangcaodi, this difference does not exist. The level of naturalized teachers is only to "teach textbooks", and the only ones who can "teach from textbooks" are veterans.

Xiang Tianying thought hard and knew that his thoughts on compiling textbooks should not be put on the table. Moreover, textbooks are actually quite sensitive. So he came up with a trick to save the country. Instead of saying that he was compiling textbooks, he

It is to compile "teaching supplementary reading materials". These are common teaching supplementary materials in history and Chinese courses. The content selection is relatively loose, and there are no strict length restrictions. He can compile it according to the requirements of the textbook, and wait for class after the compilation is completed.

When the time comes, let the teacher "Li Dai Tao Jian". As long as the textbooks compiled can comply with the "Chinese Education Outline for Junior Primary Schools" of the Ministry of Culture and Education.

He was incapable of editing mathematics and science, and he disliked social studies, so the direction of his self-edited textbooks was set on Chinese and history.

"I didn't expect this otaku to be so courageous!" Jin Xiaoyu took a deep breath when he saw his operating methods. Chinese and history textbooks involve ideological issues. How dare he make the decision alone?

"He has a big heart!" She thought, for such a sensitive matter, his harsh records were in the files, and he even asked someone to compile them into a special volume... If the person who came to Kaohsiung was not herself, but someone who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

People got the documents and held a hearing online with these outlines. His title as the principal of Kaohsiung National School was immediately revoked. Not to mention, he was probably kicked out of the Ministry of Culture and Education.

Putting aside these sensitive issues, Xiang Tianying is just not doing his job properly. There are some things she doesn't like in the existing textbooks, but firstly, it does not affect the educational effect; secondly, this is the common will of the Senate. Do you like it?

You have to accept whatever you like. Instead of working hard on something that has no practical meaning and is taboo, Tianying might as well take a closer look at the students' math scores. It is already obvious that students are partial to subjects.

Fortunately, Elder Xiang was interested in too many things, and studying private history took up a lot of time for him and his secretaries. As a result, the two "teaching aids" took more than two years to complete. It can be seen from his handwritten outline.

It turns out that Xiang Tianying attaches great importance to history courses. His "history teaching aids" not only include Chinese history and world history, but also have separate volumes. Chinese history includes "Ancient History", "Pre-Qin History", "History of the Two Han Dynasties"...

This is probably more than enough for history undergraduates, right? Is this for students from Kaohsiung National School, which only has a junior high school level?

Obviously, Xiang Tianying did not completely ignore the issue of students' receptive ability, so he also compiled two "history teaching aids", "A Brief History of China" and "A Brief History of the World" - this is probably what he is teaching students now.

A textbook for history class.

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