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Section 34: One of the Truths of the Shadow

"Then just tell me the truth!"

"I have nothing to explain," Xiang Tianying said, "I'll take you to see someone."

The two of them left the administration building and went straight to the faculty and staff dormitories.

Although Jin Xiaoyu lived in the dormitory area, it was the first time she came back to the faculty dormitory in front. Xiang Tianying took her into the male faculty dormitory. The conditions here were far inferior to those in the backyard where she lived, just two rows of brick bungalows.

Toilets and water rooms are shared.

There are not many male teachers living here: the teaching staff of the Senate is similar to the old time and space, with far more female teachers than male teachers. Only three people live in two rows of houses.

Xiang Tianying came to one of the doors and knocked on the door. After a while, someone opened the door. When he saw Xiang Tianying, he hurriedly greeted: "Hello, Chief!" When he looked again, a woman came. Because the light was dim, he looked at it.

There was no appearance, so I couldn't help but be startled.

"This is Teacher Jin, Jin Xiaoyu..."

"Chief Jin!" The man immediately stood at attention and bowed.

"Okay, okay, let's go in and talk." Xiang Tianying said.

The two entered the room, which was lit with kerosene lamps. The small dormitory was less than ten square meters, with only a bed, a table, a chair and a bamboo bookshelf. The furnishings were very simple. If you want to talk about luxury, this is it.

All dormitories are single rooms. Xiang Tianying has always believed that teachers should be given a quiet space to rest and work.

But there were no books or homework on this "teacher's" desk. Then when he looked at the light, Jin Xiaoyu was startled and said: "You...you are..."

The man in front of her was the man beside Jing Chu when she first came to Kaohsiung and broke into Jing Chu's good deeds. Why was he in school?

Xiang Tianying was a little strange: "What, do you know each other?"

The man was a little embarrassed and said, "It's hard to say we know each other. We met once." After that, he recounted the situation at that time.

Xiang Tianying said with a smile: "Okay, you broke through such a big mechanism and you didn't tell me! Turn your elbows outward!"

Jin Xiaoyu had no intention of answering and asked: "Why do you live in the school?" How can someone who has nothing to do with the school live in the staff dormitory?

"I was injured. Jing Chu reported to Commander Xiang and asked me to come to school to recuperate..." The man said sheepishly, "Teacher Jin, the 'ghost' in West Third Lane of Guanghua Road a month ago was me.


"What?!" Jin Xiaoyu looked at the man in front of her in disbelief. He was about 27 or 27 years old, with dark complexion and average appearance. She didn't see it clearly in the past, but now that she looked carefully, she felt that Jing Chu's vision was really not good.

This man is simply ordinary.

"He injured his arm a month ago, and he originally received treatment. But the infection has been severe recently." Xiang Tianying explained, "Jing Chu told me a few days ago, and I said he should move to school to recuperate.

, at least Xiaoxiang also has a nurse certificate, so it is convenient for us to take medicine here."

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Cheng Bengang. My brother is Cheng Benzhi..."

"Who is Cheng Benzhi?"

"The Confucian scholar who played chess with me the day you arrived." Xiang Tianying reminded.

Jin Xiaoyu thought about it and felt a little unconvinced: "Your brother? He is older than you."

"He is my eldest brother, seventeen years older than me." Cheng Benzhi said, "The eldest brother is my father. After my parents died, it was my brother and sister-in-law who helped me grow up."

"That aside, tell me, why are you pretending to be a ghost? Running around the campus secretly at night?"

"I'm not pretending to be a ghost..." Cheng Bengang talked about the "haunted" experience of Xisan Lane. After he came to Kaohsiung, he found out that Jing Chu lived in the school, but the school had strict access control, and naturally he, an unrelated person, was not allowed to enter.

, and wanted to climb over the wall from Xisan Alley. The scream was that he was stabbed by a bamboo stick.

"It's just on the arm, it's not too deep." Cheng Bengang said, "After I got back, I went to the health center to disinfect and bandage it. But I didn't pay attention, and I didn't know what else was contaminated, and the wound became inflamed again.

Ask Jingchu for help."

"So, the giant ghost was you too? Tell me, how did you do it?"

Cheng Bengang said that because he suffered from bamboo thorns the first day, he brought two long wooden boards this time, intending to fix them on both sides of the barbed wire fence to block the sharp thorns. In order to make work easier, he directly stepped on a pair of stilts. As a result,

He was seen again, so he had to run away, holding a wooden board in each hand and walking on stilts. Naturally, he was "about ten feet tall and his arms were six feet long."

Jin Xiaoyu was angry and funny, and asked: "I'm really convinced by you. Wouldn't you go to the concierge openly and say that you want to see Jing Chu? If you climb over the wall in such a sneaky way, if the police see it, you won't ask any questions first.

Give you a shot and your life will be gone!"

Cheng Bengang was a little embarrassed and said: "I'm overthinking it. I heard that Jing Chu is Xiang Yuanlao's life secretary, and I thought that if I asked for an interview in an honest way, I might bring trouble to her. I was heartbroken because I just wanted to be with her.

Let's meet and say goodbye... I didn't expect..." He said with an expression of joy on his face.

Jin Xiaoyu snorted and said, "Stop enjoying yourself and get to the point!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't succeed the second time, so I gave up. I thought that Jingchu and I would never be destined for each other in this life. So I went to find my elder brother..."

The Cheng brothers had not seen each other for many years and were very happy when they first met. Hearing that the brothers wanted to go to the school to find someone, it was a trivial matter for Cheng Benzhi, so he went to ask Xiang Tianying and successfully entered the school and found Jing Chu.

The two reunited after a long absence and exchanged their sincere feelings. Cheng Ben had just learned that although Jing Chu had become the secretary of the elder, he was still in perfect shape. The two rekindled their old relationship. Later, with the encouragement of Jin Xiaoyu, Jing Chu finally went to Xiang Tianying.

Confessed the matter.

"... To be honest, I was quite surprised at first." Xiang Tianying said, "I didn't expect that Jingchu would still have such a marriage back then. Since they were childhood sweethearts, and they are now in love, naturally I am

I have to fulfill their wishes. I have already planned to send a letter to the general office next month to apply for the termination of the labor relationship of Jingchu’s life secretary and transfer to a general staff. Of course, the job will not change, and I will still work in the national school. As for

What will happen in the future is a matter for the young couple..."

Seeing his leisurely and contented expression, Jin Xiaoyu felt angry and amused, and said, "Why didn't you tell me such a big thing?"

Xiang Tianying said: "I'll save my words. What's wrong with you getting a good night's sleep? You already have a neurasthenia. If I had told you this the day before yesterday, would you still be able to sleep these two days?"

Jin Xiaoyu stopped paying attention to him. She looked up and down again. Seeing that his hairstyle, clothes and demeanor all looked like a naturalized citizen worker, completely different from Cheng Benzhi, she said with some surprise: "You are a naturalized citizen."

?How did you come to Kaohsiung?"

As soon as Cheng Ben heard her tone, he knew that the female senator was doubting him. He immediately stood up and said: "Six years ago, my brother was in prison because of Governor Yuan's affair. He was tortured and almost died. I have relied on countless connections to help you.

Only then did I find a way. The other party asked for two hundred taels of silver. I had no money in my hand. Later, I heard that a new batch of Australian treasures had been received in the Huizhou Guild Hall, so a few dead brothers sneaked into the Guild Hall to steal the treasures and bribe the jailer.

I just wanted to let my brother out. I didn’t want to steal the treasure, but it was later exposed. The person who was involved in the crime was making money at the Shuntianfu Yamen, drawing pictures, and sending documents over the sea to arrest me. I could only let my brother and his family go first, and then I settled down with the brothers and then went south to Fujian.

I was looking for my brother. Unexpectedly, I was delayed by something along the way and got seriously ill again in Fujian. When I returned to Shaowu County, I learned that there was a famine in the area that year and my brother's family had no livelihood. I happened to get a recommendation from an acquaintance and found a job under Zheng Zhilong.

The whole family moved to Anping. I thought that since my brother had arrived in Anping and took shelter under Zheng Zhilong, he must be safe. So I felt relieved and went out on my own. Later, by chance, I joined the Senate last year.

Now I am a staff member of the Foreign Intelligence Service. Director Xu wanted to strengthen the local intelligence work, so he applied to transfer me to Kaohsiung two months ago. This is my work ID..." After that, he took out the ID.

Jin Xiaoyu thought, this is funny! Your boss spent the whole day today investigating what you did! She waved her hand and said: "It's not that I can't trust you, this Kaohsiung National School is a closed management, and in principle no outsiders are allowed.


Cheng Bengang immediately said: "Yes, I will move out tomorrow!"

"Forget it, you are injured, and Teacher Xiang agrees with you to recuperate here, so I won't be a bad person. Besides, this is not your problem." After that, he glanced at Xiang Tianying.

Xiang Tianying hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, the main reason is that I am unorganized and undisciplined! I will reflect on it deeply."

"Twenty thousand words, due tomorrow." Jin Xiaoyu glanced at Xiang Tianying with a vague smile, "Aren't you good at writing?"

"Twenty thousand words is too much, too much. A verbal review is enough." Xiang Tianying laughed.

"Then how did you know that Jingchu and your brother were in Kaohsiung?"

"I didn't know at first. Later, the Senate attacked Zheng Zhilong. I heard that Anping had been captured. I was very anxious, so I asked my colleagues to find out the whereabouts of my brother. Later, I heard that the people in Anping had moved to Kaohsiung. I asked someone to search for him in Kaohsiung.

, only then did I know that my brother’s family had indeed settled down in Kaohsiung, so I applied to come to Kaohsiung.”

Jin Xiaoyu nodded and asked, "What about Jing Chu?"

"This is luck. Not long after I came to Kaohsiung, I saw Jing Chu's name in the city government bulletin..."

"Wait a minute," Jin Xiaoyu interrupted, "You mean Jingchu is her original name?!"

"Yes." Cheng Benggang was puzzled, "That's her real name."

"So..." Jin Xiaoyu looked at Xiang Tianying, "Didn't you get this name for her?"

Xiang Tianying spread his hands: "Of course not. This is her real name. Because her name is Jingchu, that's why I named the other three Xiaoxiang, Qilu and Shaangan..."

"I really belong to you!" Jin Xiaoyu complained helplessly.
This chapter has been completed!
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