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Section 29: Campus Shadows (1)

After all, Lu Qin was a teenage girl. Three years of national education was not enough to establish a strong atheistic concept for her. Whether this erratic black shadow was a human being, a natural phenomenon, or a supernatural phenomenon, she had no intention of confirming it.

He quickly quickened his pace and trotted forward. A hundred meters ahead was the guard box at the school gate.

There are three security police stationed at the post day and night, responsible for the security of the campus. One person stays behind while the other two patrol. This cycle starts over and over again.

When Lu Qin arrived, the police had just returned from patrol. Lu Qin told the police what he had just seen. The expressions of the two policemen who went on patrol suddenly changed. The taller one turned pale, and the short one was trembling.

Lu Qin also wanted to tremble. Policeman Gao muttered: "Why is it in that damn place again!"

"What's going on?" Lu Qin smelled the uneasiness in the policeman's words.

"It's nothing." The police said, "Stop running around. We will take you back to your dormitory."

That night, Jin Xiaoyu tossed and turned in bed again. She was particularly fond of her bed. She had been having trouble sleeping since she came to Kaohsiung, and she finally got used to it. But tonight, I don't know why, but she felt particularly depressed.

After flipping sesame seeds on the bed for more than an hour, Jin Xiaoyu simply got out of bed, drank a glass of water, walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the playground in the distance. It was already twelve o'clock in the evening, and naturally there was no one on the playground.

People. In the direction of the teaching building, only Xiang Tianying's office is still lit. I don't know if he is working or playing backgammon with his left and right hands.

At this moment, Jin Xiaoyu saw a black shadow flashing from under the torch cage and disappearing in the shadow of the teaching building.

Jin Xiaoyu trembled with excitement, and looked for a while, but saw no movement. He felt uneasy in his heart, and when he thought about it carefully, he became even more frightened. He hurriedly put on his coat, put on his shoes, opened the lock on the drawer, and took out the pistol.

Go downstairs and go out.

Because she only saw a black shadow, she didn't even see clearly what the black shadow was, and she didn't want to cause uproar in the city.

The dormitory is an independent part of the campus, and there are police officers on duty at the gate. The police were also surprised when they saw Elder Kim suddenly appearing with a pistol.

"Don't be afraid, there may be something going on outside, just watch the door."

"What's going on?" the policeman on duty asked in surprise, "Do you want to call the police?"

"No, no, I just saw a dark shadow flashing past the playground, not far from the mulberry forest..."

The policeman on duty suddenly turned pale. Jin Xiaoyu was very different. This expression showed that the policeman knew something about Heiying's situation.

"What's going on?" She asked alertly, "Do you know what's going on?"

"Well, well, chief, you'd better not go out." The policeman on duty hesitated, "Maybe, maybe, maybe..."

"What could it be?"

"Maybe it's something unclean...dirty," the policeman said uneasily.

Most of the elders are atheists, especially Xiang Tianying, who hates the theory of ghosts and gods. Whenever the police say this, they will definitely be reprimanded by him.

Jin Xiaoyu looked at the frightened expressions of the policemen on duty and knew that this "urban legend" had probably reached its stage. Although she didn't believe in "dirty things", she had no intention of knowing about it. This dark shadow was sneaking around the campus in the middle of the night.

He's been in and out of here, so he's obviously not a serious person.

She immediately said: "I don't care whether it is unclean things. What if a bad person sneaks in and endangers the teachers and students of this school? Even if it is really a monster, you are all upright Senate policemen with guns in your hands.

We are suppressing all evils, what are we afraid of?! Send two people with me, and the others will be more vigilant!"

The leading police officer could only say "yes" and immediately sent two policemen with shotguns to follow her out.

Although she was in the lead, the two policemen who followed her were still reluctant.

The three of them walked through the playground and searched one by one along the road of the teaching building. The teaching building here is a two-story building, with only four teachers in each building. There is a staircase in the middle, which is very small.

You can see everything at a glance when you go up the stairs, and check the doors and windows of the classroom. They are all closed properly. There is nothing unusual.

After searching six buildings in a row, we arrived at the seventh administrative building in a blink of an eye. This building is more elegant than the teaching building. When you enter, you will find a foyer. The foyer is dark, but there is moonlight coming from the windows in the corridor.

.Jin Xiaoyu looked back and forth along the corridor and found nothing.

Where did this black shadow go? Is it really a supernatural phenomenon?

Jin Xiaoyu was a little confused, so he climbed up to the second floor carefully. Every time he climbed a few steps, he stopped and listened carefully, but he couldn't hear any sound. When he walked to the corner of the first and second floors, a voice suddenly sounded from above: "Chief, why are you here?"


The sound was not loud, and was lighter than the normal speaking volume, but it was like thunder in the silent dark corridor. It made the two policemen tremble all over and almost shouted "Mom". Jin Xiaoyu also said

I was so startled that I looked up and breathed a sigh of relief: it turned out to be Xiaoxiang carrying the kettle.

Jin Xiaoyu asked: "Did you meet or see anyone in the building?"

Xiaoxiang looked confused: "Who is it?"

"Or where's the shadow?"

"Dark Shadow?!"

Xiaoxiang was even more confused. She saw Jin Xiaoyu appearing in the teaching building in the middle of the night, dressed disheveled, holding a pistol, and behind him were two policemen with live ammunition... Which song was this song from?

"Jin... Chief Jin, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoxiang suddenly became a little scared. Could it be that Elder Jin suddenly got mad? Or maybe there is some old grudge with Chief Xiang? Or...

Her mind was full of random thoughts and she couldn't help but take a step back.

Jin Xiaoyu was still unaware and asked: "Is Teacher Xiang upstairs?"

Xiaoxiang originally wanted not to say anything, but at this moment he did not dare not to answer, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes...he is in the office."

Only then did Jin Xiaoyu realize that her expression was wrong, and he quickly hid the gun behind his back: "I have something to do with him."

Since nothing was found after searching all the way, there was no need to keep the police around anymore. He immediately ordered: "You two go back. I will go back by myself in a while."

The policeman said: "How is this possible? It's so late at night. We just wait for the chief below."

Jin Xiaoyu did not force himself and followed Xiaoxiang to the second floor.

Xiaoxiang knocked on the door: "Teacher, Chief Jin is here."

There was light shining through the crack in the door, but Xiang Tianying did not answer. He even knocked several times but got no response. Jin Xiaoyu hurriedly opened the door and went in, only to see Xiang Tianying sitting there upright, holding the paper in his left hand and holding the paper in his right hand.

He was holding a pencil, as if he was writing something, but his eyes were closed.

Jin Xiaoyu stepped forward and pushed: "Are you okay?"

Xiang Tianying opened his eyes: "I'm sleeping, what can happen?"

Jin Xiaoyu said: "You are dreaming of writing a book, who still holds a pen while sleeping?"

Xiang Tianying said: "Isn't this a skill I practiced when I was sleeping in class? Besides, holding a pen while sleeping doesn't matter. You are sleepwalking with a gun."

Jin Xiaoyu made a serious face: "You are sleepwalking. I just saw a person entering the teaching building.

Xiang Tianying said: "Okay, I understand. You just dreamed that a person entered the teaching building."

Jin Xiaoyu slapped him on the head: "Be more serious! I was afraid that you would die, so I came here specially."

Xiang Tianying said seriously: "I have been here all the time. Xiaoxiang has been in and out several times just now, but he has not seen anyone. There is nothing to steal in our teaching building. If a thief really comes in, he is a thief.

Table or blackboard? Even if there are assassins, they have to go to the city hall to assassinate Wei Bachi. Who wants to kill me? Don't worry, it's fine."

"I'm going to tell you something serious!" Jin Xiaoyu sat down and told him exactly what he had just seen.

"Tell me, this black shadow doesn't necessarily appear out of thin air, right?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe you fell asleep and had hallucinations when you woke up?"

"A ghost's hallucination!" Jin Xiaoyu said dissatisfied, "I can see it clearly!"

Then she recounted the police’s attitude when she called the police:

"Obviously, this is not the first time this black shadow has appeared. That's why the policeman is so nervous and has contacted some 'dirty things'."

Xiang Tianying nodded: "Your reasoning is completely correct. To be honest, I have heard it too. This is the new campus horror legend in the past month..."

"What?! A new campus horror legend? So it's still old?" Jin Xiaoyu's heart of gossip began to burn.

"Of course there are old ones. Several such legends appear every other stage. Is it strange?" Xiang Tianying took out a notebook from the drawer, "This is all the legends I have collected from the founding of the school to now.

Campus Horror Legend, are you interested in watching it?"

"I'll see you later! But this time it's obviously not a legend, I've seen it all!"

"I saw it too." Xiang Tianying said.

"Since you saw it, you didn't take any measures? For example, mobilize the police to search the campus, strengthen patrols, etc..."

Xiang Tianying spread his hands: "I personally don't think it's necessary."

"What?! You're not that Buddhist, are you? It's a matter of safety!"

"Think about it, it's been a month since the first sighting of this black shadow, and it has been seen about four or five times during this period. Regardless of whether this black shadow is a human, a ghost, or a monster, it is up to something bad.

We have already started, so why do we come in and out again and again but do nothing? Nothing unusual has happened on campus in the past month. Look, even you don’t know."

Jin Xiaoyu was at a loss for words for a moment and said after a while: "Do you mean to just forget it?"

"If you don't get surprised, you will lose yourself if you find it strange." Xiang Tianying said, "There are too many things in this world that we cannot understand. There is no need to be surprised. You'd better go back and have a good rest."

This chapter has been completed!
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