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Chapter 125 He is quite good at talking.

Chapter 125 The people are in chaos, Jun Jiuji is both distressed and proud

General Ye sighed softly and said angrily, "You can't go back to the capital. The prince has issued an order that no one is allowed in or out of the capital. Those who go out are not allowed to return to the capital until the epidemic is completely eliminated."

Ye Yining was stunned for a moment, "Has the epidemic in the capital been controlled?"

General Ye snorted coldly, "Of course it's under control. They drove all the patients away from the capital, and then drove south together. Now those people know that the epidemic in Lianze City and Nanze City is under full control, and other cities

All the patients gathered outside Lianze City. Including those who were dying and those who were already dead, they were all piled outside Lianze City."

Ye Yining's eyes widened in shock. Aren't each city autonomous? Isn't that how it is governed?

"Ning'er, King Ji asked me to tell you that I won't be returning to Beijing tomorrow and will let you rest in another courtyard." General Ye sighed heavily.

"What about Jun Jiuji? Where is he?" Ye Yining also became anxious.

"The gates of Lianze City are still closed now. King Ji is worried that there are too many patients and someone will incite people's emotions and cause riots inside. He went to Qinglin City next door to Lianze City and asked Qinglin City first

Stop it over there."

"I'll go to the city gate and have a look."

"Ning'er, it's too chaotic over there and it's not safe."

"It's okay." Ye Yining tapped her toes and left directly with Feng Yin Qingtian Step.

General Ye felt uneasy when he saw his daughter leaving with Qinggong, and immediately chased after her on horseback.

Yun Lai was a little panicked. She was very strong, but she didn't know how to do light kung fu!

After thinking about it, she just ran away.

Lianze City, city gate.

There were so many sick people that it could be described as a huge crowd. Some people even piled corpses against the wall. The corpses were piled up in a long row.

Ye Yining was shocked and heartbroken after seeing this.

Even though these people are pitiful, they are also hateful!

Magistrate Xu anxiously guarded the city gate, sighing from time to time.

It's not that he doesn't want to open the city gate, it's actually that once he opens the city gate, a third wave of plague will break out in their city!

Once these people break through Lianze City, Nanze City will be directly affected, and all Liangze's previous epidemic prevention efforts will be in vain.

Because of this, after learning about the situation in Lianze City, Magistrate Gu, who had always been at odds with Magistrate Xu, also rushed over with his troops and guarded the city gates.

"Rongyuan judge, what should we do now? We in Lianze City really can't come up with any medicinal materials to support the epidemic victims outside." Magistrate Xu wiped his sweat and looked at the Rongyuan judge helplessly.

In fact, if Princess Ji and Rongyuan hadn't brought the medicinal materials, the plague in their two cities would not have been controllable.

The Rongyuan judge also had a headache, "The medicinal materials we brought out have been used up, and now there is only a batch of medicinal materials brought back by His Highness Prince Ji. However, these medicinal materials are far from being able to save so many people outside."

"But it's not okay to let them gather here! I'm afraid they will break in after nightfall. Moreover, these plague corpses are piled here. It's so hot. Once the corpses rot, the situation will be even worse." Xu Zhifu couldn't think of a way for a while, and he was anxious.

You have to run around in circles.

Magistrate Gu also frowned, "We have to find a way to get these people away. Otherwise, we can just move some of them away."

At this time, Ye Yining walked over from behind them.

"Master, let's leave Lianze City!"

The judge from the Rongyuan Academy was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "You mean, we lure those people away?"

Ye Yining nodded, "They gathered here just because they knew that Master and King Ji were here and thought we had a way to cure them. If we leave, they won't all gather here. Let's go to Qinglin next door.

City, find a way to heal them."

As she said that, she took out six corpse-burning dust talismans and gave them to Magistrate Gu and Xu, "These talismans are special corpse-burning dust talismans, used to burn corpses infected with the epidemic. After we leave, you will burn the city wall."

The corpses piled up around the place were processed together and burned in a unified way to prevent the epidemic from spreading again."

Magistrate Gu looked at her in surprise, "Princess, do you really want to leave? It's too dangerous outside."

Ye Yining nodded, "We must leave. It is better for us to leave than for riots to occur here. I don't want the city that I have worked so hard to treat twice to turn into a place where the plague spreads. I don't even want these two cities.

It will become a city of death by then. You prepare a carriage for me, and we have to leave with great fanfare."

Seeing that Girl Ning had made up her mind, the Judge of Rongyuan also nodded, "Prefect Xu, go and make preparations. That's it. We are leaving. They will leave if they have hope."

He also didn't want these two cities that had just recovered to become plague cities again.

Magistrate Xu looked at Princess Ji and Judge Rongyuan with emotion, and finally hurried to prepare.

Magistrate Gu sincerely saluted Princess Ji. "Princess, on behalf of the people of Lianze City and Nanze City, I would like to thank you for your righteous deed. If there is someone in Qinglin City who needs our help, we are obliged to do so."

Ye Yining nodded, "I will speak up if needed."

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Yining, her master, and Yunlai, escorted by Cihun, Yeze, and Xingfu, got on the carriage leaving Lianze City.

The moment the city gate opened, everyone inside and outside the city was shocked.

People outside the city couldn't believe it, but people inside the city were grateful and moved.

Under the propaganda of Magistrate Gu and Magistrate Xu, countless merchants and common people stood at the city gate and tower to see Princess Ji and others off.

The moment the carriage drove away from the gate of Lianze City, someone shouted excitedly: "Thank you Princess Ji for your righteousness, thank you for the judge of Rongyuan..."

This shout immediately aroused everyone's emotions and they all spoke out.

"Thank you, Princess Ji...thank you, the Judge of Rongyuan..."

"Thank you, Princess Ji...thank you, the Judge of Rongyuan..."

"Thank you, Princess Ji...thank you, the Judge of Rongyuan..."

The people were so excited that the patients blocking the road outside the city also gave way to allow Princess Ji's carriage to move forward.

Then, everyone saw a large group of people leaving behind the carriage of Princess Ji and Judge Rongyuan.

At this time, Ye Yining, who sat in front of the carriage in order to let the people see her, was equally emotional.

Because she was constantly receiving the power of merit, and there were so many that Ling Gui's voice was a little excited.

By the time the carriage arrived at the gate of Qinglin City, she had received fifty-three thousand and three merit points.

In Qinglin City, Jun Jiuji had also received the news, so he did not return to Lianze City. Instead, he and Qinglin City Magistrate Lin greeted Xiao Ning'er and Rongyuan Judge at the city gate.

Seeing Xiao Ning'er getting off the carriage, Jun Jiuji felt extremely complicated.

I feel distressed and proud at the same time.

Rongyuanjing was also very impressed by this journey. Although Ning Yatou has only been studying medicine for a short time, she has talent and, most importantly, she has a heart as a doctor.

"Jiang Rongyuan, do you want to follow me to visit the medicinal material warehouse first?" Magistrate Lin stepped forward and asked.

The judge from Rongyuan looked at Ye Yining, "Girl Ning, do you want to go with us?"

This chapter has been completed!
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